Mac app call shell script kill self - macos

I write a mac application. I call a shell script to do some tasks in my mac app. when shell script tasks complete, I want to kill my mac app and reopen it.
I can pgrep [app_name] | xargs kill -9 in shell script. but it does not work.
When I execute this command in my terminal it works. How can I kill my mac app in my shell script ? Hope you can help.

Try doing:
/usr/bin/pkill -9 <app name>
Failing that, and if the app spawns multiple prcesses:
for PID in $(/usr/bin/pgrep <app name>); do /bin/kill -9 $PID; done
If the process is running as root, you'll need to run the script as root or with sudo.
If you're still struggling do the following to help you debug:
LOG= ~/debugkill.log
PIDS: `/usr/bin/pgrep $APP`
echo -e "`/bin/date`: Script running as user: `/usr/bin/whoami` \n
Process to be killed owned by: `ps u $APP | /usr/bin/awk { print $1 }'`" >> $LOG
echo -e "PIDs to terminate: $PIDS >> $LOG
echo -e "Killing PIDs..."
for PID in $PIDS; do
/bin/kill -9 $PID
if [[ `ps $PID | grep $PID | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'` == "$PID" ]]; then
echo 'killing with sudo (requires pass)'
sudo /bin/kill -9 $PID
if [[ `ps $PID | grep $PID | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'` == "$PID" ]]; then
echo 'killing with killall -9'
/usr/bin/killall -9 $APP
done >> $LOG
I've had issues before with not being killed from scripts and it turned out that the binary paths weren't specified explicitly for either pkill or kill - and because they are in different folders sometimes one works and the other doesn't depending on which environmental variables are at play when running it.
To relaunch your app, you need to be clear on what app it is, whether it's launched by a binary or launched by java or something, and whether any config parameters are specified when you check the process for it whilst running i.e. run 'ps ax ' and see if anything is running
like so:
/usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork -pidfile /var/run/ when you relaunch you will need to include the same so you'd do something like this in the script:
/usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork -pidfile /var/run/ > /dev/null 2>&1
..the other option is to turn the app into a daemon via launchd and then you can simply stop and restart\stop\start the process:


Getting a Process ID & Assigned to a variable and kill the process in Bash Script

I store in a variable an executed command like so:
pio device monitor -p COM22 -b 115200 --no-reconnect | grep -E -o -m 1 '[A-Za-z0-9]{12}'
pio device monitor is a command to watch custom logs from an esp32, I use these logs to extract the wanter value (something like C8F09E0AA13C).
I want to run this command in the background and when the command return something, kill the process.
The script works as expected. The command stored in IDFound run in the background and as soon it found something the loop stop and the process is killed and I get the wanted value.
# /bin/bash
unset -v IDFound
if ! [[ $IDFound =~ $regex ]] ; then
echo 'Please press the reset button of the ESP-prog'
IDFound=$(pio device monitor -p $port -b 115200 --no-reconnect | grep -E -o -m 1 $regex &)
# Get PID of this command
pid=$(ps -ef | awk '/pio/{print $2}')
# kill the process with PID
kill $pid
echo $IDFound
But my problem is that I get PID with the pio keyword and I run another similar command in my script. I don't want to kill the wrong process.
I want to get the PID with $! to avoid mistake. How could I achieve that ?

Kill sleeping process when starting new one

i have some script running on a directory /foo/bar. When something happens in /foo/bar it starts another script ( which first sleeps for 30 seconds and then do stuff. The script is managed by supervisor, which is configured to restart the script if it ends. So when there was a change in /foo/bar and the is started (in a subprocess), the Watcher script should end and get started again by supervisor. If there is a second change in /foo/bar the new script should end the first one and start again its 30 second sleep before doing stuff. script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Started inotifywait with $BASHPID ID"
inotifywait -q -e modify,move,create,delete /foo/bar
/ & script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Start Update process $BASHPID"
if test -f "$FILE" ; then
kill -9 `cat /var/run/`
rm /var/run/
echo $BASHPID > /var/run/
echo "Change in /foo/bar, reload soon"
sleep 30
supervisorctl reload
My problem is that it just don't happen. The script is restarted, but the script is not killed at all. I checked the /var/run/ which is definitely set after the first change, but it just don't enter the if case and even when it does, it does not continue after the kill.
Would be great if somebody knows where i do something wrong, it should be simple right?..
Use the following code in the to not listen on a pid file
if ps -ef | grep -vE "grep|$BASHPID" | grep updater | awk '{print $2}' ; then
echo "Kill it"
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep -vE "grep|$BASHPID" | grep updater | awk '{print $2}'`

Script to restart another script

Hello I am trying to write a script to restart other script from command line.
usage should be:
cat restart
for pids in $(ps -ef | grep $1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
kill -9 $pids
echo test
sleep 10
$1 &
output is:
root#xxxx:/scripts# restart
My restart script is killing itself.
What is wrong here? Can you please help me?
Your script is finding itself in the search results because the command you used to start the script contains the script name you're trying to kill.
You can add an if statement to fix this ($$ is the pid of the running script):
if [ "$$" != "$pids" ]; then
kill -9 $pids

Gracefully shutting down sidekiq processes

Does anyone know how to find sidekiq's pidfile to gracefully shut it down?
Running ps ax | grep sidekiq and then running sidekiqctl stop <pid from grep> consistently gives a no such pidfile error?
Cntl-C and Cntl-D also seem to have no effect.
Closing the process window and reopening a new window doesn't kill the process as it appears to be running as a daemon.
The only consistent fix I've found is rebooting.
Use this to kill sidekiq forcefully.
ps -ef | grep sidekiq | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
Sidekiq provides the ability to specify a pidfile at start time or, as shown below, to create the pidfile after the process has been started. In either case you can then use the pidfile at stop time.
Use ps -ef | grep sidekiq to find the pid
Create a file (e.g., with the only contents being the pid you just found
sidekiqctl stop <pidfile_name>
Use -P <pidfile_name> or --pidfile <pidfile_name> when starting sidekiq in the future
Just been looking into this one myself...
Seems like newer versions of Sidekiq have this built in:
Worked great for me. The workers stopped picking up new jobs, but finished the ones they were on, then I finally killed the process when it was done.
I've written a little handler that can start or stop sidekiq.
echo "Starting sidekiq..."
bundle exec sidekiq -d -L $LOGFILE -P $PIDFILE -q mailer,5 -q default -e production
if [ ! -f $PIDFILE ]; then
ps -ef | grep sidekiq | grep busy | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' > $PIDFILE
bundle exec sidekiqctl stop $PIDFILE
case "$cmd" in
stop_function && start_function;
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart} /path/to/rails/app"
Save it, type chmod +x
Then just run it with:
bash start /path/to/your/rails/app
bash stop /path/to/your/rails/app
If you only have one Rails app, you can also set the $PROJECT_DIR variable statically so that you don't need to specify the path each time. Hope this helps!
Try using god to monitor sidekiq.
Then all you need to do is bundle exec god stop
Alternatively, you can use:
sidekiqctl stop 60
If you like bashes...
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
PROJECT_DIR=$DIR/../ # EDIT HERE: rel path to your project form this file location (my scripts are in ./scripts/)
SIDEKIQ_PID_FILE=$PROJECT_DIR/tmp/pids/ # EDIT HERE: pid file location
if [ ! -f $SIDEKIQ_PID_FILE ]; then
# if no pid file, retrieve pid and create file
ps -ef | grep sidekiq | grep busy | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' > $SIDEKIQ_PID_FILE
(cd $PROJECT_DIR && bundle exec sidekiqctl stop $SIDEKIQ_PID_FILE)
will work even if sidekiq started without pid file argument
assumes this script is in a folder inside the project and pid files are stored in ./tmp/pids/
Sharing a bash script that checks if sidekiq is running, sends it TSTP to ask it to not pick up any new jobs, waits until any running jobs are finished and then stops the process by sending a TERM signal to it.

No command executed after performing kill command in shell script

Here is my shell script:
PIDS=$(ps -e | grep $1 |grep -v grep| awk '{print $1}')
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
I am passing the name of the process as command line argument.
The echo command is not getting executed, although the target processes are actually receiving the SIGINT signal and exited.
Any suggestions?
I changed the code to:
PIDS=$(ps -e |grep $1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'|grep -v $$)
echo $PIDS
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
echo "The current process is $$"
Now I am noticing a strange thing:
The script is working but not as expected. Executing following command in command line outside the script
ps -e|grep process-name|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'|grep -v $$
gives pid of the process-name but when I execute the same command inside shell script, assign it to variable PIDS and then echo PIDS then it shows one more pid in addition to the pid of process-name. Therefore when the kill command executes it gives an error that the process with second pid doesn't exist. It does echo the remaining sentences in the terminal. Any clue ?
There really are only a couple of possibilities. Assuming you're just running this from the command line, you should see the message ... unless, of course, what you're doing puts the PID of your shell process in PIDS, in which case the kill would kill the (sub) shell running your command before you hit the echo.
Suggestion: echo $PIDS before you call kill and see what's there. In fact, I'd be tempted to comment out the kill and try the command, just to see what happens.
PIDS=$(ps -e | grep $1 |grep -v grep| awk '{print $1}')
echo $PIDS
# kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
Of course, you can always run the script with bash -x to see everything.
Your script works. The only reason I can see for the echo not being executed is that some value of $1 and the script file name combine so that your script PID is also gathered, thereby making the script suicide.
The PIDS line spawns a process running ps, grep, another grep -- so you won't find in PIDS the processes running grep, but what about the parent process itself?
PIDS=$(ps -e | grep $1 |grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "^$$\$" )
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
or run the pipes one after the other with suitable safety greps.
Edit: it is evident that the "$1" selection is selecting too much. So I'd rewrite the script like this:
# Gather the output of "ps -e". This will also gather the PIDs of this
# process and of ps process and its subshell.
PSS=$( ps -e )
# Extract PIDs, excluding this one PID and excluding a process called "ps".
# Don't need to expunge 'grep' since no grep was running when getting PSS.
PIDS=$( echo "$PSS" | grep -v "\<ps\>" | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "^$$\$" )
if [ -n "$PIDS" ]; then
kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo "No process found matching $1"
echo "Done sending signal."
ps -e is identical to ps -A and selects all processes ( cf. ), i. e. ps -e displays "information about other users' processes, including those without controlling terminals" (Mac OS X man page of ps). This means you will also kill the PID ($$) of your shell process, as already pointed out by Charlie Martin, because you will also grep a line of output of the ps -e command that looks like so:
67988 ttys000 0:00.00 /bin/bash ./killpids sleep
Just log the output of ps -e to a file to see that your script commits suicide:
./killpids sleep 2>err.log
# cat killpids
echo $$
for n in {1..10}; do
sleep 5000 &
sleep 1
unset PIDS
PIDS="$(ps -e | tee /dev/stderr | grep "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')"
#PIDS="$(ps -www -U $USER -o pid,uid,comm | tee /dev/stderr | grep "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')"
wc -l <<<"$PIDS"
#kill -s SIGINT $PIDS
echo kill -s TERM $PIDS
kill -s TERM $PIDS
echo "Done sendings signal"
