DHTMLX Gantt Chart Pagination - dhtmlx

I have to implement Gantt chart pagination in my project. Explore a lot but couldn't find the solution to achieve. I am reading JSON data to populating Gantt chart and need to achieve pagination.Need quick help.

We have no built-in solution for solving this problem now.
How the pagination should works?
You could try to declare a filter or range from start_date to end_date and add required buttons to pages. Then set changing displayed range by pressing the button.


Display more than 1 year in Kendo UI for jQuery?

Some clinical studies can take up to 5 years or more, and I want to be able to show an entire study and its sub-tasks in a Kendo Gantt chart. I want to show periods of time longer than the current maximum of 1 year that is built into Kendo UI for jQuery v2018.3.1017, is that possible?
I'd like to be able to show a maximum of 6 years. Ideally the header would change to be able to see Quarter/Year rather than Month.
Is this possible?
The built-in views for the Gantt are: "day", "week", "month" and "year". So if you need to show longer period you need to create a custom view. Check the custom view example in the documentation. It shows how to create a multi-year view and display quarters as well.
Just to close the loop: here is the response I received from the Telerik Support folks.
From the provided information I am not sure if the widget you intend to use is a Kendo Gantt or Scheduler. However, in both cases implementing a custom view will be needed. Below you will find links with examples of implementing custom views in Gantt and Scheduler:

Filter across pages in Google datastudio

I have a multi page report with Page 1 having a Table chart with filter interactions ON. When I click on a row in this Table chart, I need my other pages also to get filtered based on this row selection.
If I make this table chart report-level, then this table chart will be visible in other pages which I do not want. What is the best possible way to solve this problem?
An alternative approach is to use a Filter Control (set to Report-level) instead of a Table; additionally, a default selection could be set.
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:

Dhtmlx - Create multiple tasks in one row

can I create a gantt chart by Dhtmlx with multiple tasks in one row?
some gantt charts like "angular-gantt" and "Anychart" supported this but I can't find any way to do it with Dhtmlx gantt
I want to create a gantt chart like this image:
** Angular-gantt and any chart are very very slow for huge data
Yes, it became possible since dhtmlx Gantt version 6.2. The functionality called "Split Tasks". Find details on how to implement it in the guide.
Also, check the sample that demonstrates how it works.

Show values on chart Using System.Web.Helpers.Chart

I am using System.Web.Helpers.Chart for charting in MVC3, charts are rendering fine, but i want to add the value of at the top of the bar I tried a lot but failed to find a way to show value of respective bar,Is it possible using System.Web.Helpers.Chart?
Thanks in Advance.

how to turn off empty value approximation for Telerik chart controls

I am using the Telerik rad chart control to create a bar chart of date-based data. The x-axis shows the date for each data point. The y-axis shows some total.
When there is no data in my datasource for a particular date, the chart is still showing a date, but no bar.
I think this falls under the "empty series approximation" functionality. Is there any way of turning this off? Some property or combination of properties that need to be set?
Thank you.
One way of doing this is using xcategories instead of xvalues in your SeriesMapping. Check the sample:
<telerik:ItemMapping FieldName="Value" DataPointMember="YValue" />
<telerik:ItemMapping FieldName="Date" DataPointMember="XCategory" />
I hope it helps.
