reCAPTCHA timing out on verify - recaptcha

Having made no changes (but also not tested this in a couple months), my reCAPTCHA code is timing out when trying to verify the user response (both on localhost and on our DEV server). The IP is rotating in the error message (,, others). I would normally think that this is a firewall issue - I can't telnet to the IP/Port combinations in the error messages - but I can pull up in a browser and get an error response back quickly. Any ideas on what might be going on?
Code I normally use:
// Prepare input.
var input = new NameValueCollection
{ "response", captcha },
{ "secret", _settings.SecretKey }
// Make call.
byte[] response;
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
response = client.UploadValues(_settings.VerificationUrl, Http.Verbs.POST, input);
// Parse response.
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VerificationResponse>(body);
return result.Success;
Attempt at verifying through GET (as recommended here):
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
var response = client.DownloadString($"{_settings.SecretKey}&response={captcha}");
Example full error message:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond


Get data from socket connection without sending it again

For a API request I send the jwt with authentication header while request. So I get informations from the jwt. But with websocket it is not possible to set headers.
I also do not want to set the jwt as data in every request. So I want to implement a authentication (server side), witch save data from the jwt to a redis DB with the socket id as an key.
Now I have the problem, that the socket or socket id is not part of the feathers context in hooks or only available as symbol witch I do not figure out how to get it right now. But I think there have to be a more elegant version of how to save data in combination with sockets and get theme back again.
Which is the best way to save user data in a socket connection, to not send the data everytime again?
Mabye it will also help if somebody can tell me how to read the Symbol in the following structur:
connection: {provider: "socketio", Symbol(#feathersjs/socketio/socket): Socket}
How to authenticate a socket connection without the Feathers client is described in the API documentation here. This can be done by authenticating the connection like this:
const io = require('');
const socket = io('http://localhost:3030');
socket.emit('create', 'authentication', {
strategy: 'local',
email: '',
password: 'supersecret'
}, function(error, authResult) {
// authResult will be {"accessToken": "your token", "user": user }
// You can now send authenticated messages to the server
Or by sending the existing access token when establishing the socket connection:
const io = require('');
const socket = io('http://localhost:3030', {
extraHeaders: {
Authorization: `Bearer <accessToken here>`
I found a soltuion in a simular question: How to add parameters to a FeathersJS socket connection
It is possible to save information to the connection by adding it to socket.feathers and it will added as params in every following request.
Socketio Middleware
const jwtHandler = (feathers, authorization, next) => {
    const regex = /Bearer (.+)/g;
    const jwt = (regex.exec(authorization) || [])[1]; // todo length >= 2 test.
    try {
        const { accountId, userId } = decode(jwt);
        feathers.accountId = accountId;
        feathers.userId = userId;
        feathers.authorization = authorization;
    } catch (err) {
        throw new Forbidden('No valid JWT', err);
const socketJwtHandler = io => io.use((socket, next) => {
    jwtHandler(socket.feathers, socket.handshake.query.authorization, next);
and than calling context.param.userId in hooks.

Parse server Having to Logout/Login on each deployment. Session getting destroyed?

Issue Description
Migrated from to Parse Server (Sashido hosting). Whenever I deploy my cloud code, I had to logout and login on the client app (iOS) to get results. Without re-logging in, I get empty results. The session token on the client side matches with DB. My request.user prints correctly. Only the queries are not working, no session errors but empty results (array or object). This happens to all queries and it was working fine in platform. I have ACLs defined for each row and ACL in request.user is also correct but still no results.
Steps to reproduce
Client iOS code
let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
$0.applicationId = PARSE_APPLICATION_ID
$0.clientKey = PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
$0.server = PARSE_SERVER_URL
$0.localDatastoreEnabled = true
Parse.Cloud.define("getPastWalks", function(request, response) {"user:: " + JSON.stringify(request.user) + JSON.stringify(request.params));
var fromDate = request.params.fromDate;
var toDate = request.params.toDate;
var walk = Parse.Object.extend("Walk");
var pastWalksQuery = new Parse.Query(walk);
pastWalksQuery.greaterThanOrEqualTo("dateAndTime", fromDate);
pastWalksQuery.lessThanOrEqualTo("dateAndTime", toDate);
pastWalksQuery.find().then(function(walks) {"past walk:: " + JSON.stringify(walks));
}, function(error) {
Expected Results
The above code should retrieve 'all walks for that particular request.user'.
Actual Outcome
But I am getting empty array. When I logout and login, new session token is generated and it works. Without re-logging, no session token errors, only empty array.
Environment Setup
parse-server version : 2.2.25-1
Localhost or remote server? : Sashido Hosting
MongoDB version: -
Localhost or remote server? : Sashido Hosting
I had to pass sessionToken in the query
pastWalksQuery.find({sessionToken: request.user.getSessionToken()})

Push via parse server cloud code: Url not found

After working with Parse for a considerable time on multiple project I recently started moving data to a local Parse server and writing a sample app to get familiar with the system. I managed to get most working so far including Push using het Parse Dashboard.
Unfortunately I can't seem to get Parse Push to work using cloud code.
This is my code:
Parse.Cloud.define('push', function(req, res) {
var logMessage = "Push test";
var pushQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
where: pushQuery,
data: {
alert: 'Test'
}, {
useMasterKey: true,
success: function() {
// Push sent, send re
res.success('Push Sent');
var logMessage = "Push Sent!";
error: function(error) {
var logMessage = error;
// There was a problem :(
var logMessage = "Push should be sent.";
Unfortunately no push is sent and the following error message is returned:
code: 107,
message: 'Received an error with invalid JSON from Parse: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">\n<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Not Found</h1>\n<p>The requested URL /push was not found on this server.</p>\n<hr>\n<address>Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80</address>\n</body></html>\n' }
It seems to indicate the push request is sent to the /push directory of the main server, however I have no clue how I can change this to the appropriate location and I presumed parse-server would automatically choose the right path.
I hope someone might know how to fix this because I'm out of ideas at the moment..
For all that deal with this same issue, here is the solution.
Thanks to Anbarasi for the correct answer. My server settings were incorrect. Upon changing the server URL to the correct settings (address + port) everything started working!

onIncomingMessage on Sinch-rtc never gets called on receiving Sinch IM message

I am using NodeJS and Sinch-RTC (for IM feature) and I am unable to receive IM messages on my server - Meaning my onIncomingMessage is never called even though a message is sent to my username via phone. I am using the following code on my server.
var SinchClient = require('sinch-rtc');
var sinchClient = new SinchClient({
applicationKey: 'MY-APP-KEY',
capabilities: {messaging: true, calling: true},
supportActiveConnection: true,
var messageClient = sinchClient.getMessageClient();
sinchClient.start({username: 'MY_USERNAME', password: 'MY_PASSWORD'}).then(function() {
global_username = username;
var handleFail = function() {console.log("Message Sending failed");};
var eventListener = {
onIncomingMessage: function(message) {
console.log( message.textBody);
When I run this program as "node sinchReceive.js" I am unable to receive any sinch message sent to MY_USERNAME. However, I can send a message to a different username and that doesn't have any problem. Please tell me what could be wrong or if I am missing something. Thanks.

RestSharp on Windows Phone no set-cookie in response

I have a problem with using the RestSharp client on the Windows Phone device. Starting form the beginning, I have the ASP.NET Web Api service hosted online. I have a request user address: POST: where I send Email and Password as a body parameters and I get 201 status code and a cookie in the response. When I do it in fiddler everything works fine. I also have the functional test for my API which is using the RestSharp which is also working correctly:
[Given(#"I fill email and password with correct data and I click log in button")]
public void GivenIFillEmailAndPasswordWithCorrectDataAndIClickLogInButton()
//Delete user if he exists
//Create new activated user
Assert.IsTrue(_testUserHelper.CreateTestUser(TestEmail, TestPassword));
//Prepare client
var client = new RestClient(CarRentalsConstants.HostAddress);
var restRequest = new RestRequest("api/token", Method.POST) { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json };
//Add parameters to request
restRequest.AddBody(new { Email = TestEmail, Password = TestPassword });
//Perform request
_response = client.Execute(restRequest);
[When(#"the log in login process finishes")]
public void WhenTheLogInLoginProcessFinishes()
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, _response.StatusCode, _response.Content);
Assert.IsNotNull(_response.Cookies.SingleOrDefault(q => q.Name == ".ASPXAUTH"););
The one above works properly, and the cookie is in the response object.
Now what I try to do on my windows phone looks like this:
var restRequest = new RestRequest("token", Method.POST) {RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json};
restRequest.AddBody(new {Email = email, Password = password});
myWebClient.ExecuteAsync(restRequest, (restResponse, handle) =>
switch (restResponse.StatusCode)
case HttpStatusCode.Created:
var cookie = restResponse.Cookies.SingleOrDefault(q => q.Name == ".ASPXAUTH");
case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
HandleBadRequest(restResponse.Content, failureLogicDelegate);
And in this case, the response returns the "Created" status code, but the cookie is then set to null. I have no idea what is happening here, but I am fairly certain that server is sending this cookie, so where does it get lost?
Any help will be really appreciated.
