Spring Reactor Web Client use case. replacing RestTemplate with WebClient - spring-boot

I am working on a microservice project where my individual spring boot microservices would be calling themselves and mainly to 3rd party API's to fetch and save data.
Since I am with legacy Spring boot application I can't think of replacing it with Reactor based Microservices.
But I am thinking of replacing My RestTemplate (using for communication with Other MS's and 3rd Party App) with new Spring Reactor Webclient to get some advantages of Async calls.
Is My use case a right candidate for Using Spring reactor WebClient?

Yes, composition of microservice and REST calls is a good use case for WebClient.
Plus Spring Boot 2 will let you combine the Spring MVC starter with the WebFlux starter and interpret that as "you want to run on the servlet stack, but might want to use WebClient sporadically".


Spring Boot Reactive WebService

We want to build a rest API to service high request volumes. I'm planning to build it using Spring Reactive(WebFlux) or using Spring Boot Async. We have multiple different clients who will be invoking our service.
Do I need to worry about different clients who will be consuming this service? Meaning if I build the API using Reactive or Async, will all the clients be able to consume this seemlessly?
Meaning if build a reactive Rest API, will the client using RestTemplate be able to consume or do they need to use WebClient only?
Yes, your (not non blocking) clients will still be able to consume a reactive service.

How to make Spring Data REST endpoints asynchronous?

Does anyone know how to make Spring Data REST endpoints asynchronous?
I saw that we can add the annotation #Async with CompletableFuture<?> as returned object on the service methods.
But doing this, makes the use of the interface RepositoryRestResource pointless as we need to implement both the service and controller layers manually...
Or am I missing something here?
Currently Spring Data REST supports blocking I/O only. See this Jira Issue of Spring Data REST support for Spring WebFlux.
Spring MVC has an integration with Servlet 3.0 async request processing.
Although Spring MVC has async support, for non-blocking I/O, Spring WebFlux is recommended, because Spring WebFlux is async by design. See Spring Web MVC Async Request Compared to WebFlux

Control migration of a spring jersey app to webflux through a feature flag

We are thinking of how to migrate spring jersey app to webflux gradually, by converting jersey services to webflux controllers, and converting jersey filters to webfilters one by one, controlled by a feature flag. Since webflux can run on modern servlet containers, I am thinking of mapping the original path to a servlet that just does the forwarding based on the value of the feature flag. However, as I understand, spring boot does not allow webflux to co-exist with spring MVC/Jersey. What's a best way to migrate existing app to webflux?

Spring mvc and webflux in 1 spring boot application

I got below instruction from spring boot doc:
Adding both spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-webflux modules in your application results in Spring Boot auto-configuring Spring MVC, not WebFlux. This behavior has been chosen because many Spring developers add spring-boot-starter-webflux to their Spring MVC application to use the reactive WebClient. You can still enforce your choice by setting the chosen application type to SpringApplication.setWebApplicationType(WebApplicationType.REACTIVE)
My question is:
What if my application contains both MVC services and webflux services?
Is it supported?
For example:
I may have some existing admin service which is MVC based. Now I want to add some new services with webflux style.
No, this is not supported. Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux have different runtime models and don't support the same servers (for example, Spring WebFlux can be run with Netty, Spring MVC cannot).
Also, Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux are full web frameworks, meaning each has its own infrastructure that somehow duplicates the other. Deploying both in the same app would make it difficult to map requests (which requests should go where?).

Spring contract-first REST

I have a Spring web application - which doesn't use Spring-based GUI, but Wicket - and I would like to build contract-first REST services.
I already have a contract defined in Swagger and I generate model and API artifacts. Swagger codegen generates either Spring Boot artifacts, or Spring MVC ones.
My intention is to use ideally just a model, and maybe API (controllers) from this generated code. But up to my knowledge/research, there is no simple way to have just simple REST service without MVC/Boot boilerplate.
Therefore my questions are:
Is it possible to build lightweight Spring-based REST service, without having "heavy" dependency of full Spring MVC/Spring Boot?
If not, which approach is more lightweight? Spring Boot, or Spring MVC?
You are misinterpreting the Spring ecosystem.
Spring MVC is THE rest web and web service library within Spring portfolio.
The same way as Spring-WS is THE soap web service library.
They are very similar in architecture and style of use.
The fact that Spring MVC is bundled with Spring Framework does not change the situation.
Spring Boot does not bring any new REST offering. It is just a bootstrap mechanism to start Java web server with web app already deployed from a plain main() method. Therefore if you see "Building REST web services with Spring Boot", it just means that it is Spring MVC bootstrapped by Spring Boot.
Therefore, the question to what is more lightweight is straightforward: Spring MVC.
To answer the question #2:
The usage of Spring MVC is more lighweight, then usage of Spring Boot:
Size of the WAR archive:
6,1 MB for Spring MVC
9,2 MB for Spring Boot
Number of libraries in WAR archive:
12 for Spring MVC
28 for Spring Boot
