counting non-zero values from a list with scheme - scheme

I am new at scheme and at this site.. I interrupt with this question. please give me a way to write a scheme function to calculate how many non-zero values are there in a list of numbers..
(non-zero '(4 1 0 2 0 1 3)) - 5

You have to consider three cases:
(define (non-zero numbers)
(cond ((null? numbers) 0) ; is the list empty? return zero
((not (= (car numbers) 0)) ; is the current element non-zero?
(+ 1 (non-zero (cdr numbers)))) ; add 1 to the counter and recur
(else ; otherwise
(non-zero (cdr numbers))))) ; skip to the next element
Or if your interpreter supports it, a more idiomatic solution would be to use higher-order procedures:
(define (non-zero numbers)
(count (lambda (n) (not (zero? n)))
Either way, it works as expected:
(non-zero '(4 1 0 2 0 1 3))
=> 5

I am not familiar with scheme at all. But this can easily be implemented using recursion. Imagine a list [0,1,2,2,0,1]. You would need to walk down the list, looking at each element in turn and increasing a counter by one each time you find a 0 in the list.
(define (count_zeroes numbers)
(if (null? numbers) 0
(+ 1 (count_zeroes (cdr numbers))))


How to solve this Racket problem using higher order functions?

I am stuck on Q2.
Q1. Write a function drop-divisible that takes a number and a list of numbers, and returns a new list containing only those numbers not "non-trivially divisible" by the the number.
This is my answer to Q1.
(define (drop-divisible x lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty]
; if the number in the list is equal to the divisor
; or the number is not divisible, add it to the result list
[(or (= x (first lst))(< 0 (remainder (first lst) x))) (cons (first lst) (drop-divisible x (rest lst)))]
[else (drop-divisible x (rest lst))]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (drop-divisible 3 (list 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) (list 2 3 4 5 7 8 10)))
Q2. Using drop-divisible and (one or more) higher order functions filter, map, foldl, foldr. (i.e. no explicit recursion), write a function that takes a list of divisors, a list of numbers to test, and applies drop-divisible for each element of the list of divisors. Here is a test your code should pass
(module+ test
(check-equal? (sieve-with '(2 3) (list 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) (list 2 3 5 7)))
I can come up with a snippet that only takes the second list, which does the same work as the solution to Q1.
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
(filter (lambda (x) ((lambda (d)(or (= d x)(< 0 (remainder x d)))) divisors)) lst))
I tried to modify the snippet with 'map' but couldn't make it work as intended. I also can't see how 'foldr' may possibly be used here.
In this case, foldl is the right tool to use (foldr will also give a correct answer, albeit less efficiently, when the divisors are in increasing order). The idea is to take the input list and repeatedly applying drop-divisible on it, once per each element in the divisors list. Because we accumulate the result between calls, in the end we'll obtain a list filtered by all of the divisors. This is what I mean:
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
; `e` is the current element from the `divisors` list
; `acc` is the accumulated result
(foldl (lambda (e acc) (drop-divisible e acc))
lst ; initially, the accumulated result
; is the whole input list
divisors)) ; iterate over all divisors
I used a lambda to make explicit the parameter names, but in fact you can pass drop-divisible directly. I'd rather write this shorter implementation:
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
(foldl drop-divisible lst divisors))
Either way, it works as expected:
(sieve-with '(2 3) '(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
=> '(2 3 5 7)

Alternating Sum Using Foldr/Foldl (Racket)

Back again with another Racket question. New to higher order functions in general, so give me some leeway.
Currently trying to find the alternating sum using the foldr/foldl functions and not recursion.
e.g. (altsum '(1 3 5 7)) should equal 1 - 3 + 5 - 7, which totals to -4.
I've thought about a few possible ways to tackle this problem:
Get the numbers to add in one list and the numbers to subtract in another list and fold them together.
Somehow use the list length to determine whether to subtract or add.
Maybe generate some sort of '(1 -1 1 -1) mask, multiply respectively, then fold add everything.
However, I have no clue where to start with foldl/foldr when every operation is not the same for every item in the list, so I'm having trouble implementing any of my ideas. Additionally, whenever I try to add more than 2 variables in my foldl's anonymous class, I have no idea what variables afterward refer to what variables in the anonymous class either.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
We can leverage two higher-order procedures here: foldr for processing the list and build-list for generating a list of alternating operations to perform. Notice that foldr can accept more than one input list, in this case we take a list of numbers and a list of operations and iterate over them element-wise, accumulating the result:
(define (altsum lst)
(foldr (lambda (ele op acc) (op acc ele))
(build-list (length lst)
(lambda (i) (if (even? i) + -)))))
It works as expected:
(altsum '(1 3 5 7))
=> -4
Your idea is OK. You can use range to make a list of number 0 to length-1 and use the oddness of each to determine + or -:
(define (alt-sum lst)
(foldl (lambda (index e acc)
(define op (if (even? index) + -))
(op acc e))
(range (length lst))
As an alternative one can use SRFI-1 List Library that has fold that allows different length lists as well as infinite lists and together with circular-list you can have it alterate between + and - for the duration of lst.
(require srfi/1) ; For R6RS you import (srfi :1)
(define (alt-sum lst)
(fold (lambda (op n result)
(op result n))
(circular-list + -)
(alt-sum '(1 3 5 7))
; ==> -4

Reversing a simple function in a "creative" way in racket

I need some help :D.
I have written this procedure that turns a string into a list of numbers:
(define (string->encodeable string)
(map convert-to-base-four (map string->int (explode string))))
I need a function that does the exact opposite. In other words, takes a list of a list of numbers in base 4, turn it into base 10, and then creates a string. Is there a "creative" way to reverse my function or do I have to write every opposite step again. Thank you so much for your help.
A standard Scheme implementation using SRFI-1 List library
(import (rnrs base)
(only (srfi :1) fold))
(define (base4-list->number b4l)
(fold (lambda (digit acc)
(+ digit (* acc 4)))
(base4-list->number '(1 2 3))
; ==> 27
It works the same in #lang racket but then you (require srfi/1)
PS: I'm not entirely sure if your conversion from base 10 to base 4 is the best solution. Imagine the number 95 which should turn into (1 1 3 3). I would have done it with unfold-right in SRFI-1.
Depends on how you define "creative". In Racket you could do something like this:
(define (f lst)
(for/fold ([r 0]) ([i (in-list lst)])
(+ i (* r 4)))))
> (f '(1 0 0))
> (f '(1 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 0))
The relationship you're looking for is called an isomorphism
The other answers here demonstrate this using folds but at your level I think you should be doing this on your own – or at least until you're more familiar with the language
#lang racket
(define (base10 ns)
(let loop ((ns ns) (acc 0))
(if (empty? ns)
(loop (cdr ns) (+ (car ns)
(* 4 acc))))))
(displayln (base10 '(3 0))) ; 12
(displayln (base10 '(3 1))) ; 13
(displayln (base10 '(3 2))) ; 14
(displayln (base10 '(3 3))) ; 15
(displayln (base10 '(1 0 0))) ; 16
(displayln (base10 '(1 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 0))) ; 123456
#naomik's answer mentioned isomorphisms. When you construct an isomorphism, you're constructing a function and its inverse together. By composing and joining isomorphisms together, you can construct both directions "at once."
;; Converts between a base 4 list of digits (least significant first, most
;; significant last) and a number.
(define iso-base4->number
;; an iso-cond clause has an A-side question, an A-to-B isomorphism,
;; and a B-side question. Here the A-side is empty and the B-side is
;; zero.
[empty? (iso-const '() 0) zero?]
;; Here the A-side is a cons, and the B-side is a positive number.
(λ (r q) (+ (* 4 q) r))
[first iso-identity (curryr remainder 4)]
[rest iso-base4->number (curryr quotient 4)])
This code contains all the information needed to convert a base 4 list into a number and back again. (The base 4 lists here are ordered from least-significant digit to most-significant digit. This is reversed from the normal direction, but that's okay, that can be fixed outside.)
The first cond case maps empty to zero and back again.
The second cond case maps (cons r q) to (+ (* 4 q) r) and back again, but with q converted between lists and numbers recursively.
Just as a cons cell can be split using first and rest, a positivive number can be split into its "remainder-wrt-4" and its "quotient-wrt-4". Since the remainder is a fixed size and the quotient is an arbitrary size, the remainder is analogous to first and the quotient is analogous to rest.
The first and remainder don't need to be converted into each other, so the first iso-join clause uses iso-identity, the isomorphism that does nothing.
[first iso-identity (curryr remainder 4)]
The rest and quotient do need to be converted though. The rest is a list of base 4 digits in least-to-most-significant order, and the quotient is the number corresponding to it. The conversion between them is iso-base4->number.
[rest iso-base4->number (curryr quotient 4)]
If you're interested in how these isomorphism forms like iso-const, iso-cond, and iso-join are defined, this gist contains everything needed for this example.

create a scheme function that returns the average of negative numbers in a list

I'm trying to find the answer of my question but I can't find anything in the Internet. Can anyone please tell me how to write this function?
Thank you very much.
It's very easy. You can do it recursively:
(define (helper lst sum count)
The helper does this using either cond of nested if:
as a base case when the list is empty it uses the values sum and count to calculate the average. eg. (helper '() -4 2) ; ==> -2
We know the list has at least one element. Check if the first element is negative. If so then it recurses with the rest of lst and using the sum of previous sum and the element and as count you increase the previous by 1. eg. (helper '(-1) 0 0) ; ==> (helper '() -1 1) ; ==> -1
just recruse with the rest of lst and keep the same values as sum and count. (helper '(1) -1 1) ; ==> -1
Now when you got this working you can just include it in your actual function and use it:
(define (average-negative lst)
(define (helper lst sum count)
(helper lst 0 0))
(average-negative '(-1)) ; ==> -1
(avwerage-negative '(1 -2 3 -4)) ; ==> -3
And for the brave:
(average-negative '()) ; ==> ??

function that calculates non-zero inputs of a vector

I'm new to scheme and having difficulty understanding vectors in scheme. I need to create a function that calculates the number of non-zero inputs in
a vector. I need to do this by not converting the vector into a list.
For exampl3.
(non-zero-dim #(3 0 2 4 0 2))
returns 4
My code so far is
(define non-zero-input
(lambda (vector)
(let ((size (vector-length vector)))
do ((position 0 (+ position 1))
(total 0
(if ((not (zero? vector-ref vector position)))
(+ total 1))
(((= position size) total)))))))
However I'm getting this error :do: bad syntax in: (do ((position 0 (+ position 1)) (total 0 (if ((not (zero? vector-ref vector position))) (+ total 1)) (((= position size) total))
How do i fix this error ?
Using the built-in procedures vector-length and vector-filter-not, you can simplify your function as:
(define (non-zero-dim vec)
(vector-length (vector-filter-not zero? vec)))
For example,
> (non-zero-dim #(3 0 2 4 0 2))
Some things to consider:
Keep track of your brackets. For example, (zero? vector-ref vector position) should be (zero? (vector-ref vector position)), whereby arity of zero? is one, and arity of vector-ref is two. Similarly with do ... vs. (do ... etc.
if statements must have an else clause (ie. (if condition then else)). For example, (if true 1) would fail, but (if true 1 2) would pass. Hence, (if ((not (zero? vector-ref vector position))) (+ total 1)) would fail.
The racket/vector package has vector-count, which returns the number of elements of a vector that satisfy a given predicate. This makes counting the non-zero values trivial:
#lang racket/base
(require racket/function racket/vector)
(define (non-zero-dim vec)
(vector-count (negate zero?) vec))
(println (non-zero-dim #(3 0 2 4 0 2)) ; 4
