Jersey fails when creating uber jar with maven-assembly-plugin - maven

I have created a maven jersey starter webapp. Also I have embedded jetty server in my app using jetty plugin.
My project is working fine when I run my project using mvn jetty:run command.
But when I package my project using mvn clean package command and run the jar file which has name jar-with-dependencies the project throws this exception while returning a json response from a jersey resource.
SEVERE: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json, type=class com.nitish.freecharge.model.Count, genericType=class com.nitish.freecharge.model.Count.
Here is my pom.xml file">
<!--host>localhost</host -->
I have created my Main Driver class as in default package. Here is my content
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder;
public class App {
public static void main(String []gg){
Server server = new Server(9999);
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.NO_SESSIONS);
ServletHolder jerseyServlet = context.addServlet(org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.class, "/wordcount/*");
try {
System.out.println("Starting the server..");
System.out.println("Server started");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception in starting the server ");
Here is my only jersey resource class which gets executed when I access my project url after starting the server :
package com.nitish.freecharge.resources;
import com.nitish.freecharge.dao.FileDAO;
import com.nitish.freecharge.model.Count;
* Root resource (exposed at "count" path) which handles HTTP GET method and returns the count value;
public class CountResource {
private FileDAO fileDAO=new FileDAO();
* Method handling HTTP GET requests. The returned object will be sent
* to the client as "application/json" media type.
* #return String that will be returned as a application/json response.
public Response getWordCount(#QueryParam("query")String query) {
Error error=null;
Count count=null;
if(query.length()>0 && query.matches("^[A-Za-z]+$")){
long c=fileDAO.getCount(query.toLowerCase());
count=new Count(c);
error=new Error("Some Error Occured.Please Try Again With a new word!");
error=new Error("Some Error Occured.Please Try Again!");
}catch(Exception e){
error=new Error(e.getMessage());
return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(error).build();
return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(count).build();
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(error).build();
After packaging and run the complete embedded project using command
java -jar awesomeProject.jar
I get this output on the server prompt
I have tried a lot and unable to package my embedded webapp in such a way that this issue gets resolved. I am new to maven and packaging. Kindly Help where I am committing mistake.

If you look inside the MOXy jar, you will see a folder META-INF/services. In that folder, you will see a file named org.glassfish.jersey.internal.spi.AutoDiscoverable. The content of that file should be a single line
What this file is for is to allow Jersey to discover the MoxyJsonAutoDiscoverable, which registers MOXy for Jersey. This service loader pattern allows Jersey to discover features and register them, without us having to register them ourselves.
The problem this poses when creating an uber jar is that there may be multiple jars with the same file, as different jars have different features to discover, but the file needs to be that exact name as that is how the service loader pattern works.
So you have a bunch of jars with the same file, but when you create the uber jar, you cannot have multiple files with the same name. It's just not possible. So only one of the files gets put into the final jar. Which one.. who knows. But that means that if MOXy's files is not that one file then its feature will not be auto-discovered, and we need to register it ourselves. So the classes are packaged in the uber jar, but the main feature component is just not registered. You could just register it yourself
but what about all the other possible features that are possibly left out because their auto-discoverable file is not included?
For this reason, instead of the assembly plugin, you should use the maven-shade-plugin, which has transformers that allow us to concatenate the contents of service files into one file.
The configuration would look something like
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
The ServicesResorceTransformaer is what concatenates the files. This particular configuration of the plugin was taking from the Dropwizard getting started. You may want to check that out for further explanation.


How to self start spring app without writing a main method?

So is there a way to initialize and start a command line Spring app without writing a main method. It seems like all such main methods have the same form
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml", Boot.class);
SomeService someService = (SomeService) applicationContext.getBean("someService");;
I suppose that's not complicated, but has someone found a way to provide a way to just specify the context.xml at the command line or, better yet, in a manifest file?
The goal here is to simplify the creation of spring applications as executable jars. I hope that I can specify some utility class as the Main-Class in the manifest. I suppose I would also need to specify the starting point for the app, a bean and a method on it where begins the process.
Write a simple SpringMain which takes an arbitrary number of xml and properties files as the -cp myapp.jar util.SpringMain context.xml
You then use the lifecycle attributes (init-method) on your relevant beans to kick-start the application

Test class cannot resolve main class when trying to Unit Test groovy using maven on Jenkins

I am having trouble getting my Unit Tests to work in Maven for a Jenkins shared library written in Groovy.
I am new to Maven and relatively new to Jenkins. The situation is the following:
We have a TFVC server hosting our shared library. The shared library is stored this way:
- sharedLibrary
- src
- br
- common
- v1
- SomeClass1.groovy
- SomeClass2.groovy
- SomeClass3.groovy
- test
- groovy
- SomeClass1Tests.groovy
- SomeClass2Tests.groovy
- Jenkinsfile
- pom.xml
The structure src-br-common-v1 cannot be changed. I added the test-groovy structure according to information I found online.
The Jenkinsfile contains the Job to test the library in Maven. It's calling
mvn clean gplus:testCompile
My POM looks like this:
<project xmlns=""
<name>Jenkins Shared Pipeline Library</name>
Here is a simplified version of a Test class, lets just assume SomeClass1 contains a method returnTrue that does exactly what you think:
package test.groovy;
import br.common.v1.SomeClass1;
public class SomeClass1Tests extends GroovyTestCase
public void testReturnTrue() {
def someClass1Object = new SomeClass1();
def expected = true;
def result = someClass1Object.returnTrue();
assertEquals(expected, result);
I now have the problem that my Test class cannot resolve the class I want to test.
Unable to resolve class br.common.v1.SomeClass1 # line 2, column 1
Originaly I had my test files in another location in TFVC, but that did not work and I read that gmaven-plus is very picky about where to store your test classes.
I hope I provided all information needed in a practical way, please let me know if I missed anything.
Thank you for your help in advance!
The source directories configured for maven are to specific (they point to where the files are). If you want to import br.common.v1 make sure, that the directory hierarchy br/common/v1 is inside the source roots.

Google App Engine - parameters in pom.xml not read in appengine-web.xml

Dear Stackoverflow community,
what I'd like to do:
working with Eclipse, use GoogleAppEngine in combination with Google CloudSQL to connect to a database and print out results
which tutorial am I following:
It's the "using Cloud SQL for MySQL" tutorial right here:
what have I achieved so far:
I can make it work and print out values from my database when I hardcode user, pass and database into appengine-web.xml:
<property name="cloudsql" value="jdbc:google:mysql://XXXYYYZZZ:europe-west3:XXXYYYZZZ/Database?user=root&password=12345" />
and then, in, get this url with System.getProperty("cloudsql"):
final String selectSql = "SELECT favID from favs";
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
String url = System.getProperty("cloudsql");
try (
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
ResultSet rs = conn.prepareStatement(selectSql).executeQuery()) {
out.print("Last 10 visitsss:\n");
while ( {
} catch (SQLException e) {
out.println("fehlerddddd: " + e);
What I dont understand though:
According to the tutorial, I dont have to hardcode user, pass and database values in the appengine-web.xml, but rather have them in a pom.xml file and then "fetch" those values from there by using ${INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME}, /${database}, user=${user} and password=${password}.
My pom.xml file contains these information:
and also:
<dependency> <!-- Only used locally -->
<version>5.1.42</version> <!-- v5.x.x is for production, v6.x.x EAP X DevAPI -->
<!-- If using MySQL 6.x driver, use mysql-socket-factory-connector-j-6 instead -->
So, the final question:
What am I missing that using ${placeholder} in my appengine-web.xml does not work while hardcoding the necessary information in there right away does work?
I'd appreciate any help :)
Ok, I found the solution:
When you add a new Google App Engine standard app, the pom file contains the following part:
Eclipse shows a warning: "This app engine mavin plugin has been deprecated" which made me suspicious.
Looking at the complete pom.xml file linked by google:
I saw that their plugin section looks different:
<!-- in order to interpolate version from pom into appengine-web.xml -->
I did not look at this part since its not explicitely mentioned on the tutorials main page:
Replacing my plugin section with this plugin section did the trick. I guess the part where
<!-- in order to interpolate version from pom into appengine-web.xml -->
is placed is responsible. So, problem solved :)

Logging configuration for the Apache Tomcat Maven plugin exec-war-only goal?

I would like to specify a logging configuration file via the extraResources tag described # and am getting the following maven error
Failed to execute goal org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.1:exec-war-only (tomcat-run) on project iot-service-embedded-tomcat: Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.1:exec-war-only for parameter extraResource: Cannot configure instance of from
Here's the maven plugin entry:
What is the proper syntax?
I was able to find the answer by looking at the the getters/setters in the Maven model Resource class. The proper syntax is:

Generating Multiple TLDs With Maven Javadoc Plugin & TLDGen

I've got a taglib project that I use the TLDGen library to help build my TLD files from annotations in my classes. I've then got it plugged into the Maven JavaDoc plugin to have it build the TLD files via the javadoc:javadoc Maven goal. Pom portion that handles this is as follows:
<additionalparam>-name test
-uri ""
-tldFile ..\..\..\src\main\resources\META-INF\w.tld
And this works fantastically. Trouble is that I know want to create 2 TLD's from this project. I can pass a -subpackages attribute in th addtionalparam element so I can produce a TLD with exactly what I want.
But I can only have one configuration element at that point. I've tried moving the configuration into the reporting section in my pom with two reportsets to see if that helps but no luck.
Has anyone ever attempted this before and can help point me in the right direction for getting it right? Cheers!
It's been a while since this question was posted, but here's how I did multiple tld generation with TLDGen. I started from your question, since the guys over at the project used your answer as a reference :).
<!-- listing all dependencies for tldgen:
the tldgen library, commons-logging, commons-io,
commons-lang, geronimo-jsp_2.1_spec, log4j, saxon, stax
not sure if they have to be listed here, will have to check; if I
don't set them I get class not found errors, but I'm guessing I
have a misconfiguration -->
-htmlFolder ${basedir}/target/docs
-tldFolder ${basedir}/src/main/java/META-INF
-license NONE
