Dependency injection in Spring MVC? - spring

I am trying to use dependency injection in my Spring MVC web application. I have a function like this in my controller
#RequestMapping(value = "/stockgoogle/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Stock stockGoogle(Locale locale, Model model) {
StockDaoImpl si = new StockDaoImpl();
Stock s=si.listGoogle();
System.out.println("reached here");
model.addAttribute("s", s );
return s;
I want to dependency inject StockDaoImpl. Can you please tell me how I can do this. I have been trying to read but most of the explainations are very complex. Should I use #Autowired ? Where should I put it? Can you please help.

You can inject it through the Controller's constructor
class YourController{
private final StockDao dao;
public YourController(StockDao dao){
this.dao = dao;
And now StockDaoImpl has to be defined as a Bean of course,
public StockDao stockDao(){
return new StockDaoImpl();
Another way for doing it would be defining StockDaoImpl as a Component

Add below config in Spring config file(for example root-context.xml)
then in your controller, you like below code
class TestController{
private StockDao stockDao;

With spring-4 you can directly inject in given way :
private StockDao stockDao;
public #ResponseBody Stock stockGoogle(Locale locale, Model model) {
Stock s = stockDao.listGoogle();
System.out.println("reached here");
model.addAttribute("s", s );
return s;
StockDao will contain method signature
StockDaoImpl implements StockDao and definition of methods
Autowired will inject that Dao and you can use its method.


Spring Data Rest: #Autowire in Custom JsonDeserializer

I am trying to autowire a component into a custom JsonDeserializer but cannot get it right even with the following suggestions I found:
Autowiring in JsonDeserializer: SpringBeanAutowiringSupport vs HandlerInstantiator
Right way to write JSON deserializer in Spring or extend it
How to customise the Jackson JSON mapper implicitly used by Spring Boot?
Spring Boot Autowiring of JsonDeserializer in Integration test
My final goal is to accept URLs to resources in different microservices and store only the ID of the resource locally. But I don't want to just extract the ID from the URL but also verify that the rest of the URL is correct.
I have tried many things and lost track a bit of what I tried but I believe I tried everything mentioned in the links above. I created tons of beans for SpringHandlerInstantiator, Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder, MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, RestTemplate and others and also tried with setting the SpringHandlerInstantiator in RepositoryRestConfigurer#configureJacksonObjectMapper.
I am using Spring Boot 2.1.6.RELEASE which makes me think something might have changed since some of the linked threads are quite old.
Here's my last attempt:
public class JacksonConfig {
public HandlerInstantiator handlerInstantiator(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
return new SpringHandlerInstantiator(applicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory());
public class RestConfiguration implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
private Validator validator;
private HandlerInstantiator handlerInstantiator;
public void configureValidatingRepositoryEventListener(ValidatingRepositoryEventListener validatingListener) {
validatingListener.addValidator("beforeCreate", validator);
validatingListener.addValidator("beforeSave", validator);
public void configureJacksonObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
public class RestResourceURLSerializer extends JsonDeserializer<Long> {
private MyConfig config;
public Long deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
ServiceConfig serviceConfig = config.getServices().get("identity");
URI serviceUri = serviceConfig.getExternalUrl();
String servicePath = serviceUri.getPath();
URL givenUrl = p.readValueAs(URL.class);
String givenPath = givenUrl.getPath();
if (servicePath.equals(givenPath)) {
return Long.parseLong(givenPath.substring(givenPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
return null;
I keep getting a NullPointerException POSTing something to the API endpoint that is deserialized with the JsonDeserializer above.
I was able to solve a similar problem by marking my deserializer constructor accept a parameter (and therefore removing the empty constructor) and marking constructor as #Autowired.
public class MyDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<MyEntity> {
private final MyBean bean;
// no default constructor
public MyDeserializer(MyBean bean){
this.bean = bean
#JsonDeserialize(using = MyDeserializer.class)
public class MyEntity{...}
My entity is marked with annotation #JsonDeserialize so I don't have to explicitly register it with ObjectMapper.

Spring constructor injection using java config

I have a Class that accepts the following constructor
public Student(int id, String name, Map<String, List<String>> mapInject) {
super(); = id; = name;
this.mapInject = mapInject;
And from spring Java Config, I am injecting the constructor args like below..
public class JavaConfig {
public Employee getEmployeeBean() {
Map<String,List<String>> mapInject = new HashMap<String,List<String>>();
//Add map element
return new Employee(3123,"John",mapInject);
Am i doing constructor injection here? Is this the right way to do so?
I wouldn't use Spring to handle this bean creation, unless you want ALL employees to have the same id and name which I doubt.
The power behind Spring is its Dependency Injection (DI) where you define beans for providers such as database managers, services, etc. and inject those into your components. Defining a #Bean like you have there serves no purpose as now you can only inject employees with an id of 3123 and name John.
It's important to understand that just because you are using Spring it doesn't mean EVERYTHING needs to be handled as a bean - you will always need standard POJOs for housing and passing around state (such as your Employee class) which doesn't need to have anything to do with Spring.
Down the line you might have an EmployeeService for example which houses business logic to fetch employees from a database or something, this could then be configured as a bean so it can be injected across the application.
public class JavaConfig {
#Autowired //assuming a sessionfactory been is configured elsewhere
public EmployeeService employeeService(final SessionFactory sessionfactory) {
return new EmployeeService(sessionFactory);
You could then inject this anywhere (maybe in a controller for example):
public class EmployeeController {
private final EmployeeService employeeService;
public EmployeeController(final EmployeeService employeeService) {
this.employeeService = employeeService;
Where the EmployeeController doesn't need to know or care that the userService has a DB connection and doesn't need to worry about configuring it as Spring will handle all of that.

How to call a service from a controller

I am trying to call the following service from a controller:
class MyMailService {
private final SendGrid sendGrid;
public SendGridMailService(SendGrid sendGrid) {
this.sendGrid = sendGrid;
void sendMail() {
Request request = new Request();
Response response = this.sendGrid.api(request);
And my controller:
# controller
public String index(Model model) {
MyMailService.sendMail() // how to do this properly?
return "register";
What would be the correct way to call this from a controller? Basically, I'm trying to "autoconfigure" sendgrid, so I don't have to initialize the SendGrid object with the API key whenever I call the MyMailService class.
As suggested by others, I do think too you need to spend more time learning Java & Spring basics. But to answer your question, you auto-wire/inject your service singleton object in the controller to use it:
public class ControllerA
private MyMailService mymailService; //singleton object instance injected to be used/shared by all controllers
public String index(Model model) {
return "register";
You can call your service in below ways
1) Simply adding #Autowired to your class type
MyMailService myMailService;
2) Using Constructor Injection as below,
MyMailService myMailService;
public WebController(MyMailService myMailService) {
this.myMailService = myMailService;
- here i assumed my Controller name is WebController
3) Using Setter Injection as below,
MyMailService myMailService;
public void setMyMailService(MyMailService myMailService) {
this.myMailService = myMailService;
and finally in your controller you can call your service class methods as below,
Follow naming convention.

calling a method by class level annotated with #RequestMapping that includes an autowired class

I am trying to call a method that is annotated with #RequestMapping(signIn) through a class level (from method: authentication) like so:
#RequestMapping(value = /authenticate, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody Response authentication(HttpServletRequest request)
UserController user = new UserController();
return user.signIn(request, null);
and my controller looks like:
private UserManager userManager;
#RequestMapping(value = /signin, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody Response signIn(HttpServletRequest request) {
JsonObject json = Misc.parseJson(request);
String lang = Misc.getLang(request);
return ResponseUtils.success(userManager.auth(user, lang));
user manager is annotated with #component:
public class UserManager {
public User auth(User user, String lang) {
return user;
Problem is when I call the method "signIn" and just new-up a UserController instance through "/authenticate" mapping, the UserManager becomes NULL. So now I'm assuming that autowiring doesn't work when it's done this way.
Is there any other way to call the signIn method? I would hate to copy paste an already existing code to another class just to get this to work...
Autowiering only works in spring managed bean. If you create a class with new keyword, it is not a spring managed bean and autowiering would not work.
You can try to autowire the class which contains the method which is annotated or better put the code in a service class which can be used by both methods.
It's not problem with #Autowired .There are two type of Annotation
firstly method base annotation and field level annotation. You just used field level annotation.Check your import class with "org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired" or it can be problem with initiation of "UserManager"
I don't know why you not moving logic into separate Service classs, but try this:
public UserController(UserManager userManager) {
this.userManager = userManager;
and then inside controller where authentication resource method is located:
#Autowired UserManager userManager;
#RequestMapping(value = /authenticate, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody Response authentication(HttpServletRequest request) {
UserController user = new UserController(userManager);
return user.signIn(request);
So in the end I just separated the logic instead. Though one solution that I tried and I could have used was to just add another mapping to the signIn method instead of adding a new method in the other class since the logic was similar. Still I opted for a separate logic instead since there were a lot of unnecessary code in the signIn method for my purpose.

Spring Boot | MyBatis project structure can't wire layers

Can't wire layers in Spring Boot | MyBatis application. The problem is probably happening when Service layer uses Mapper.
Controller method sample:
public class MessageController {
private MessageService messageService;
#RequestMapping(value = "messages", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getMessages(ModelMap modelMap) {
return "messages";
Service class:
public class MessageService {
#Autowired // Not sure if I can use Autowired here.
private MessageMapper messageMapper;
public MessageService() {
public Collection<Message> selectMessages() { return
messageMapper.selectAll(); }
MyBatis Mapper:
public interface MessageMapper {
#Select("select * from message")
Collection<Message> selectAll();
It feels like I'm having some fundamental knowledge based mistake. Probably managing external libraries.
Here's maven pom.xml. Looks kind of overloaded, I faced a lot of errors managing different spring-boot packages. Starter for autoconfiguration included.
Here's the project structure:
I'm sure DB connection is working well, I'm able to track changes in MySQL Workbench while Spring Boot is executing schema.sql and data.sql. But somehow, MyBatis mapper methods throw NullPointerException and page proceeds with exit code 500. Seems like they can't connect.
MessageService isn't managed by spring.
You have to annotate the MessageService class with #Service annotation (also, after adding this annotation you can indeed use #Autowired inside the service class)
public class MessageService {
private MessageMapper messageMapper;
public Collection<Message> selectMessages() {
return messageMapper.selectAll();
and wire it to the controller with
private MessageService messageService
and use it in a method like this
#RequestMapping(value = "messages", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getMessages(ModelMap modelMap) {
modelMap.addAttribute(MESSAGE, messageService.selectMessages());
return "messages";
