How do you properly set up a Golang library? - go

I've tried many times to set up a REAL go package with the modules system and store code in pkg. All the tutorials I've found are too basic, creating a module with go files stores at the top level, and I keep getting no Go files in /usr/local/go/
I've tried a bunch of different things, but I can't get it to work properly...
GOROOT is set to /usr/local/go. I created a package here /usr/local/go/
go 1.18
package mypackage
// Add is our function that sums two integers
func Add(x, y int) (res int) {
return x + y
// Subtract subtracts two integers
func Subtract(x, y int) (res int) {
return x - y
package mypackage
import "testing"
func TestAdd(t *testing.T){
got := Add(4, 6)
want := 10
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got %q, wanted %q", got, want)
And I run: go test
What am I doing wrong? I find Go so frustrating to set up because languages/runtimes like Rust and NodeJS have very friendly package managers and are real easy to setup.
I'm trying to structure a library as described in this guidance for structuring go packages.

Don't confuse modules with packages.
One module might hold many packages.
Like this:
Try this layout:
In mypkg.go and mypkg_test.go declare package mypkg.
Otherwise, run this script and it will create a correct layout for you:


Run Golang project with multiple files on Goland

I'm new to the Go language and have a problem when I'm trying to run a simple project which contains two files, on Goland IDE.
The first file called main -
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
card := list{0, add(0)}
cards := append(card, add(3))
cards = append(card, add(4))
for i, c := range cards {
fmt.Println(i, c)
func add(x int) int {
return x + 1
And the second file called list -
package main
type list []int
When I'm trying to use the second file from the first file (use list type) I get compilation failed and -
.\main.go:6:10: undefined: list
What have I missed?
Ok, I got it, the Package option should be chosen instead of the File option -

Find checksum of every dependency in golang

I want to be able to get the checksum of every package used by a go program, including packages used within modules.
runtime/debug in the standard library has ReadBuildInfo(), which is great, but it only gives data for modules, not for packages.
package pkgA
var Foo = 1
package pkgB
import "pkgA"
var Bar = pkgA.Foo
package main
import (
func main() {
_ = pkgB.Bar
b, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo()
if !ok {
fmt.Println("not ok!")
for _, module := range b.Deps {
fmt.Println(module.Path, module.Sum)
The output is like
pkgB v0.0.0-20210225235400-92e28d816f64
There is no info on A. I believe this is because pkgB and pkgA both belong to the same module.
Question: Is there any way to access the checksum for pkgA?
The Go checksum database stores checksums for modules, not packages.
The debug information embedded in a binary does not include the mapping from packages to modules, but if you have access to the module's source you can use go list to report the mapping from packages to modules:
go list -f '{{if .Module}}{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Module}}{{end}}' all
You can use that mapping, in conjunction with the module-level checksums, to verify that each package has the correct source code. (Note that go mod verify already implements that verification.)

Get Name of Current Module in Go

I am attempting to create named loggers automatically for HTTP handlers that I'm writing, where I am passed a function (pointer).
I'm using the code mentioned in this question to get the name of a function:
package utils
import (
func GetFunctionName(fn interface{}) string {
value := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
ptr := value.Pointer()
ffp := runtime.FuncForPC(ptr)
return ffp.Name()
I'm using this in my main function to try it out like so:
package main
import (
type Empty struct{}
func main() {
a := long.HandlerA
b := path.HandlerB
c := path.HandlerC
log.Printf("long.HandlerA: %s", utils.GetFunctionName(a))
log.Printf("long.nested.path.HandlerB: %s", utils.GetFunctionName(b))
log.Printf("long.nested.path.HandlerC: %s", utils.GetFunctionName(c))
I see output like this:
This is okay but I'd like an output such as long.HandlerA, long.nested.path.HandlerB, etc.
If I could get the Go module name (, I can then use strings.Replace to remove the module name to arrive at long/nested/path.HandlerB, then strings.Replace to replace / with . to finally get to my desired value, which is long.nested.path.HandlerB.
The first question is: can I do better than runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(fn).Pointer()) for getting the qualified path to a function?
If the answer is no, is there a way to get the current Go module name using runtime or reflect so that I can transform the output of runtime.FuncForPC into what I need?
Once again, I'm getting values like:
And I'd like to get values like:
EDIT: It appears that Go does not have a runtime representation of modules, and that's okay, if I can do it at compile time that would be fine too. I've seen the codegen documentation and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to write my own custom codegen that can be used from go generate.
The module info is included in the executable binary, and can be acquired using the debug.ReadBuildInfo() function (the only requirement is that the executable must be built using module support, but this is the default in the current version, and likely the only in future versions).
BuildInfo.Path is the current module's path.
Let's say you have the following go.mod file:
Example reading the build info:
bi, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo()
if !ok {
log.Printf("Failed to read build info")
// or
This will output (try it on the Go Playground):
See related: Golang - How to display modules version from inside of code
If your goal is to just have the name of the module available in your program, and if you are okay with setting this value at link time, then you may use the -ldflags build option.
You can get the name of the module with go list -m from within the module directory.
You can place everything in a Makefile or in a shell script:
MOD_NAME=$(go list -m)
go build -ldflags="-X 'main.MODNAME=$MOD_NAME'" -o main ./...
With main.go looking like:
package main
import "fmt"
var MODNAME string
func main() {
fmt.Println(MODNAME) //
With the mentioned "" package, an example might look like:
package main
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed go.mod
var gomod []byte
func main() {
f, err := modfile.Parse("go.mod", gomod, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(f.Module.Mod.Path) //
However embedding the entire go.mod file in your use case seems overkill. Of course you could also open the file at runtime, but that means you have to deploy go.mod along with your executable. Setting the module name with -ldflags is more straightforward IMO.

Undefined Variables Within a Package During Build

I have two files within one package named db, one of which has a few unexported variables defined. Another one is a test file and would need to use these variables like so:
(This is the structure of the project)
├── main.go
└── db
├── add.go
└── add_test.go
(Here is a terse variation of the files)
package db
func Add(x, y int) int {
return x + y
// some other functions that use a and b from `add_test.go`
package db
import (
var (
a = 1
b = 2
// test function use variables from add.go
func testAdd(t *testing.T) {
result := add(a, b)
if result != 3 {
Running go test within db/ directory passed, but once I ran go run main go it produced the following error:
db/add.go:: undefined: a
db/add.go:: undefined: b
Seems like add.go cannot find a and b from add_test.go during the build.
package main
import (
func main() {
res := db.Add(1, 2)
Is this because add_test.go is not included during the build?
This is just the way how go tool works.
_test.go files are compiled only when you run go test. When a package is imported from another package any code from its _test.go files is not used.
Try running go build or go install from inside db package. It will fail.
Relative paths are touchy in Go. For one, I think you need to prefix them with import "./db". Another thing is that you should be in your $GOPATH/src location.
Try this:
move your files under the $GOPATH/src/project and $GOPATH/src/project/db directories.
prefix your import path with ./db for the DB package.
As for the IDE, that's all up to whatever plugins you are using. Try running the tools yourself: golint, go vet, oracle, etc to see the actual go warnings and errors.
Test functions should start with Test. that is what the documentation says.
func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
result := Add(a, b)
if result != 3 {
t.Errorf("expected 3, got %d ", result)

How to use variable package selector in go

I'm following the Go tour, and still trying to learn the basics of the language. For the imported package time, is there a way to access its exports with a variable? E.g. time[day] instead of time.Saturday
Here's a more complete example
package main
import (
func main() {
day := "Thursday"
fmt.Printf("When's %v?", day)
today := time.Now().Weekday()
switch time[day] { // This is how I would do it in javascript
case today + 0:
fmt.Println("Too far away.")
Also, what is the correct terminology for what I want to do? I'm having very little luck using Google
No, there's no way to reference exported variables from a package, which are stored on the stack, without explicitly referencing them using a data structure that you define that's built at runtime.
For example, you could do:
var days = map[string]time.Weekday{
"Monday": time.Monday,
"Tuesday": time.Tuesday,
"Wednesday": time.Wednesday,
"Thursday": time.Thursday,
"Friday": time.Friday,
"Saturday": time.Saturday,
"Sunday": time.Sunday,
