Xcode -2 developer accounts? - xcode

My Xcodeis registered under our developer account which is a company developer account.
I have to upload an app from that same Xcode, for another company's developer account.
I just got lost in the details, expect from setting the code signing and the bundle name, what file do I have to import to be able to keep both developer accounts on this mac? (Xcode)
Just import their provisioning development and distribution files into Xcode? Or do I need to do something else with the certificates?

You can add as many as developer accounts in your Xcode, it won't have any issue. Whatever the profiles is created that can be download manually (or automatically). Once you're done you need to provide an exact bundle identifier which is associated with a particular account. In most of the cases, Xcode will tell you to select correct Team + Provision Profile (will be visible automatically). You're good to go with that.


Provisioning for Xamarin iOS - profiles existing but not recognized by VS2019

This is a copy of the question i asked on Xamarin forums with no luck yet, so here it is here too.
I have:
VS2019 paired to Mac (in cloud, no physical access)
Apple developer account
Followed manual and automatic provisioning guides on Microsoft's web site
Set up several development and distributions certificates, identity, app id, etc., with matching bundle id (info.plist, develeoper portal etc)
I have two scenarios:
1) With automatic provisioning in bundle signing the process completed successfully, but when i try to archive i get the error "codesign exited with code 1
2) With manual provisioning I can select various signing identities but either get:
a) no provisioning profile if i select distribution identity, or
b) unknown - and then in brackets various profiles i tried to create during the course of the nightmare
When i check options->xamarin->apple accounts i can see several distribution and development profiles and certificates.
Profiles and certificates
Can anyone help me get to the bottom of this? I have probably not included everything that people might think it's relevant so just ask away what else should i post. I can also live chat or talk on skype or whatsapp, or call someone internationally, or whatever other method you find most suitable.

How to code sign in Xcode for a development team?

When developing a macOS application we usually sign the final product in the company's release process. However, as Xcode is pressing to code sign in every upgrade, I want to enable code sign also in the normal development process. However, the developers in my team have no access to the code sign certificate used to sign the app during release.
So I enabled automatic code signing using a personal team with my Apple ID, which works fine. However, how do I share that with my team mates, of which one doesn't even have an Apple ID? They cannot use my private account for that.
By accident I found that specifying "-" for the CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY setting in .pbxproj file uses AdHoc signing. However, that is not available in the Signing Certificate drop down in Xcode and must be added manually by editing that file. Seems a bit like a hack to me therefore. Any better alternative?
Are you all part of a company development team? If not, then find out who the team agent or administrators are and ask one of them to add you. You or one of the admins should be able to create a development certificate that you can use to sign development versions of the app. Only the released version needs to be signed with the release certificate.

Xcode: "Your account does not have permission to create iOS Distribution Certificates" as Team Member

Forward: There are many similar SO questions with regard to this error. I've visited dozens of them over the past days, but none seem to have a solution to my problem. They mostly are from developers with full admin rights, unlike myself. Most solutions are also hacks or unclear.
I am a member of a developer team at Apple's developer.apple.com site. I've been charged with uploaded an iOS application I've developed to iTunesConnect, in order to be able to deploy it with TestFlight.
In order to successfully accomplish this. I asked for the following to be done.
That I be added as a member developer. See certificates here.
A matching App with the same bundle-ID be created for me on iTunesConnect.
A Distribution provisioning profile be added at developer.apple.com for my specific App.
Despite all of this. When I try to validate the app, I'm met with the following message.
It would appear from a manual signing attempt that because the provisioning profile was created by a team administrator, that I cannot sign it without their private key. Assuming this is correct, then how can any developer ever distribute apps if:
A distribution provisioning profile requires you be the creator in order to be validated.
Only a team admin can create a distribution provisioning profile.
This appears to be a paradox.
What can be done to resolve this conflict? I am only a member of this development team temporarily, and would like to formulate a clear solution to this problem so that I do not test their patience with repeated troubleshooting questions. To make it easier to answer this question, I've attached some extra images that might be useful.
My app's general panel in Xcode when using automatic signing. It shows I am signing on behalf of the team.
Solving this problem required two steps.
A certificate signing request (CSR) was created and sent to the developer who had created the distribution provisioning profile. You can create a CSR by going to: Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. Once I received this CSR back from the developer, I double clicked it to install it in my keychain. It then appeared as so:
Next, the developer had to add the certificate they sent me to the provisioning profile for the app on developer.apple.com. I then downloaded this provisioning profile again and selected it in within Xcode as seen below.
Once this is completed, you should be able to validate the application.
I got this error when my ExportOptions.plist file had the wrong value for the method. I had "enterprise" rather than "ad-hoc". (This is the file passed to xcodebuild via the -exportOptionsPlist option.)

How to avoid "unidentified developer" error by gatekeeper

As a developer of an app it could be quite a turn off if half of your users cannot open your app because they get following error.
[i know there is a workaround by going to sys preferences->security-> allow apps from "anywhere" but users of our apps are kids, they may not be in the best position to know how to do that]
What things I need to take care of in oder to avoid this warning, or to get apple developer identity?
This app has been published on App Store, so all the provisioning profiles and certificates are there. Now we want to put the app on our website, but before doing that we want to eliminate this gatekeeper hurdle.
In the screenshot above you can see that the right developer is selected while archiving.
The signing identity used for App Store submissions and for independent publishing are different. The latter requires a Developer ID identity be used. See Distributing Applications Outside the Mac App Store for more information about the process.

Beta-testing a Mac App Store app

I have an app that I'm going to put in the Mac App Store. I'd like to add iCloud support for preference syncing, and for that reason, I'd like to distribute the betas signed in such a way that they can access iCloud.
However, I haven't been able to find anything in the Mac documentation library about distributing an app, signed with a distribution key, outside of the App Store, and being able to access iCloud.
So far, my attempts to distribute such an application have met inability to launch on testers' machines, with messages in the Console complaining about the app having the iCloud entitlement.
Is what I'm after possible, or should I abandon iCloud support? If it is possible, what do I need to do to make a distributable, iCloud-capable build?
Edit: To be clear, you can replace “iCloud support” in this question with any other feature that is only available to App Store apps. I mention it to establish that the solution is not “just distribute it unsigned”. iCloud is the goal in my specific case; I'm asking about the general process.
You would need to gather the UUID for the tester's mac, either available via Xcode's Organizer or you can also access it via Apple System Profiler under the hardware overview. After adding it to the developer portal you'd generate a provisioning profile.
In order for them to actually run the application they would need to make use of an iTunes Connect test user account. This is one of two types of accounts that you can create in iTunes Connect, the other being an account with privileges (financial/technical/etc) for your developer membership. The test user account is needed in order for a receipt to be generated and the application actually run. Though you might be able to sidestep the test user account requirement by not actually validating receipts at that phase of development.
If you want to do iCloud or Push you need the UUID.
If you want to test a MAS app that doesn't need iCloud or Push, but does do receipt validation you need only the test user account.
My iCloud Mac app is stil in development, so I didn't try yet. But isn't it possible to sign the app with an entitlement and add a test user to iTC. In the OS X provisioning portal you can already add devices, and you need to add the testers Macs there and re-create the provisioning profile afterwards. After build & archive you "Share..." the app as installer or .app. The user needs to login with the/his test user you created in iTC on her/his Mac.
