Jmeter extract value from Get Request - jmeter

In this example request 226 is main Post request which internally executes 1 Post and 2 Get requests during run time. how i can extract dynamic code value from one of Get request of 226 which is input for the request 228.
I know how to extract from response using RegEx and Xpath. I this case need help Passing Data From a Request to Another Request

Hopefully you've already found the solution, but I believe that is what you've been looking for:

To extract data from a response, you can go for Regular Expression Extractor in this case which is faster and consumes less memory and CPU compared to other extractors like XPath which is worse.
This blog has decent info on extracting information using Regular Expression Extractor.
You are already saying that you know how to use them. Then it is very easy to pass the value to another request. You just use the variable using below syntax to access the value - ${variablename}. Whereever you need to substitute the value, just use ${variablename}.
Ex: code=${code}&stats=${stats}
Remember: Scope of this variable is within the thread for a thread group.

I don't think you will be able to bypass OAuth 2.0 login challenge using correlation. See How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter for feasible options.

you can use beanshell sampler to process the results and have prev to get the list of results
org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult [] temp=prev.getSubResults();


Jmeter Debug Sampler Not Showing Regular Expression Extractor variables

I'm having some issues getting the variables from a Regular Expression Extractor to show in the View Results Tree.
Reg Ex and Test Plan
The Regular Expression Extractor is a child of the HTTP Request. The Debug Sampler and the View Results Tree are at the same level as the HTTP Request. I am trying to extract the Authorization Token.
API response
As you can see, I get a 200 response from the server with the Token.
View Results Tree with no RegEx variables
But I'm not even seeing the RegEx variables in the Debug Sampler. I would expect to see them, even if the Extractor didn't pull anything from the response. Am I missing a node? Looking in the wrong place? Using the wrong elements?
I've burned half a day researching and trying different things, please help.
Your regular expression is not correct, you should be using something like (.*) as your one will not match anything if you don't provide right boundary which you don't have. You can attempt sticking to line break character but it might not work if your token comes last
You're looking into wrong tab of the View Results Tree listener, JMeter Variables (including pre-defined ones) live under Response Data -> Response Body path
Check out How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article to learn more about JMeter tests troubleshooting techniques.

How to use Regex for HTTP request once and not duplicate code - Jmeter

I have a question about Jmeter's regex and Json extractor.
I sent Http request and parsed the response, I see that the only way it worked is if the json extractor and regex are inside the Http request section.
The problem is that I want to create generic framework, so the user can disable some requests and enable another, thus if I need to put the json extractor in each request I will duplicate the parsing for each request individually, instead of one to all (remember only one at a time will be active).
Marked in Yellow the working scenario, and unmarked the expected scenario with only one parse.
the actual results is that I get null in the json extractor and regex
Can someone explain if this is the only way?
After investigating I saw that the problem is with the assertion, the assertion not cope with situation that it is out of the Http request, it say that the response is null while I saw that the variable is not null.
Provided Pic for this issue
JMeter Post Processors (including Regular Expression Extractor, JSON Extractor, whatever) are following Scoping Rules, like:
If you put a Post Processor to be a child of a certain sampler - it will be applied to this sampler only
If you put a Post Processor at the same level as samplers - it will be applied to all samplers which are on the same level with it
See The Scope of JMeter Assertions chapter of the How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps guide for more details, here is the visual representation:
Remember 2 things:
Post Processors have their cost so go for extending their scope only if each sampler produces the cid you're looking for, otherwise it will create an overhead and increase resources consumption
if a certain sampler won't have this cid value it will either become null or will have a default value so your test can become more "fragile"

Feature Testing using jmeter

Can somebody please explain me how can I use JMeter for Feature testing?
I'm able to create multiple HTTP requests within a Testplan. But I need know the way to capture the previous API response and pass one of the response data to the next API request.
1.Create Account.
Request- POST: /account
Response: ID: "Value"
Read account
Request- GET: /account/
JMeter is really more of a load testing tool, and best used as such. Capturing data from responses is possible using the Regular Expression Extractor, which can store extracted values in variables for use in a subsequent request. It is a bit of a pain in the ass to use, though.
On your request, add a Regular Expression Extractor:
Field to check: body
Reference name: EXAMPLE
Regular Expression: \[.*\] #your regex here, stuff in square brackets as example
Match No.: 1
In a subsequent request, you can then use the variables defined by the extractor, e.g. ${EXAMPLE_g0} for the entire match, or ${EXAMPLE_g1} for group 1, etc.

How to use JMeter to create a resource with POST, extract Location, and then subsequently update it with PUT

I would like to profile a REST API using JMeter. I would like to write the test plan such that each user thread performs the following actions:
creates a new resource using HTTP POST
If HTTP 201 Created is received, then extract the new resource URL from the Location header of the HTTP response.
Subsequently update the resource using HTTP PUT
Loop in 3 and measure the response time
It's unclear to me how to use JMeter's conditional logic to break up the tests into these discrete parts. I would appreciate any insight anyone can provide on how to implement this.
You need to use If Controller to express this logic.
You can use Regular Expression Extractor to extract Response code (In field to check, check it and extract response code in a Variable)
Use the previously extracted variable in the If Controller condition

How to pass the value of a jmeter response as the input to the next request

As am new to jmeter please help me in passing the value from a webservice response as the input to the next webservice request
I guess that your web service returns XML (more likely) or JSON.
All you need is to use XPath Extractor Post Processor, get interesting response part, store it to variable and use in next request.
You can address variables next ways:
I prefer the second option as it allows combining several variables, evaluating functions, etc.
