the ios designer mac agent is not available - visual-studio

Hi am using visual studio 2015 community to create ios app.I am getting this error all time like the ios designer mac agent is not available.I am using win-7 64-bit os.

You have to have a Mac paired with your Windows OS in order to utilize the iOS Designer.
Xamarin.iOS Requirements:
Windows 7 or higher.
Visual Studio 2012 Professional or higher.
Xamarin for Visual Studio.
A Mac running OS X Yosemite (10.10) or higher (although we recommend the latest stable version).
Xamarin iOS SDK.
Apple’s Xcode(7+) IDE and iOS SDK (we recommend the latest version from the App Store).
The Windows computer must be able to reach the Mac via the network.
Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio accomplishes an amazing feat: it lets you create, build, and debug iOS applications on a Windows computer using the Visual Studio IDE. It cannot do this alone – iOS applications cannot be created without Apple’s compiler, and they cannot be deployed without Apple’s certificates and code-signing tools. This means that your Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio installation requires a connection to a networked Mac OS X computer in order to perform these tasks. Once configured, Xamarin’s tools will make the process as seamless as possible.

This worked for me perhaps it might work for you
Delete the Xamarin folder in your %localappdata%\Local\Temp
If this fails reinstall/update mono on Mac


Can I develop MacOS desktop applications via Visual Studio for Windows and Xamarin using a build server in the same way I would for a iOS app?

I know that using Visual Studio for Windows and Xamarin I can develop iOS applications on a Windows machine, as long as I have a Mac set up as a build server. I would like to know if I would be able to do the same in order to develop MacOS desktop applications.
That's impossible to develop MacOS desktop applicaations with a Windows system machine .
Have a look at the Requirements from The Official Document :
Xamarin.Mac application development requires:
A Mac computer running macOS High Sierra (10.13) or higher.
Xcode 10 or higher.
The latest version of Xamarin.Mac and Visual Studio for Mac.
To run an application built with Xamarin.Mac, you will need:
A Mac computer running macOS 10.7 or greater.

Does Visual Studio need to be installed on the Xamarin build machine Mac?

We are using Visual Studio (15.9.11) with Xamarin on our PC's.
We have XCode 10.1 installed on the build machine.
We are running out of disk space on our build machine MacBook Pro 128GB, and I've noticed that Visual Studio is installed. Is it actually required?
Top tip: Don't buy anything less than 256GB for building apps in Xamarin and building on a Mac... It's an absolute nightmare.
If you are using Visual Studio 2019 15.6+ for Windows you can use "Automatic Mac provisioning" and not install Visual Studio for Mac (the current installation/requirement documentation does not reflect VS15.6+ based setups).
Only Xamarin.iOS and Mono (including the related MSBuild tools) will be installed and thus you can have headless remote build only MacOS machines after the initial macOS setup, install of Xcode and remote login configuration.
Automatic Mac provisioning
Starting with Visual Studio 2019 version 15.6, Pair to Mac automatically provisions a Mac with software necessary for building Xamarin.iOS applications: Mono, Xamarin.iOS (the software framework, not the Visual Studio for Mac IDE), and various Xcode-related tools (but not Xcode itself).
Automatic Mac provisioning
Before following the instructions in this guide, complete the following steps:
On a Windows machine, install Visual Studio 2019
On a Mac, install Xcode and Visual Studio for Mac (Note: read the highlighted note below)
You must manually open Xcode after installing so that it can add any additional components.
If you would prefer not to install Visual Studio for Mac, Visual Studio 2019 can automatically configure the Mac build host with Xamarin.iOS and Mono. You must still install and run Xcode. For more information, see Automatic Mac provisioning.
Yes. The required build tools are part of the VS Mac install.
I am using Visual Studio 2019 and Earlier I was using Visual Studio 2017, My mac has the same disk space and there is no need to install Visual Studio on the mac because Windows VS will Automatically Download Xamarin.SDK file at the time of building the connection between the mac and the VS but you must have to install Xcode in order to build the app.

VS2017 on Windows with iOS SDK & Mac with XCode 9.2 Beta

Even with all lastest tools installed on Both Visual studio (on windows) and XCode on Mac, I am receiving following error when tried to connect from visual studio 2017 through Xamarin agent. Any hint how to solve it?
"The installed Xamarin.iOS (version not specified) on the Mac is not compatible with the local Xamarin.iOS (version Please select a new server or install the correct Xamarin.iOS versions.
Even with all lastest tools installed on Both Visual studio (on windows) and XCode on Mac
In order to build Xamarin.iOS apps, Xamarin Tools and SDKs are needed on the Mac, too. You should have Visual Studio for Mac installed, it comes with all the necessary tools and SDKs.
If Xamarin is outdated on your Mac (disregarding of the Xcode version) you will see the message that Xamarin.iOS is outdated. Please follow these instructions to update your Xamarin components. (Anyway, avoid the beta channel and stick to stable unless you have a good reason not to.)

How to publish IOS version of xamarin app via visual studio in windows?

I need to publish my android app that make it with visual studio enterprise 2017 and get IOS version of My App.
How to do this?
If you wish to compile your Xamarin application on iOS, you must have a Mac machine and deploy your app through there. You are not able to deploy an iOS version of your application on Windows, unless you are tethering to a Mac device through LAN for example using Visual Studio 2017.
Chick this out too, hope it helps!

Xamarin - Connect to Mac

When developing with Visual Studio 2015, is it possible to use a Mac for both iPhone and Android builds?
A virtual machine would cope with Windows and Visual Studio.
The host system is an Apple Mac.
So can I connect from the virtual machine to the host system concerning Xamarin? (like 2 different computers, which is frequently stated in Xamarin tutorials)
Running Windows in a Virtual Machine on the Mac to run Visual Studio is possible. You would be able to connect to the build host on the host machine and build your iOS project.
However, you can also just run everything on the Mac and rely on Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio for Mac to build both iOS and Android.
