I want to include pop up pdf in Joomla - joomla

I am working on Joomla for nonprofit, and I want the current month newsletter pops up right after the window newsletter window opens up.
Here is the link of newsletter:

Download this free modal extension. This will allow you to point to the url of the pdf and open upon page load. http://demo.nonumber.nl/index.php/12-modals


Prestashop mail confirmation layout

I'm developing a Prestashop 1.7 e-commerce and I'm stuck with a layout problem about the order confirmation that the customer receives. The mail itself works, but it's showed badly when viewed with a smartphone and this because is made using tables with pre-assigned column sizes that I cannot change
Is there a way to change this layout easily through the Back Office or should I dig into the code?
Translation tool in the backend
Log into your PrestaShop admin panel.
Navigate to Localization -> Translations, find Modify translations section.
Select the E-mail template translations from the Type of translation dropdown menu, Core (no theme selected) and the required language:
Click Modify button.
Open Core e-mails and by using search tool (CTRL + F) find order_conf.
You can change the body of the message in WYSIWYG editor, that appears after clicking on
Edit HTML version. And also you can view/edit the .txt version:
Edit account email in the same way :
After all changes click Save or Save and stay button.

How Change Title tags on joomla browser title

I have cloned a website into a different domain and I am trying to change the browser title that shows up in the website tab. I have changed the page display Browser Page Title on the home page module(which was blank), I have changed the page title, its still showing the same title that was on the old website. Where can I go into the code and change the title tags myself? which file changes this?
If the page you are concerned about is also linked to a menu item, from the back end go to
Menus > Your Menu > Your Menu Item
Then open the Page Display tab and check the entry for Browser Page Title
If this still doesn't solve your problem, check that the page title isn't coming from an SEO extension like sh404SEF
Good luck

Magento Pages Showing Same Content

I am using Magento 1.9.2. I created 3 categories active in the main navigation menu. The display mode for each category is 'static block only' and the static block each one is set to use has a unique url key, name, and content. The categories are called 'how to use', 'colors,' and 'faq.'
The problem is that when I click on one of the links on the frontend for one of those categories, the content for that category/cms block displays fine, but if I click on another link the url changes correctly but the content stays the same. For example, if I click on the how to use link first, I get the right content, but then if I click on the faq link the url changes to the faq page but the page keeps displaying the content for the how to use page.
Flushing the cache and reindexing only works for one click on one of the links. In other words, if I have the problem described above and then flush the cache/reindex the site and click on the faq link, the content changes to the faq content, but if I then click on the colors link I have the same problem.
Has anyone ever encountered this before and/or can explain why this problem is happening?
Thank you for your help.
I resolved this issue by downloading Magento and uploading app/code/core/Mage/Cms/Block/Block.php to app/code/local/Mage/Cms/Block/Block.php.

Jomsocial content/article pages

I want to create About us, Privacy policy and terms of service page using the joomla's abck-end and i created articles for the same and crate new menu items in the jomsocial menu toolbar for the same. The menu items appears fine in the front end. Everything fine till now.
The problem is when i click on the menu item for article/content page, it moves out of com_community folder and moves to com_content page and it leaves the current design of site. My site navigation for jomsocial disappears. Content appears in default joomla's template not in jomsocial's template.
Any ideas ?? Thanks in advance.....
You need to go back double check everything.
You need to ensure you have the proper menus associated with the proper templates.
Check that joomsocail template is legitimately setup on all pages. And there is nothing over ruling or over riding it

joomla 1.6 paypal donate button

I've just got Joomla 1.6 up and running.
My question is this:
Do we need plug-ins to add a PayPal donate button on Joomla? Can't we just paste the code in the article?
You can't paste code in to an article without an extension. By default the article text field cleans any code out before inserting it in to the database. You can install an extension that allows code in articles or a Paypal button extension. I am not a fan of allowing users to insert their own code so the plugin or module method would be the better route. There are quite a few 1.6 native Paypal extensions - http://extensions.joomla.org/search?q=paypal
I just went through the process of getting the PayPal button to work on our Joomla site. With the help of PayPal's technical support, I found that although I had back-end administrative permission, I had to log-in as the Super Administrator to get it to work.
Log-in as the Super Administrator and go through your article manager to edit the article. Once you are in the article, the "toolbar" above the textbox will have a blue "HTML" button on the right end the second row. When you click that it opens the HTML editor. I then pasted the PayPal code, and clicked "Update". The PayPal button then appeared in the text box and I was able to adjust the alignment as I wanted.
