Does the DCOS installation process work the same with an existing Mesos installation or do we need to start from scratch? - mesos

We have an existing Apache Mesos cluster and want to try DCOS in its shiny new Open Source form. However, it would be painful to do a destructive re-install of DCOS. So is it possible to just 'overlay' DCOS on an existing Mesos installation? Would any of the steps change in the DCOS installation guide or could the installer detect the existing Mesos and install DCOS components over it?

I don't think you can simply overlay DC/OS on top of your Mesos cluster. There are multiple reasons for that; one of those is that configuration is for Mesos and marathon is done differently in DC/OS as it is done for Mesos clusters.


How to set up a POC environment with DC/OS, Kafka and ElasticSearch on two nodes with Docker Swarm or Kubernetes containers?

The instructions for installing Mesosphere DC/OS on AWS use a CloudFormation template where the minimum configuration indicates:
You have the option of 1 or 3 Mesos master nodes.
5 private Mesos agent nodes is the default.
1 public Mesos agent node is the default.
For our POC, as not to incur too much up-front cost, is it possible to do this all with two nodes? One for DC/OS and the other containterized with ElasticSearch and Kafka?
If not, what would be a good configuration for this type of architecture?
DC/OS does not run on Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. But you can run a development docker-in-docker local deployment on linux (or in a VM on mac/windows): dcos-docker
You could then install ElasticSearch and Kafka on top of DC/OS.
You could also use dcos-vagrant to run a multiple VM DC/OS local dev cluster.
Warning: the current vagrant v1.9.1 has a crippling centos network bug, if you need a VM. dcos-vagrant has a monkey patch workaround included, dcos-docker does not.

how to automate mesos master/slave intallation in a cluster

I need to install one mesos master and three mesos agents. I have done this before and it was successful. I am looking for automatic script or anisble playbook script which can install or setup a mesos cluster if i provide the master and agent ip address as a parameter.
please let me know if anyone has a similar script to do this or guide me how can I achieve the same.
Lots of Mesos roles on galaxy: - surely one of them should be able to do what you need...

Is there docker orchestration for Hadoop cluster

I was looking at Rancher(an orchestration engine for docker). I think there isn't build in support of hadoop setup.
Take a look at the latest version of Rancher, it has a catalog function that includes Hadoop deployment out of the box.
this is in the latest 0.49 release of Rancher for sure.
One source of information would be "Docker Releases Orchestration Tool Kit", which mentions docker machine, docker swarm, and more importantly, built on top of the swarm API, mesosphere.
Mesosphere’s technology is the only way for an organization to run a Docker Swarm workload in a highly elastic way on the same cluster as other types of workloads.
For example, you can run Cassandra, Kafka, Storm, Hadoop and Docker Swarm workloads alongside each other on a single Mesosphere cluster, all sharing the same resources.

Why is DCOS required if we can deploy Mesos Cluster directly

I have an query, If we can use Mesos Cluster by directly installing master and slave nodes. Then why do we need DCOS , is it that DCOS provides additional support along with mesos cluster. Please elaborate on this part.
Depends on your needs :-):
Here what in my opinion the Community Edition (the Enterprise Edition includes more proprietary features such as security) of DCOS adds to self setup of Mesos:
Easy setup, including Marathon and MesosDNS.
Command Line Interface with one Click install from the Universe. I personally especially like the simple installs of these services as it is really simple to install for example HDFS or cassandra in your cluster. Note: As with the above you can probably with some effort configure such setup yourself as both projects are on Github.
Very nice UI
So overall I would summarize DCOS provides a very easy and tested best-practice setup of Mesos and its ecosystem.
Hope this helps!

does Mesos provide its service like cluster management UI as OSS project?

I loved DCOS demos on Azure. No I wonder - having a private OpenStack based clud how to install Mesos with that UI manually? Is it possible or it is a part of DCOS they do not provide as OpenSource product?
The DCOS Dashboard is pretty cool :-). Currently it is just available via the DCOS beta on AWS and Azure. There will be on prem packages later on as well, potentially even a community edition. Feel free to contact/follow Mesosphere for updates.
Until then you can use the standard Mesos, Marathon, and Chronos UIs as Alex pointed out.
You can use Mesos and Marathon WebUI, by default they are available on ports 5050 and 8080 respectively.
