Restful Service with Spring Integration - spring

I want to integration a restful interface with Spring Integration. I'm fairly new to Spring Integration and don't really know where to start. The goal is that the restful interface is polled regularly and then a Spring Batch job is automatically started with the new data. Is there somewhere a good example of how to do that? Where is a good point to start? I would like to implement this with Spring DSL.

IntegrationFlows.from(// MessageSource to generate request //
, e -> e.poller(...))
.transform(// to JobLaunchRequest //)
.handle(// JobLaunchingRequestHandler //)
.handle(// JobExecutionResult //)
Refer to the Spring Integration Documentation for information about configuring the HTTP gateway and concepts of transformers, message handlers, and the spring-batch-integration project (part of spring-batch) for JobLaunchingRequestHandler etc.


What is the equivalent object of Exchange (Camel) in Spring Boot?

I am trying to migrate an application built with Camel in Spring Boot, but i'm not using the Exchange object of Camel, so i have to use some other object to do the work of Exchange. Can anybody give me an idea about that?
SpringBoot is not an integration framework like Camel. Spring Integration is the counterpart of Camel in the Spring ecosystem. Although SpringBoot and the Spring framework works very well with Camel too.
However, the Camel Exchange is a Camel concept. I think there is nothing similar in Spring Integration.
The Camel Exchange is like an internal, enriched message. A wrapper around an in- and out-message (out is deprecated since Camel 3) and it holds additional state information such as Exchange properties (non-routable headers), Exceptions etc.
As far as I know, in Spring integration there is just the message. No wrapper around it.

Spring Serverless HTTP Poller

I want to implement a serverless function that polls an HTTP endpoint and publishes the response to a messaging queue.
My initial thought is to build a spring boot application using spring integration gateway and adapters for HTTP polling and publishing to queue (and deploy as lambda). Is there a better option in the spring stack?
I looked at spring cloud function, spring cloud stream, spring cloud task. Any suggestions?
In Spring Cloud Stream this type of microservice is called source. So, you need to have a Supplier bean based on Spring Integration Java DSL to build a simple flow to let Spring Cloud Stream to poll it periodically and produce a result into bound destination.
Something like this:
public IntegrationFlow pollingHttpFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.from(Supplier.class, gateway -> gateway.beanName("httpSupplier"))
See a blog post about this kind of interoperability:

Spring Boot Rest Controller vs Camel rest dsl

I'm developing a new application which is Spring Boot with camel. I am exposing REST endpoints as part of this application.
I'm little confused to choose between these two options:
Spring Rest Controller --> Spring service with producer template to call camel routes --> Camel routes for EIP
Camel Rest DSL --> Camel routes for EIP
Can you please help me to choose better option?
This is your call which should you want to implement, But as you are integrating camel in spring boot so you can take advantage of REST DSL camel components and bind that flow with other components of Apache Camel, it will reduce your additional work in spring boot app to send and receive data in your other camels routes.
Here is a sample CRUD rest operations using REST DSL of apache camel component.
rest("/users").description("User REST service")
.get().description("Find all users").outType(User[].class)
.responseMessage().code(200).message("All users successfully returned").endResponseMessage()
.get("/{id}").description("Find user by ID")
.param().name("id").type(RestParamType.path).description("The ID of the user").dataType("integer").endParam()
.responseMessage().code(200).message("User successfully returned").endResponseMessage()
.post().description("Create a user").type(User.class)
.param().name("body").type(RestParamType.body).description("The user to create").endParam()
.responseMessage().code(204).message("User successfully created").endResponseMessage()
You can check the fully above sample app of spring boot and camel rest dsl from here

Spring Reactor Web Client use case. replacing RestTemplate with WebClient

I am working on a microservice project where my individual spring boot microservices would be calling themselves and mainly to 3rd party API's to fetch and save data.
Since I am with legacy Spring boot application I can't think of replacing it with Reactor based Microservices.
But I am thinking of replacing My RestTemplate (using for communication with Other MS's and 3rd Party App) with new Spring Reactor Webclient to get some advantages of Async calls.
Is My use case a right candidate for Using Spring reactor WebClient?
Yes, composition of microservice and REST calls is a good use case for WebClient.
Plus Spring Boot 2 will let you combine the Spring MVC starter with the WebFlux starter and interpret that as "you want to run on the servlet stack, but might want to use WebClient sporadically".

Camel Rest api consumer using SpringOAuthResttemplate

I have to invoke a couple of rest web service from my spring boot application. I am planning to use the Camel to configure the flow and other EIP use cases. Some of the endpoints are using oAuth2 authentication. I am planning to use the Spring oAuthResttempalte. All the examples on the internet are either using restlet, CXF or camel-http.
Camel Rest Consmer
I am not able to find a single example with just spring resttemplate. Did anyone implement Camel Rest consumer using Spring Resttemplate?
Some of the Examples on the internet use a jetty server to consume a rest endpoint. Why do you need a jetty server for simple rest consumer?
Did anyone implement Camel Rest consumer using Spring Resttemplate?
I'm not aware of that and it's unlikely to found something in that direction because Camel already have bult-in components to consume rest endpoints.
Some of the Examples on the internet use a jetty server to consume a rest endpoint. Why do you need a jetty server for simple rest consumer?
I believe that jetty was used as a consumer not a producer endpoint. So you won't need the "server". Or maybe you saw an example using jetty acting as a server to serve an OAuth endpoint?
If you excuse my approach, I'd suggest to remain with Camel HTTP/Rest capabilities to consume REST APIs using OAuth. I've found this example on Gist:
.simple("<auth service context>/oauth2/token")
.constant("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client id>&client_secret=<client sec>")
.to("https4://<remote auth service url>")
.log("response from API: " + body())
.when().simple("${header.CamelHttpResponseCode} == 200")
.unmarshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, AccessResponseToken.class)
.to("direct:<some direct route>")
.log("Not Authenticated!!!");
If you want to stick into OAuthRestTemplate you may implement a Processor or a bean to wrap those calls and return to your route the authorization token.
