How Change Title tags on joomla browser title - joomla

I have cloned a website into a different domain and I am trying to change the browser title that shows up in the website tab. I have changed the page display Browser Page Title on the home page module(which was blank), I have changed the page title, its still showing the same title that was on the old website. Where can I go into the code and change the title tags myself? which file changes this?

If the page you are concerned about is also linked to a menu item, from the back end go to
Menus > Your Menu > Your Menu Item
Then open the Page Display tab and check the entry for Browser Page Title
If this still doesn't solve your problem, check that the page title isn't coming from an SEO extension like sh404SEF
Good luck


How to remove the "site name" from an article in Joomla 3

The name of my site appears in the title of all of my site's pages.
How can I hide the site name in one of my articles ("only one")?
You don't hide the name through the article itself, but by changing the setting for the menu item that opens the article.
So go to the backend, open the menu item and go to the Page settings (sorry, I'm not working with the English version of Joomla, so I don't know the exact name). The second option on that screen (show page title) must be set to No.

Page Title displaying in browser html but not google

Google webmaster is telling me that on quite a few websites we have that there are missing page titles. On these pages google has taken the menu item name for the title.
The menu has its page title filled in and is showing correctly in the inspect element on the browser.
One example is we would like the page title to read:
UK Injection Moulding Manufacturers
Again, page title in html shows correctly but google just displays manufacturing as its title.
The joomla version is 3.4.3.
If you use google, often the results are already cached from your previous browsing.
Try to use Tor browser and verify if the page title is correct.
This is often caused by the incorrect setup of the menu items. What you might be seeing as the title is actually the article title which is a H2.
Edit the Menu Item -> Page Display -> Show PAge Heading -> Yes
and set the: Page Heading to what you desire. I.E. UK Injection Moulding Manufacturers
this will show a H1 now. If you then have duplicate text i.e. the article title you can hide this by editing:
Menu Item -> Options -> Show Title -> No.
Many thanks

Change the website title in Google search

I am creating a Joomla website(Rockettheme template). The problem is that when I add it into the Google search, the title of the link appears as the name for the Rockettheme template, and I can't change it to the name of my website. Here is a picture of the google search :
How can I change the Ximenia-July 2012 Template Demo to the title that I want?
As Super Administrator, you should have access to the Global Configuration, which is where you can update the Site Title.
In the back-end Administration, go to your main Control Panel, go to Global Configuration, and in the first section "Site" there should be a field for "Site Name". Enter the name of your website that you want.
While you're there, you should also scroll down to the Metadata Settings and update your Site Meta Description with a short description of what your site is about, as this is used on the Google Search Engine Results Page as well.
Well I know your feel bro :)
OK If I guessed it correct,
you have to go to the main menu, in menu manager.
select 'home' menu item, and then go to 'page display options'
there you can find what you seem to looking for, viz the first input box labeled 'Browser Page Title'.

Joomla 3 Show Title issue. Hide page-header

I turned Show Title option for articles to Hide in global settings. So it works for each my page good instead of home page. So the title is still appear, even if I switched it to hide in article that correspond to Home page content.
I suppose maybe something wrong with menu.
So I have next menu:
Each menu content single article, but only Home shows title...
I am using joomla 3
on the screenshot below Home header that I don't need.
on the screenshot below Videos header that set as Show tile in menu item
on the screenshot below Videos header that set as Hide tile in menu item
I am making the same for Home but it does not work the Home tile is still visible.
I tapped on menu items then on home items which is single article:
then I modify visibility options:
save and close - and then update the index page in browser, but nothing happen the header Home is still on the page (
The solution is next:
Click on the “Menus” menu and select “Main Menu”.
Click on the menu item that represents your home page (usually “Home” or something similar)
On the right side, click on “Page Display Options”
Set “Show Page Heading” to “No”
Click on “Save”
You have an option to show or hide the title of Articles and also Menus. Usualy is "Home" also the dafault "Frontpage" of the site, having the option to show the title.
Go to Menus -> Default "Home" Menu and under options you should have Show Title and hide it.
This should work, i tested it right now on my page to be sure.
in joomla 3.x it will be possible by combination of backend settings and source code change.
Login to your joomla control panel.
Go to Global\Articles and turn the "Show Title" and "Article info Title" to Hide.
Go to Global\Menus and turn the "Show Page Heading" to Hide.
Login to your host and go to your public html directory then go to "\templates**[your template]**\html\com_content\article" directory.
open default.php in editor and find
php if $this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1) :
and change the 1 to 0 then save it.
I suggest you to backup default.php file before any changes.
You can disable the Page Heading in the Menu Item options as showed below in my screenshot:
if this don't work, try to go to MENUS - MANAGE - (press the button OPTIONS to the right of the page)
In browser page title press one space , the set the second voice to NO:
Then save and press the REBUILD button.
This happens when you have a multi language site. The "Show Page Heading" option inside the languages home menu doesn´t works at all in this case. It is overrided by the Main Menu home options (that one without any languages assigned to it, that is mandatory in Joomla).
So if you change the "Show Page Heading" option inside the Main Menu home options, it will work.
Bizarre. But, it´s the way that Joomla 3 works.

Remove "componentheading" from homepage - Joomla!

I'm working on a site in Joomla! and on the homepage, at the top of the article, it comes up with a h1 of the website name. The pagesource says (Note it's not the article title.)
Any idea how to get rid of it?
You can set this h1 tag not to display via the Parameters - System section of your Menu Item Manager screen in administrator ... this page has a nice depiction of the steps.
It's so simple
Just do the following :
Login to the Joomla Administrator Interface
Go to the Menu Manager
Select your Menu
Select your Menu Item (Home Menu)
On the right hand, Click Parameters (System)—> and in the *Show Page Title—->*Just Select No.
That's all.
This is not the desired solution, since many people, (including myself) actually need to be able to Set/Override the page title (That Appears in the Browser’s Title bar), and setting Page Title to no here will also remove the functionality to Configure the Browser title (which is important for SEO among other things).
Anyway, I have searched and not been able to find a fully correct solution via CMS or PHP Code. The closest solution which is not fully perfect, but unlikely to cause significant (if any) negative effect on your site is through Javascript (Example is JQuery).
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
This can also be done is JS with no JQuery. When I find a better method of doing this I’ll let you know.This should actually be done by removing output from a template file.I don’t know which one yet. When I do, I’ll post it…
When setting the page title not to show in the menu item as stated in other answers, this will not stop the text entered in the page title box being used as the browser title, it will just stop it being shown in the page.
Using javascript to remove it is not a good idea.
1. It will only work for browsers with javascript enabled
2. Search engine spiders will still see it. As the component heading for articles is 'articles' by default it will see all your pages with the same h1 tag.
Just turn it off in the menu item and enter your browser title in the text box above.
