Can't use 'put'() to add data to hbase with happybase - hadoop

My python version is 3.7, and after I ran pip3 install happybase, I started the command hbase thrift start and tried to write a brief .py file as following:
import happybase
connection = happybase.Connection('master')
table = connection.table('jmlr') #'jmlr' is a table in hbase
for i in table.scan():
table.put('001', {'title':'dasds'}) #error here
When it's about to run table.put(), it reported such an error:
thriftpy2.transport.base.TTransportException: TTransportException(type=4, message='TSocket read 0 bytes')
And at the same time, the thrift reported an error:
ERROR [thrift-worker-1] thrift.TBoundedThreadPoolServer: Error occurred during processing of message. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid famAndQf provided.
But just now I ran this python file again, it gave me a different error in thrift:
thrift.TBoundedThreadPoolServer: Thrift error occurred during processing of message.
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Bad version in readMessageBegin
I have tried to add parameters like protocol='compact', transport='framed', but this didn't work, even the table.scan() failed.
Everything in the hbase shell is OK, so I can't figure out what went wrong, I'm about to collapse.

I ran into the same issue and found this sollution. You need to add even empty Column Qualifier ( ':' symbol as delimiter between Column Family and Column Qualifier) into put() method:
table.put('001:', {'title':'dasds'})
Also, you have a different error message after second run of script because thrift server is already failed.
I hope it will help you.


Error: command "bash" failed with no error message?

I am using terraform on my Mac system, and terraform apply results with below error
Error: command "bash" failed with no error message
on line 7, in data "external" "ssm-dynamic-general":
7: data "external" "ssm-dynamic-general" {
However there is nothing wrong in file, same runs perfectly fine in my another system.
Can some one please let me know what i am missing here?
You might have done what I accidentally did: not follow the external program protocol:
In my particular case, I failed to send the errors that were coming from my program to standard error. Instead, those errors were going to standard out.
That's why Terraform wasn't able to report on those errors.
So if you send any and all errors from your program to standard error using > &2, you should be able to see those errors when you run terraform plan.

Error: while processing statement: FAILED: Hive Internal Error: hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories must be true

i stumbled in an error
Error while processing statement: FAILED: Hive Internal Error:
hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories must be true if any one of
following is true: hive.optimize.listbucketing ,
mapred.input.dir.recursive and hive.optimize.union.remove.
this error occured when i tried to load data recursively from HDFS directory to hive table
i tried to set following parameters:
SET mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; SET
but it keeps throwing the same error, what could be wrong?
thanks for the advice
This appears to be an issue with Hue in Cloudera. Currently, I am using CDH 5.11.2 just experienced this issue while trying to set the same statements.
If you connect through beeline (command line) to access hive and perform your set statements and queries there, it should work. I just verified this.

HBase Thrift End-Of-File Exception

I am working on a Ruby project that is using HBase & Thrift through the HBase Thrift Ruby gem.
While getting a scanner on the table using scannerOpenWithScan, I'm getting intermitent end-of-file exceptions from Thrift. That looks like this: F, [2016-11-29T11:36:03.554884 #28744] FATAL -- :
Thrift::TransportException (end of file reached):
As I said, it's happening intermittently, even with the same query. Could it be something to do with the transport size?
We notice that when attempting to resolve this issue.
When you have a connection open and there is no activity on it for longer than 60 seconds and then attempt to use it you get a Thrift::TransportException (end of file reached) error.
Currently our solution to this when it happens is to:
catch the Thrift::TransportException
check if it's a end of file reached error
open a new connection
then retry

Error on installing Titan DB on Windows

Following the official guide of Titan DB here, and trying to run the command:
graph ='conf/')
I got this error:
Backend shorthand unknown: conf/
Obviously, the reason is the incorrect path to the
file. So I changed it to:
graph ='../conf/')
and got this error:
Encountered unregistered class ID: 141.
The error happens in the following version:
On titan-1.0.0-hadoop2 instead of this error message I get this one:
Invalid import definition: 'com.thinkaurelius.titan.hadoop.MapReduceIndexManagement'; reason: startup failed: script14747941661821834264593.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class com.thinkaurelius.titan.hadoop.MapReduceIndexManagement # line 1, column 1. import com.thinkaurelius.titan.hadoop.MapReduceIndexManagement ^
1 error
And on titan-1.0.0-hadoop2 I get this one:
The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Does anyone know how to handle this issue?
It seems like you have not even managed to get Titan 1 to start up yet.
I do not believe Titan 1 has been deployed to support Windows out of the box. I.e. the downloadable package will not just work with windows.
Saying that I have managed to get Titan DB 1 to work on windows. To do so, all you have to do is install Cassandra 2.x on Windows. This guide may help you out. Start cassandra and enable thrift connections.
With that done you should be able to get Titan doing basic operations on windows. From there you may find dealing with you current errors easier.
Side Note: Windows support for Titan 0.5.x may be more substantial. So you could look into that as well.

PIG Cassandra ERROR 2118 Could not get input splits

I started off trying to do simple pig+cassandra integration with this tutorial from datastax:
but when i try to store the result into cql, i get this error:
Message: org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR
2118: Could not get input splits
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigInputFormat.getSplits(
any ideas whats happening? i read some answers here, referring to changing my PIG_PARTITIONER to Murmur3Partitioner
which i already did and it still happens. is it configuration issue?
export PIG_PARTITIONER=org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
I found out that after doing:
export PIG_PARTITIONER=org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
i need to do source ~/.bashrc and do pig from that particular console.
though I get another error, but I think this case is solved.
