gdal incorrectly quoted string literal Oracle OCI - oracle

I updated to gdal version 2.
Now i get to error if i want get data from my Oracle Database.
ogrinfo -ro OCI:database/passwd -sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename"
The Error i get is: Incorrectly quoted string literal.
with the old gdal version 1.xx it works correctly
I think the problem is the oci.dll at the gdalplugins. Has anybody some idea
After waiting a little bit i get the error
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier
It doesn't know why, because with the old gdal version it had worked

SQL quoting is strict in 2.x that 1.x, see:


Error when opening GeoMondrian schema file and using MDX query in GeoMondrian Workbench

I'm having trouble using the GeoMondrian Workbench on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system. I've followed the installation instructions and have installed the following:
Oracle Java 8
PostgreSQL 9.5
PostGIS 2.5
I've downloaded the GeoMondrian Workbench and the "simple_geofoodmart.sql" file, created a database, and passed the necessary parameters to the workbench.
However, when I try to open the "simple_geofoodmart.xml" schema file, I get the following error:
Error: Schema file /home/tarik/workbench/demo/simple_geofoodmart.xml is invalid. org/opengis/referencing/NoSuchAuthorityCodeException java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/opengis/referencing/NoSuchAuthorityCodeException
Additionally, when I try to use an MDX query, I get the following error:
"Exception in thread 'AWT-EventQueue-0' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class at mondrian.rolap.RolapSchema$RolapSchemaFunctionTable.defineFunctions("
I've tried to resolve all the dependencies and have made sure that I have the necessary JAR files in my classpath, but I'm still getting the same errors. Can anyone help me figure out what's going wrong and how to fix it? Thank you!

Can't use 'put'() to add data to hbase with happybase

My python version is 3.7, and after I ran pip3 install happybase, I started the command hbase thrift start and tried to write a brief .py file as following:
import happybase
connection = happybase.Connection('master')
table = connection.table('jmlr') #'jmlr' is a table in hbase
for i in table.scan():
table.put('001', {'title':'dasds'}) #error here
When it's about to run table.put(), it reported such an error:
thriftpy2.transport.base.TTransportException: TTransportException(type=4, message='TSocket read 0 bytes')
And at the same time, the thrift reported an error:
ERROR [thrift-worker-1] thrift.TBoundedThreadPoolServer: Error occurred during processing of message. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid famAndQf provided.
But just now I ran this python file again, it gave me a different error in thrift:
thrift.TBoundedThreadPoolServer: Thrift error occurred during processing of message.
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Bad version in readMessageBegin
I have tried to add parameters like protocol='compact', transport='framed', but this didn't work, even the table.scan() failed.
Everything in the hbase shell is OK, so I can't figure out what went wrong, I'm about to collapse.
I ran into the same issue and found this sollution. You need to add even empty Column Qualifier ( ':' symbol as delimiter between Column Family and Column Qualifier) into put() method:
table.put('001:', {'title':'dasds'})
Also, you have a different error message after second run of script because thrift server is already failed.
I hope it will help you.

Connecting a db2 database from a centos hosted laravel application

I'm trying to connect to a db2 database server (iseries ibm) from my laravel application (5.8). The application is running on a centos linux server.
I saw that db2 isn't in the 4 databases types listed here :
So I tried to use that package but I got the followings errors :
Undefined class constant 'I5_ATTR_DBC_SYS_NAMING'
And I've got the errors for 5 constants :
Also, if I comment theses constants, I got this error :
`Syntax error: -104 [IBM][CLI Driver][AS] SQL0104N An unexpected token "<END-OF-STATEMENT>" was found following "". Expected tokens may include: "( + - ? : DAY INF NAN RID ROW RRN". SQLSTATE=42601 (SQLNumResultCols[-104] at /root/PDO_IBM-1.3.6/ibm_driver.c:153) (SQL: select * from )`
I'm using the db2_ibmi_ibm driver.
Here is my php info linked to the driver :
php version is 7.3.4
centos version is 7
Also I made a from scratch php script running and I can get the results from a query using the db2_connection method. So I'm pretty sure it's PDO related :-/
Ok I found the issue, my scheme and database were wrong, so the query wasn't correct.
The PDO constants are not needed in my case.
Thanks for your answers

Liquibase behaves different with utf8 from 3.4 to 3.5?

we have utf8 sql files and using liquibase. I was setting up liquibase from ground up and had issues with utf8 encoded sql files for mysql.
I set everything from env variable to mysql connection string to guarante to use utf8 encoding but nothing worked. Tipps i tried: Setting env like file.encoding, setting utf8 into the connection string for mysql connection, setting the encoding for the database, client and server.
What worked was switching from Liquibase 3.5.1 to 3.4.2.
Did something change the behaviour or does Liquibase 3.5.1 has a new/different behaviour on how to handle utf8 files properly?
Example Error message when i use 3.5.1 instead of 3.4.2 (nothing else is different):
"Unexpected error running Liquibase: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INSERT INTO " ...
#sigi I may have encountered the same issue starting version 3.5.0 (3.5.1)
Token errors suggest that it must have to with the Lexical analysis added in version 3.5
Fixed in version 3.5.2
S_CHAR_LITERAL didn't support the escaped single quote within a string literal \'
quick workaround would be to replace escaped single quote \' with two quotes '' which is also working well in MySQL string literals

Hibernate seems not to resolve alias correctly

since some days I'm facing the following problem:
I am using Hibernate to do the following Restriction on a criteria:
criteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("1=1 CONNECT BY PRIOR {ProcessEntityworkflowProject}.ID = {ProcessEntityworkflowProject}.PARENT_ID"))
Where "ProcessEntityworkflowProject" is the alias which should be resolved by hibernate.
This alias is set in code properly. I also debugged the code and inspected criteria:
There I could see that a subcriteria in subcriterialist of criteria has this correct alias bound to the association path.
But in SQL logs I see that it is not resolved:
... and this_.EXTERNAL_KEY is not null and 1=1 CONNECT BY PRIOR {ProcessEntityworkflowProject}.ID = {ProcessEntityworkflowProject}.PARENT_ID and processent4_.TYPE_ID=? ...
... or is this output correct and it is resolved later internally?
And in tomcat.log I see that there is a NPE:
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.getNumRows(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getResultSet(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list(
at org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaLoader.list(
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list(
at org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl.list(
I already found out that this NPE is cause because Oracle JDBC driver can not parse the brackets "{" "}". So I guess that the alias was not resolved properly.
Does anyone of you have an idea what could be wrong or how I could investigate deeper?
Some additional info:
I am using Hibernate 3.2.0 (CR1 afaik), tomcat 5.5, ojdbc14.jar.
Running on RHEL 6.4 and Oracle 11g
Many thx in advance if some of you have an idea ;)
