Microsoft Botframework: How to use Telegram Parameters or sending NewLine? - botframework

I'm trying the new Botframework from Microsoft. When sending a message with \n there is no linebreak in the message. How can I solve that?
In the Telegram API there is an parameter called parse_mode ( to activate HTML. Than I could use "<br />" for that, but I don't know how to set this parameter. Can someone help me by sending linebreak or Telegram-parameters?

BotFramework uses Markdown. To represent a paragraph break you need to have a blank line (i.e. "\n\n")
Markdown like this:
This is
paragraph one
This is
paragraph two
Will be rendered as
This is paragraph one
This is paragraph two
See documentation at:


How do I create a multiline bot response in Rasa Core?

Can anyone help how to get bot responses in multiple lines.
Also how to get bullets in the Bot responses. I tried with >, * , enter key and also. Nothing seem to work. Does Rasa response templates support HTML tags?
The visualization of the message depends on the output channel which you are using.
Hence, it should be possible to provide HTML tags in your bots answers as long as your output channel can then correctly render it. For a simple newline, please try adding a "\n" in your messages, e.g.:
- text: "First line\nSecond line\Third line"
You can also have a multiline string in your yaml file which then results in a string containing newlines (see here for examples). The block below is the same as the example above:
- text: >
First line
Second line
Third line
To include bullets, you could simply add the unicode character of a bullet, e.g.:
- text: >
• First line
• Second line
• Third line
I think newlines doesn't correspond to "multiple bot responses" (that I interpret with multiple boxes on a instant messaging/caht channel. It's so in Telegram, by example. So I fair #Tobias solution isn't definitive.
A solution to have separate box messages could be to split the original single utterance in a sequence of utterances to be inserted afterward in a "story" as described in this RASA forum reply:
That's more a workaround but that's debatable from the conversational design perspective. Maybe I want different boxes not just for a text pretty printing with newlines, but to communicate different semantics.
For example, if the user say:
The bot could reply answering the greet and also introducing a new question/prompt to let the dialog continue.
And that could deserves a new box, for a sequence of 2 boxes.
So bot reply could better be:
How are you?

Yahoo pipes: how can I add an additional nodes/elements to RSS/feed items

I am merging two feeds using Yahoo pipes and using the output feed on a website. However, as would like to identify the "feed source" for each item in the output feed. Is it possible to manipulate the original feeds so I can add another node/element to the feed items?
One way to do that is using the Regex operator. Let's say you want to add a new field called source. You could use Regex with parameters:
In: item.source
replace: .*
with: (the text you want)
See it in action here:
That is, I have two feeds, I added a source attribute in the first with value "Question 1" and in the second with value "Question 2".
As an added bonus interesting undocumented Yahoo Pipes hack, I used one more Regex after the Union to make the source appear in the title.
However, this only adds the attribute to the node in the pipe debugger. You can use it for further processing, like I added it here to the title, it won't create a <source> tag in the output. That's because the RSS output of Yahoo Pipes removes all other fields that are not in the RSS standard. You can still see it in the JSON output though.

Outlook handling of quoted url parameters in mailto link

I'm attempting to populate the body of a mailto link with an html link. The target browser is IE 7+ and mail client is Outlook 2007+. Before I ask my question, i'll acknowledge the fact that the body parameter is intended for short text messages as called out here:
and detailed here:
The special "body" indicates that the associated is the body of the
message. The "body" field value is intended to contain the content for
the first text/plain body part of the message. The "body" pseudo
header field is primarily intended for the generation of short text
messages for automatic processing (such as "subscribe" messages for
mailing lists), not for general MIME bodies. Except for the encoding
of characters based on UTF-8 and percent-encoding, no additional
encoding (such as e.g., base64 or quoted-printable; see [RFC2045]) is
used for the "body" field value. As a consequence, header fields
related to message encoding (e.g., Content-Transfer-Encoding) in a
'mailto' URI are irrelevant and MUST be ignored. The "body" pseudo
header field name has been registered with IANA for this special
purpose (see Section 8.2).
That being said, there have been a number of threads on SO with varying levels of success with inserting links in the body tag. for example: and
My issue is similiar, but it is specifically with outlook rendering quoted parameters of embedded links. I currently have the following that is almost working:
A link
A partial link appears correctly in the outlook body, however outlook is not including the final quoted url parameter ("somevalue") in the link; the ="somevalue" is just appearing as plain text. Viewing the source of the email message shows that outlook is closing the enclosing <a> tag as it is interpreting the %22 as the end of the link. I've attempted to escape the %22 with %2f, /, ' - to no avail. I believe that I need the correct sequence for outlook to understand that the %22 should be included in the link, and not as the closure of the enclosing link.
Any help would be appreciated.
Judging by the ?, you haven't encoded the body component.
> encodeURIComponent("http://someserver.somedomain/somepage.aspx?id=1234%26somekey=%22somevalue%22")
So the code should be:
A link
Or more likely:
A link
I would put the link inside "<" & ">".
%20 = space
%0D = new line
%3C = "<"
%3E = ">"
A link</body>

Format of sms text in Twilio api

i am working on sms application with twilio api, i faced a problem about sms formatting
1) a string " i'm here" in php
this is going like this in sms body
i\'m here
i dont want that slash to come up in sms
2) i want to add line break in message how can i do that.
like this
Name age phone
Simer 23 2546181541
Mark 25 3521447821
reply by Twilio staff:
If anyone else needs newlines, make sure your PHP strings are double quoted instead of single quoted and the \n will work:
In PHP there's a Magic Quotes option that (while deprecated now) escapes certain characters in a POSTs and GETs. You may be suffering from that.

Strip signatures and replies from emails

I'm currently working on a system that allows users to reply to notification emails that are sent out (sigh).
I need to strip out the replies and signatures, so that I'm left with the actual content of the reply, without all the noise.
Does anyone have any suggestions about the best way to do this?
If your system is in-house and/or you have a limited number of reply formats, it's possible to do a pretty good job. Here are the filters we have set up for email responses to trac tickets:
Drop all text after and including:
Lines that equal '-- \n' (standard email sig delimiter)
Lines that equal '--\n' (people often forget the space in sig delimiter; and this is not that common outside sigs)
Lines that begin with '-----Original Message-----' (MS Outlook default)
Lines that begin with '________________________________' (32 underscores, Outlook again)
Lines that begin with 'On ' and end with ' wrote:\n' (OS X default)
Lines that begin with 'From: ' (failsafe four Outlook and some other reply formats)
Lines that begin with 'Sent from my iPhone'
Lines that begin with 'Sent from my BlackBerry'
Numbers 3 and 4 are 'begin with' instead of 'equals' because sometimes users will squash lines together on accident.
We try to be more liberal about stripping out replies, since it's much more of an annoyance (to us) have reply garbage than it is to correct missing text.
Anybody have other formats from the wild that they want to share?
Check out the email_reply_parser gem - . It does a nice job handling this problem.
I don't believe you can do this reliably (signatures used to begin with '--' but I don't see that anymore). Perhaps you're better off asking people to reply inbetween text headers and then simply strip the reply from this ? It's not elegant, but perhaps more reliable.
so you'd simply look for the required headers above and take what's inbetween.
If you want something powerful & robust, and don't mind reading academic publications, you might check out this:
Learning to Extract Signature and Reply Lines from Email
Here's the homepage for one of the authors, with more info & some downloads:
Vitor R. Carvalho - Software and Datasets - (Vitor Carvalho)
An approach that can be used for signature only (in addition to detect __ or --) is to test if the first name and/or family name of the sender is on a short line (~ containing 3 to 4 words, max).
The sender name is on the raw email header, most of the time next to the email address, like in:
From: John Doe <>
This would be based on the assumption that you rarely write your own name in a email, and if you do so, it is probably in a long sentence.
Of course there will be some false positive, but it may not be a big problem depending on what you do (we use it to fold quoted text and signature into a ... gmail-style button, so overdetection does not end up into losing any content, it is just misplaced).
If you can assume that these emails are in plain text, just strip lines that begins with ">" as replies, and "-- " line should delimit signature. But those assumptions might not work, as not all people over internet use software that complies to rules.
There's a really nice PHP library dedicated to the email parsing
I made one for golang: it detects signatures like
Karen The Green
Graphic Designer
Tel: +44423423423423
Fax: +44234234234234
Street 2, City, Zeeland, 4694EG, NL
The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Richard Lindhout
The recommended signature delimiter is "-- \n". If people follow this recommendation, stripping signatures should be easy.
