Consuming both Strict and Streamed WebSocket Messages in Akka - websocket

I am experimenting with building a web socket service using Akka HTTP. I need to handle Strict messages that arrive in totality, as well as handle Streamed messages that arrive in m multiple frames. I am using a route with handleWebSocketMessages() to pass the handling of web sockets off to a flow. The code I have looks something like this:
val route: Route =
get {
def createFlow(): Flow[Message, Message, Any] = Flow[Message]
.collect {
case TextMessage.Strict(msg) ⇒ msg
case TextMessage.Streamed(stream) => ??? // <= What to do here??
.map {
case msg: String ⇒ TextMessage.Strict(msg)
def createActorFlow(): Flow[String, String, Any] = {
// Set Up Actors
// ... (this is working)
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(in, out)
I am not really sure how two handle both Strict and Streamed messages. I realize I could do something like this :
.collect {
case TextMessage.Strict(msg) ⇒ Future.successful(msg)
case TextMessage.Streamed(stream) => stream.runFold("")(_ + _)
But now my stream has to handle Future[String] rather than just Strings, which I am then not sure how to handle, especially since obviously I need to handle messages in order.
I did see this akka issue, which seems to be somewhat related, but not exactly what I need (I don't think?).
Any help would be appriciated

Folding sounds like a sensible option. Handling future in your streams can be done using (e.g.)
flowOfFutures.mapAsync(parallelism = 3)(identity)
Please note that mapAsync does preserve the order of the incoming messages, as per docs.
On a different note, other sensible precautions to handle streamed WS messages could be to use completionTimeout and limit to bound time and space for the message to fold (e.g.)
stream.limit(x).completionTimeout(5 seconds).runFold(...)

The ultimate answer based on the below (thanks to svezfaz) answer turned out to be something like this:
val route: Route =
get {
def createFlow(): Flow[Message, Message, Any] = Flow[Message]
.collect {
case TextMessage.Strict(msg) ⇒
case TextMessage.Streamed(stream) => stream
.limit(100) // Max frames we are willing to wait for
.completionTimeout(5 seconds) // Max time until last frame
.runFold("")(_ + _) // Merges the frames
.flatMap(msg => Future.successful(MyCaseClass(msg)))
.mapAsync(parallelism = 3)(identity)
.map {
case msg: String ⇒ TextMessage.Strict(msg)
def createActorFlow(): Flow[MyCaseClass, String, Any] = {
// Set Up Actors as source and sink (not shown)
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(in, out)


Akka Streams efficiently fold/merge substreams (WebSocket Frames -> Messages)

tldr. How do I efficiently drain BinaryMessages in Akka HTTP to create a Flow of ByteStrings where each ByteString matches one WS Object.
I want to build a Akka WebSocket server that streams complete WebSocket objects as ByteString i.e. assembles WebSocket frames until I have a full WS object and emits that downstream. Or more generally I have a stream of Sources and want to merge every Source into one element before forwarding downstream
E1(S1(a,b,c)), E2(S2(d,e,f,g)), E3(S3(h,i)) -> E1(abc), E2(defg), E3(hi)
// E = one element in the parent stream
// S a inner source, not all child elements might be available directly
// a-i the actual data elements
However I struggle a bit with the API / the best way to do it efficiently. I came up with the following code, that uses a Sink.fold to drain the sources:
def flattenSink[Mat](sink: Sink[ByteString, Mat], materializer: Materializer): Sink[BinaryMessage, Mat] = {
.map(d => {
val graph = d.dataStream.toMat(Sink.fold(ByteString.empty)((a, b) => a ++ b))(Keep.right)
val future =
// or similar with the WS API
.map(d => d.toStrict(timeout, materializer))
but the added materializer looks to me as if this might become inefficient, there could be context switches to a different thread ...
is there a better way to do it? Preferred in a way that obviously runs as part of the main flow, without unnecessary context switches to another thread?
(I'm not concerned about the size that the WS objects might have, the time it might take to assemble them, both will be tiny in my case, I'm not going to stream Gigabyte sized objects)
I found a solution using the build in functionality of flatMapConcat. Since flatMapConcat materializes a Source internally, it also allows to transform my source of WebSocket frames into a Source of a single ByteString without an external materializer
def flattenSink[Mat](sink: Sink[ByteString, Mat]): Sink[BinaryMessage, Mat] = {
.flatMapConcat(msg => if (msg.isStrict) {
} else {
.fold(new ByteStringBuilder())((b, e) => b.append(e))
.map(x => x.result())
materializer: it should be the same that runs the Flow
bytestring concatenation: the builder should be as efficient as it gets
strict messages: wrapping them in a Source.single seems to be unnecessary but I couldn't find a way around it.

RxSwift - How to create two streams from one upstream

I'm trying to observe one Int stream (actually I'm not, but to make the argument easier) and do something with it while combining that stream to multiple other streams, say a String stream and a Double stream like the following:
// RxSwift
let intStream = BehaviorSubject<Int>(value: 0) // subscribe to this later on
let sharedStream = intStream.share()
let mappedStream = { ... }.share()
let combinedStream1 = Observable.combineLatest(sharedStream, stringStream).map { ... }
let combinedStream2 = Observable.combineLatest(sharedStream, doubleStream).map { ... }
The above code is just to demonstrate what I'm trying to do. The code above is part of view model code (the VM part of MVVM), and only the first map (for mappedStream) runs, while the others are not called.
What is wrong with the above approach, and how do I achieve what I'm trying to do?
Also, is there a better way to achieve the same effect?
I confirmed that setting the replay count to 1 makes things work. But why?
The code above all goes in the initialization phase of the view model, and the subscription happens afterwards.
Okay, I have an answer but it's a bit complex... One problem is that you are using a Subject in the view model, but I'll ignore that for now. The real problem comes from the fact that you are using hot observables inappropriately (share() make a stream hot) and so events are getting dropped.
It might help if you put a bunch of .debug()s on this code so you can follow along. But here's the essence...
When you subscribe to mappedStream, it subscribes to the share which in turn subscribes to the sharedStream, which subscribes to the intStream. The intStream then emits the 0, and that 0 goes down the chain and shows up in the observer.
Then you subscribe to the combinedStream1, which subscribes to the sharedStream's share(). Since this share has already been subscribed to, the subscriptions stop there, and since the share has already output it's next event, the combinedStream1 doesn't get the .next(0) event.
Same for the combinedStream2.
Get rid of all the share()s and everything will work:
let intStream = BehaviorSubject<Int>(value: 0) // subscribe to this later on
let mappedStream = { $0 }
let combinedStream1 = Observable.combineLatest(intStream, stringStream).map { $0 }
let combinedStream2 = Observable.combineLatest(intStream, doubleStream).map { $0 }
This way, each subscriber of intStream gets the 0 value.
The only time you want to share is if you need to share side effects. There aren’t any side effects in this code, so there’s no need to share.

RunnableGraph to wait for multiple response from source

I am using Akka in Play Controller and performing ask() to a actor by name publish , and internal publish actor performs ask to multiple actors and passes reference of sender. The controller actor needs to wait for response from multiple actors and create a list of response.
Please find the code below. but this code is only waiting for 1 response and latter terminating. Please suggest
// Performs ask to publish actor
Source<Object,NotUsed> inAsk = Source.fromFuture(ask(publishActor,service.getOfferVerifyRequest(request).getPayloadData(),1000));
final Sink<String, CompletionStage<String>> sink = Sink.head();
final Flow<Object, String, NotUsed> f3 = Flow.of(Object.class).map(elem -> {"Data in Graph is " +elem.toString());
return elem.toString();
RunnableGraph<CompletionStage<String>> result = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(
sink , (builder , out) ->{
final Outlet<Object> source = builder.add(inAsk).out();
.to(out); // to() expects a SinkShape
return ClosedShape.getInstance();
ActorMaterializer mat = ActorMaterializer.create(aSystem);
CompletionStage<String> fin =;
fin.toCompletableFuture().thenApply(a->{"Data is "+a);
return true;
If you have several responses ask won't cut it, that is only for a single request-response where the response ends up in a Future/CompletionStage.
There are a few different strategies to wait for all answers:
One is to create an intermediate actor whose only job is to collect all answers and then when all partial responses has arrived respond to the original requestor, that way you could use ask to get a single aggregate response back.
Another option would be to use Source.actorRef to get an ActorRef that you could use as sender together with tell (and skip using ask). Inside the stream you would then take elements until some criteria is met (time has passed or elements have been seen). You may have to add an operator to mimic the ask response timeout to make sure the stream fails if the actor never responds.
There are some other issues with the code shared, one is creating a materializer on each request, these have a lifecycle and will fill up your heap over time, you should rather get a materializer injected from play.
With the given logic there is no need whatsoever to use the GraphDSL, that is only needed for complex streams with multiple inputs and outputs or cycles. You should be able to compose operators using the Flow API alone (see for example )

Rule of thumb for designing protocol messages

I have a very simple music player, and I'd like to make it into a music server.
I plan in using gRPC to communicate between the clients and the server.
However, I'm not sure how I should design the protocol messages to handle the playback.
I envision two types of design :
A message for each type of query. This method defines clearly all possible actions, but seems to create a lot of redundant code.
message Play{
bool flag = 1; // False means Pause
message Stop{
bool flag = 1;
A unique message, with a key containing the action. This approach seems more flexible, but also more prone to errors. I could use an enum object to limits the possible actions though.
message Playback{
enum Action {
PLAY = 0;
STOP = 1;
Action action = 1;
Basically, I guess that what's I'm asking here is whether I should define an action by the type of the message or by its content.
Is there a rule of thumb or a design pattern to apply here ?
I would recommend to use the oneof construct here:
syntax = "proto3";
message Play {
message Stop {
message Command {
oneof command {
Play play = 1;
Stop stop = 2;
Empty messages are fine when there are no parameters that you need to pass, and this also leaves open an easy way to extend the messages in the future, for example changing Play to:
message Play {
string filename = 1;
would allow including an optional filename with the request, while retaining compatibility with the old version.

What's the use case of Notification in RxJS?

I'm somewhat familiar with basic RxJS concepts like Observables, Observers and Subjects but RxJS Notifications concept is completely new to me.
What is it for? When should I use it?
The documentation you quoted mentions :
This class is particularly useful for operators that manage notifications, like materialize, dematerialize, observeOn, and others. Besides wrapping the actual delivered value, it also annotates it with metadata of, for instance, what type of push message it is (next, error, or complete).
So the question turns out to be about use cases for materialize and the like.
Basically, you use materialize to get meta-information about the dataflow without incurring into the associated side-effects (an error incurring in a stream for example propagates, a stream which completes can lead to the completion of other streams etc.). dematerialize allows to restore the side-effects.
Here are uses case from former SO questions :
Receiving done notifications from observables built using switch
RxJs - parse file, group lines by topics, but I miss the end
A use case: as errors or completions are propagated immediately, you can't for example delay them. To do so, you can try this approach:
// sample stream
mapTo('normal value'),
// sometimes value, sometimes throw
map(v => {
if (randomInt() > 50) {
throw new Error('boom!')
} else return v;
// turns Observable<T> into Notification<Observable<T>>
// so we can delay or what you want
// and we need to do some magic and change Notification of error into
// Notification of value (error message)
map(n => n.hasValue? n : new Notification('N', n.error.message, null)),
// back to normal
// now it never throw so in console we will have
// `normal value` or `boom!` but all as... normal values (next() emmision)
// and delay() works as expected
.subscribe(v => console.log(v))
