Obtain rowid of SQL Server View After Update - view

Is there a way to obtain the value of the primary key in a materialized view that after I update it? I'm using VB to update a table and I'd like to return the key of the row I updated so I can use it in subsequent operations. The view will always contain a single record.

I found the answer. It looks like I just need to execute the "Output Inserted.ID" after my update statement.
For example:
UPDATE MyDB..MyView Set record_locked=1 OUTPUT INSERTED.Id


how to Insert SQL query from previous database table value to pass to another database table with dynamic value in Katalon

Hi any one can help me on this issue which i have problem insert a dynamic value which is from previous database table value to pass to another table in Katalon.
Please find my information below:-
This screenshot is ab.dbo.DOCUMENT table which DOCUMENT_ID is auto populate with value
which mean it will appear random number by itself.
Another screenshot is bc.dbo.DOCUMENT_IC table which i need to manually key in DOCUMENT_ID in
the value base on on what it is given from ab.dbo.DOCUMENT table DOCUMENT_ID.
Attached of a screenshot for bc.dbo.DOCUMENT_IC
In Katalon i am using a keyword to connect my database, insert query and close
connection. I am aware of this step and able to connect to database with katalon. But i
am not very sure how to pass a dynamic value from ab.dbo.DOCUMENT table DOCUMENT_ID which
it can randomly appear a number value to bc.dbo.DOCUMENT_IC table DOCUMENT_ID which i need to
manually key in a value base on the value given.
Below is my Katalon script:-
Hopefully someone can help me on this
Thank you.
If I have a table with an auto incrementing ID in one table and I need that value elsewhere I would typically write sql like this :
insert into firsttable (Document_Type) values ('PDF');
insert into secondtable (Document_ID, App_ref_Num) values (##Identity, 'somenumber')
In the databases I have worked with ##Identity will give you the integer or id of the last inserted row. If you can't run multiple statements most connection libraries will have something like a $conn->insert_id that will do the same thing as running select ##identity.

Oracle APEX DML form (with no report) doesn't show existing data in the table

I've been able to create APEX forms with reports and interactive grids successfully, but when I tried to just create a simple DML form, using the wizard, I get a page where I can create a row, but I can't see the existing data in the table.
This particular table always has only one row and I just need a form to update that 1 row. How can I get this view to open in update mode?
If you don't know ahead of time what any of the values in one of the columns, you can use ROWID as the primary key and set it to the row's ROWID in order to trigger the automatic row fetch process.
Create a hidden item called P1_ROWID. Its Source should be set to Database Column, ROWID.
On the Automatic Row Fetch process, set Primary Key Column to ROWID and Primary Key Item to P1_ROWID.
Create an additional process, to run before the automatic row fetch process, that executes a query like the following:
select rowid into :P1_ROWID from mytable;

Does Oracle update columns when the data values are the same?

If I have a column called NAME and it has a value of "CLARK" and I run an update statement
update table1 set name = 'CLARK';
Does Oracle actually update the column or does it ignore the update command since the values are the same?
I found this question (Oracle, how update statement works) and the first answer implies that an update occurs even if the values are equal. I also tried it in SQL Developer and it ran but I don't know if an update truly occurred.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, Oracle does update the column even if it the same.
In a really simple example, this makes no difference. But consider the following:-
When a record is updated, a lock is obtained on that record for the updating session,
When a record is updated, triggers on the table would fire
This aspects of the update show that the column is actually updated.
Of course, perhaps there are some optimisations when the value is the same, but these are not visible to you as a user of Oracle.
Yes, all row are updated and all triggers fired, even if the actual values doesn't change.

Oracle Trigger UPDATE instead of INSERT

Trying to find a way to write an Oracle trigger that would check before an insert to see if a match was found in the primary column and if so update the row information instead of inserting a new row.
I've looked at before insert. Is there a way to cancel the insert based on criteria inside that block?
I've also looked at using the instead of clause but it requires working on a view.
What is the best way to go about this?
Use a MERGE statement instead of an INSERT.
Use a merge statement.
MERGE INTO <<your table>> t
USING (<<your list of records - can be the result of a SELECT >>)
ON ( <<join between table and list of records >>)
UPDATE SET << the rows you want to set>>
INSERT (<<columns of table>>)
VALUES (<<value>>)

How do inserts into sqlite views work?

I have a database schema which is identical in files 1.sqlitedb through n.sqlitedb. I use a view to 'merge' all of the databases. My question is: when i insert into the view, into which database does the data get inserted into? Is there any way to control which gets the data? The way that i need to split the data depends on the data itself. Essentially, i use the first letter of a field to determine the file that it gets inserted into. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Writing to views is NOT supported for SQLite like it is with other dbs.
In order to achieve similar functionality, one must create triggers to do the necessary work.
We need to implement instead of trigger on the view (VIEW_NAME) . So when insert/update happens view . we can insert update underlying object (TABLE_NAME) in the trigger body.
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name instead of INSERT on VIEW_NAME
insert into TABLE_NAME ( col1 ,col2 ) values ( :new.col1, :new.col2);
I'm not sure I understand your question, but have you looked into using the ATTACH DATABASE command? It allows you connect separate database files to a single database. You can control INSERTs into a specific database by prefixing the database name (INSERT INTO db1.Table).
