Potential Joomla component incompatibility with EventGallery - joomla

Forgive the lack of direction with this question, however I had a my Joomla 3.4 site running fine, then switched to a new host. All of the site transfer went to plan, however one component, Event Gallery by Sven Bluge, which shows a page of photos stopped working.
The page with the component loads all the framework to host the images, but replaces each image with a blank.gif
<img class="eventgallery-lazyme " data-width="800" data-height="533" longdesc="http://raymondthefox.com/components/com_eventgallery/helpers/image.php?option=com_eventgallery&mode=uncrop&width=50&view=resizeimage&folder=raymondsnapshots&file=IMG_0212.JPG" src="http://raymondthefox.com/media/com_eventgallery/frontend/images/blank.gif" style=" width: 50px; height: 50px; background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;" alt="Snapshots">
Having looked up this issue on the Event Gallery support pages they suggested it could be a mod_secure problem, or various PHP permission issues.
I contacted my hosting support with this, they investigated and offered the following information.
Declaration of EventgalleryControllerEvent::postSaveHook() should be compatible
with JControllerForm::postSaveHook(JModelLegacy $model, $validData = Array) in
on line 16 So we suspect some incompatibilities between Joomla components.
Is there any substance in their response, and if so could anyone outline what it means.
Please comment if more/less information is required and I will update the question accordingly. Apologies for running in blind with this one.

I guess this is already solved. The answer of your hosting provider is worth nothing. But mentioning the switch to a new hosting provider is a good hint.
Event Gallery uses the script /components/com_eventgallery/helpers/image.php to deliver cached thumbnails. If this script has no execution permission you'll see no images. You can either switch on the slow legacy render mode in the components options or you fix those permissions.


Debuging Asp.net core web with IIs is different than direct browsing

it's my first question here so i'm very excited :).
I moved recently from programing mvc-5/6 to asp.net core.
Now, i noticed when i debug my website i have several options:
-SolutionName via cmd deployment
-Browse with
The funny thing is that when i deploy my web with IIS (F5) the browser doesn't get all my css references (which does not effect few of my privately cssed elements). But when i deploy it by the other 2 options i mentioned earlier it does work.
Now I've been searching a bit around for an explanation for that and find none.
Due to my lack of understanding in IIS i assume the problem is somewhere there and here are the following 2 questions:
1) Why are there such distinctions?
2) Does it matter eventually if the IIS doesn't respond as i expected when other debugging methods does respond correctly?
Thanks you!!!
A pic to show my code
.banner {
height: 350px;
width: 100%;
max-height: 50%;
max-width: 100%;
min-height: 20%;
min-width: 30%;
background-image: url('/ProfilePic/Profile.png');
background-size: cover;
I'd be careful here - it definitely does matter - as an answer for question 2.
When you switch from old MVC to core, you will realize that your "served" files go and lie in the wwwroot folder.
It is completely possible that you did not reference your CSS just right (as it differs from normal MVC's file structure). Also, be sure to use a relative path as opposed to an absolute one.
Have a look here:
<link href="~/css/site-internal.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="~/wwwroot/css/site-internal.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="http://localhost:5000/css/site-internal.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Could be that your problem is unrelated, but it is something to watch out for none the less.
Your CSS's should definitely be able to load without regard to whichever way you run the program.
As an aside - the IIS option allows you to debug and step through your JS and could be quite useful.
What you want to do here is go into your browser dev tools (F12 most of the time), and go see if your CSS gets resolved correctly - you can continue once you know what your problem is.
Usually if something goes wrong in the process of loading CSS you wil get errors straight in the browser console
Upon further perusal of your problem statement - I think it might be that your CSS is loaded correctly but you've got a problem with that image URL.
Please check the first answer here
The URL of the image inside a CSS file is relative to the path of the CSS file.
Therefore your solution will be something like this:
The .. moves up one level.

Bootstrap not working in Magento theme

I've got a silly problem. It's probably just down to me not being able to see the wood for the trees... one of you geniuses might spot the problem immediately, or at least I hope so!
I've developed a theme for a Magento site using Bootstrap. First I built static HTML templates, which were tested for responsiveness, and they all worked fine.
I then integrated those templates into Magento... and the responsive elements stopped working. They were working initially, but at some point during the site development, they stopped working.
I've looked and looked at it and I can't see what's wrong. I presume there's some sort of conflict with Bootstrap somewhere but I just can't see it. There are no script errors that I can see and everything is loading correctly, but the responsive elements refuse to work.
Can someone take a look at the site at http://www.collaredclergywear.co.uk/ and tell me what I'm missing? I think it's probably something simple but I can't see the wood for the trees anymore.
One thing in style.css try commenting it. better remove style.css completely and test
.wrapper {
min-width: 954px;

Google Recaptcha: Weird graphic glitch?

I just implemented Google recaptcha on a site and it appears to be having a weird graphic glitch under the box itself.
You can see a picture here:
As you can see, under the captcha there's some glichy looking lines. Does anyone know a way to get rid of this and or if it's supposed to be there? (I don't think so, but the implementation code is taken directly from google themselves).
I had the same problem and figured out that the line height of 20px that I set for the body tag in my CSS file was the culprit. Try this, it worked for me:
.recaptchatable * {
line-height: 4px;
For me, I had to choose a THEME in the implementation of the recaptcha instance on a form building widget for wordpress. It was not indicating ANY theme when it was displaying weird. I seleceted "clean" and it works nice.

How to stop adblock plus blocking images in HTML page

I am building a simple HTML page with some images, my FireFox has Adblock Plus—recently installed— and it blocks these images. I look at other similar pages on the net and they are not blocking images so why is it blocking mine?
I do not want visitors to my page to not see images if they happen to have Adblock installed in FireFox.
Some advice to allow images to show whilst ab block is on would be great. I don’t want to write exceptions or anything for my own viewing I want to set my page so that Adblock doesn’t block the images.
I'm assuming that you're not talking about Adsense here but images hosted on your server and hard coded into your page.
If so they're probably being blocked because of the file name and/or path.
Adblock will block images
with common ad dimensions in the file name, e.g. 'myimage_720_90.png' or 'myimage_300x250.jpg'.
with common ad keywords in their path (and file name), e.g. banners, adv, ad.
maybe other filters that analyse CSS or HTML
Check your image file names and rename some to see how it goes, try something generic like 'topwide.png or similar to avoid the filters.
I had a very similar issue, I had some banners to display on an eCommerce site, put them im a folder called banners/size. After the page rendered, the banners would disappear in Chrome. I thought something was going crazy in JavaScript somewhere, I tried in Firefox and everything worked. Only difference, no AdBlock enabled in Firefox!
Inspecting the image statements, it had appended this to every image in the banners folder:
style="display: none !important; visibility: hidden !important; opacity: 0 !important; background-position: 1px 1px; width="0" height="0"
I renamed the banners folder to img_bnr, sorted!
I had similar issue with filename like this:
adv_s_imagesName.png <-- Blocked by adblock because of "adv" in filename
for me "adv" mean "advanced" but for adblock it's "advertising"!
File renamed, no more block.
Same here - had an image with 'adtech' in the name (abbreviation for advertising technology). Took me ages to figure out that adblocker was blocking because of the filename. Adtech being AOL's ad-serving platform. Understandable keyword to look out for, frustrating chasing you tail for ages trying to figure out why your content image is being blocked.

Background images are not being referenced correctly

Ok, first off, I know that the code referenced below has to do with a Joomla! site, however, I have had this problem on more than one site, not all of them using the Joomla! framework.
Now the problem:
I have some background images that are being referenced in my CSS stylesheet as:
background: url(../images/j_header_middle.png) repeat-x;
However, when the page is loaded into the web browser it is being referenced as:
background:url( repeat-x
I have done some searching on the web and have not been able to find a proper explanation as to why the images are being referenced this way. If I go into the console and remove the IP address from the file location it works just fine. I just have no idea why it is being added to the file location in the first place.
Any constructive ideas as to why this is happening are welcome.
I was wondering if you've found a satisfying explanation for this. If not then at least this post will serve as more data. My website recently had this problem too. In my javascript, I linked with the google hosted version of jQuery UI 1.8.18. Everything seemed ok for weeks until today when my browser kept trying to connect with This link is the culprit.
That png file is an image resource specified by jQuery UI. I only started to see the problem today and I can't be sure whether it just started happening or the host with IP recently went down. For weeks, jQuery ui 1.8.18 works fine.
Finally, after downgrading to 1.8.17 the problem seems to go away (no weird IP injection).
