Can Visual Studio Community 2015 be easily updated to Visual Studio Professional 2015 - visual-studio

I have Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 installed on my drive D:.
I recently got a 1TB SSD for my C: drive and wanted to move VS to that drive. Long story shortened; it was a nightmare. Although I could uninstall VS, I could not get it to reinstall in any other location except for D:. After three days of trying, I gave up and reinstalled back to D:. I still could not get it to install correctly and some things are "damaged". Updates, etc. do not completely succeed because of the "damaged" module installation. I do not want to risk running the "Repair" option in the control panel again because that often makes it worse (damages more things); which leads to a several hour process of uninstalling & reinstalling. This question shows some of the installer/uninstaller problems: Installation errors in repair of Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on Windows 10
I am now planning on reinstalling Windows 10 Pro in order to clean up this install.
I was planning on eventually getting Visual Studio Professional 2015.
Will I have similar problems upgrading from "Community Edition" to the "Professional" version?
I was hoping to open a dialog box, type in the license key and have the "Community Editon" become a "Professional" version. Is that possible or is a complete uninstall/reinstall how this upgrade would work?

(Disclaimer: I worked on Visual Studio 2015 including portions of the setup experience while at Microsoft)
It can, but it isn't as simple as entering an upgraded product key, you also need the media.
When you buy/license Visual Studio 2015 Professional or higher, you'll have access to the install media, usually an ISO file or vs_setup.exe web-downloader. Mount the ISO image and run Setup and you'll be prompted to upgrade (if I remember correctly). You cannot (to my knowledge) have a side-by-side install of Community and Professional Edition (unlike you can with the Express editions).
Personally I would just do a full uninstall of Community first, then a clean install of Professional - when I worked on the setup experience of VS2015 I logged a whole bunch of bugs that were experienced during in-version SKU upgrades (e.g. upgrading Community to Enterprise, then downgrading to Professional), such as project template item templates disappearing, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if these still caused issues - I don't think it's worth the risk.
Regarding Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2017 now fully supports side-by-side installations of different SKUs (which is why the installation directory is %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 2017\Enterprise). So rather than doing an in-place upgrade from a lower SKU to a higher SKU, you install it as a separate install entirely. You'll need to manually move your settings and extensions over (or use the Microsoft Account-based settings synchronization feature).

I personally know that when your email address subscription has professional your VS install using that email if community will upgrade on it's own to Pro.


VSTO can not installed with Visual Studio 2022 Installer

I rent absolutely free
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 20H2
Installed on ‎2/‎7/‎2023
OS build 19042.1706
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0
With Excel installed and Activated by hosting provider
Microsoft Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021
Version 2108 (build 14332.20447 Click-to-Run)
Than I try to install to this new machine VS 2022 community from official site
Unfortunately VSTO tools is impossible to install, I see a lot of times the same error
VSTO installation Error
What I need to do? I need VSTO.
I receive advice to download firstly and install after full download. In this case I have this error.
Something going wrong
What going wrong I don't understand. This VM placed to datacenter in Germany with good connection and preinstalled and activated legal copy Windows 10 and Excel.
Most probably you are dealing with a connection problem. You may try to repair your VS installation at a later point of time.
You may consider downloading a local installation package, select the Download all, then install option in the dropdown at the bottom of the Workloads tab of the Visual Studio Installer. The purpose of this feature is to frontload the downloading of the Visual Studio packages onto the same computer that you plan on eventually installing Visual Studio on. By downloading the packages locally first, you can then safely disconnect from the internet before you install Visual Studio.
Also you can download the installer locally by using a command line. And only then you can launch the installer for the Visual Studio, so you will not face with such problems. Read more about that in the Create an offline installation package of Visual Studio for local installation article.

Install SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 community fails on recursion too deep

"Setup Failed" Recursion too deep; stack overflowed 0x800703E9.
I have windows 10 and newest visual studio version. I have tried rebooting to make sure I have as many resources as possible. I have 4g ram.
If the SSDT installer gives you multiple instances of Visual Studio to choose from, try the "new" option.
I ran into this problem trying to install SSDT 15.8.1 on Windows Server 2012 R2 with the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 (v15.8.6) already installed. The SSDT installer gave me 2 options in a dropdown box.
Install tools to this Visual Studio 2017 instance:
Visual Studio 2017
Install new SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017
When I chose the first option: Visual Studio 2017 (presumably the existing instance), I ran into the cryptic "recursion too deep" error. I installed the SSRS extension for VS (as suggested by others on Stack Overflow) and tried running the SSDT installer again for the existing Visual Studio 2017 instance. I got the same "recursion" error.
I tried one more time, but this time chose the 'Install new SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017' option. This time the install process completed!
Apparently there is an installer inconsistency between the latest versions of SSDT and Visual Studio. The suggested fix is to start with a previous installation of Visual Studio 2017, install the latest SSDT on top of that, and then upgrade Visual Studio. This is a very time consuming fix. It appears this is only necessary for the SSIS components - the SSAS and SSRS pieces are available as Extensions within VS, and I believe they still install successfully from there.
Please re-run the VS community 2017 installer or go to Control Panel-Programs and Features, uninstall the previous SSDT version for VS 2017, then re-install it, you can have a look at this similar issue.
If this issue persists, please use to gather the installation logs and find under the %temp% folder, then upload the file to Onedrive and share the link here.
You should uninstall the current version of SSDT before install a new version.
If your computer have some pages blocked, you could download the specific version offline installer (Download the header, then use SSDT-Setup.exe /layout [Folder]) for the former version and new version of SSDT.
How I got past it:
Uninstall the Visual Studio extensions for Reporting Services (and Analysis Services) projects in case if you going to select them during SSDT set up. Note: remember to run VS as administrator to do the uninstall.
Reboot VS2017 (just out of general principle.)

Installation of Visual Studio 2010 (any edition) installs only 2 files in the C++ headers directory

I installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium on my Windows 7 workstation. After loading a test C++ project, I noticed that it could not locate iostream. I took a look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include and noticed that only two files exist here, srv.h and wmiatlprov.h
I installed the VS2010 product on a test virtual machine, and this directory (...\VC\include) is filled with the usual collection of folders and headers (the materials you'd expect to find in the includes directory.)
I have taken the following steps to rectify the missing headers on the problem workstation:
Verified that I have no A/V software active (I am using MS Security Essentials, realtime is disabled)
Uninstalled Visual Studio 2010 Premium and all other sub-products from Programs & Features
Ran the VS2010 Uninstall Tool with the /full and /netfx parameters
Deleted the Visual Studio 10.0 directories from both Program Files and Program Files (x86)
Reinstalled Visual Studio 2010 from a freshly downloaded ISO from MSDN.
I also completed the above steps, but used a different edition for the reinstall, VS2010 Professional.
So far, nothing above has been able to produce an installed Visual Studio 2010 product with all of the C++ headers installed on my workstation.
The solution to this problem is as follows. It is based on the solution given in
Uninstall Visual Studio 2010.
Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (despite the warning it gives).
Open Registry Editor (regedit).
Search for keys named PaddedVersion
Remove any parent keys VisualStudio\10.0\VC\Libraries, or similar (note the version number 10.0, which corresponds to 2010). Delete all of these registry paths. The search for the PaddedVersion key is just to ease up this search.
Install Visual Studio 2010.
Install Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
This solution may not be minimal, but it works for me. Hopefully others can confirm. The important difference here is that it is not just the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from which the registry path must be deleted, as indicated in the link above.
While doing some research on this topic it seems like no matter how you uninstall Visual Studio there are always pieces left behind.
Two options to consider.
Option 1
Install VS 2010 on virtual machine.
Zip needed files from your virtual machine.
Copy and unzip them over to the workstation.
Option 2
Format hard drive.
Install fresh copy of Windows 7.
Install fresh copy VS 2010.
The Visual Studio installer is a fickle beast, to put it mildly. The generic diagnostic is that your registry is dirty, having a record of a sub-component of VS installed while it is not actually present anymore. There are a lot of sub-components and an enormous number of registry entries that keep track of their install state and their config. Finding such a dirty key back is a serious needle-in-a-haystack problem.
This kind of registry damage is very common if you ever had a beta or RC edition installed. I never had a beta version that didn't give me an enormous problem getting the RTM version installed. The VS2010 beta went particularly badly for me, albeit that I shot my foot badly by updating to Windows7 without uninstalling the beta. A gigantic mess, to put it mildly. You can expect similar kind of upheaval of you ever had an un/install that didn't complete. And of course registry damage is always around to turn this into misery.
The problem is quite common, there are Visual Studio cleanup tools around that aim to purge the registry after something like this happened. For VS2010 there are actually several. Google "vs2010 uninstall utility" to find them. No idea if they are different someway, no reason I can think of to not just run them all.
Chips are seriously down when that still doesn't fix the problem. Only thing left is to dig through the dd*.txt files that are left in the TEMP directory after an install. They contain a detailed trace of the installer's decisions. Beware that you'll drown in the amount of data.
I tried several rounds of uninstalling and reinstalling. The hack that finally worked was to copy the entire contents of the VC folder from a machine with a working VS 2010 installation. You probably don't need to copy all of these , but I was missing 3000+ files in include, lib, and other folders within VC.
I ran into this problem on Windows 8.1 when the VS 2010 Web installer failed to install correctly the first time. I followed Kaba's steps above with a slight difference and it solved the problem for me (so kudos to Kaba). The difference is that I deleted all the “VisualStudio\10.0” keys and all its sub-keys, as well as the “VisualStudio\10.0_Config” and sub-keys.
The solution at not worked for me.
After Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 and SP1, I used a registry cleaner software CCleaner and installed again. It fixed.

Windows Phone 7 Development and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

Is Windows Phone 7 Development SDK available for other versions of Visual Studio 2010 than Express?
If I already have the Ultimate version do I still need to download VS2010 Express to use WP7 SDK?
When you install the Windows Phone 7 SDK it installs everything including "Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone" even if you have another non-express version of Visual Studio 2010 already installed.
If you have another version of VS2010 installed. the installer will NOT create any shortcuts for the express version. Nor will it set any file associations for it.
This has two effects:
The installer is simpler (It just gets everything and only needs logic around setting shortcuts) and so should be less buggy. - Most people have no issues with it. The few who do have problems have mostly fixed them with a repair of the install.
You can use both the Express and other version of VS2010 on the same machine. I find this particularly useful when looking at open source or demo projects which were created with the express version.
The WP7 environment will install into your existing instance of Visual Studio if you have one (and will install an Express edition if you don't)
Yes, you would need to download the full SDK. But nothing to worry since installing the SDK would automatically take care of installing the templates, and you should be able to work with your Ultimate edition with all the goodness :)
Microsoft could verify that the Visual Studio (not Express) is already installed on the machine BEFORE you download the Express version!
Still, the Express version does not interfere with your other version of Visual Studio.

Upgrading Visual Studio 2010 Professional to Premium, just install over?

I just discovered that our MSDN licensing covers Premium, and I installed Professional.
Can I just install Premium over Professional, or do I have to uninstall and reinstall everything? I'd rather not if installing on top of Professional is safe since I have addins and configuration already set up.
I came across the some issue and needed to upgrade from Visual Studio 2010 Professional to Visual Studio 2010 Premium.
I simply installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium over the Visual Studio 2010 Professional version. All worked without issue ;0)
I did need to reinstall my VS add-ins and service packs (such as Silverlight 4 Tools) and point to my original settings file but that was all. Looks like most or all of my extensions remained in place.
Just did this, but used the web installer instead of the full iso. Works like a charm. Didn't have to reinstall anything. Resharper, Silverlight and Azure templates, etc.. are working.
The only difference is that you need to insert the product key to activate it, like it says on the MSDN downloads site: "This key converts web installers and trial DVDs to the full product. It is not required for the MSDN DVD."
Hope this helps
