DateTime Format in Oracle SQL Loader [duplicate] - oracle

The data from the infile is in the format MM/DD/YYYY how do I tell the control file to load it into the database as YYYYMM?

When you specify the columns in the INFILE declare just identify the format the data is held in. Like this
load data
infile 'whatever.csv'
into table t23
fields terminated by ','
trailing nullcols
col_1 integer
, col_2 char
, col_3 date "MM/DD/YYYY"
, col_4 date "MM/DD/YYYY"
, col_5 char
Don't worry about the "to" date format. That is only for display purposes. Oracle stores dates in its own internal representation.

Are you trying to load the MM/DD/YYYY data into a char/varchar2 field, or into a date field?
If you're trying to load it into a date field and you want to preserve the day of the month, APC's answer is correct. You can always just present the YYYYMM if that's what you want to do.
If you're trying to load it into a date field and you want to truncate it to the first day of the month, I think something like this would work:
date_column date "MM/DD/YYYY" "trunc(:date_column, 'mm')"
If inserting into a CHAR/VARCHAR2 column, you'd could to transform it a little differently:
vc2_column char "substr(:vc2_column, 7, 4) || substr(:vc2_column, 1, 2)"


Oracle SQL loader control file creation for date and time

I am using below CTL file to load data into table
Load data
Into table abc
Fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
Trailing nullcols
R_date date 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
Csv file value is as
09/12/2023 12:30:34
08/11/2023 22;30:45
In table abc r_date column datatype is date.
Ora-01840 input value not long enough for date format.
Noting we have written in above file
I think you want:
R_date date "mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss"

changing Date format in query

in some part of my program , I want to run a sql query and have the result which is a date like : %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S
SELECT MAX(created_at)
date in created_at column is stored like 04/03/2021 15:45:30 ( it is fulled with SYSDATE)
but when I run this query, I get just 04.03.21
what should I do to fix it?
Apply TO_CHAR with appropriate format mask:
select to_char(max(created_at), ' hh24:mi:ss') as created_at
from hot_files_logs
where file_name = 'test'
Oracle does not store dates or timestamps in any display format, they are stored in an internal structure, every date in every Oracle database since at least 8i and probably earlier. This structure consists of 7 1-byte integers (timestamps in a similar but larger structure). How the date is displayed or a string converted to a date is controlled the specified date format string in the to_char or to_date function or if no format string given by the NLS_DISPLAY_FORMAT setting. To get a gimps at the internal settings run the following:
create table td( d date);
insert into td(d) values(sysdate);
select d "The Date" , dump(d) "Stored As" from td;
See example. The last used format is not practical but strictly demonstrable. Well I guess you could use it to seed a repeatable random sequence.

How to store date value in hive timestamp?

I am trying to store the date and timestamp values in timestamp column using hive. The source file contain the values of date or sometimes timestamps.
Is there a way to read both date and timestamp by using the timestamp data type in hive.
2015-10-10 12:00:00.232
Output which I am getting:
2015-10-10 12:00:00.232
Is it possible to read both values by using timestamp data type.
create external table mytime(id string ,t timestamp) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED
LOCATION 'hdfs://xxx/data/dev/ind/'
I was able think of a workaround. tried this with a small set of data:
Load the data with inconsistent date data into a hive table say table1 by making the column as string datatype .
Now create another table table2 with the datatype as timestamp for the required column and load the data from table1 to table2 using the transformation INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table2 select id,if(length(tsstr) > 10, tsstr, concat(tsstr,' 00:00:00')) from table1;
This should load the data in required format.
Code as below:
create table table1
id int,
tsstr string
LOCATION '/user/cloudera/hive/table1.tb';
1,2015-04-15 00:00:00
2,2015-04-16 00:00:00
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/cloudera/data/tsstr' INTO TABLE table1;
create table table2
id int,
mytimestamp timestamp
LOCATION '/user/cloudera/hive/table2.tb';
INSERT INTO TABLE table2 select id,if(length(tsstr) > 10, tsstr, concat(tsstr,' 00:00:00')) from table1;
Result shows up as expected:
Hive is similar to any other database in terms of datatype mapping and hence requires a uniform values for a specific column to be stored under a conformed datatype. The data in your file for second column has non-uniform data i.e, some are in date format while others in timestamp format.
In order to not to lose the date, as suggested by #Kishore , make sure you have a uniform datatype in the file and get the file with timestamp values as 2016-01-01 00:00:000 where there are only dates.

How can I convert a date to another format at run time in Oracle?

I have a date string coming from user input in the format of DD/MM/YYYY and I need to match it against a date column in our database in the format of DD-MON-YY.
Example input is 01/01/2015 and example date column in our database:
SELECT MAX(creation_date) FROM orders;
I need to query in the format:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE creation_date = 01/01/2015
and somehow have that converted to 01-JAN-15.
Is it possible with some built-in Oracle function?
Use to_date, if the column in the table is in date format
to_char allows you to specify different formats in a SQL statement.
Example: to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY') will display 06-AUG-2015 for today's date.
Use to_date to compare your date column to a date string, but be careful in doing so since your date column may include a time component that isn't showing when selecting from your table.
If there is no index on your date column, you can truncate it during the comparison:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE TRUNC(creation_date) = TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy');
If there is an index on your date column and you still want to use it then use a ranged comparison:
SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE creation_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy')
and creation_date < TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy')+1;

how to insert current date into a DATE field in dd/mm/yyyy format in oracle

I have a field in my table with datatype as DATE in Oracle.
I want to insert the current date into that field, in format DD/MM/YYYY format.
I tried the below query:
select to_date(to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy'),'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
But it gives
1/8/2011 12:00:00 AM.
I want it to insert and show as
08/01/2011 12:00:00 AM.
Can anyone help me in this please ?
DATE is a built-in type in Oracle, which is represented in a fixed way and you have no control over it.
I want it to insert [...] as 08/01/2011 12:00:00 AM
The above is nonsensical. You don't insert a string, you insert a date.
Format is useful only when you want:
to convert a string to an internal representation of date with TO_DATE (format mask: how to parse the string);
to convert an internal representation of date to a string with TO_CHAR (format mask: how to render the date).
So basically, in your example you take a DATE, you convert it to a STRING with some format, and convert it back to DATE with the same format. This is a no-op.
Now, what your client displays: this is because your Oracle Client won't display DATE fields directly and the NLS layer will convert any DATE field that is selected. So it depends on your locale by default.
What you want is SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY') FROM dual; which will explicitly perform the conversion and return a string.
And when you want to insert a date in a database, you can use TO_DATE or date literals.
Alternatively, if you want to retrieve the date part of the DATE field, you may use truncate, i.e.
select to_char(trunc(sysdate),'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual;
When the column is of type DATE, you can use something like:
Insert into your_table(your_date_column) Select TRUNC(SYSDATE) from DUAL;
This removes the time part from SYSDATE.
Maybe this can help
insert into pasok values ('&kode_pasok','&kode_barang','&kode_suplier',
note: '&' help we to insert data again, insert / end than enter to
insert again example: Enter value for kode_pembelian: BEL-E005 Enter
value for kode_barang: ELK-02 Enter value for kode_customer: B-0001
old 2: '&kode_pembelian','&kode_barang','&kode_customer', new 2:
'BEL-E005','ELK-02','B-0001', Enter value for tanggal_pembelian:
24-06-2002 Enter value for jumlah_pembelian: 2 old 3:
to_date('&tanggal_pembelian','dd-mm-yyyy'),&jumlah_pembelian) new 3:
1 row created.
SQL> / (enter)
