NSTableView with Plus and Minus buttons - cocoa

How can I do something like that?
I didn't find any appropriate object in the Interface Builder library.
Any thoughts?

The best way that i found is to use NSSegmentedControl.
after you dragged it on the canvas, you should configure its style:
Style: Small Square
Mode: Select Momentary
looks better. Now use "image" field to set NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate. Make sure that label field is empty.
Ok, we have "+", "-" and one empty segment. To prevent the latest one to be selected by the user, select it from Segment: pop up and turn off Enabled check box (located next to State: label).
And lastly, what we have to do is set width of first two segments to make them square.
Go to Size inspector
Select Segment 0
Turn off "Fixed" checkbox (segment should immediately autoresize to fit image)
Select Segment 1 and repeat number 3
Now as you resize control, only last segment will change width
Put it at the bottom of your table view and resize as well.
Enjoy ;)

Update for OSX Yosemite
I tried to achieve the same look as Mail.app has in the Accounts view (right window on my screenshot).
I did achieve the desired result by following the steps below:
Add a NSSegmentedControl
Add two segments and set the image to each:
NSAddTemplate for the + button
NSRemoveTemplate for the - button
Set the size of the segments to fixed and set the value to 32 pixels
The rectangle next to the buttons is a NSButton with the style Gradient.
The Button is enabled but Refuses First Responder is set to true so that it is not clickable.

Use a NSButton with a gradient style, and for the images use the system provided NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate.

One answer here suggests using gradient buttons, however these buttons cannot be disabled as this causes the background to change and thus breaks the look. Another one suggested using a segmented control, which is almost perfect but segmented controls don't support autoresizing, e.g. if the table width is dynamic. My suggestion is a combination of both. Use a segmented control for the actual buttons and a gradient button to fill the rest of the table width that now can also be dynamic if the button width is dynamic as well.
See my answer to a similar question (with screenshots):


What is the name of this macOS UI Control? [duplicate]

I think I must be missing something simple but being new to Xcode... Specifically I am coding in Swift but I believe this is more of a .xib file question. It is easy to have add and delete buttons outside of an NSTableView (like the native Mail app's Preferences->Signatures panel) but how do you integrate these into what seems to be the NSTableView itself? (more like the native Mail app's Preferences->Accounts panel) Ideally I want the option to have more than just add / delete buttons present but once I understand the process adding more functionality should be easy.
These buttons are not integrated, it's just an NSSegmentedControl aligned to the bottom of the table view.
To get this particular appearance of the NSSegmentedControl
Set Style to Small Square
Set Mode to Momentary
Set the Image of Segment 0 to NSAddTemplate
Set the Image of Segment 1 to NSRemoveTemplate
Set the width of Segment 0 and 1 to Auto
Set the width of Segment 2 to a fixed width.
The particular example you showed is just some buttons in a container view abutting the bottom of the scroll view that contains the table view. The container view draws a background to match the buttons and a border. It's probably actually "underlapping" the scroll view by a point so you don't get a doubled border between them.
In fact, if you look carefully, the container view is one point too narrow, so that its right border doesn't match the right border of the scroll view. That kind of proves that it's not part of or in the scroll view.
I also had the same question & I posted an answer here :)
But what I think is its a NSView containing 2 NSButtons for + & - as posted in my answer linked above.

How to make NSSearchField take up whole width of toolbar

I am trying to make a NSSearchField taking up the whole width of a toolbar in a NSWindowController.
I created a new NSWindowController using Xcode storyboard, add a toolbar to it, when add search field to the toolbar.
I drag the search field from allowed toolbar items to default toolbar items
Set toolbar item's max width to a large number say 1000
I build the app and run. The search field shrinks when window width shrinks, but does not expand beyond a certain width when window width expands.
The question is how to make search field expand and take up all remaining space of the toolbar?
It doesn't sound to me like the toolbar is really what you want to use here. The purpose of the toolbar is to allow multiple UI elements to be included in a user-configurable way. If you want to force one element that takes up the entire width, I suggest just putting it in the window's content view and setting up the layout constraints to pin to both the left and right sides. If you set the "Textured" check box in Interface Builder, it should look roughly the same as it would have looked using the toolbar.

Location of Add/Delete Buttons for an NSTableView in OS X

I think I must be missing something simple but being new to Xcode... Specifically I am coding in Swift but I believe this is more of a .xib file question. It is easy to have add and delete buttons outside of an NSTableView (like the native Mail app's Preferences->Signatures panel) but how do you integrate these into what seems to be the NSTableView itself? (more like the native Mail app's Preferences->Accounts panel) Ideally I want the option to have more than just add / delete buttons present but once I understand the process adding more functionality should be easy.
These buttons are not integrated, it's just an NSSegmentedControl aligned to the bottom of the table view.
To get this particular appearance of the NSSegmentedControl
Set Style to Small Square
Set Mode to Momentary
Set the Image of Segment 0 to NSAddTemplate
Set the Image of Segment 1 to NSRemoveTemplate
Set the width of Segment 0 and 1 to Auto
Set the width of Segment 2 to a fixed width.
The particular example you showed is just some buttons in a container view abutting the bottom of the scroll view that contains the table view. The container view draws a background to match the buttons and a border. It's probably actually "underlapping" the scroll view by a point so you don't get a doubled border between them.
In fact, if you look carefully, the container view is one point too narrow, so that its right border doesn't match the right border of the scroll view. That kind of proves that it's not part of or in the scroll view.
I also had the same question & I posted an answer here :)
But what I think is its a NSView containing 2 NSButtons for + & - as posted in my answer linked above.

NSTableView with +/- buttons like in System Preferences using only Interface Builder

Apple commonly places +/- buttons below tables (NSTableView), e.g. in the System Preferences for Network or User & Groups. See image below:
How can I place identical buttons below my tables directly in Interface Builder without manipulating any interface elements in my code or subclassing any element classes?
If the table has a fixed width, the easiest way is to just use a segmented control NSSegmentedControl. First add it to your view or window:
Change its Style to Small Square, the Mode to Select None and increase the number of Segments to 4 (or keep it at 3 if you only need + and -):
The +, - and other buttons are predefined images of the AppKit framework (NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate) and directly available in Interface Builder. E.g. you could setup the first three segments as follows:
For demonstration purposes I made the - segment disabled. Unlike most other buttons, disabling a segment of a segmented control only dims the image/text, it does not change the button background. Only disabling the whole segmented control changes the background (and of course disables all segments).
Of course, the last segment should always be disabled, otherwise it would be clickable and change its background when being clicked. As it contains no image or text, it still looks the same after it has been disabled.
Switch to the size setup and uncheck the Fixed checkbox for all segments, except for the last one, make sure it is checked for the last one:
Unchecking Fixed makes the segment width dynamic, that means it will always match the minimum width required for the content.
Finally place the control directly below the table and resize it to match the table width. Here's the result:
Almost perfect, don't you think?
Things get more difficulty if the table width is dynamic (e.g. the table resizes together with the window resizing). A segmented control doesn't support autoresizing, that means you would have to programmatically change the width of its last segment each time the table is resized. Of course, that is not too hard to do and requires only little code but there is one alternative solution that requires no single line of code.
Decrease the number of segments by one and replace the last segment with a gradient button (NSButton) without title:
Its background looks exactly the same as a segmented control, yet it does support autoresizing to always match the size of the table. There is just one problem: It is clickable and this time disabling it doesn't work as this would change the background. Instead just change its Type to Momentary Change (which means the app wants to control the UI change itself when the button is clicked):
And after the button has been placed correctly and made resizable, the result looks as good as before but this time the table can be resizable and the buttons on the bottom will always fit perfectly.

VB / C#: Resizing two controls equally

I have made a window in which I will be having two groups/panels and some buttons in between them. I want to code the resizing behavior in a way that when the window expands, the two panels increase their widths while keeping the distance between them constant.
Please see this mockup:
As you see above, I want the 'Local' and 'Server' Panels to resize while keeping the distance in between them same. If I use anchors (Top+Left+Right+Bottom), the left panel will overlap the right one and the right's width one will go out of the window. I want them to share the increased width of the window equally.
As for the buttons in between, I have kept ancors as Top only. By removing Left anchor from button, it automatically places itself in the center of the window when window is expanded, which is just the way I want it to be.
Any ideas how to manage resizing of panels?
Use the TableLayoutPanel control.
First add the TableLayout to the Form and set its Dock() property to Fill.
Next you'll need to setup 3 columns and two rows. Add the two buttons to the middle column with each one is in its own row. Afterwards, setup the column values so they are like this:
Leave the rows at 50% on both.
Now add your two GroupBoxes to the 1st and 3rd columns in the 1st row.
For both GroupBoxes, set Dock() to Fill, and RowSpan() to 2.
For the top Button, turn on only the Bottom Anchor.
For the bottom Button, turn only the Top Anchor.
For the TableLayoutPanel, set Padding() to 5,5,5,5.
Here is what it looked like when I was all done:
Resize the window and observe how the controls behave...
