Laravel Scout Elastic Search - Index not found - laravel

I am facing a weird issue with elasticsearch.
I am working on a Laravel project and need to integrate elastic search with it.
I am using along with Laravel Scout.
Initially everything worked fine and I was also able to search. When it worked fine, I wanted to drop my index and reindex everything from scratch. But after that when I ran my seeder, I got an "Index not found exception". Then to test it I created index and type. eg: TestIndex/department
After that the seeder ran fine and I didn't get the "index not found exception". However, it didn't use the index which I created. It created a new index of the form "TestIndex_write/department"
Can someone please explain what am I doing wrong? why is new index with a different name being created automatically?
I am using ElasticSearch > 6.0

Although 2 months past,try update index configurator :
php artisan elastic:update-index App\MyIndexConfigurator


Laravel Scout import existing data don't work

I installed Laravel Scout. If I now create a new record it will be imported correctly into Algolia. Editing and deleting also works.
But now I want to import all existing organizations.
When I run the command:
$ php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Organisation\Organisation"
All [App\Models\Organisation\Organisation] records have been imported.
However, no organizations are written to the index. Do I still have to specify anything somewhere?
did you set 'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'algolia'), in published scout.php file ?
tips : try meilisearch , has a good doc than algolia

How to connect to MySql in Wakanda 2?

In Wakanda 1.1 I used "model.mergeSQLCatalog()" to see the MySql db that I was wanting to work with, as per the documentation. Trying to do the same in Wakanda 2, it tells me that that model.mergeSQLCatalog() is not a function. I get the feeling that I am missing something really obvious, but for the life of me I can't see what it is. Can someone enlighten me please? (I am working with a trial license)
model.mergeSQLCatalog() is deprecated since v2.0.0.
To keep working, add a SQL model:
Right click on models folder > new > model
Select MySQL
Set your SQL server config
A new model folder is created where you can put your old model.js file.
Here some official doc that can help you :

JHipster: Search not working

I generated one application and some entities. Initially its working fine.
Now when I tried to search form any page[[entity].html]
I am getting following error "No mapping found for [id] in order to sort on"
Found solution for now and its working

Kibana dashboard - error saving to ElasticSearch

I have a logstash-elasticsearch-kibana local setup and I have a problem when it comes to save Kibana dashboards.
Selecting the "Save" option I get the following error: "Save failed Dashboard could not be saved to Elasicsearch"
I'm using the logstash dashboard that comes with Kibana and after some modifications I tried to save it getting this error.
As far as I understand dashboards loaded from templates (json files located in kibana3/app/dashboards) cannot be saved to Elasticsearch (as stated in kibana templates). But I haven't been able to figure out how to create a new dashboard for logstash and save it to Elasticsearch, nor find instructions to do that. I would like to have different dashboards and be able to modify them and load them as needed.
I have exported the dashboard schema and successfully load it back, which works as far as saving a dashboard after all customization is done. But I would prefer to save them to elasticsearch rather than to template files.
Communication between ES and Kibana works fine (no errors show up in logs and information is retrieved and showed in Kibana).
Someone who could tell me what I'm missing here?
I got the error when I had a '/' (slash) in the name of the dashboard. Changing this to '-' solved the problem. See the following issue on GitHub:

how to set up elasticsearch and kibana on windows?

I tried to set-up a elasticsearch on my windows 7 os pc. Installed elasticsearch & sense and it's working as the loacahost:9200 is working fine.
Now i am strugging to search in a file located at c:\user\rajesh\default.json.
indexing of a data i.e
Put test\te\2
is working fine, but when i try to reference to file i.e POST test\te\2-d #default.json it's giving error as Unexpected '<'
I Installed KIBANA but not able to do anything with it's UI. when trying to search anything it's giving error:No index found at http://localhost:9200/INDEX_MISSING/_mapping/field/
I have edited config.js file with elasticsearch: "http://"+"localhost"+":9200", but it is not able to use the index which i created using sense to ES.
Thanks in Advance
First try this:
If you get no data returned (no indices), then you have some error either in elistcsearch or logstash.
Additionally, I recomend you try to access kopf from your browser.
If you have data in the port, it will show you the indexes.
