JHipster: Search not working - elasticsearch

I generated one application and some entities. Initially its working fine.
Now when I tried to search form any page[[entity].html]
I am getting following error "No mapping found for [id] in order to sort on"

Found solution for now and its working


Laravel Scout Elastic Search - Index not found

I am facing a weird issue with elasticsearch.
I am working on a Laravel project and need to integrate elastic search with it.
I am using https://github.com/babenkoivan/scout-elasticsearch-driver along with Laravel Scout.
Initially everything worked fine and I was also able to search. When it worked fine, I wanted to drop my index and reindex everything from scratch. But after that when I ran my seeder, I got an "Index not found exception". Then to test it I created index and type. eg: TestIndex/department
After that the seeder ran fine and I didn't get the "index not found exception". However, it didn't use the index which I created. It created a new index of the form "TestIndex_write/department"
Can someone please explain what am I doing wrong? why is new index with a different name being created automatically?
I am using ElasticSearch > 6.0
Although 2 months past,try update index configurator :
php artisan elastic:update-index App\MyIndexConfigurator

Kibana 4 'Discover' search error

I indexed a dataset of geo-data records in ElasticSearch for analysis in Kibana. My issue is that the 'Discover' tab doesn't pick up the data but instead displays the error message
Discover: An error occurred with your request. Reset your inputs and try again.
In 'Settings', I could configure my data index just fine, and Kibana is picking up all the mapping fields with correct type/analysis/indexing metadata. 'Visualize' works fine, too. I can create my charts, add them to the dashboard, drill down - everything. Just the 'Discover' tab is broken for me.
I'm running ElasticSearch 1.5.2, and tried with Kibana 4.0.1, 4.0.2 and 4.1-snapshot now (on Ubuntu 14.04), all with the same results.
Another effect I'm noticing: the sidebar is not showing any 'Available Fields'. Only if I unfold the field settings and untick 'Hide Missing Fields' I'll get my list of schema fields. (These are greyed out as they are considered 'missing' by Kibana. But interestingly, clicking on 'Visualize' on one of them to chart their distribution works, again, perfectly fine.)
My only suspicion is: my data doesn't have a timestamp field, so maybe that's what's messing things up. Although judging from the docs I'd assume that non-timeseries data should be supported.
Any hints appreciated!
In my case, the cause was that I had indexed malformed JSON into elasticsearch. It was valid Javascript, but not valid JSON. In particular I neglected to quote the keys in the objects
I had inserted my (test) data using curl, e.g.
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/foo/doc/1 -d '{ts: "2015-06-24T01:07:00.000Z", employeeId: 105, action: "PICK", quantity: 8}'
Note that ts: should have been "ts":, etc.
Seems like elasticsearch tolerates such things, but Kibana does not. Once I fixed that, Discover worked fine.
Note that the error you are seeing is generated client side when an error arises. If you open your client debugger (e.g. Firefox) you will see the error in the console log. In my case, the error message was
Error: Unable to parse/serialize body
If your error is different, it will be a different cause.
It was my fault for entering bad JSON to begin with. Odd that elasticsearch is more tolerant than Kibana.
It happened to me as well. I tried all...:
Deleting all the indices (.kibana, my own, etc) didn't work
Restarting the ES, Kibana and LS services didn't help.
I didn't have the Request Timeout problem in kibana.yml either.
My problem was that the timestamp field was using an incorrect time format. I changed it to this format and it worked: "date": "2015-05-13T00:00:00"
I had the same problem. None of the suggested solutions helped. I finally found the problem while comparing a working version with a non-working version in Wireshark.
Don't emit a UTF8 byte order mark in front of your JSON. Somehow, my serializer was set up to do that... ElasticSearch is fine with it, but Kibana cannot handle it on the Discover page.

What is the GlobalIdentity and how do I set it in the FileNet web service?

I'm trying to upload a document into filenet via CEWS, but I'm getting this error:
“The unexpected exception is chained to this exception. Message was: com.filenet.apiimpl.core.GlobalIdentity incompatible with com.filenet.apiimpl.core.RepositoryIdentity“
Our Filenet people don't seem to know what that means. They've provided working code that basically looks the same as mine (but which I can't compile directly at the moment because it references parts of their project I don't have.)
So is the GlobalIdentity something I need to pass in through the web service? If so, how? If not, where is it configured?
Ok I finally spotted my mistake.
I had incorrectly set crt.TargetSpecification.classId to the name of the repository I was trying to use rather than to the correct classId.

how to set up elasticsearch and kibana on windows?

I tried to set-up a elasticsearch on my windows 7 os pc. Installed elasticsearch & sense and it's working as the loacahost:9200 is working fine.
Now i am strugging to search in a file located at c:\user\rajesh\default.json.
indexing of a data i.e
Put test\te\2
is working fine, but when i try to reference to file i.e POST test\te\2-d #default.json it's giving error as Unexpected '<'
I Installed KIBANA but not able to do anything with it's UI. when trying to search anything it's giving error:No index found at http://localhost:9200/INDEX_MISSING/_mapping/field/
I have edited config.js file with elasticsearch: "http://"+"localhost"+":9200", but it is not able to use the index which i created using sense to ES.
Thanks in Advance
First try this:
If you get no data returned (no indices), then you have some error either in elistcsearch or logstash.
Additionally, I recomend you try to access kopf from your browser.
If you have data in the port, it will show you the indexes.

Symfony2 - Doctrine:generate:crud - Routing error

I'm using Symfony2 RC3 and I have a NewsBundle that has an Article entity.
I generated crud for it using the command: $ php app/console doctrine:generate:crud (with 'write' set to yes).
Now, every page on my site throws this error:
Fatal error: Label 'not_admin_article_create' already defined in /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/AIEF/app/cache/prod/appprodUrlMatcher.php on line 260
If i get rid of
requirements: { _method: post }
for admin_article_create, admin_article_update and admin_article_delete in the generated routing yml file, everything works fine. Any idea why ?
I came across a similar issue recently, Google search wasn't much help but give me ideas of where to look, anyways enough blah blah.
The error I was getting was as follows:
enter code here`Fatal error: Label 'not _ offering management' already defined in /...
Whats I noticed was that there was a duplicate entry in routing_dev.yml and routing.yml, so basically the issue pops up when you happen to have multiple configurations. I think Symfony2 bundle generation adds mapping, but user probably accidental re-configures mapping else where.
