Merging multiple custom observables in RX - linq

Trying to model a system sending out notifications from a number of publishers using RX.
I have two custom interfaces ITopicObservable and ITopicObserver to model the fact that the implementing classes will have other properties and methods apart from the IObservable and IObserver interfaces.
The problem I have is that my thinking is I should be able to add a number of observables together, merge them together and subscribe to an observer to provide updates from all merged observables. However the code with "the issue" comment throws an invalid cast exception.
The use case is a number of independent sensors each monitoring a temperature in a box for example that aggregate all their reports to one temperature report which is then subscribed to by a temperature health monitor.
What am I missing here? Or is there a better way to implement the scenario using RX?
Code below
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace test
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");
var to = new TopicObserver ();
var s = new TopicObservable ("test");
var agg = new AggregatedTopicObservable ();
agg.Add (s);
agg.Subscribe (to);
public interface ITopicObservable<TType>:IObservable<TType>
string Name{get;}
public class TopicObservable:ITopicObservable<int>
public TopicObservable(string name)
Name = name;
#region IObservable implementation
public IDisposable Subscribe (IObserver<int> observer)
return null;
#region ITopicObservable implementation
public string Name { get;private set;}
public class AggregatedTopicObservable:ITopicObservable<int>
List<TopicObservable> _topics;
private ITopicObservable<int> _observable;
private IDisposable _disposable;
public AggregatedTopicObservable()
_topics = new List<TopicObservable>();
public void Add(ITopicObservable<int> observable)
_topics.Add ((TopicObservable)observable);
#region IObservable implementation
public IDisposable Subscribe (IObserver<int> observer)
_observable = (ITopicObservable<int>)_topics.Merge ();
_disposable = _observable.Subscribe(observer);
return _disposable;
#region ITopicObservable implementation
public string Name { get;private set;}
public interface ITopicObserver<TType>:IObserver<TType>
string Name{get;}
public class TopicObserver:ITopicObserver<int>
#region IObserver implementation
public void OnNext (int value)
Console.WriteLine ("next {0}", value);
public void OnError (Exception error)
Console.WriteLine ("error {0}", error.Message);
public void OnCompleted ()
Console.WriteLine ("finished");
#region ITopicObserver implementation
public string Name { get;private set;}

My first thought, is that you shouldn't implement IObservable<T>, you should compose it by exposing it as a property or the result of a method.
Second thought is that there are operators in Rx that excel at merging/aggregating multiple sequences together.
You should favor using those.
Third, which is similar to the first, you generally don't implement IObserver<T>, you just subscribe to the observable sequence and provide delegates for each call back (OnNext, OnError and OnComplete)
So your code basically is reduced to
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
var topic1 = TopicListener("test1");
var topic2 = TopicListener("test2");
val => { Console.WriteLine("One of the topics published this value {0}", val);},
ex => { Console.WriteLine("One of the topics errored. Now the whole sequence is dead {0}", ex);},
() => {Console.WriteLine("All topics have completed.");});
Where TopicListener(string) is just a method that returns IObservable<T>.
The implementation of the TopicListener(string) method would most probably use Observable.Create.
It may help to see examples of mapping Rx over a Topic based messaging system.
There is an example of how you can layer Rx over TibRv topics here

The signature of the .Merge(...) operator that you're using is:
IObservable<TSource> Merge<TSource>(this IEnumerable<IObservable<TSource>> sources)
The actual type returned by this .Merge() is:
System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.Merge`1[System.Int32] it should be fairly clear that calling (ITopicObservable<int>)_topics.Merge(); would fail.
Lee's advice not to implement either of IObservable<> or IObserver<> is the correct one. It leads to errors like the one above.
If you had to do something like this, I would do it this way:
public interface ITopic
string Name { get; }
public interface ITopicObservable<TType> : ITopic, IObservable<TType>
{ }
public interface ITopicSubject<TType> : ISubject<TType>, ITopicObservable<TType>
{ }
public interface ITopicObserver<TType> : ITopic, IObserver<TType>
{ }
public class Topic
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Topic(string name)
this.Name = name;
public class TopicSubject : Topic, ITopicSubject<int>
private Subject<int> _subject = new Subject<int>();
public TopicSubject(string name)
: base(name)
{ }
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<int> observer)
return _subject.Subscribe(observer);
public void OnNext(int value)
public void OnError(Exception error)
public void OnCompleted()
public class AggregatedTopicObservable : Topic, ITopicObservable<int>
List<ITopicObservable<int>> _topics = new List<ITopicObservable<int>>();
public AggregatedTopicObservable(string name)
: base(name)
{ }
public void Add(ITopicObservable<int> observable)
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<int> observer)
return _topics.Merge().Subscribe(observer);
public class TopicObserver : Topic, ITopicObserver<int>
private IObserver<int> _observer;
public TopicObserver(string name)
: base(name)
_observer =
value => Console.WriteLine("next {0}", value),
error => Console.WriteLine("error {0}", error.Message),
() => Console.WriteLine("finished"));
public void OnNext(int value)
public void OnError(Exception error)
public void OnCompleted()
And run it with:
var to = new TopicObserver("watching");
var ts1 = new TopicSubject("topic 1");
var ts2 = new TopicSubject("topic 2");
var agg = new AggregatedTopicObservable("agg");
Which gives:
next 42
next 1
But apart from being able to give everything a name (which I'm not sure how it helps) you could always do this:
var to =
value => Console.WriteLine("next {0}", value),
error => Console.WriteLine("error {0}", error.Message),
() => Console.WriteLine("finished"));
var ts1 = new Subject<int>();
var ts2 = new Subject<int>();
var agg = new [] { ts1, ts2 }.Merge();
Same output with no interfaces and classes.
There's even a more interesting way. Try this:
var to =
value => Console.WriteLine("next {0}", value),
error => Console.WriteLine("error {0}", error.Message),
() => Console.WriteLine("finished"));
var agg = new Subject<IObservable<int>>();
var ts1 = new Subject<int>();
var ts2 = new Subject<int>();
var ts3 = new Subject<int>();
This produces:
next 42
next 1
next 99
It allows you to add new source observables after the merge!


Passing variables / arguments between repeated Activities in MassTransit Courier Routing Slips

I'm looking to integrate the MassTransit Courier Routing Slip features into an existing solution using Azure Functions and ServiceBusTriggers that synchronizes data between two systems, and has to use a SOAP HTTP client. However, I'm struggling to understand how arguments and variables passed between activities are prioritized. This is best explained via a poor mock example itinerary. My assumption was that variables override existing arguments, but I think that was an incorrect assumption.
public class SyncCustomerOrderConsumer : IConsumer<SyncCustomerOrderMessage>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<SyncCustomerOrderMessage> context)
var slip = this.BuildRoutingSlip(context.Message);
await context.Execute(slip);
private RoutingSlip BuildRoutingSlip(SyncCustomerOrderMessage args)
var builder = new RoutingSlipBuilder(NewId.NextGuid());
builder.AddVariable("OrderItems", args.OrderItems);
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncCustomerActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncCustomerActivity, SyncCustomerArgs>() new {
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncCustomerActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncCustomerActivity, SyncCustomerArgs>() new {
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncOrderActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncOrderActivity, SyncOrderArgs>() new {
foreach (var item in args.OrderItems)
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncOrderItemActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncOrderItemActivity, SyncOrderItemArgs>(), new
OrderItem = args.item
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncSourceActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncSourceActivity, SyncSourceArgs>());
return builder.Build();
public class SyncOrderItemActivity : IExecuteActivity<SyncOrderItemArgs>
private readonly IOrderItemWebserviceClient _client;
privater readonly IMapper _mapper;
public SyncOrderItemActivity(IOrderItemWebserviceClient client, IMapper mapper)
_client = client;
_mapper = mapper;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<SyncOrderItemArgs> context)
var args = context.Arguments;
var dto = _mapper.Map<OrderItemDto>(args);
if (args.OrderItem.External.IsNotSynced())
var response = await _client.AddAsync(dto);
args.OrderItem.ExternalId = response.Uuid;
args.OrderItem.LastSynced = response.LastUpdated;
var response = await _client.UpdateAsync(dto);
args.OrderItem.LastSynced = response.LastUpdated;
// replace the existing order items variable
int index = args.OrderItems.FindIndex(oi => oi.Id == args.OrderItem.Id);
if (index != 1)
args.OrderItems[index] = orderItem;
return context.CompletedWithVariables(new { OrderItem = args.OrderItem, OrderItems = args.OrderItems });
public class SyncOrderItemArgs
public OrderItem OrderItem { get; set; }
public List<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
public class SyncSourceActivity : IExecuteActivity<SyncSourceArgs>
private readonly IEventGridClient _client;
privater readonly IMapper _mapper;
public SyncSourceActivity(IEventGridClient client, IMapper mapper)
_client = client;
_mapper = mapper;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<SyncSourceArgs> context)
var args = context.Arguments;
// this is the original list, not the replaced list
foreach (var item in args.OrderItems)
await _client.PublishAsync(new OrderItemSyncedEvent { item });
return context.Completed();
public class SyncCustomerOrderMessage
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
public Order Order { get; set; }
public List<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
public Address ShippingAddress { get; set; }
The problem here is that the list of activities to deal with each OrderItem is defined as an argument and updated in each call to that SynOrderItemactivity. As the individual item is processed, it is supposed to replace the original item in the list and then pass the entire altered list as a variable into the next iteration of the same activity. However, the list is not the altered list, but the original one.
I guess my question is two-fold:
How do should you best design a routing slip that has a a list if the same activity, where some of the arguments have to be defined, but others are expected to come from the variable?
When it comes to arguments and variables, which ones take priority?
Unknown? I'm not even sure what this question is asking.
Arguments first, variables second. Explicitly specified arguments when adding the activity to the itinerary take precedence, missing arguments are pulled from variables if present, or left at the default/null value.

Database handler globally as Singleton pattern in xamarin forms

I am developing an application which have a local database for offline support. So I am using plugin and its working fine for all Create, Insert, Update and Delete table for every class model.
But instead of creating a separate database activities like insert, get, update for each Model class, I tried to worked on singeton pattern of common database handler(DatabasHandler.cs).
This is my code which I tried to workout singleton pattern,
public void CreateTable<T>() where T : new()
var myClass = new T();
I called this function from my EmployeeViewModel class like this;
here EmployeeModel is a model class and its worked fine, also the above function is successfully created a Employee Table. Doing the same way I created rest of the Tables from each ViewModel like this;
App.Database.CreateTable<SalaryModel>(); // call from SalaryViewModel Page
App.Database.CreateTable<EmployeeAttendanceModel>(); // call from AttendanceViewModel Page
Next: So how can I insert and get all list items into DatabaseHandler.cs using same (Create Table)singleton pattern. My question is;
How should I create a method for Insert/Get/Update a list in DatabaseHandler.cs(Singleton class)?
How should I call those method(Insert/Get/Update) from its viewmodel?
Please help me,
Now I had a similar thing in my Old XF app this is how I implemented the Singleton this will also answer your first question:
How should I create a method for Insert/Get/Update a list in DatabaseHandler.cs(Singleton class)?
public class DatabaseHandler: IDisposable
private SQLiteConnection conn;
//public static string sqlpath;
private bool disposed = false;
private static readonly Lazy<DatabaseHandler> database = new Lazy<DatabaseHandler>(() => new DatabaseHandler());
private DatabaseHandler() { }
public static DatabaseHandler Database
return database.Value;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposed)
if (disposing)
disposed = true;
public bool InitDatabase()
var ifExist = true;
ifExist = TableExists(nameof(LocationModel), conn);
if (!ifExist)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public static bool TableExists(String tableName, SQLiteConnection connection)
var cmd = connection.CreateCommand("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = #name", new object[] { tableName });
//cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = #name";
//cmd.Parameters.Add("#name", DbType.String).Value = tableName;
string tabledata = cmd.ExecuteScalar<string>();
return (cmd.ExecuteScalar<string>() != null);
public SQLiteConnection GetConnection()
var sqliteFilename = "xamdblocal.db3";
string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
var path = Path.Combine(documentsPath, sqliteFilename);
if (!File.Exists(path)) File.Create(path);
//var plat = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLitePlatformAndroid();
var conn = new SQLiteConnection(path);
// Return the database connection
return conn;
private bool CreateDatabase()
conn = GetConnection();
string str = conn.DatabasePath;
return true;
public bool CreateTable<T>()
where T : new()
return true;
public bool InsertIntoTable<T>(T LoginData)
where T : new()
return true;
public bool InsertBulkIntoTable<T>(IList<T> LoginData)
where T : class //new()
return true;
public List<T> SelectDataFromTable<T>()
where T : new()
return conn.Table<T>().ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
public List<T> SelectTableDatafromQuery<T>(string query)
where T : new()
return conn.Query<T>(query, new object[] { })
public bool UpdateTableData<T>(string query)
where T : new()
return true;
public void UpdateTableData<T>(IEnumerable<T> query)
where T : new()
public void UpdateTableData<T>(T query)
where T : new()
public bool DeleteTableData<T>(T LoginData)
return true;
public bool DeleteTableDataFromPrimaryKey<T>(object primaryKey)
return true;
public bool DeleteTableDataFromQuery<T>(string query)
where T : new()
return true;
How should I call those method(Insert/Get/Update) from its viewmodel? Please help me,
Now for Eg: you want to insert location's Lat Long in your local database where your local model looks something like this:
public class LocationModel
[AutoIncrement, PrimaryKey]
public int Id { get; set; }
public double Latitude { get; set; }
public double Longitude { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
So first what you will do is create an instance of LocationModel something like this:
var locationModel = new LocationModel
Latitude = location.Latitude,
Longitude = location.Longitude
Then insert it something like this:
Also, do not forget to add the SQLiteNetExtensions in your project for Linq support.
Goodluck feel free to revert in case of queries

Issue getting fault message from message context in Masstransit

I have an application that needs to intercept the current message consume context and extract a value that is defined in a base interface. That value is a tenant code that is eventually used in an EF database context.
I have a provider that takes a MassTransit ConsumerContext, and then using context.TryGetMessage(), extracts the tenant code, which is ultimately used to switch database contexts to a specific tenant database.
The issue lies in the MessageContextTenantProvider below. If a non-fault message is consumed then ConsumeContext<IBaseEvent> works fine. However if it is a fault, ConsumeContext<Fault<IBaseEvent>> doesn't work as expected.
Durring debugging I can see that the message context for a fault is ConsumeContext<Fault<IVerifyEvent>>, but why doesn't it work with a base interface as per the standard message? Of course, ConsumeContext<Fault<IVerifiedEvent>> works fine, but I have a lot of message types, and I don't want to have to define them all in that tenant provider.
Any ideas?
public interface ITenantProvider
string GetTenantCode();
public class MessageContextTenantProvider : ITenantProvider
private readonly ConsumeContext _consumeContext;
public MessageContextTenantProvider(ConsumeContext consumeContext)
_consumeContext = consumeContext;
public string GetTenantCode()
// get tenant from message context
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<IBaseEvent> baseEvent))
return baseEvent.Message.TenantCode; // <-- works for the non fault consumers
// get tenant from fault message context
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage<Fault<IBaseEvent>>(out var gebericFaultEvent))
return gebericFaultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode; // <- doesn't work generically
// get tenant from fault message context (same as above)
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<Fault<IBaseEvent>> faultEvent))
return faultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode; // <= generically doesn't work when using the base interface?
// get tenant from specific concrete fault class
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<Fault<IVerifiedEvent>> verifiedFaultEvent))
return verifiedFaultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode; // <-- this works
// not able to extract tenant
return null;
public partial class VerificationDbContext
string connectionString;
public string ConnectionString
if (connectionString == null)
string tenantCode = _tenantProvider.GetTenantCode();
connectionString = _tenantConnectionManager.GetConnectionString(orgId);
return connectionString;
private readonly ITenantProvider _tenantProvider;
private readonly ITenantConnectionManager _tenantConnectionManager;
public VerificationDbContext(ITenantProvider tenantProvider, ITenantConnectionManager tenantConnectionManager)
_tenantProvider = tenantProvider;
_tenantConnectionManager = tenantConnectionManager;
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ConnectionString))
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(#"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=VerificationDb;Integrated Security=True")
.ConfigureWarnings((warningBuilder) => warningBuilder.Ignore(RelationalEventId.AmbientTransactionWarning));
.ConfigureWarnings((warningBuilder) => warningBuilder.Ignore(RelationalEventId.AmbientTransactionWarning));
public interface ITenantConnectionManager
string GetConnectionString(string tenantCode);
public class TenantConnectionManager : ITenantConnectionManager
private ITenantRepository _tenantRepository;
public TenantConnectionManager(ITenantRepository tenantRepository)
_tenantRepository = tenantRepository;
public string GetConnectionString(string tenantCode)
return _tenantRepository.GetByTenantCode(tenantCode).ConnectionString;
public interface IBaseEvent
string TenantCode { get; }
public interface IVerifiedEvent : IBaseEvent
string JobReference { get; }
public class VerifiedEventConsumer : IConsumer<IVerifiedEvent>
private readonly IVerifyCommand _verifyCommand;
private readonly ITenantProvider _tenantProvider;
public VerifiedEventConsumer(ITenantProvider tenantProvider, IVerifyCommand verifyCommand)
_verifyCommand = verifyCommand;
_tenantProvider = tenantProvider;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<IVerifiedEvent> context)
await _verifyCommand.Execute(new VerifyRequest
JobReference = context.Message.JobReference,
TenantCode = context.Message.TenantCode
public class VerifiedEventFaultConsumer : IConsumer<Fault<IVerifiedEvent>>
private readonly IVerifyFaultCommand _verifyFaultCommand;
private readonly ITenantProvider _tenantProvider;
public CaseVerifiedEventFaultConsumer(ITenantProvider tenantProvider, IVerifyFaultCommand verifyFaultCommand)
_verifyFaultCommand = verifyFaultCommand;
_tenantProvider = tenantProvider;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Fault<ICaseVerifiedEvent>> context)
await _verifyFaultCommand.Execute(new VerifiedFaultRequest
JobReference = context.Message.Message.JobReference,
Exceptions = context.Message.Exceptions
I've solved the issue by using the GreenPipes TryGetPayload extension method:
public class MessageContextTenantProvider : ITenantProvider
private readonly ConsumeContext _consumeContext;
public MessageContextTenantProvider(ConsumeContext consumeContext)
_consumeContext = consumeContext;
public string GetTenantCode()
// get tenant from message context
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<IBaseEvent> baseEvent))
return baseEvent.Message.TenantCode;
// get account code from fault message context using Greenpipes
if (_consumeContext.TryGetPayload(out ConsumeContext<Fault<IBaseEvent>> payloadFaultEvent))
return payloadFaultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode;
// not able to extract tenant
return null;

Chain CollectionChanged Events

I'm trying to see how it would be possible to chain together x number of ObservableCollections.CollectionChanged event, exposed as a N level depth object tree to a single parent level CollectionChanged event that consumers can listen to? Essentially I want to funnel or bubble all child CollectionChanged events up to the top most parent. A number of solution I've noticed that tackle similar issues make an assumption of a fixed number of levels, say 2 deep. I idea is to support any level of depth.
Originally I had hoped I could just pass the instance of the FieldInfos to the child constructors and attach directly to the handler. However i get an error stating the "Event 'CollectionChanged' can only appear on the left hand side of+= or -=.
public class FieldInfos
public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
private ObservableCollection<Field> _fields;
public ObservableCollection<Field> Fields => _fields ?? (_fields = new ObservableCollection<Field>());
public class Field
public string Name;
private ObservableCollection<FieldInstance> _instances;
public ObservableCollection<FieldInstance> Instances => _instances ?? (_instances = new ObservableCollection<FieldInstance>());
public class FieldInstance
public string Id { get; set; }
The simplest approach is subclass the original ObservableCollection<T>.
You'd need at least one interface to avoid covariance problems. You can also have your own classes to implement the INotifyDescendantsChanged interface.
public interface INotifyDescendantsChanged
event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler DescendantsChanged;
public class ObservableBubbleCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>, INotifyDescendantsChanged
public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler DescendantsChanged;
protected virtual void OnDescendantsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler handler = DescendantsChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(sender, e);
private readonly Func<T, INotifyDescendantsChanged> childSelector;
public ObservableBubbleCollection() { }
public ObservableBubbleCollection(Func<T, INotifyDescendantsChanged> childSelector)
this.childSelector = childSelector;
protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
OnDescendantsChanged(this, e);
if (childSelector == null)
if (e.NewItems != null)
foreach (var item in e.NewItems.Cast<T>())
childSelector(item).DescendantsChanged += OnDescendantsChanged;
if (e.OldItems != null)
foreach (var item in e.OldItems.Cast<T>())
childSelector(item).DescendantsChanged -= OnDescendantsChanged;
To use it, replace instances of ObservableCollection and pass a selector to the collection.
public class FieldInfos
private ObservableBubbleCollection<Field> _fields;
public ObservableBubbleCollection<Field> Fields => _fields ?? (_fields = new ObservableBubbleCollection<Field>(fi => fi.Instances));
public class Field
public string Name;
private ObservableBubbleCollection<FieldInstance> _instances;
public ObservableBubbleCollection<FieldInstance> Instances => _instances ?? (_instances = new ObservableBubbleCollection<FieldInstance>());
public class FieldInstance
public string Id { get; set; }
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var fi = new FieldInfos();
fi.Fields.DescendantsChanged += (sender, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("Change from {0}", sender.GetType());
var field = new Field();
field.Instances.Add(new FieldInstance());

Trying to call code in my controller but getting Null Reference error

Don't want to over-complicate the issue, but I think I need to post all the code that's hooked into this error.
Using MvcMailer and introduced a separate Send mechanism (for use with Orchard CMS' own EMail).
The MvcMailer Code:
1) AskUsMailer.cs:
public class AskUsMailer : MailerBase, IAskUsMailer
public AskUsMailer()
: base()
//MasterName = "_Layout";
public virtual MvcMailMessage EMailAskUs(AskUsViewModel model)
var mailMessage = new MvcMailMessage { Subject = "Ask Us" };
ViewData.Model = model;
this.PopulateBody(mailMessage, viewName: "EMailAskUs");
return mailMessage;
2) IAskUsMailer.cs:
public interface IAskUsMailer : IDependency
MvcMailMessage EMailAskUs(AskUsViewModel model);
public ActionResult Submitted()
//This is the new call (see new code below):
//Note: Debugging steps through eMailMessagingService,
//then shows the null reference error when continuing to
//Below is normal MvcMailer call:
return View(askUsData);
Note: askUsData is defined in a separate block in the controller:
private AskUsViewModel askUsData;
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext
var serialized = Request.Form["askUsData"];
if (serialized != null) //Form was posted containing serialized data
askUsData = (AskUsViewModel)new MvcSerializer().
Deserialize(serialized, SerializationMode.Signed);
askUsData = (AskUsViewModel)TempData["askUsData"] ??
new AskUsViewModel();
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext
if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
TempData["askUsData"] = askUsData;
I did not know how to get my EMailMessagingService.cs (see below) call into the controller, so in a separate block in the controller I did this:
private IEMailMessagingService eMailMessagingService;
public AskUsController(IEMailMessagingService eMailMessagingService)
this.eMailMessagingService = eMailMessagingService;
I think this is part of my problem.
Now, the new code trying to hook into Orchard's EMail:
1) EMailMessagingServices.cs:
public class EMailMessagingService : IMessageManager
private IAskUsMailer askUsMailer;
private IOrchardServices orchardServices;
public EMailMessagingService(IAskUsMailer askUsMailer,
IOrchardServices orchardServices)
this.orchardServices = orchardServices;
this.askUsMailer = askUsMailer;
this.Logger = NullLogger.Instance;
public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
public void SendAskUs(AskUsViewModel model)
var messageAskUs = this.askUsMailer.EMailAskUs(model);
//Don't need the following (setting up e-mails to send a copy anyway)
//messageAskUs.Subject = "blabla";
The EMailMessagingService.cs also contains the Send method:
private void Send(MailMessage messageAskUs)
var smtpSettings = orchardServices.WorkContext.
// can't process emails if the Smtp settings have not yet been set
if (smtpSettings == null || !smtpSettings.IsValid())
Logger.Error("The SMTP Settings have not been set up.");
using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(smtpSettings.Host,
smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials =
if (!smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials &&
smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential
(smtpSettings.UserName, smtpSettings.Password);
if (messageAskUs.To.Count == 0)
Logger.Error("Recipient is missing an email address");
smtpClient.EnableSsl = smtpSettings.EnableSsl;
smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
messageAskUs.From = new MailAddress(smtpSettings.Address);
messageAskUs.IsBodyHtml = messageAskUs.Body != null &&
messageAskUs.Body.Contains("<") &&
Logger.Debug("Message sent to {0} with subject: {1}",
messageAskUs.To[0].Address, messageAskUs.Subject);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error(e, "An unexpected error while sending
a message to {0} with subject: {1}",
messageAskUs.To[0].Address, messageAskUs.Subject);
Now, in EMailMessagingService.cs I was getting an error that things weren't being implemented, so I auto-generated the following (don't know if this is part of my error):
public void Send(Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemRecord recipient, string type, string service, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> properties = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Send(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemRecord> recipients, string type, string service, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> properties = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Send(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> recipientAddresses, string type, string service, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> properties = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool HasChannels()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> GetAvailableChannelServices()
throw new NotImplementedException();
2) IEMailMessagingServices.cs
public interface IEMailMessagingService
MailMessage SendAskUs(AskUsViewModel model);
MvcMailer works fine without this addition (outside of Orchard), but I am trying to get everything working within Orchard.
I just cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Any thoughts?
Sorry for excessive code.
IEmailMessaginService does not implement IDependency, so it can't be found by Orchard as a dependency. That's why it's null.
