I installed Elementary OS Freya on a crouton, however when I go back to Chrome OS (while the crouton is running), the mouse pointer wouldn't show up. It's not invisible, it's like there's no mouse attached at all.
If I attach a physical mouse (via USB or BT) I get the pointer to work just fine. I tried to look at the trackpad drivers/settings but I cant figure out what's preventing it from showing on Chrome OS.
Go to tty1 with CTRL + ALT + F1 then get back to desktop with CTRL + ALT + F7
I updated my Mid 2015 15" MacBook Pro to Big Sur (11.1) a few days ago, and after I connected my external display (Dell U2718Q scaled to 2560x1440)(running in extended destop mode, using that display and the internal laptop display) and my Magic Mouse, I had issues that the mouse cursor sometimes itself does not represent the pointer.
When I press the mouse button, the click itself happens somewhere else on the screen. The cursor/pointer mismatch is consistent as long as I move around on the screen. So if it's 100px to the left and 200px to the top, it will always be like that, until I move the mouse once to the top of the display, then it's back in sync.
In the most extreme case my mouse cursor was on the right (internal) display and the pointer itself was on the left (external) display.
I have already restarted the Mac and tried the NVRAM reset. and already deleted and reconnected the Magic Mouse. (Both just via Bluetooth and by deleting the .plist files in ~/Library/preferences/
I can not fully confirm yet, but pretty sure the same issue happens if i just use the integrated trackpad.
When I used the Mac over the holidays before I connected display and Magic Mouse, there was no problem, neither was there a problem before I upgraded with the same setup to Big Sur.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Using Mac OS Catalina and on Mac OS a Ctrl + Left click = Right click. This is very annoying however I found a post that showed how Karabiner-Elements could fix this. I imported the rule and it is enabled, however it still doesn't work and Ctrl + left Click still = Right Click. Any help to get this working would be appreciated.
Update: opened event viewer and found that left clicks and right click don't show up, is this supposed to happen or do I need to enable Karabiner reading mouse in settings somehow?
I think using an older version of Karabiner-Elements is a bad ideal. If you're using a mouse, then you need to turn on the corresponding device to make it continue to work. Karabiner-Elements Preferences -> Devices -> Basic configuration and enable the mouse, which is useful for me when use IDEA for source code tracking
I have created an absolute mouse piece of hardware.
This is very much like a wacom tablet, but it just uses a regular mouse going into a piece of hardware that then increments or decrements the X and Y coordinates in order to specify the exact location of the mouse (yes I need to do this for another reason).
While everything works fine on multiple operating systems, it works fine on Mac OSX Yosemite except ---->
When I move to the dock, if I click on an icon it will not start the application, I can move the icon and once open I can close the app or scroll, anything you would expect from a mouse, it will not start properly. Also the back arrow in the system settings/preferences will only operate if I am on the exact right location on the button, i.e. normally there is no back action, but if I mess with it and get it in just the right location it will finally work.
This sounds like an oversight in the operating system, does anyone have any insight into this?
I've installed the Gnuplot version 4.6.6 on my MacBook with Mac OS X 10.9.5. For the X11 terminal I'm using XQuartz 2.7.7.
Everything works fine, except that the mouse functionalities, as zooming, are not working. The X11 terminal recognises the mouse, as the coordinates are updated as I move the mouse on the window, but I'm unable to zoom with the right clic. On my previous Mac (OS X 10.6.8) the mouse was working just fine...any hint?
I found the problem: Gnuplot is expecting a right-clic with the mouse, but the default settings for trackpad assume "Secondary click" by tapping with two fingers.
You can keep this setting, and just modify XQuartz settings: X11 ---> Preferences ---> input, then flag "Emulate three button mouse". In this way, by holding option or command while clicking on the the trackpad, the click is interpreted as a right-click, hence allowing one to zoom.
You can "right-click" by touching the track pad with two fingers and pressing (i.e. clicking). In this situation you have to click the track pad and not just tap.
You can also tap with two fingers twice, keeping your two fingers on the pad after the second tap until the curser changes shape, then lift your two fingers from the pad. This action locks the track pad on secondary click. You can then use one finger to drag and draw your zoom-in box. Once you are happy tap once with one finger.
I read the documentation about Firefox's page inspector. I didn't find any shortcut for inspecting an element directly without clicking the button 'choose element with mouse'. The documentation for opening the inspector itself even looks to be wrong.
You open it with cmd + option + i on OSX rather than cmd + option + c as described in the documentation.
Using Firefox v24
It seems that Ctrl+Shift+C always open the inspector in "choose element with mouse" mode. [Linux, FF 26.0. Also works in Chrome.]
It's not exactly the same flow as context menu -> inspect element but I find it more useful. The hover tooltip sometimes gives me all the info I need. And it's more reliable — just opening the context menu generates a mouse event while Ctrl+Shift+C doesn't. E.g. with CodeMirror which plays games with invisible elements, using context menu usually lands me in the hidden textarea or fake cursor, while "choose with mouse" mode reliably gives me the styled editor content I wanted to inspect.
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+C.
Mac: Cmd+Option+C.
Ctr + Shift + C and function F12 button is default inspect element button for every browser.
So if firebug isn't installed in your firefox then F12 button is the shortest shortcut for your goal.
I'm not sure about the way you do it in Mac OS, but on windows, if you select the element by pressing tab until you reach it, if you press the context menu key and then Q, you open the inspector on that specific element, like it happens when you right click on it.
I believe the context menu key is not a mac thing, but it seems that there are people that worked around to do it. See this question: How do I open the context menu from a Mac keyboard?.
On Mac (I'm using Yosemite though), it's Command ⌘ + Option + c.
On Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) and Firefox (version 72.0.2) it's CTRL + SHIFT + i , or hotkey F12.