how to automate mesos master/slave intallation in a cluster - ansible

I need to install one mesos master and three mesos agents. I have done this before and it was successful. I am looking for automatic script or anisble playbook script which can install or setup a mesos cluster if i provide the master and agent ip address as a parameter.
please let me know if anyone has a similar script to do this or guide me how can I achieve the same.

Lots of Mesos roles on galaxy: - surely one of them should be able to do what you need...


Can I run mesos/marathon application at specific host?

I wanna use marathon as cluster monitoring and management. Bellow scenario is possible?
My Scenario
Cassandra 5EA was already deployed and are running.
Cassandra hosts are physical machine.
I want to run script that verifies healthness of cassandra each host. ex) cassandra process, disk usage, number of file, ..
If problem found at host, than run correcting script on that host. Script launched manually.
Each script can be run by marathon application. But I couldn't found run application on (specific) error host.
No restriction of adding machines and installing mesos components.
And if you know more suitable tool, please recommend!!
If you are not running Cassandra on Mesos I think Marathon is not the best choice. From your description, it looks like you need a monitoring tool (e.g., Nagios) rather than service Orchestration.
Please extend your question with more information. It's not clear what you are asking.

Does the DCOS installation process work the same with an existing Mesos installation or do we need to start from scratch?

We have an existing Apache Mesos cluster and want to try DCOS in its shiny new Open Source form. However, it would be painful to do a destructive re-install of DCOS. So is it possible to just 'overlay' DCOS on an existing Mesos installation? Would any of the steps change in the DCOS installation guide or could the installer detect the existing Mesos and install DCOS components over it?
I don't think you can simply overlay DC/OS on top of your Mesos cluster. There are multiple reasons for that; one of those is that configuration is for Mesos and marathon is done differently in DC/OS as it is done for Mesos clusters.

Fabric scripts to install Hadoop on a cluster of machines?

I am beginning to install hadoop on a cluster. I have ssh access to these machines and I have already installed fabric on them. I was wondering if someone has already written a fabfile to install and deploy hadoop to a cluster easily.
I found this project [0]; but this is written for deploying over AWS instances. I was looking for something where I can just fill in the IPs of my machines and then execute a set of fab commands to bring up the cluster.
I'm AlexJF, the author of the scripts you linked.
The scripts you reference can also be used outside EC2. You just need to configure, as you requested, the list of hosts and configurations on the top of the Be sure to set EC2 = False (which just happens to be the default).
You'll then have several useful commands available to you.

Configuring AWS cluster using automation script

We are looking for the possibility of an automation script which we can give how many master and data nodes we need and it would configure a cluster. Probably giving the credentials in a properties file.
Currently our approach is to login to the console and configure the Hadoop cluster. It would be great if there could be an automated way around it.
I've seen this done very nicely using Foreman, Chef, and Ambari Blueprints. Foreman was used to provision the VMs, Chef scripts were used to install Ambari, configure the Ambari blueprint, and to create the cluster using the Blueprint.

Hadoop on cluster configuration /Installation

Hi i have a small doubt , I have started to use in my curiosity but now i have the following problem
My scenario is like this - i have 10 machines connected in LAN and i need to create Name Node in one system and Data Nodes in remaining 9 machines . So do i need to install Hadoop on all the 10 machines ?
For example i have ( 1.. 10 ) machines , where machine1 is Server and from machine(2..9) are slaves[Data Nodes] so do i need to install hadoop on all 10 machines ?
And i have searched a lot On Hadoop cluster network on commodity machine but i dint get any thing related to Installation [ that is configuration]. Some of them given like how to config and install Hadoop on own system but not on the clustered environment
Can any one help me ? and give me the detailed idea or article suggested links to do the above process
Yes, you need Hadoop installed in every node and each node should have the services started as for appropriate for its role. Also the configuration files, present on each node, have to coherently describe the topology of the cluster, including location/name/port for various common used resources (eg. namenode). Doing this manually, from scratch, is error prone, specially if you never did this before and you don't know exactly what you're trying to do. Also would be good to decide on a specific distribution of Hadoop (HortonWorks, Cloudera, HDInsight, Intel, etc)
I would recommend use one of the many deployment solutions out there. My favorite is Puppet, but I'm sure Chef will do too.
A different (perhaps better?) alternative is to use Ambari, which is a Hadoop specialized deployment and administering solution. See Deploying and Managing Hadoop Clusters with AMBARI.
Some Puppet resources to get you started: Using Vagrant, Puppet, Testing & Hadoop
Please verify below tutorial
Hope it helps
Yes hadoop needs to be there on all the computers
For clustered Environment please go through the video
