how to Insert SQL query from previous database table value to pass to another database table with dynamic value in Katalon - katalon

Hi any one can help me on this issue which i have problem insert a dynamic value which is from previous database table value to pass to another table in Katalon.
Please find my information below:-
This screenshot is ab.dbo.DOCUMENT table which DOCUMENT_ID is auto populate with value
which mean it will appear random number by itself.
Another screenshot is bc.dbo.DOCUMENT_IC table which i need to manually key in DOCUMENT_ID in
the value base on on what it is given from ab.dbo.DOCUMENT table DOCUMENT_ID.
Attached of a screenshot for bc.dbo.DOCUMENT_IC
In Katalon i am using a keyword to connect my database, insert query and close
connection. I am aware of this step and able to connect to database with katalon. But i
am not very sure how to pass a dynamic value from ab.dbo.DOCUMENT table DOCUMENT_ID which
it can randomly appear a number value to bc.dbo.DOCUMENT_IC table DOCUMENT_ID which i need to
manually key in a value base on the value given.
Below is my Katalon script:-
Hopefully someone can help me on this
Thank you.

If I have a table with an auto incrementing ID in one table and I need that value elsewhere I would typically write sql like this :
insert into firsttable (Document_Type) values ('PDF');
insert into secondtable (Document_ID, App_ref_Num) values (##Identity, 'somenumber')
In the databases I have worked with ##Identity will give you the integer or id of the last inserted row. If you can't run multiple statements most connection libraries will have something like a $conn->insert_id that will do the same thing as running select ##identity.


session item does not change when using lov in primary key

I am implementing a Interactive grid to perform DML operations on a table.
it has combined primary key of two columns
One primary key column is display only and refer to master table and another primary key column I want to have a LOV to select value. LOV is dynamic lov having a display and return value picked from another table.
Inserts are fine but session state item value is set for one row and all the operations are performed on that same row irrespective of which row is selected.
you can see a sample here
master table name: sample
detail table name: sample_child
primary key in sample child : ID and Name
pop lov is implemented in NAME
LOV values are picked from table: Sample_uncle
LOV display : ID || '-' || NAME
LOV return : ID
you can try to update blabla column of sample_child table to see the issue.
I am not sure how I can give you access to look at the implementation.
I have already tried all the options I can think of
This is to do with your primary keys, the detail table does not appear to have proper ones, thats why it always tried to update the first entry, and I think this is also why every row is marked when you load the table.
Primary keys also do the annoying thing of refusing to be empty, as you can see if you insert a new row, the middle column(which is a PK) is filled with 't1001'.
Since you are dealing with simple tables(and not a whole bunch of joined tables) I always consider it best to use ROWID as PK. So set ROWID as PK for the master table, and ROWID for the detail table. And have the detail table have a Master table be your master table, and then click on the first column in the detail table and set the master column for it. And I also personaly always hide the column that is linked.
I would advise you use ROWID whenever possible as its just so much easier to work with, it does mean you might need to set up a validation to prevent someone adding duplicated values for your actual PK, but since the PK is in the underlying table, they cant enter it anyways(but if you have a validation, the error will be much prettier), whilst if the column is a PK, APEX will prevent duplicates by default.
I hope this helps

How do I insert a row with an identity column with Datagrip?

In trying to use Datagrip, I have come across a major blocker.
I have a Sql Azure table with a primary key "Id" field that is sent as an Identity(1,1). In Datagrip it shows the column as Id INT (auto increment).
I clicked on the table and opened the table editor. I then added a new record but left the Id column blank. However, when I go to commit my changes it says that it cannot insert explicit values for identity column.
Is it not possible to add new records in Datagrip with an identity column?
It looks like that issue was fixed a couple years ago.
If you want to add a record with an identity column, you would need to turn on IDENTITY_INSERT for the particular table.
INSERT INTO tblYourTable (ID, Name...) VALUES (1, 'Foo', ...)
It is worth noting that this is not something you should leave on, as the expectation is you want to only do this for a few records. For example, to import previous data.

Why Phoenix always add a extra column (named _0) to hbase when I execute UPSERT command?

When I execute the UPSERT command on apache phoenix, I always see that Phoenix add an extra column (named _0) with an empty value in the hbase, this column(_0) is auto generate by phoenix, but I don't need it, like this:
abc column=F:A,timestamp=1451305685300,value=123
abc column=F:_0, timestamp=1451305685300, value=  # I want to avoid generate this row
Could you tell me how to avoid that? Thank you very much!
"At create time, to improve query performance, an empty key value is
added to the first column family of any existing rows or the default
column family if no column families are explicitly defined. Upserts will also add this empty key value. This improves query performance by having a key value column we can guarantee always being there and thus minimizing the amount of data that must be projected and subsequently returned back to the client."
Apache Phoenix Documentation
Regarding your question if that is avoidable:
You could work around the problem by adding the following statements at the end of your sql:
ALTER TABLE "<your-table>" ADD "<your-cf>"."_0" VARCHAR(1);
ALTER TABLE "<your-table>" DROP COLUMN "<your-cf>"."_0";
You should only do this if you query some table with phoenix but then access the table with another system that is not aware of this phoenix-specific dummy value.

Populate indexed table in Oracle using Informatica

I'm new to both Oracle and Informatica.
Currently working on a small task where I need to select all records from the source table, filter the results to get only records where field1='Y' and finally insert new rows into the target table that contains only src.field2 and src.field3 values.
These 2 fields are used for the PK and for the Index of the target table.
So i get an error in Informatica:
"ORA-26002: Table has index defined upon it"
I rather not dropping the index? is there a work around?
I've tried alter index to "unusable" but I got the same error.
Please advice.
Try to use Normal load mode instead of Bulk. You can set in session properties for the target.

ODBC with Oracle Trigger Key Column

I'm trying to update some existing code that is supposed to write data to a variety of Databases (SQL, Access, Oracle) via ODBC, but I'm having a few problems with Oracle and am looking for any suggestions.
I've set my Oracle database up using a Trigger (basic tutorial online, which I'd like to support).
FROM dual;
I then populate a DataTable using a SELECT * FROM TABLE1. The first problem is that this DataTable doesn't know that the RecordId column is auto-generated. If I have data in my table then I can't alter it because I get a error
Cannot change AutoIncrement of a DataColumn with type 'Double' once it
has data.
If I continue, ignoring this, then I quickly get stuck. If I create a new DataRow and try to insert it, I can't set RecordID to DBNull.Value because it complains that the column has to be non-null (NoNullAllowedException). I can't however generate a value myself, because I don't know what value I should be using really, and don't want to screw up the trigger by using the next available value.
Any suggestions on how I should insert data without ODBC complaining?
It does not appear that your first problem is with an Oracle database. There is no such thing as an "Autoincrement" column in Oracle. Are you sure that message is coming from an Oracle database?
With Oracle, you should be able to provide any dummy value on insert for the primary key, and the trigger will overwrite it.
There is also nothing in your provided description that would prevent you from updating this value in Oracle (since your trigger is on insert only) unless you have foreign key references to the key.
