/settings/ads/ Keeps popping up while scraping Google - ruby
I have a program that scrapes Google, it's an open source vulnerability scraper that uses mechanize to search Google. It uses a random search query provided in a text file to decide what to search for.
I'll post the main file and a link to the git due to the size of the program.
Anyways, I have this program that is used to scrape for sites, however, while it is scraping every now and then it comes across a 'URL' (I say that lightly) that looks like this:
[17:05:02 INFO]I'll run in default mode!
[17:05:02 INFO]I'm searching for possible SQL vulnerable sites, using search query inurl:/main.php?f1=
[17:05:04 SUCCESS]Site found: http://forix.autosport.com/main.php?l=0&c=1
[17:05:05 SUCCESS]Site found: https://zweeler.com/formula1/FantasyFormula12016/main.php?ref=103
[17:05:06 SUCCESS]Site found: https://en.zweeler.com/formula1/FantasyFormula1YearGame2015/main.php
[17:05:07 SUCCESS]Site found: http://modelcargo.com/main.php?mod=sambachoose&dep=samba
[17:05:08 SUCCESS]Site found: http://www.ukdirt.co.uk/main.php?P=rules&f=8
[17:05:09 SUCCESS]Site found: http://www.ukdirt.co.uk/main.php?P=tracks&g=2&d=2&m=0
[17:05:11 SUCCESS]Site found: http://zoohoo.sk/redir.php?q=v%FDsledok&url=http%3A%2F%2Flivescore.sk%2Fmain.php%3Flang%3Dsk
[17:05:12 SUCCESS]Site found: http://www.chemical-plus.com/main.php?f1=pearl_pigment.htm
[17:05:13 SUCCESS]Site found: http://www.fantasyf1.co/main.php
[17:05:14 SUCCESS]Site found: http://www.escritores.cl/base.php?f1=escritores/main.php
[17:05:15 SUCCESS]Site found: /settings/ads/preferences?hl=en #<= Right here
When this shows up, it completely crashes the program. I've tried doing the following:
next if urls == '/settings/ads/preferences?hl=en'
next if urls =~ /preferences?hl=en/
next if urls.split('/')[2] == 'ads/preferences?hl=en'
However, it keeps popping up. Also I should mention, the last 5 characters depend on your locations, so far I've seen:
Does anybody have any idea what this is, I've done some research and literally can't find anything on it. Any help with this would be fantastic.
Main source:
#!/usr/local/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'mechanize'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'rest-client'
require 'timeout'
require 'uri'
require 'fileutils'
require 'colored'
require 'yaml'
require 'date'
require 'optparse'
require 'tempfile'
require 'socket'
require 'net/http'
require_relative 'lib/modules/format.rb'
require_relative 'lib/modules/credits.rb'
require_relative 'lib/modules/legal.rb'
require_relative 'lib/modules/spider.rb'
require_relative 'lib/modules/copy.rb'
require_relative 'lib/modules/site_info.rb'
include Format
include Credits
include Legal
include Whitewidow
include Copy
include SiteInfo
PATH = Dir.pwd
VERSION = Whitewidow.version
SEARCH = File.readlines("#{PATH}/lib/search_query.txt").sample
info = YAML.load_file("#{PATH}/lib/rand-agents.yaml")
#user_agent = info['user_agents'][info.keys.sample]
def usage_page
Format.usage("You can run me with the following flags: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} -[d|e|h] -[f] <path/to/file/if/any>")
def examples_page
Format.usage('This is my examples page, I\'ll show you a few examples of how to get me to do what you want.')
Format.usage('Running me with a file: whitewidow.rb -f <path/to/file> keep the file inside of one of my directories.')
Format.usage('Running me default, if you don\'t want to use a file, because you don\'t think I can handle it, or for whatever reason, you can run me default by passing the Default flag: whitewidow.rb -d this will allow me to scrape Google for some SQL vuln sites, no guarentees though!')
Format.usage('Running me with my Help flag will show you all options an explanation of what they do and how to use them')
Format.usage('Running me without a flag will show you the usage page. Not descriptive at all but gets the point across')
OptionParser.new do |opt|
opt.on('-f FILE', '--file FILE', 'Pass a file name to me, remember to drop the first slash. /tmp/txt.txt <= INCORRECT tmp/text.txt <= CORRECT') { |o| OPTIONS[:file] = o }
opt.on('-d', '--default', 'Run me in default mode, this will allow me to scrape Google using my built in search queries.') { |o| OPTIONS[:default] = o }
opt.on('-e', '--example', 'Shows my example page, gives you some pointers on how this works.') { |o| OPTIONS[:example] = o }
def page(site)
def parse(site, tag, i)
parsing = page(site)
def format_file
Format.info('Writing to temporary file..')
if File.exists?(OPTIONS[:file])
file = Tempfile.new('file')
IO.read(OPTIONS[:file]).each_line do |s|
File.open(file, 'a+') { |format| format.puts(s) unless s.chomp.empty? }
IO.read(file).each_line do |file|
File.open("#{PATH}/tmp/#sites.txt", 'a+') { |line| line.puts(file) }
Format.info("File: #{OPTIONS[:file]}, has been formatted and saved as #sites.txt in the tmp directory.")
puts <<-_END_
Hey now my friend, I know you're eager, I am also, but that file #{OPTIONS[:file]}
either doesn't exist, or it's not in the directory you say it's in..
I'm gonna need you to go find that file, move it to the correct directory and then
run me again.
Don't worry I'll wait!
def get_urls
Format.info("I'll run in default mode!")
Format.info("I'm searching for possible SQL vulnerable sites, using search query #{SEARCH}")
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.user_agent = #user_agent
page = agent.get('http://www.google.com/')
google_form = page.form('f')
google_form.q = "#{SEARCH}"
url = agent.submit(google_form, google_form.buttons.first)
url.links.each do |link|
if link.href.to_s =~ /url.q/
str = link.href.to_s
str_list = str.split(%r{=|&})
urls = str_list[1]
next if urls.split('/')[2].start_with? 'stackoverflow.com', 'github.com', 'www.sa-k.net', 'yoursearch.me', 'search1.speedbit.com', 'duckfm.net', 'search.clearch.org', 'webcache.googleusercontent.com'
next if urls == '/settings/ads/preferences?hl=en' #<= ADD HERE REMEMBER A COMMA =>
urls_to_log = URI.decode(urls)
Format.success("Site found: #{urls_to_log}")
sql_syntax = ["'", "`", "--", ";"].each do |sql|
File.open("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt", 'a+') { |s| s.puts("#{urls_to_log}#{sql}") }
Format.info("I've dumped possible vulnerable sites into #{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt")
def vulnerability_check
when OPTIONS[:default]
file_to_read = "tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt"
when OPTIONS[:file]
Format.info("Let's check out this file real quick like..")
file_to_read = "tmp/#sites.txt"
Format.info('Forcing encoding to UTF-8') unless OPTIONS[:file]
IO.read("#{PATH}/#{file_to_read}").each_line do |vuln|
Format.info("Parsing page for SQL syntax error: #{vuln.chomp}")
Timeout::timeout(10) do
vulns = vuln.encode(Encoding.find('UTF-8'), {invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ''})
if parse("#{vulns.chomp}'", 'html', 0)[/You have an error in your SQL syntax/]
File.open("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_VULN.txt", "a+") { |s| s.puts(vulns) }
Format.warning("URL: #{vulns.chomp} is not vulnerable, dumped to non_exploitable.txt")
File.open("#{PATH}/log/non_exploitable.txt", "a+") { |s| s.puts(vulns) }
rescue Timeout::Error, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
Format.warning("URL: #{vulns.chomp} failed to load dumped to non_exploitable.txt")
File.open("#{PATH}/log/non_exploitable.txt", "a+") { |s| s.puts(vulns) }
rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound, RestClient::InternalServerError, RestClient::RequestTimeout, RestClient::Gone, RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified, RestClient::Forbidden, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, URI::InvalidURIError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Timeout::Error, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Zlib::GzipFile::Error, RestClient::MultipleChoices, RestClient::Unauthorized, SocketError, RestClient::BadRequest, RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection, RestClient::MaxRedirectsReached => e
Format.err("URL: #{vuln.chomp} failed due to an error while connecting, URL dumped to non_exploitable.txt")
File.open("#{PATH}/log/non_exploitable.txt", "a+") { |s| s.puts(vuln) }
when OPTIONS[:default]
vulnerability_check unless File.size("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt") == 0
Format.warn("No sites found for search query: #{SEARCH}. Logging into error_log.LOG. Create a issue regarding this.") if File.size("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt") == 0
File.open("#{PATH}/log/error_log.LOG", 'a+') { |s| s.puts("No sites found with search query #{SEARCH}") } if File.size("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt") == 0
File.truncate("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt", 0)
Format.info("I'm truncating SQL_sites_to_check file back to #{File.size("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt")}")
Copy.file("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_VULN.txt", "#{PATH}/log/SQL_VULN.LOG")
File.truncate("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_VULN.txt", 0)
Format.info("I've run all my tests and queries, and logged all important information into #{PATH}/log/SQL_VULN.LOG")
rescue Mechanize::ResponseCodeError, RestClient::ServiceUnavailable, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, RestClient::BadGateway => e
d = DateTime.now
Format.fatal("Well this is pretty crappy.. I seem to have encountered a #{e} error. I'm gonna take the safe road and quit scanning before I break something. You can either try again, or manually delete the URL that caused the error.")
File.open("#{PATH}/log/error_log.LOG", 'a+'){ |error| error.puts("[#{d.month}-#{d.day}-#{d.year} :: #{Time.now.strftime("%T")}]#{e}") }
Format.info("I'll log the error inside of #{PATH}/log/error_log.LOG for further analysis.")
when OPTIONS[:file]
Format.info('Formatting file')
File.truncate("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt", 0)
Format.info("I'm truncating SQL_sites_to_check file back to #{File.size("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt")}")
Copy.file("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_VULN.txt", "#{PATH}/log/SQL_VULN.LOG")
File.truncate("#{PATH}/tmp/SQL_VULN.txt", 0)
Format.info("I've run all my tests and queries, and logged all important information into #{PATH}/log/SQL_VULN.LOG") unless File.size("#{PATH}/log/SQL_VULN.LOG") == 0
rescue Mechanize::ResponseCodeError, RestClient::ServiceUnavailable, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, RestClient::BadGateway => e
d = DateTime.now
Format.fatal("Well this is pretty crappy.. I seem to have encountered a #{e} error. I'm gonna take the safe road and quit scanning before I break something. You can either try again, or manually delete the URL that caused the error.")
File.open("#{PATH}/log/error_log.LOG", 'a+'){ |error| error.puts("[#{d.month}-#{d.day}-#{d.year} :: #{Time.now.strftime("%T")}]#{e}") }
Format.info("I'll log the error inside of #{PATH}/log/error_log.LOG for further analysis.")
when OPTIONS[:example]
Format.warning('You failed to pass me a flag!')
IS there anything within this code, that would cause this to randomly popup? It only happens with random search queries.
Link to GitHub
Ive discovered that Googles advertisement services link has the same extension in its URL as the one giving me problems.. However this doesn't explain why I'm getting this link, and why I can't seem to skip over it.
urls = "settings/ads/preferences?hl=ru"
if urls =~ /settings\/ads\/preferences\?hl=[a-z]{2}/
p "I'm skipped"
=> "I'm skipped"
Nokogiri Throwing Exception in Function but not outside of Function
I'm new to Ruby and am using Nokogiri to parse html webpages. An error is thrown in a function when it gets to the line: currentPage = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) I have verified the inputs of the function, url is a string with a webaddress. The line I previously mention works exactly as intended when used outside of the function, but not inside. When it gets to that line inside the function the following error is thrown: WebCrawler.rb:25:in `explore': undefined method `+#' for #<Nokogiri::HTML::Document:0x007f97ea0cdf30> (NoMethodError) from WebCrawler.rb:43:in `<main>' The function the problematic line is in is pasted below. def explore(url) if CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER > CRAWLED_PAGES_LIMIT return end CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER++ currentPage = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) links = currentPage.xpath('//#href').map(&:value) eval_page(currentPage) links.each do|link| puts link explore(link) end end Here is the full program (It's not much longer): require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' #Crawler Params START_URL = "https://en.wikipedia.org" CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER = 0 CRAWLED_PAGES_LIMIT = 5 #Crawler Functions def explore(url) if CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER > CRAWLED_PAGES_LIMIT return end CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER++ currentPage = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) links = currentPage.xpath('//#href').map(&:value) eval_page(currentPage) links.each do|link| puts link explore(link) end end def eval_page(page) puts page.title end #Start Crawling explore(START_URL)
require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' #Crawler Params $START_URL = "https://en.wikipedia.org" $CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER = 0 $CRAWLED_PAGES_LIMIT = 5 #Crawler Functions def explore(url) if $CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER > $CRAWLED_PAGES_LIMIT return end $CRAWLED_PAGES_COUNTER+=1 currentPage = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) links = currentPage.xpath('//#href').map(&:value) eval_page(currentPage) links.each do|link| puts link explore(link) end end def eval_page(page) puts page.title end #Start Crawling explore($START_URL)
Just to give you something to build from, this is a simple spider that only harvests and visits links. Modifying it to do other things would be easy. require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'set' BASE_URL = 'http://example.com' URL_FORMAT = '%s://%s:%s' SLEEP_TIME = 30 # in seconds urls = [BASE_URL] last_host = BASE_URL visited_urls = Set.new visited_hosts = Set.new until urls.empty? this_uri = URI.join(last_host, urls.shift) next if visited_urls.include?(this_uri) puts "Scanning: #{this_uri}" doc = Nokogiri::HTML(this_uri.open) visited_urls << this_uri if visited_hosts.include?(this_uri.host) puts "Sleeping #{SLEEP_TIME} seconds to reduce server load..." sleep SLEEP_TIME end visited_hosts << this_uri.host urls += doc.search('[href]').map { |node| node['href'] }.select { |url| extension = File.extname(URI.parse(url).path) extension[/\.html?$/] || extension.empty? } last_host = URL_FORMAT % [:scheme, :host, :port].map{ |s| this_uri.send(s) } puts "#{urls.size} URLs remain." end It: Works on http://example.com. That site is designed and designated for experimenting. Checks to see if a page was visited previously and won't scan it again. It's a naive check and will be fooled by URLs containing queries or queries that are not in a consistent order. Checks to see if a site was previously visited and automatically throttles the page retrieval if so. It could be fooled by aliases. Checks to see if a page ends with ".htm", ".html" or has no extension. Anything else is ignored. The actual code to write an industrial strength spider is much more involved. Robots.txt files need to be honored, figuring out how to deal with pages that redirect to other pages either via HTTP timeouts or JavaScript redirects is a fun task, dealing with malformed pages are a challenge....
Webcrawler skipping URLS
I'm writing a program that scans for vulnerable websites, I happen to know that there are a couple sites that have vulnerabilities, and return a SQL syntax error, however, when I run the program, it skips over these sites and doesn't output that they where found or output that they where saved into a file. This program is being used for pentesting and all owners of sites are made aware of the vulnerability. Source: def get_urls info("Searching for possible SQL vulnerable sites.") #agent = Mechanize.new page = #agent.get('http://www.google.com/') google_form = page.form('f') google_form.q = "#{SEARCH}" url = #agent.submit(google_form, google_form.buttons.first) url.links.each do |link| if link.href.to_s =~ /url.q/ str = link.href.to_s str_list = str.split(%r{=|&}) urls = str_list[1] next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == "webcache.googleusercontent.com" urls_to_log = urls.gsub("%3F", '?').gsub("%3D", '=') success("Site found: #{urls_to_log}") File.open("#{PATH}/temp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt", "a+") {|s| s.puts("#{urls_to_log}'")} end end info("Possible vulnerable sites dumped into #{PATH}/temp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt") end def check_if_vulnerable info("Checking if sites are vulnerable.") IO.read("#{PATH}/temp/SQL_sites_to_check.txt").each_line do |parse| begin Timeout::timeout(5) do parsing = Nokogiri::HTML(RestClient.get("#{parse.chomp}")) end rescue Timeout::Error, RestClient::ResourceNotFound, RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Mechanize::ResponseCodeError, RestClient::InternalServerError => e if e warn("URL: #{parse.chomp} failed with error: [#{e}] dumped to non_exploitable.txt") File.open("#{PATH}/lib/non_exploitable.txt", "a+"){|s| s.puts(parse)} else success("SQL syntax error discovered in URL: #{parse.chomp} dumped to SQL_VULN.txt") File.open("#{PATH}/lib/SQL_VULN.txt", "a+"){|vuln| vuln.puts(parse)} end end end end Example of usage: [22:49:29 INFO]Checking if sites are vulnerable. [22:49:53 WARNING]URL: http://www.police.bd/content.php?id=275' failed with error: [execution expired] dumped to non_exploitable.txt File containing the URLs: http://www.bible.com/subcat.php?id=2' http://www.cidko.com/pro_con.php?id=3' http://www.slavsandtat.com/about.php?id=25' http://www.police.bd/content.php?id=275' http://www.icdcprage.org/index.php?id=10' http://huawei.com/en/plugin.php?id=hwdownload' https://huawei.com/en/plugin.php?id=unlock' https://facebook.com/profile.php?id' http://www.footballclub.com.au/index.php?id=43' http://www.mesrs.qc.ca/index.php?id=1525' As you can see the program skips over 3 URLs and goes straight to the fourth one, why? Am I doing something wrong to where this will happen?
I'm not sure if that rescue block is where it should be. You are not doing anything with the content you fetch in parsing = Nokogiri::HTML(RestClient.get("#{parse.chomp}")) and for the first three it maybe just works hence no exception and no error output. Add some output after that line to see them being fetched.
Download a file only if it exists with ruby
I'm doing a scraper to download all the issues of The Exile available at http://exile.ru/archive/list.php?IBLOCK_ID=35&PARAMS=ISSUE. So far, my code is like this: require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' DATA_DIR = "exile" Dir.mkdir(DATA_DIR) unless File.exists?(DATA_DIR) BASE_exile_URL = "http://exile.ru/docs/pdf/issues/exile" for number in 120..290 numero = BASE_exile_URL + number.to_s + ".pdf" puts "Downloading issue #{number}" open(numero) { |f| File.open("#{DATA_DIR}/#{number}.pdf",'w') do |file| file.puts f.read end } end puts "done" The thing is, a lot of the issue links are down, and the code creates a PDF for every issue and, if it's empty, it will leave an empty PDF. How can I change the code so that it can only create and copy a file if the link exists?
require 'open-uri' DATA_DIR = "exile" Dir.mkdir(DATA_DIR) unless File.exists?(DATA_DIR) url_template = "http://exile.ru/docs/pdf/issues/exile%d.pdf" filename_template = "#{DATA_DIR}/%d.pdf" (120..290).each do |number| pdf_url = url_template % number print "Downloading issue #{number}" # Opening the URL downloads the remote file. open(pdf_url) do |pdf_in| if pdf_in.read(4) == '%PDF' pdf_in.rewind File.open(filename_template % number,'w') do |pdf_out| pdf_out.write(pdf_in.read) end print " OK\n" else print " #{pdf_url} is not a PDF\n" end end end puts "done" open(url) downloads the file and provides a handle to a local temp file. A PDF starts with '%PDF'. After reading the first 4 characters, if the file is a PDF, the file pointer has to be put back to the beginning to capture the whole file when writing a local copy.
you can use this code to check if exist the file: require 'net/http' def exist_the_pdf?(url_pdf) url = URI.parse(url_pdf) Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) do |http| puts http.request_head(url.path)['content-type'] == 'application/pdf' end end
Try this: require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' DATA_DIR = "exile" Dir.mkdir(DATA_DIR) unless File.exists?(DATA_DIR) BASE_exile_URL = "http://exile.ru/docs/pdf/issues/exile" for number in 120..290 numero = BASE_exile_URL + number.to_s + ".pdf" open(numero) { |f| content = f.read if content.include? "Link is missing" puts "Issue #{number} doesnt exists" else puts "Issue #{number} exists" File.open("./#{number}.pdf",'w') do |file| file.write(content) end end } end puts "done" The main thing I added is a check to see if the string "Link is missing". I wanted to do it using HTTP status codes but they always give a 200 back, which is not the best practice. The thing to note is that with my code you always download the whole site to look for that string, but I don't have any other idea to fix it at the moment.
Ruby EOFError with open-uri and loop
I'm attempting to build a web crawler and ran into a bit of a snag. Basically what I'm doing is extracting the links from a web page and pushing each link to a queue. Whenever the Ruby interpreter hits this section of code: links.each do |link| url_frontier.push(link) end I receive the following error: /home/blah/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:141:in `read_nonblock': end of file reached (EOFError) If I comment out the above block of code I get no errors. Please, any help would be appreciated. Here is the rest of the code: require 'open-uri' require 'net/http' require 'uri' class WebCrawler def self.Spider(root) eNDCHARS = %{.,'?!:;} num_documents = 0 token_list = [] url_repository = Hash.new url_frontier = Queue.new url_frontier.push(root.to_s) while !url_frontier.empty? && num_documents < 10 url = url_frontier.pop if !url_repository.has_key?(url) document = open(url) html = document.read # extract url's links = URI.extract(html, ['http']).collect { |u| eNDCHARS.index(u[-1]) ? u.chop : u } links.each do |link| url_frontier.push(link) end # tokenize Tokenizer.tokenize(document).each do |word| token_list.push(IndexStructures::Term.new(word, url)) end # add to the repository url_repository[url] = true num_documents += 1 end end # sort by term (primary) and document id (secondary) in reverse to aid in the construction of the inverted index return num_documents, token_list.sort_by! { |term| [term.term, term.document_id]}.reverse! end end
I encountered the same error but with Watir-webdriver, running firefox in headless mode. What I found out was, if I was running two of my applications in parallel and I destroy "headless" in one of the applications, it automatically kills the other one as well with the exact error you quoted. Though my situation is not the same as yours, I think the issue is related to prematurely closing the file handle externally while your application is still using it. I removed the destroy command from my application and the error disappeared. Hope this helps.
mechanize html scraping problem
so i am trying to extract the email of my website using ruby mechanize and hpricot. what i a trying to do its loop on all the page of my administration side and parse the pages with hpricot.so far so good. Then I get: Exception `Net::HTTPBadResponse' at /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:2022 - wrong status line: *SOME HTML CODE HERE* when it parse a bunch of page , its starts with a timeout and then print the html code of the page. cant understand why? how can i debug that? its seems like mechanize can get more than 10 page on a row ?? is it possible?? thanks require 'logger' require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' require 'hpricot' require 'open-uri' class Harvester def initialize(page) #page=page #agent = WWW::Mechanize.new{|a| a.log = Logger.new("logs.log") } #agent.keep_alive=false #agent.read_timeout=15 end def login f = #agent.get( "http://****.com/admin/index.asp") .forms.first f.set_fields(:username => "user", :password =>"pass") f.submit end def harvest(s) pageNumber=1 ##agent.read_timeout = s.upto(#page) do |pagenb| puts "*************************** page= #{pagenb}/#{#page}***************************************" begin #time=Time.now #search=#agent.get( "http://****.com/admin/members.asp?action=search&term=&state_id=&r=500&p=#{page}") extract(pagenb) rescue => e puts "unknown #{e.to_s}" #puts "url:http://****.com/admin/members.asp?action=search&term=&state_id=&r=500&p=#{page}" #sleep(2) extract(pagenb) rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e puts "net exception"+ e.to_s rescue WWW::Mechanize::ResponseCodeError => ex puts "mechanize error: "+ex.response_code rescue Timeout::Error => e puts "timeout: "+e.to_s end end end def extract(page) #puts search.body search=#agent.get( "http://***.com/admin/members.asp?action=search&term=&state_id=&r=500&p=#{page}") doc = Hpricot(search.body) #remove titles #~ doc.search("/html/body/div/table[2]/tr/td[2]/table[3]/tr[1]").remove (doc/"/html/body/div/table[2]/tr/td[2]/table[3]//tr").each do |tr| #delete the phone number from the html temp = tr.search("/td[2]").inner_html index = temp.index('<') email = temp[0..index-1] puts email f=File.open("./emails", 'a') f.puts(email) f.close end end end puts "starting extacting emails ... " start =ARGV[0].to_i h=Harvester.new(186) h.login h.harvest(start)
Mechanize puts full content of a page into history, this may cause problems when browsing through many pages. To limit the size of history, try #mech = WWW::Mechanize.new do |agent| agent.history.max_size = 1 end