How to solve this Racket problem using higher order functions? - scheme

I am stuck on Q2.
Q1. Write a function drop-divisible that takes a number and a list of numbers, and returns a new list containing only those numbers not "non-trivially divisible" by the the number.
This is my answer to Q1.
(define (drop-divisible x lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty]
; if the number in the list is equal to the divisor
; or the number is not divisible, add it to the result list
[(or (= x (first lst))(< 0 (remainder (first lst) x))) (cons (first lst) (drop-divisible x (rest lst)))]
[else (drop-divisible x (rest lst))]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (drop-divisible 3 (list 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) (list 2 3 4 5 7 8 10)))
Q2. Using drop-divisible and (one or more) higher order functions filter, map, foldl, foldr. (i.e. no explicit recursion), write a function that takes a list of divisors, a list of numbers to test, and applies drop-divisible for each element of the list of divisors. Here is a test your code should pass
(module+ test
(check-equal? (sieve-with '(2 3) (list 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) (list 2 3 5 7)))
I can come up with a snippet that only takes the second list, which does the same work as the solution to Q1.
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
(filter (lambda (x) ((lambda (d)(or (= d x)(< 0 (remainder x d)))) divisors)) lst))
I tried to modify the snippet with 'map' but couldn't make it work as intended. I also can't see how 'foldr' may possibly be used here.

In this case, foldl is the right tool to use (foldr will also give a correct answer, albeit less efficiently, when the divisors are in increasing order). The idea is to take the input list and repeatedly applying drop-divisible on it, once per each element in the divisors list. Because we accumulate the result between calls, in the end we'll obtain a list filtered by all of the divisors. This is what I mean:
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
; `e` is the current element from the `divisors` list
; `acc` is the accumulated result
(foldl (lambda (e acc) (drop-divisible e acc))
lst ; initially, the accumulated result
; is the whole input list
divisors)) ; iterate over all divisors
I used a lambda to make explicit the parameter names, but in fact you can pass drop-divisible directly. I'd rather write this shorter implementation:
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
(foldl drop-divisible lst divisors))
Either way, it works as expected:
(sieve-with '(2 3) '(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
=> '(2 3 5 7)


Function to find all prime numbers at most n in Racket

I'm still pretty fresh to Racket so a bit confused about this, i've created a drop-divisible and sieve-with function as shown below with some help but now need to use both to create a single function that finds all prime numbers with a given length of a list.
(define (drop-divisible x lst)
[(empty? lst) empty]
[(or (= x (first lst)) (< 0 (remainder (first lst) x)))
(cons (first lst) (drop-divisible x (rest lst)))]
[else (drop-divisible x (rest lst))]))
(define (sieve-with divisors lst)
(foldl (lambda (e acc) (drop-divisible e acc))
lst divisors))
this is one of the test cases i need to pass
(module+ test
(check-equal? (sieve 10) (list 2 3 5 7)))
so far ive tried to create a list using the parameter given with sieve to create a list of that size.
(define (sieve lst)
((sieve-with () (build-list (sub1 lst) (+ values 2)))))
getting stuck on how to get the divisors from just 10 in the test case. Thanks
So your code has to pass the test
(check-equal? (sieve 10) (list 2 3 5 7))
This means, first, that (sieve 10) must be a valid call, and second, that it must return (list 2 3 5 7), the list of primes up to 10. 10 is a number,
(define (sieve n)
... so what do we have at our disposal? We have a number, n which can be e.g. 10; we also have (sieve-with divisors lst), which removes from lst all numbers divisible by any of the numbers in divisors. So we can use that:
(sieve-with (divisors-to n)
(list-from-to 2 n)))
list-from-to is easy to write, but what about divisors-to? Before we can try implementing it, we need to see how this all works together, to better get the picture of what's going on. In pseudocode,
(sieve n)
(sieve-with (divisors-to n)
(list-from-to 2 n))
(sieve-with [d1 d2 ... dk]
[2 3 ... n])
(foldl (lambda (d acc) (drop-divisible d acc))
[2 3 ... n] [d1 d2 ... dk])
(drop-divisible dk
(drop-divisible d2
(drop-divisible d1 [2 3 ... n]))...))
So evidently, we can just
(define (divisors-to n)
(list-from-to 2 (- n 1)))
and be done with it.
But it won't be as efficient as it can be. Only the prime numbers being used as the divisors should be enough. And how can we get a list of prime numbers? Why, the function sieve is doing exactly that:
(define (divisors-to n)
(sieve (- n 1)))
Would this really be more efficient though, as we've intended, or less efficient? Much, much, much less efficient?......
But is (- n 1) the right limit to use here? Do we really need to test 100 by 97, or is testing just by 7 enough (because 11 * 11 > 100)?
And will fixing this issue also make it efficient indeed, as we've intended?......
So then, we must really have
(define (divisors-to n)
(sieve (the-right-limit n)))
;; and, again,
(define (sieve n)
(sieve-with (divisors-to n)
(list-from-to 2 n)))
So sieve calls divisors-to which calls sieve ... we have a vicious circle on our hands. The way to break it is to add some base case. The lists with upper limit below 4 already contain no composite numbers, namely, it's either (), (2), or (2 3), so no divisors are needed to handle those lists, and (sieve-with '() lst) correctly returns lst anyway:
(define (divisors-to n)
(if (< n 4)
(sieve (the-right-limit n))))
And defining the-right-limit and list-from-to should be straightforward enough.
So then, as requested, the test case of 10 proceeds as follows:
(divisors-to 10)
(sieve 3) ; 3*3 <= 10, 4*4 > 10
(sieve-with (divisors-to 3)
(list-from-to 2 3))
(sieve-with '() ; 3 < 4
(list 2 3))
(list 2 3)
and, further,
(sieve 100)
(sieve-with (divisors-to 100)
(list-from-to 2 100))
(sieve-with (sieve 10) ; 10*10 <= 10, 11*11 > 10
(list-from-to 2 100))
(sieve-with (sieve-with (divisors-to 10)
(list-from-to 2 10))
(list-from-to 2 100))
(sieve-with (sieve-with (list 2 3)
(list-from-to 2 10))
(list-from-to 2 100))
(sieve-with (drop-divisible 3
(drop-divisible 2
(list-from-to 2 10)))
(list-from-to 2 100))
(sieve-with (drop-divisible 3
(list 2 3 5 7 9))
(list-from-to 2 100))
(sieve-with (list 2 3 5 7)
(list-from-to 2 100))
just as we wanted.
I guess this is an assignment 1 from CS2613. It would be helpful to add an exact description of your problems:
Q1: drop-divisible
Using (one or more) higher order functions filter,
map, foldl, foldr (i.e. no explicit recursion), write a function
drop-divisible that takes a number and a list of numbers, and returns
a new list containing only those numbers not "non-trivially
divisible". In particular every number trivially divides itself, but
we don't drop 3 in the example below.
You are required to write drop-divisible using higher order functions (map, filter, foldl and so on), with no explicit recursion. Your drop-divisible is definitely recursive (and probably copied from this question).
Q2: sieve-with
Using drop-divisible and explicit recursion write a
function that takes a list of divisors, a list of numbers to test, and
applies drop-divisible for each element of the list of divisors.
Q3: sieve
Impliment a function sieve that uses sieve-with to find all
prime numbers and most n. This should be a relatively simple wrapper
function that just sets up the right arguments to sieve-with. Note
that not all potential divisors need to be checked, you can speed up
your code a lot by stopping at the square root of the number you are
Function sieve will call sieve-with with two arguments: a list of divisors and a list of all numbers to be sieved. You will need function range to create these lists and also sqrt to get the square root of the given number.

Reversing a simple function in a "creative" way in racket

I need some help :D.
I have written this procedure that turns a string into a list of numbers:
(define (string->encodeable string)
(map convert-to-base-four (map string->int (explode string))))
I need a function that does the exact opposite. In other words, takes a list of a list of numbers in base 4, turn it into base 10, and then creates a string. Is there a "creative" way to reverse my function or do I have to write every opposite step again. Thank you so much for your help.
A standard Scheme implementation using SRFI-1 List library
(import (rnrs base)
(only (srfi :1) fold))
(define (base4-list->number b4l)
(fold (lambda (digit acc)
(+ digit (* acc 4)))
(base4-list->number '(1 2 3))
; ==> 27
It works the same in #lang racket but then you (require srfi/1)
PS: I'm not entirely sure if your conversion from base 10 to base 4 is the best solution. Imagine the number 95 which should turn into (1 1 3 3). I would have done it with unfold-right in SRFI-1.
Depends on how you define "creative". In Racket you could do something like this:
(define (f lst)
(for/fold ([r 0]) ([i (in-list lst)])
(+ i (* r 4)))))
> (f '(1 0 0))
> (f '(1 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 0))
The relationship you're looking for is called an isomorphism
The other answers here demonstrate this using folds but at your level I think you should be doing this on your own – or at least until you're more familiar with the language
#lang racket
(define (base10 ns)
(let loop ((ns ns) (acc 0))
(if (empty? ns)
(loop (cdr ns) (+ (car ns)
(* 4 acc))))))
(displayln (base10 '(3 0))) ; 12
(displayln (base10 '(3 1))) ; 13
(displayln (base10 '(3 2))) ; 14
(displayln (base10 '(3 3))) ; 15
(displayln (base10 '(1 0 0))) ; 16
(displayln (base10 '(1 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 0))) ; 123456
#naomik's answer mentioned isomorphisms. When you construct an isomorphism, you're constructing a function and its inverse together. By composing and joining isomorphisms together, you can construct both directions "at once."
;; Converts between a base 4 list of digits (least significant first, most
;; significant last) and a number.
(define iso-base4->number
;; an iso-cond clause has an A-side question, an A-to-B isomorphism,
;; and a B-side question. Here the A-side is empty and the B-side is
;; zero.
[empty? (iso-const '() 0) zero?]
;; Here the A-side is a cons, and the B-side is a positive number.
(λ (r q) (+ (* 4 q) r))
[first iso-identity (curryr remainder 4)]
[rest iso-base4->number (curryr quotient 4)])
This code contains all the information needed to convert a base 4 list into a number and back again. (The base 4 lists here are ordered from least-significant digit to most-significant digit. This is reversed from the normal direction, but that's okay, that can be fixed outside.)
The first cond case maps empty to zero and back again.
The second cond case maps (cons r q) to (+ (* 4 q) r) and back again, but with q converted between lists and numbers recursively.
Just as a cons cell can be split using first and rest, a positivive number can be split into its "remainder-wrt-4" and its "quotient-wrt-4". Since the remainder is a fixed size and the quotient is an arbitrary size, the remainder is analogous to first and the quotient is analogous to rest.
The first and remainder don't need to be converted into each other, so the first iso-join clause uses iso-identity, the isomorphism that does nothing.
[first iso-identity (curryr remainder 4)]
The rest and quotient do need to be converted though. The rest is a list of base 4 digits in least-to-most-significant order, and the quotient is the number corresponding to it. The conversion between them is iso-base4->number.
[rest iso-base4->number (curryr quotient 4)]
If you're interested in how these isomorphism forms like iso-const, iso-cond, and iso-join are defined, this gist contains everything needed for this example.

If a list is found in another list?

I started to learn Racket and I don't know how to check if a list is found in another list. Something like (member x (list 1 2 3 x 4 5)), but I want that "x" to be a a sequence of numbers.
I know how to implement recursive, but I would like to know if it exists a more direct operator.
For example I want to know if (list 3 4 5) is found in (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
I would take a look at this Racket Object interface and the (is-a? v type) -> boolean seems to be what you are looking for?, simply use it while looping to catch any results that are of a given type and do whatever with them
you may also want to look into (subclass? c cls) -> boolean from the same link, if you want to catch all List types in one go
should there be a possiblity of having a list inside a list, that was already inside a list(1,2,(3,4,(5,6))) i'm afraid that recursion is probally the best solution though, since given there is a possibility of an infinit amount of loops, it is just better to run the recursion on a list everytime you locate a new list in the original list, that way any given number of subList will still be processed
You want to search for succeeding elements in a list:
(define (subseq needle haystack)
(let loop ((index 0)
(cur-needle needle)
(haystack haystack))
(cond ((null? cur-needle) index)
((null? haystack) #f)
((and (equal? (car cur-needle) (car haystack))
(loop index (cdr cur-needle) (cdr haystack)))) ; NB no consequence
(else (loop (add1 index) needle (cdr haystack))))))
This evaluates to the index where the elements of needle is first found in the haystack or #f if it isn't.
You can use regexp-match to check if pattern is a substring of another string by converting both lists of numbers to strings, and comparing them, as such:
(define (member? x lst)
(define (f lst)
(foldr string-append "" (map number->string lst)))
(if (regexp-match (f x) (f lst)) #t #f))
f converts lst (a list of numbers) to a string. regexp-match checks if (f x) is a pattern that appears in (f lst).
For example,
> (member? (list 3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
One can also use some string functions to join the lists and compare them (recursion is needed):
(define (list-in-list l L)
(define (fn ll)
(string-join (map number->string ll))) ; Function to create a string out of list of numbers;
(define ss (fn l)) ; Convert smaller list to string;
(let loop ((L L)) ; Set up recursion and initial value;
[(empty? L) #f] ; If end of list reached, pattern is not present;
[(string-prefix? (fn L) ss) #t] ; Compare if initial part of main list is same as test list;
[else (loop (rest L))]))) ; If not, loop with first item of list removed;
(list-in-list (list 3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 ))
straight from the Racket documentation:
(member v lst [is-equal?]) → (or/c list? #f)
v : any/c
lst : list?
is-equal? : (any/c any/c -> any/c) = equal?
Locates the first element of lst that is equal? to v. If such an element exists, the tail of lst starting with that element is returned. Otherwise, the result is #f.
Or in your case:
(member '(3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
where x is '(3 4 5) or (list 3 4 5) or (cons 3 4 5)
it will return '(3 4 5 6 7) if x ( searched list '(3 4 5) ) was found in the list or false (#f) if it was not found
or you can use assoc to check if your x is met in one of many lists, or :
(assoc x (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4) (list x 6)))
will return :
'(x 6)
There are also lambda constructions but I will not go in depth since I am not very familiar with Racket yet. Hope this helps :)
EDIT: if member gives you different results than what you expect try using memq instead

How can I have a condition in a cond/if clause regarding length of a list without using the length function?

In class, we're instructed to not use the length function when it doesn't need to be used. I know how to make a function that counts the length of a list, but I wanna know how to put length as a criteria in a cond or if without using length.
I have:
(define (thing ls)
(if (> (length ls) 10)
(define (thing2 ls)
[(> (add1 (thing2 (rest ls))) 10) 'p]
[else 'q]))
The bottom one gives me: "rest: expects a non-empty list; given: '()"
How can I do this?
You can solve this problem by passing as a parameter the minimum number of elements that you need to encounter before being able to answer 'p. Notice that the first base case prevents that we go off the list:
(define (thing ls n)
(cond [(empty? ls) 'q]
[(zero? n) 'p]
[else (thing (rest ls) (sub1 n))]))
It works as expected:
(thing '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) 10)
=> 'q
(thing '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) 10)
=> 'p

finding subsets of length N of a list in scheme

I wrote a function which finds all the subsets of a list already and it works. I'm trying to write a second function where I get all the subsets of N length, but it's not working very well.
This is my code:
(define (subset_length_n n lst)
[(empty? lst) empty]
[else (foldr (lambda (x y) (if (equal? (length y) n) (cons y x) x)) empty (powerset lst))]
where (powerset lst) gives a list of all the subsets.
Am I misunderstanding the purpose of foldr?
I was thinking that the program would go through each element of the list of subsets, compare the length to n, cons it onto the empty list if there the same, ignore it if it's not.
But (subset_length_n 2 (list 1 2 3)) gives me (list (list 1 2) 1 2 3) when I want (list (list 1 2) (list 1 3) (list 2 3))
Thanks in advance
When using foldr you don't have to test if the input list is empty, foldr takes care of that for you. And this seems like a job better suited for filter:
(define (subset_length_n n lst)
(filter (lambda (e) (= (length e) n))
(powerset lst)))
If you must, you can use foldr for this, but it's a rather contrived solution. You were very close to getting it right! in your code, just change the lambda's parameters, instead of (x y) write (y x). See how a nice indentation and appropriate parameter names go a long way toward writing correct solutions:
(define (subset_length_n n lst)
(foldr (lambda (e acc)
(if (= (length e) n)
(cons e acc)
(powerset lst)))
Anyway, it works as expected:
(subset_length_n 4 '(1 2 3 4 5))
=> '((1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 5) (1 2 4 5) (1 3 4 5) (2 3 4 5))
