Run time and space complexity of this code - runtime

I'm having a bit of trouble determining the big o of this solution I came up with on a CTCI question
The space complexity should be O(1)
but is the run time O(N)? It seems to be more towards O(N^2) because of the while loop. But the while loop does not run N times for each element inside the for loop.
public static int[] missing_two(int [] n){
for(int i=0;i<n.length;i++){
int temp=n[i];
Would 6,0,1,2,3,4,5 be an example of worst case here?
The while loop will run n times on the first index. and 0 afterwards. Therefore shouldn't this be O(2n) => O(n)?

My understanding is that big O notation is used for giving an upper bound limit or a worst case scenario. The question you have to make yourself is: Could input vector n have values such that at least in one case, for all values in input vector n, the while loop is fully executed? Then a correct Big O notation would be O(N^2), if not but close, then I guess O(N^2) would still be a better estimation than O(N), as O(N) for an upper bound would have already been exceeded.
Now that you have edited the question and given more info about it I agree with you. It is O(N)


Big O notation for n/2 in while-loop

I'm new to data structure and the likes of it.
I would like to ask a question, how do we determine the Big-O notation value of this process:
What is the Big-O notation? Thanks before.
If n odd then the loop is not executed. If n is even then it takes log2n (i.e., log of base 2) iterations until the loop stops. It is log2n because n gets decrement to half each loop iterations (i.e., n=n/2;).
Assuming that console.log(2); takes c time the overall complexity would be O(logn).

Big O Notation for two non-nested loops

What would the Big O notation be for two for loops that aren't nested?
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
for(int j=0; j<n; j++){
O(n) + O(n) = 2*O(n) = O(n)
It does not matter how many non nested loops do you have (if this number is a constant and does not depends on n) the complexity would be linear and would equal to the maximum number of iterations in the loop.
Technically this algorithm still operates in O(n) time.
While the number of iterations increases by 2 for each increase in n, the time taken still increases at a linear rate, thus, in O(n) time.
It would be O(2n) because you run n+n = 2n iterations.
O(2n) is essentially equivalent to O(n) as 2 is a constant.
It will be O(n) + O(n) ==> Effectively O(n) since we don't keep constant values.
Assuming a scenario each loop runs up to n
So we can say the complexity of each for loop is O(n) as each loop will run n times.
So you specified these loops are not nested in a linear scenario for first loop O(n)+ second loop O(n)+ third loop O(n) which will give you 3O(n).
Now as we are mostly concentrating on the variable part of the complexity we will exclude the constant part and will say it's O(n) for this scenario.
But in a practical scenario, I will suggest you keep in mind that the constant factor will also play a vital role so never exclude them.
For example, consider time complexity to find the smallest integer from an integer array anyone will say it's O(n) but to find second largest or smallest of the same array will be O(2n).
But most of the answers will be saying it's O(n) where actually ignoring the constant.
Consider if the array is of 10 million size then that constant can't be ignored.

Time Complexity of the following code fragment?

I calculated it to be O(N^2), but my instructor marked it incorrect in the exam. The Correct answer was O(1). Can anyone help me, how did the time complexity come out to be O(1)?
The outer loop will run for 2N times. (int j = 2 * N) and later decrementing everytime by 1)
And since N is not changing, and the i is assigned the values of N always (int i = N), the inner loop will always run for logN base 2 times.
(Notice the way i changes i = i div 2)
Therefore, the complexity is O(NlogN)
Question: What happens when you repeatedly half input(or search space) ?(Like in Binary Search).
Answer: Well, you get log(N) complexity. (Reference : The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S. Skiena)
See the inner loop in your algorithm, i = i div 2 makes it a log(N) complexity loop. Therefore the overall complexity will be N log(N).
Take this with a pinch of salt : Whenever you divide your input (search space) by 2, 3 , 4 or whatever constant number greater than 1, you get log(N) complexity.
P.S. : the complexity of your algorithm is nowhere near to O(1).

What is Big O of a loop?

I was reading about Big O notation. It stated,
The big O of a loop is the number of iterations of the loop into
number of statements within the loop.
Here is a code snippet,
for (int i=0 ;i<n; i++)
cout <<"Hello World"<<endl;
cout <<"Hello SO";
Now according to the definition, the Big O should be O(n*2) but it is O(n). Can anyone help me out by explaining why is that?
Thanks in adavance.
If you check the definition of the O() notation you will see that (multiplier) constants doesn't matter.
The work to be done within the loop is not 2. There are two statements, for each of them you have to do a couple of machine instructions, maybe it's 50, or 78, or whatever, but this is completely irrelevant for the asymptotic complexity calculations because they are all constants. It doesn't depend on n. It's just O(1).
O(1) = O(2) = O(c) where c is a constant.
O(n) = O(3n) = O(cn)
O(n) is used to messure the loop agains a mathematical funciton (like n^2, n^m,..).
So if you have a loop like this
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// sumfin
The best describing math function the loops takes is calculated with O(n) (where n is a number between 0..infinity)
If you have a loop like this
for(int i =0 ; i< n*2; i++) {
Means it will took O(n*2); math function = n*2
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
This loops takes O(n^2) time; math funciton = n^n
This way you can calculate how long your loop need for n 10 or 100 or 1000
This way you can build graphs for loops and such.
Big-O notation ignores constant multipliers by design (and by definition), so being O(n) and being O(2n) is exactly the same thing. We usually write O(n) because that is shorter and more familiar, but O(2n) means the same.
First, don't call it "the Big O". That is wrong and misleading. What you are really trying to find is asymptotically how many instructions will be executed as a function of n. The right way to think about O(n) is not as a function, but rather as a set of functions. More specifically:
O(n) is the set of all functions f(x) such that there exists some constant M and some number x_0 where for all x > x_0, f(x) < M x.
In other words, as n gets very large, at some point the growth of the function (for example, number of instructions) will be bounded above by a linear function with some constant coefficient.
Depending on how you count instructions that loop can execute a different number of instructions, but no matter what it will only iterate at most n times. Therefore the number of instructions is in O(n). It doesn't matter if it repeats 6n or .5n or 100000000n times, or even if it only executes a constant number of instructions! It is still in the class of functions in O(n).
To expand a bit more, the class O(n*2) = O(0.1*n) = O(n), and the class O(n) is strictly contained in the class O(n^2). As a result, that loop is also in O(2*n) (because O(2*n) = O(n)), and contained in O(n^2) (but that upper bound is not tight).
O(n) means the loops time complexity increases linearly with the number of elements.
2*n is still linear, so you say the loop is of order O(n).
However, the loop you posted is O(n) since the instructions in the loop take constant time. Two times a constant is still a constant.
The fastest growing term in your program is the loop and the rest is just the constant so we choose the fastest growing term which is the loop O(n)
In case if your program has a nested loop in it this O(n) will be ignored and your algorithm will be given O(n^2) because your nested loop has the fastest growing term.
Usually big O notation expresses the number of principal operations in a function.
In this tou're overating over n elements. So complexity is O(n).
Surely is not O(n^2), since quadratic is the complexity of those algorithms, like bubble sort which compare every element in the input with all other elements.
As you remember, bubble sort, in order to determine the right position in which to insert an element, compare every element with the others n in a list (bubbling behaviour).
At most, you can claim that you're algorithm has complexity O(2n),since it prints 2 phrases for every element in the input, but in big O notation O(n) is quiv to O(2n).

This algorithm does not have a quadratic run time right?

I recently had an interview and was given a small problem that I was to code up.
The problem was basically find duplicates in an array of length n, using constant space in O(n). Each element is in the range 1-(n-1) and guaranteed to be a duplicate. This is what I came up with:
public int findDuplicate(int[] vals) {
int indexSum=0;
int valSum=0;
for (int i=0; i< vals.length; i++) {
indexSum += i;
valSum += vals[i];
return valSum - indexSum;
Then we got into a discussion about the runtime of this algorithm. A sum of series from 0 -> n = (n^2 + n)/2 which is quadratic. However, isn't the algorithm O(n) time? The number of operations are bound by the length of the array right?
What am I missing? Is this algorithm O(n^2)?
The fact that the sum of the integers from 0 to n is O(n^2) is irrelevant here.
Yes you run through the loop exactly O(n) times.
The big question is, what order of complexity are you assuming on addition?
If O(1) then yeah, this is linear. Most people will assume that addition is O(1).
But iwhat if addition is actually O(b) (b is bits, and in our case b = log n)? If you are going to assume this, then this algorithm is actually O(n * log n) (adding n numbers, each needs log n bits to represent).
Again, most people assume that addition is O(1).
Algorithms researchers have standardized on the unit-cost RAM model, where words are Theta(log n) bits and operations on words are Theta(1) time. An alternative model where operations on words are Theta(log n) time is not used any more because it's ridiculous to have a RAM that can't recognize palindromes in linear time.
Your algorithm clearly runs in time O(n) and extra space O(1), since convention is for the default unit of space to be the word. Your interviewer may have been worried about overflow, but your algorithm works fine if addition and subtraction are performed modulo any number M ≥ n, as would be the case for two's complement.
tl;dr Whatever your interviewer's problem was is imaginary or rooted in an improper understanding of the conventions of theoretical computer science.
You work on each on n cells one time each. Linear time.
Yes the algorithm is linear*. The result of valSum doesn't affect the running time. Take it to extreme, the function
int f(int[] vals) {
return vals.length * vals.length;
gives n2 in 1 multiplication. Obviously this doesn't mean f is O(n2) ;)
(*: assuming addition is O(1))
The sum of i from i=0 to n is n*(n+1)/2 which is bounded by n^2 but that has nothing to do with running time... that's just the closed form of the summation.
The running time of your algorithm is linear, O(n), where n is the number of elements in your array (assuming the addition operation is a constant time operation, O(1)).
I hope this helps.
