How to use variable package selector in go - go

I'm following the Go tour, and still trying to learn the basics of the language. For the imported package time, is there a way to access its exports with a variable? E.g. time[day] instead of time.Saturday
Here's a more complete example
package main
import (
func main() {
day := "Thursday"
fmt.Printf("When's %v?", day)
today := time.Now().Weekday()
switch time[day] { // This is how I would do it in javascript
case today + 0:
fmt.Println("Too far away.")
Also, what is the correct terminology for what I want to do? I'm having very little luck using Google

No, there's no way to reference exported variables from a package, which are stored on the stack, without explicitly referencing them using a data structure that you define that's built at runtime.
For example, you could do:
var days = map[string]time.Weekday{
"Monday": time.Monday,
"Tuesday": time.Tuesday,
"Wednesday": time.Wednesday,
"Thursday": time.Thursday,
"Friday": time.Friday,
"Saturday": time.Saturday,
"Sunday": time.Sunday,


How do you properly set up a Golang library?

I've tried many times to set up a REAL go package with the modules system and store code in pkg. All the tutorials I've found are too basic, creating a module with go files stores at the top level, and I keep getting no Go files in /usr/local/go/
I've tried a bunch of different things, but I can't get it to work properly...
GOROOT is set to /usr/local/go. I created a package here /usr/local/go/
go 1.18
package mypackage
// Add is our function that sums two integers
func Add(x, y int) (res int) {
return x + y
// Subtract subtracts two integers
func Subtract(x, y int) (res int) {
return x - y
package mypackage
import "testing"
func TestAdd(t *testing.T){
got := Add(4, 6)
want := 10
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got %q, wanted %q", got, want)
And I run: go test
What am I doing wrong? I find Go so frustrating to set up because languages/runtimes like Rust and NodeJS have very friendly package managers and are real easy to setup.
I'm trying to structure a library as described in this guidance for structuring go packages.
Don't confuse modules with packages.
One module might hold many packages.
Like this:
Try this layout:
In mypkg.go and mypkg_test.go declare package mypkg.
Otherwise, run this script and it will create a correct layout for you:

Golang import issue

I'm having issues importing "" it's simply telling me it can't find the package. Looking around the internet has only confused me more with some people saying that you can't use it anymore, some people saying to do this: Install exp/html in Go and some people saying that just using "" works just fine.
Here is just a small part of the code I'm trying to run:
package main
import (
// Helper function to pull the href attribute from a Token
func getHref(t html.Token) (ok bool, href string) {
// Iterate over all of the Token's attributes until we find an "href"
for _, a := range t.Attr {
if a.Key == "href" {
href = a.Val
ok = true
It obviously won't let me use the html token because I can't import the package.
You can execute at the command line “go get”
You can take a look at It contains a very good description on how to start coding in Go. The issues you are mentioning are described there.
So, you set GOROOT to your installation path. Then you set GOPATH to your go workspace(s), which obey the bin, pkg, src structure. The first entry in your GOPATH is used to store the go get ... which you install on your machine.

Is it possible don't specify package name?

Here is an example of my code:
package main
import (
func main() {
bio.PeptideEncoding(genome, codonTable)
Is it possible to use functions from my paxkage (bio) without specifying package name:
func main() {
PeptideEncoding(genome, codonTable)
You could use as an import declaration like:
. "./bio"
If an explicit period (.) appears instead of a name, all the package's exported identifiers declared in that package's package block will be declared in the importing source file's file block and must be accessed without a qualifier.
That is what a testing framework like govey does:
package package_name
import (
. ""
func TestIntegerStuff(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given some integer with a starting value", t, func() {
x := 1
Convey("When the integer is incremented", func() {
Convey("The value should be greater by one", func() {
So(x, ShouldEqual, 2)
You don't need to use convey.So(), or convey.Convey() because of the import starting with a '.'.
Don't abuse it though, since, as twotwotwo comments, The style guide discourages it outside of tests.
Except for this one case, do not use import . in your programs.
It makes the programs much harder to read because it is unclear whether a name like Quux is a top-level identifier in the current package or in an imported package.
That is why I mentioned a testing framework using this technique.
As commented by Simon Whitehead, using relative import is not generally considered as the best practice (see for instance "Go language package structure").
You should also import the package via the GOPATH instead of relatively, as show in "Import and not used error".

go how to check if a function exists

Is there any way to check if a func exists in Go?
In PHP I might do something like
if(function_exists('someFunction')) {
but I have not been able to figure out how to do this in Go
Any help on this will be greatly received.
A little more context on what you're trying to do would help.
As you note in your own comment, if you try to call a function Go checks at compile-time if the function exists, most of the times.
One exception that comes to my mind is when you use interface{} and you want to check that a method exists before calling it. For this you can use type checks.
package main
import "fmt"
// a simple Greeter struct
// with a Hello() method defined
type Greeter struct {
Name string
func (m *Greeter) Hello() string {
return "hello " + m.Name
var x interface{}
func main() {
x = Greeter {Name:"Paolo"} // x is a interface{}
g,ok := x.(Greeter) // we have to check that x is a Greeter...
if ok {
fmt.Println(g.Hello()) // ...before being able to call Hello()
Another scenario I can think of is that you're creating your own tool for Go that requires parsing go files before compiling them. If so, Go provides help in the for of the parser package
There's no way to do that (and for good!). The reason is that Go is a compiled language and does not support loadable modules (yet, at least) so functions can't come and go at runtime, and hence whether or not a top-level function exists, you know by defintion: if a given source file imports a package containing the function of interest1, that function is visible in this source file. Or this function is declared in the same package this source file belongs to and hence it's also available. In all the other cases the function is not available. Note that a function might be compiled in the program but still not visible in a given source file while compiling, so the whole definition of visibility as you put it does not exist in Go.
On the other hand you might want some generality. Generality in Go is achieved via interfaces. You might define an interface and then require a type to implement it. Checking that a type implements an interface is done via a neat trick.
An update from 2021-12-29.
The support for loadable modules was added in Go 1.8 in the form of the plugin package and has since then matured to support most mainline platforms except Windows.
Still, this solution is not without problems—for instance, see #20481.
1Without renaming that module to nothing, but let's not touch this for now.
Provided your thing is an interface value, type assert, something like this:
if Aer, ok := thing.(interface{MethodA()}); ok {
If thing is a struct, assign it to an interface variable first,
because type assertions only work on interface values.
It wouldn't hurt to define a named interface instead of using the
nonce one, but for simple cases like this it's not worth it.
Recently I had a need for figuring out if a struct has a particular function or not.
Here is another way using reflection :
package main
import (
type FuncRegistry struct {}
func (fr FuncRegistry) Hi() {
fmt.Println("function Hi")
func (fr FuncRegistry) Hello() {
fmt.Println("function Hello")
func functionExists(obj interface{},funcName string) bool {
mthd := reflect.ValueOf(obj).MethodByName(funcName)
if mthd.IsValid() {
fmt.Printf("Function '%s' exists \n",funcName)
return true
fmt.Printf("Function '%s' does not exist\n",funcName)
return false
// Main function
func main() {
var fr FuncRegistry
This sounds a lot like a XY problem. Please tell what you are trying to do. As far as I know, this is something you can't really do the same way as in PHP.
However, you could create a map with function names as keys. Add the functions there manually or generate the contents by parsing the source files before the compilation or at run time. Parsing the source seems like a dirty hack though.

Package selection in Go

I'm trying to write an application to pull status from a database, but I seem to be getting stuck on a really basic principle of the language. I have the program written, but it doesn't compile due to the error use of package time not in selector.
A really basic example (from's own test environment)
package main
import (
func main() {
s_str := time.Now()
fmt.Println( printT(s_str) )
func printT(t time) time {
return t.Add(100)
Unfortunately, I've found documentation and helpdocs online a bit wanting. My understanding is that the import statement should include the library for the entire program like in C++ correct?
You have to prefix the imported types or variables with the name you gave to the package in the import (here you use the default name, that is "time"). That's what you did for the function Now but you have to do it also for the types.
So the type isn't time but time.Time (that is : the type Time that is declared in the package you import with the name "time").
Change your function to
func printT(t time.Time) time.Time {
return t.Add(100)
And for your second question : No, the import statement doesn't include the library for the entire program but only for the current file.
