Jmeter Debug Sampler Not Showing Regular Expression Extractor variables - jmeter

I'm having some issues getting the variables from a Regular Expression Extractor to show in the View Results Tree.
Reg Ex and Test Plan
The Regular Expression Extractor is a child of the HTTP Request. The Debug Sampler and the View Results Tree are at the same level as the HTTP Request. I am trying to extract the Authorization Token.
API response
As you can see, I get a 200 response from the server with the Token.
View Results Tree with no RegEx variables
But I'm not even seeing the RegEx variables in the Debug Sampler. I would expect to see them, even if the Extractor didn't pull anything from the response. Am I missing a node? Looking in the wrong place? Using the wrong elements?
I've burned half a day researching and trying different things, please help.

Your regular expression is not correct, you should be using something like (.*) as your one will not match anything if you don't provide right boundary which you don't have. You can attempt sticking to line break character but it might not work if your token comes last
You're looking into wrong tab of the View Results Tree listener, JMeter Variables (including pre-defined ones) live under Response Data -> Response Body path
Check out How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article to learn more about JMeter tests troubleshooting techniques.


difficulty in handling correlation in jmeter

i have identified the dynamic values in my website which i am handling through "regular expression extractor" still when i run the website the login request fails and throw error as token not found. please help,i m struggling...[this image contain the regEx extractor part and the failed login request also][1]
We cannot help you without seeing the response (at least partial) which you're getting for the /-7 request containing this hidden input with the token, you can try locating it using "RegExp Tester" mode of the View Results Tree listener and see whether your regular expression matches something or not
One thing is obvious: using regular expressions for extracting data from HTML is not the best idea, I would recommend considering switching to CSS Selector Extractor instead:

How to read Query Param in Response Location header in Jmeter

I'm load testing my API which requires to authenticate everytime before calling the API. I need to read a query param from HTTP header "Location" and use it in further requests in Jmeter. I tried to use "Regular Expression Extractor" with Location: .+=(.*?)\n but it didn't work. Any ideas how to read a specific variable from response headers?
Location: https://<<SSO_URL>>/authenticate?code=AbCDEfg1&..... --> extract "code"
Please try with this, regex for your question is code=([^&]*)
You need to change your regular expression to something like:
Location:\s* .*=(.*?)&
And make sure to choose Response Headers from the scope:
See Regular Expressions chapter of the JMeter User Manual for more details
Also it might be much easier to use the Boundary Extractor, in this case you will just need to provide the "left" and "right" boundaries and it will fetch everything in-between:
Moreover it works faster and consumes less resources, see The Boundary Extractor vs. the Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter article for more information

How to use Regex for HTTP request once and not duplicate code - Jmeter

I have a question about Jmeter's regex and Json extractor.
I sent Http request and parsed the response, I see that the only way it worked is if the json extractor and regex are inside the Http request section.
The problem is that I want to create generic framework, so the user can disable some requests and enable another, thus if I need to put the json extractor in each request I will duplicate the parsing for each request individually, instead of one to all (remember only one at a time will be active).
Marked in Yellow the working scenario, and unmarked the expected scenario with only one parse.
the actual results is that I get null in the json extractor and regex
Can someone explain if this is the only way?
After investigating I saw that the problem is with the assertion, the assertion not cope with situation that it is out of the Http request, it say that the response is null while I saw that the variable is not null.
Provided Pic for this issue
JMeter Post Processors (including Regular Expression Extractor, JSON Extractor, whatever) are following Scoping Rules, like:
If you put a Post Processor to be a child of a certain sampler - it will be applied to this sampler only
If you put a Post Processor at the same level as samplers - it will be applied to all samplers which are on the same level with it
See The Scope of JMeter Assertions chapter of the How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps guide for more details, here is the visual representation:
Remember 2 things:
Post Processors have their cost so go for extending their scope only if each sampler produces the cid you're looking for, otherwise it will create an overhead and increase resources consumption
if a certain sampler won't have this cid value it will either become null or will have a default value so your test can become more "fragile"

Get the path of an HTTP Request from another component

I am trying to let JMeter crowl my website to ensure a realistic stress test. I was able to extract the URLs from the home page and iterate on them. So I have a regular expression feeding a ForEach loop.
Now I am not able to let an HTTP Request take the output of the loop (Defined as a variable with a name) as its path.
Is there a general approach to setting the path of such a request. JMeter is taking something like:
set in the path of the request as a string and is not replacing it with the actual value.
Given your Regular Expression Extractor and ForEach Controller configurations are correct everything should work fine. If you need any assistance with this provide the following screenshots:
Regular Expression Extractor configuration
Debug PostProcessor or Debug Sampler output in the View Results Tree listener showing several generated JMeter Variables
ForEach Controller configuration
HTTP Request sampler configuration (i.e. where do you put the variable)
Be aware that you can mimic crawling the site more easily using HTML Link Parser the relevant configuration would be as simple as
See How to Spider a Site with JMeter - A Tutorial to learn more about simulating websites crawling.

Fetch Javascript variable in source section using Jmeter

I have a series of interconnected pages to test using JMeter. The problem is that the initial page has a Javascript variable in source section which is more of a session variable. This variable is passed in the URL for subsequent pages.
So basically I would like to fetch this javascript variable when I load the initial page from the source section and pass it to next URL(s).
Is there a way I can achieve this using JMeter.
Are you able to see the session variable in the response of initial page?
(in view result tree listener)
If yes, then correlate this value and pass the variable in to next request (use regular expression extractor for fetching the value, still if you are finding some issue in correlating the value than please share the response of first request over here so that I can provide you regx for that)
People mostly Regular Expression Extractor to fetch dynamic values from previous responses, in general the process looks like:
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the request which returns desired data
Use Perl5-style regular expression to match what you're looking for
Provide a template to choose match group - ususally $1$ if you looking for a single value
Provide a reference name to refer the extracted value, i.e. foo
Use extracted value as ${foo} where required
You can visualise JMeter Variables using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
The easiest way to debug your regular expressions is using View Results Tree listener in "RegExp Tester mode"
See How to debug your Apache JMeter script article for more information on troubleshooting your JMeter test.
