Parse server Having to Logout/Login on each deployment. Session getting destroyed? - parse-platform

Issue Description
Migrated from to Parse Server (Sashido hosting). Whenever I deploy my cloud code, I had to logout and login on the client app (iOS) to get results. Without re-logging in, I get empty results. The session token on the client side matches with DB. My request.user prints correctly. Only the queries are not working, no session errors but empty results (array or object). This happens to all queries and it was working fine in platform. I have ACLs defined for each row and ACL in request.user is also correct but still no results.
Steps to reproduce
Client iOS code
let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
$0.applicationId = PARSE_APPLICATION_ID
$0.clientKey = PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
$0.server = PARSE_SERVER_URL
$0.localDatastoreEnabled = true
Parse.Cloud.define("getPastWalks", function(request, response) {"user:: " + JSON.stringify(request.user) + JSON.stringify(request.params));
var fromDate = request.params.fromDate;
var toDate = request.params.toDate;
var walk = Parse.Object.extend("Walk");
var pastWalksQuery = new Parse.Query(walk);
pastWalksQuery.greaterThanOrEqualTo("dateAndTime", fromDate);
pastWalksQuery.lessThanOrEqualTo("dateAndTime", toDate);
pastWalksQuery.find().then(function(walks) {"past walk:: " + JSON.stringify(walks));
}, function(error) {
Expected Results
The above code should retrieve 'all walks for that particular request.user'.
Actual Outcome
But I am getting empty array. When I logout and login, new session token is generated and it works. Without re-logging, no session token errors, only empty array.
Environment Setup
parse-server version : 2.2.25-1
Localhost or remote server? : Sashido Hosting
MongoDB version: -
Localhost or remote server? : Sashido Hosting

I had to pass sessionToken in the query
pastWalksQuery.find({sessionToken: request.user.getSessionToken()})


Get OAuth 2.0 token for google service accounts

Short explanation
I want to get a Auth2.0 token for access to some APIs in my Google Cloud Platform proyect.
At the current time i have a Wordpress page that has to make the connection. Temporarily i will make a javascript connection with the client via Ajax (when all work successfully i will make this in another way, for example with a PHP server in the middle).
The process that has to execute in our GCP don't need the user to log in with his google account, for that reason we will make a google service account for server to server connections. All the threads executed by the API will be log like be executed by this service account that isn't owned by any real person.
When i generate the Ajax connection for get the token, this will be send to the following URL:
I send it on JWT coding.
The coded message is generated in this Javascript code:
var unixHour = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
var header = {
var data = {
var secret = "MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQCkhZH7TuaNO4XBVVVcE2P/hvHSsGXNu1D/FcCaMrW56BF/nbOlxAtbp07TCIOyrR1FEcJb+to66olSFnUVUWhWUB9zLbzKpULQoFmYECSWppUbCZd+bp271AFYZpxXFduziWuaG9BNxV2cmWTjLLlZI7FoIYFwLgPZHPWndY0E99lGEjmnH";
function base64url(source) {
// Encode in classical base64
encodedSource = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(source);
// Remove padding equal characters
encodedSource = encodedSource.replace(/=+$/, '');
// Replace characters according to base64url specifications
encodedSource = encodedSource.replace(/\+/g, '-');
encodedSource = encodedSource.replace(/\//g, '_');
return encodedSource;
var stringifiedHeader = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(JSON.stringify(header));
var encodedHeader = base64url(stringifiedHeader);
//document.getElementById("header").innerText = encodedHeader;
var stringifiedData = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
var encodedData = base64url(stringifiedData);
//document.getElementById("payload").innerText = encodedData;
var signature = encodedHeader + "." + encodedData;
signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signature, secret);
signature = base64url(signature);
//document.getElementById("signature").innerText = signature;
var jwt = encodedHeader + "." + encodedData + "." + signature;
url: '',
type: 'POST',
data: { "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", "assertion" : jwt} ,
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
success: function (response) {
error: function () {
Console output
The problem
The Ajax message generated in the script return "Invalid JWT signature".
send message API
ajax response API
Following the google documentation, this problem is for a bad coding of the message or a incorrect secret key.
You can see the code for generate the coding message in the previous script.
About the secret key, maybe i am not selecting the correct key for this task, here you have the steps i follow:
cred GCP
Inside the service account, i create a key in the "keys" section:
Keys GCP
As result this download this file:
File keys
I tried to use like secret key the "private_key" content of this file and additionally i tried to delete the line breaks (\n) of this and try again.
¿Is that correct?¿Or i dont use the corret key?
¿Maybe i make an incorrect coding?
*There aren't problems with share the key and account id because the key was disabled at the moment of share this thread and the project is only for testing purposes.

GET request with query parameters returns 403 error (signature does not match) - AWS Amplify

I was trying to use 'aws-amplify' GET API request with query parameters on the client side, but it turned out to be Request failed with status code 403, and the response showed:
"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Note: React.js as front-end, Javascript as back-end.
My code
function getData() {
const apiName = 'MyApiName';
const path = '/path';
const content = {
return API.get(apiName, path, content);
try {
const result = await"query", params);
} catch (e) {
return failure({ status: false });
What I did to debug
The GET lambda function works fine in Amazon Console (Tested)
If I change the backend lambda function so that the frontend request can be made without parameters, i.e. return API.get(apiName, path), then no error shows up.
My question
How can I make this GET request with query parameters works?
I changed GET to POST (return, everything works fine now.
If anyone can provide a more detailed explanation, it would be very helpful.

Is cloud code sessionToken change in parse server 2.4.x?

I just updated parse-server from 2.2.x to 2.4.x and my cloud code using sessionToken did not work. Below is simple cloud code function:
Parse.Cloud.define('find_device', function(request, response) {
var user = request.user;
var token = user.getSessionToken();
console.log("User token " + token);
var query = new Parse.Query('devices');
query.equalTo('deviceId', "389125651274465");
query.find({ sessionToken: token })//<- sessionToken does not work
.then(function(messages) {
It uses {sessionToken: token} to query. This code worked before, but now it does not work in parse-server 2.4.x. I received error
ParseError { code: undefined, message: 'unauthorized' }
I don't know if anything change in parse-server version 2.4.x. If i change to {useMasterKey:true} it works ok, but in this case i want to use user's token to query. Thank for your help.
They havent really changes the the ... query.find({sessionToken : token}) ... part, but maybe they have changed how User.getSessionToken() works.
The documentations says :
String getSessionToken( )
Returns the session token for this user, if
the user has been logged in, or if it is the result of a query with
the master key. Otherwise, returns undefined.
Returns: the session token, or undefined
Since in case of cloud-code, neither the user is logged in, not its the result of a query using masterKey, getSessionToken() should actually behave that way only.
To correct this, what I would suggest is, rather than making the query on-behalf of the user in the cloud-code(and thus on the server), just let the user make it from the client.

reCAPTCHA timing out on verify

Having made no changes (but also not tested this in a couple months), my reCAPTCHA code is timing out when trying to verify the user response (both on localhost and on our DEV server). The IP is rotating in the error message (,, others). I would normally think that this is a firewall issue - I can't telnet to the IP/Port combinations in the error messages - but I can pull up in a browser and get an error response back quickly. Any ideas on what might be going on?
Code I normally use:
// Prepare input.
var input = new NameValueCollection
{ "response", captcha },
{ "secret", _settings.SecretKey }
// Make call.
byte[] response;
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
response = client.UploadValues(_settings.VerificationUrl, Http.Verbs.POST, input);
// Parse response.
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VerificationResponse>(body);
return result.Success;
Attempt at verifying through GET (as recommended here):
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
var response = client.DownloadString($"{_settings.SecretKey}&response={captcha}");
Example full error message:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

Making a POST request using Superagent, AWS Lambda, API Gateway

I am using AWS Lambda and API Gateway to create a custom endpoint for load tests. I have uploaded my handler function which is in a file, along with the node modules needed for the function in a zip, and set up the API Gateway API correctly according the instructions (in line with the way that I had made it work before), but I keep getting the error: {"error": "Missing Authentication Token"}. Everything I have seen online thus far points to the idea that the url that I am passing in with the POST request is invalid, but I have made a similar endpoint work with a GET request. As far as I know I have set up the POST request (using Superagent) correctly, and am passing in a valid access-token, as well as hardcoded params as part of the URL (valid params).
// Dependencies
var request = require('superagent');
var sync = require('synchronize');
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
sync.fiber(function() {
// Grabs params passed into the URL as a JSON object
var querystring = (event.querystring);
// Replaces params with an updated version which includes a single quotation
var queryStringUpdate = querystring.replace(/=/g, ":").replace(/}/g, "'}").replace(/:/g, ":'").replace(/,/g, "',");
// Updates the param information and sets it as a new string
eval('var queryString2 =' + queryStringUpdate);
// Define specific query params to be used in the REST calls
var userId = (queryString2.userId === undefined ? '229969' : queryString2.userId);
var roomdId = (queryString2.roomId === undefined ? '4' : queryString2.roomId);
var inviterId = (queryString2.inviterId === undefined ? '212733' : queryString2.inviterId);
var createInvitePost = function() {
.set({'access-token': 'some_access_token'})
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.query({user_id: "229969"})
.query({room_jid: "4"})
.end(function(err, res){
if (err) {"Uh oh, something went wrong");
} else {
context.done(null, "Hurray, it worked!!");
try {
} catch(errOne) {
alert("No bueno!!");
Any thoughts on this?? Thanks
I usually get this error when I've missed some part of the URL needed for my API. In the past it's either been the name of the stage, misspelled resource name, or a missing Path parameter.
I'm from the Api Gateway team.
As others have said, the most common cause of the 403 response you're getting is an incorrect path/method. I'm not familiar with Superagent, but if you've run the same request in Postman and cURL then I would be surprised if you had the wrong path/method.
Maybe also check on a wire log if possible, to make sure that your querystring logic isn't appending a forward slash prior to the '?'.
Some things to check:
Have you deployed any recent changes to your API?
Is the stage 'v2' (I'm assuming that's the stage) pointing at a deployed version of the API that has the POST to invites/212733/create?
The 'access-token' should have no effect on the Api Gateway layer. If you're trying to use a native Api Gateway Api Key, the header is 'x-api-key'.
