SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill on ios8 scales improperly - xcode

I have written a game in SpriteKit using objective C and it works perfectly on ios9 but it looks hideous on ios8. I would really like to know how to fix this problem, either by “correcting” my mistake, or if I have no mistake then by finding a workaround for the bug in ios8.
I think I have really done all I can to make the problem as clear as possible, including making loads of screenshots to illustrate the problem and also making a new Xcode project that is as simple as possible while still showing the problem.
If you want to try the Xcode project, here is a link for it….
xcode project
If you want to see the screenshots of the problem, then here is a link for the screenshots.
Now I will try to explain the code I wrote and the problem illustrated in the screenshots.
PLEASE REMEMBER: My code works perfectly on iOS9.3. So my code is obviously not complete gargage. But admittedly, I am not an expert on handling screen rotation, so probably my code could be better.
I should probably mention that both scenes have scale mode set to SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill. I chose this mode because I had tremendous difficulty doing proper layouts for all possible screen sizes (including iPhone) when working with SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill. I do I hope I can solve this problem while sticking with SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill.
Anyway, my app is a SpriteKit game with two scenes. The main scene is the GameScene, where you play the game. And this scene has a pointer to the SettingsScene, where you can change the settings of the scene. (e.g. change the level of difficulty).
Anytime the user rotates the screen, GameViewController detects this change in viewWillTransitionToSize and tells the GameScene object about the new screen width and screen height. Game Scene then adjusts the positions of its sprites in consideration of the new screen orientation and then tells its SettingsScene object about the new screen width and height to that the Settings scene is properly laid out as well.
Please note that with this design, all sprites on BOTH scenes get repositioned any time the user rotates the screen REGARDLESS of which scene is actually active at that time..
As I said before, all works as expected on ios9.3. But on ios8, the result is attrocious. The screenshots illustrate one example of typical experience on ios8. If the user rotates the screen while using the game and then goes to the settings screen, he will see something awful. And will often be trapped in this terrible experience because the button for going back to the main game might not even be fitting on the screen anymore.
At first, it might seem like I am failing to reposition sprites for landscape mode in the settings scene. But this explanation is wrong. The text on the screen shows that the last layout was performed with the landscape orientation in mind.
So what is going wrong here?
Any suggestions would be highly highly highly highly appreciated.
p.s. In case you don't want to look directly at the linked project file, here are some details about the example code. GameViewController implements viewTransitionToSize to handle any screen rotation. It directly tells the new screen dimensions to GameScene, which then tells SettingsScene. Both scenes rearrange their sprites in consideration of the new screen dimensions. And all goes well on ios9. On ios8, however, the inactive scene ends up looking hideaous when it is presented even though it clearly did reposition its sprites according to the new dimensions.

the problem is easily resolved by these lines....
gameScene.size = newScreenSize;
settingsScene.size = newScreenSize;
anytime the orientation changes.
This code is not required for ios9. The scene knows what size the screen is without assistance. But for ios8, it seems to be needed to add this code.


ScreenSpace canvas not working

I am upgrading the UI of my program (from the old Unity UI system to the new one), but it seems like I cannot work with screen-space canvas (either camera or overlay canvases). Objects in world-space canvases work fine. With screen-space GameObjects show in my "Game" preview-screen in the editor, so I am a bit confused as to what the problem may be. To be clear: objects show in the "Game" screen, but not when I press the "play" button.
I attach a composite screenshot with information about one of the objects, the canvases and the camera.
I think I now understand what the problem is. Apparently screen-space canvases (either overlay or camera) can ONLY work with UI-specific game objects. I still do not know why other sorts of elements can be added as children of these canvases (and specially why they correctly show in the Game-preview screen!)
Even if I am missing something deeper here, using elements from the UI folder works where others don't. I thought perhaps someone could find that useful.

SFML RenderWindow Views and GUI

I dont know how many people have use SFML, but I basically want to draw my GUI and am unsure of how to do so.
To clarify I know how to draw a GUI but I don't know the 'correct' way to do so.
Currently I am drawing a GUI in the same RenderWindow that is used to draw the Game.
I have started to introduce Views into my game, I have a Game View and a GUI View, which take up 75% and 25% of the screens height (respectively).
Now the question is:
Should I render the GUI in the same RenderWindow but in a portion of the 'map' the player is unable to reach and have the GUI View locked on that location displaying the GUI.
Another idea I have thought of (unsure if it is plausible) is to have a second RenderTarget which renders the GUI and is dispalyed in the GUI View.
If there is a method I have not discovered or one that is recommend I am happy to hear about it, I searched but all I have found is the SFML Documentation in which I couldn't find my answer.
Your question is slightly confusing as I do not know whether you are having a design issue, or a technical issue of implementing the UI. In terms of the design issue:
I have started to introduce Views into my game, I have a Game View and a GUI View, which take up 75% and 25% of the screens height (respectively).
I haven't encountered where using multiple views will be needed for an UI. Take this example:
The UI consists of all the images in the black area. The positions' of those images are always updated relative to the position of the game view that follows the player around, nothing more. A second view isn't needed because the components (images) of the UI follow the view around, just as the view follows the player around.
Now, if you are having a technical issue, then please elaborate on the exact issue that has some accompanying code and I will do everything I can to help out.

Mac NSView animation animationDidEnd called twice on Retina MBP

A bug recently showed up in my app related to view animation on the new MBP Retina. I don't have a new MPB to reproduce but the affected user is helping track down the issue through copious amounts of debugging output. It appears that animationDidEnd is being called twice on my animation delegate, the second time seems to be screwing things up immensely. The code has worked on 10.5-10.7.4 for quite some time now and this seems to be isolated to the new MBP Retina so far.
I am using the view itself as the animation delegate in case something about the relationship between the view and the animation delegate has changed which precludes this possibility. I'm also further investigating the possibility of the animationDidEnd method being called by two distinct animation objects (though I have nothing to indicate that another animation is running anywhere in the app, let alone for this delegate).
If anyone is aware of any updates to documentation related to animation delegates I would appreciate a pointer, or any ideas otherwise. Thanks.
SOLVED: The issue didn't have to do with animations at all. It had to do with use of the deprecated method convertPointFromBase:
While deprecated methods are "usually" ok for at least the next release, this one is trouble when it comes to the Retina display. This is only conjecture, but since the method works as expected on non-Retina displays, I have to assume this has to do with the pixel density on the new displays.

Non Opengl es drawing app that uses tool to draw with?

Apparently asking about glpaint raises the ire of many on stackoverflow, so let me ask the question this way in a non-opengle es way.
I have been look at example app's with source code for drawing (like the painting app in the "iPhone for Programmers An App-Drive Approach). I understand how these apps work. My dilemma is this:
I want to have a tool like a pencil on the screen that jumps to any spot I touch and then when I hold it down and move the pencil tool it draws and then when I stop the pencil remains on the screen. I can make an app that displays and moves the pencil. I can make an app that draws without the pencil. I just can't seem to figure out how to do both at the same time.
Any ideas on this?
Wouldn't a draggable UIImageView on top of the OpenGL ES view work? I have made an app that does this and it works well.

CALayer flickering when adding a foreground layer to IKImageBrowserView items with garbage collection on

I'm trying to implement a technique similar to the one in the ImageBrowserViewAppearance sample code from Apple (located here: ), where CALayers are generated on top of the items in the IKImageBrowserView to customize the appearances of the objects in the image browser.
However, I'm getting a weird problem when I turn on garbage collection, and I can reproduce it in the Apple sample code. Simply turn on Garbage Collection in the target, and build and launch the ImageBrowserAppearance sample app. Then, add some photos to the image browser using the "Add Photos..." button.
Now, click on an empty portion of the IKImageBrowserView, and click and drag to start selecting multiple items in the browser view. As you drag the selection box around, you should notice that sometimes the pin and gloss overlay for some of the items flicker and briefly appear in the bottom-left corner of the IKImageBrowserView. All of the CALayers seem to do this occasionally, I've seen the white surrounding slide area flicker down into the bottom-left corner as well.
When I mimic the technique in my own code, I (not surprisingly) also can reproduce this badge flickering. However, this problem disappears when garbage collection is off.
Anybody have a clue what could be going wrong here? I'd like to use garbage collection in my app in conjunction with this technique, but the flickering is kind of annoying.
I bookmarked this a while back but Apple's changed the URL and the text. Fortunately I quoted it when I bookmarked it:
The Core Graphics APIs (Quartz 2D) see an approximately 25% reduction in drawing performance for applications compiled to use garbage collection.
That "25% reduction in drawing performance" text has been rewritten into a "slight overhead in code execution" and that was for 10.5. Perhaps Apple fixed it for 10.6. And you're talking Core Animation, not Core Graphics.
Still, Core Animation eventually has to talk to Core Graphics, and perhaps that performance issue hasn't gone away, and you're being bitten by it.
I fooled around with this a bit and can confirm I get the same behavior running the project with GC turned on. In fact, if you're patient enough and slowly change the selection one image at a time using the arrow keys, eventually it'll trigger the behavior and you can see the layers from one image in the view are displayed in the lower left corner instead of on top of the image. I haven't been able to find any sort of pattern as to when it happens, or any relation between which image is selected and which image has its layers missing. I'm assuming that for whatever reason, those layers are getting their frame origin set to {0, 0}, but heck if I know why.
