how to get trapezoidal pwm signal - filter

I generate a PWM signal with a microcontroller Kinetis, I don't want to get really a digital signal what I'm trying to do is to convert this signal to a trapezoidal one where the T rise and T fall are longer.
I've found that I have to set an RC filter than an nmos to get this wave others suggest that no use of the nmos is required ?
can any one help ?

What you need is achievable with digital-to-analog conversion or pulse-width-modulation + rc filter. Not every MCU has a DAC, but PWM can be realized for sure.


Using the USRP N210 for QPSK demod

I'm trying to build an RX channel for QPSK modulated signals on GNU Radio. I'm on the first stage of my project so the signal I'm sending in the USRP N210 is a carrier signal centered at 2.206 GHz.
However when I'm trying to observe the signal on GNU Radio using a constellation sink bloc I see all the points of the constellation rotating in a circle (when there should only be one point since I'm sending a carrier signal).
Here is my GNU Radio Flowgraph:
Maybe there is something wrong with the parameters of my blocs of with my configuration of the USRP.
When using QPSK modulation, square constellation in receiver is achieved only after proper symbol timing and carrier phase and frequency compensation. In order to achieve single dot, when single harmonic signal is transmited, in receiver you need a decimator, that picks a single point. If there is phase difference between local oscilators of Tx and Rx the dot will be displaced, and if there is frequency difference the dot will rotate.

Detecting rising edge synchronization of 2 different clocks

How do you detect rising edge synchronization of 2 different clocks(different frequencies) in VHDL programming using Xilinx software?
There is a main clock of frequency 31.845 Mhz , and another clock of frequency 29.972 Mhz. So the basic aim is to trigger an action when there is synchronization between the rising edges of 2 clocks. We tried implementing it using flipflops but we could achieve only Level synchronization, not Edge sync.
And we cannot compare the rising edges of 2 different clocks in statements like IF and WAIT in vhdl, So that is out of question.
We are trying to count pulses using a counter. For that, we need to stop the count whenever edge matching takes place. We are trying to implement a method called 'Vernier Interpolation'.
Initially, we used the following statement code, but since rising edges of 2 different clocks (clk0, clk1) cannot be compared in an IF statement, we had to drop it.
if(rising_edge(clk0)=rising_edge(clk1)) then wait;
We then tried using WAIT statements (wait until) but it failed.
Then we tried using flipflops and delay circuits (D flipflop), but it resulted in level sync, and not Edge sync.
Firstly I'm not sure why you would want to do this. What you will get out is a new clock at the beat frequency between the two clocks.
The correct way to do this is to sample both clocks using another clock which is at least twice the frequency of the highest expected input. You could generate this higher clock using one of the PLLs in the device. x2 is a minimum. Ideally use a clock which is much higher than both sampled clocks.
Remember VHDL is not a language, it a description of synthesis of real hardware. So just saying Rising_Edge(clk1) = Rising_Edge(clk2) does not make the 'software' detect edges. All the function Rising_Edge really does is to tell the hardware to connect the clk signal to the clock input of a flipflop.
The proper solution is sample both 'clocks' in a process which is clocked by the a sample clock, look for edges (an edge being two subsequent samples that are different) then AND the result and latch if required.
sample code (untested, sorry no time right now).
entity twoclocks is
port (
op : out std_logic;
clk1 : in std_logic;
clk2 : in std_logic;
sample_clk : in std_logic);
end entity;
architecture RTL of twoclocks is
process sample(sample_clock, clk1, clk2):
if rising_edge(sample_clock):
clk1_d <= clk1;
clk2_d <= clk1;
if clk1_d != clk1 and clk2_d != clk2 then
op <= '1';
op <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
The kind of vernier interpolator you want needs to be build using very tight timing constraints, thus you can probably not make it using VHDL alone. You need (a lot of) device specific constraints on resource locations and timing.
Please check out the work by A.Aloisio et al.. Aloisio and colleagues have build a vernier interpolator using specific Xilinx delay elements.
Standard VHDL synthesis is mostly suited for register transfer level descriptions. I.e. clocked/synchronous logic. But to compare these two inputs, you would need to sample them at a frequency of the least common multiple of both frequencies. For 31.845 MHz and 29.972 MHz that is a whopping 954.458340 MHz, which is a lot. I have seen these kind of speeds in FPGA logic though.
... But I'm thinking you might even need to double that, due to Nyquist. Maybe FPGA logic can nowadays handle 2 GHz swichting rate. But I'm not sure.
It might be possible to utilize a GT transceiver for this, but since that would be non-standard use of a such a transceiver, it might be hard to realize.

Passing clock between entities

my doubt is how to pass a clock between two entities that are at the same hierarchical level in VHDL.
What I have is an entity "wrapper" in which there are instantiated two components "comp_1" and "comp_2". comp_1 has an output port (let's say "clk_out") that is its clock and that must be also the clock for comp_2. Now, if I use a signal in "wrapper" to pass the clock from comp_1 to comp_2, this cause a functional error in simulation (at least with Modelsim), because the two designs are considered not synchronous (right?). Can this cause an error also in synthesis (with Xilinx)? How can I avoid the problem without changing all the structure?
architecture bhv of my_wrap is
signal tmp_clk : std_logic;
comp_1_i : comp_1
port map(out_clk => tmp_clk,
compo_2_i : comp_2
port map(in_clk => tmp_clk,
In this case, in simulation there is the delta cycle problem in the signals between the two components. Can this problem also affect the implemented design on FPGA?
It sounds like you may have a delta cycle delay on the clock, which is a feature in VHDL, but it may appear as if clock and data is out of sync.
This only shows in simulation, but is general VHDL thus not ModelSim specific. After synthesis (in hardware) the internal delay gives similar behavior. Note that ModelSim has a feature ("Expanded Time Delta Mode") to show delta delays.
Without code, I guess that the generated clock in comp_1 is also used for output generation, besides being output on clk_out. Depending on the implementation, it may result in a delta cycle delay difference between clock and data, which is may appear as not synchronous, but it is actually a delta cycle issue.
A possible fix is to output the generated clock from comp_1 without using it, and then making an additional clk_in input on comp_1, similar to the clk_in on comp_2, and then use that clock internally in comp_1. The clock use will then be similar on comp_1 and comp_2, removing the issue with delta delays on clock.
As Morten also pointed out some source code could help making your question more precise.
There is nothing wrong in connecting the clock out signal from one component to the clock in signal of another component. What might be a problem in your case is the way you generate the clock signal.
Depending on your use case you have different options.
If your target is an FPGA you should use a clock generator IP form the given vendor.

Sound generator on FPGA with VHDL code

I need to use keyboard as input for musical notes, and digilent speaker as output.
I plan to use only one octave.
My most intriguing questions are:
How do I represent the musical notes in VHDL code.
How do I (or do I need to) implement a DAC module that uses Spartan 3E Starter's built-in DAC? I have read on other forums that it can't be implemented. I need to use it in order to transmit the note to the speaker. The teacher who supervises my and my colleagues' projects suggested me to look into PWM for that(but all I've found is explained in electronic manner, no accompanying code, or explanation on implementation).
Besides keyboard controller, a processing module(for returning the note corresponding to the pressed key from the notes vector) and DAC, that I have figured out so far that I need, what else do I need.
There is a DAC (see comments)
There is no DAC on the Spartan-3E Starter Kit. Using a low-pass PWM signal is a common way to generate analog signal level from digital output.
You need to define a precision for your PWM, let's say 8 bits or 256 levels. For each audio sample you want to output, you need to count from 0 to 255. When the counter is less than the desired sample level, output 1, otherwise output 0. When the counter reach 255, reset it and go to the next sample.
Thus, if you want 8 bits precision (256 levels) and 8KHz signal, the counter will have to run at 256*8000 = 2.048MHz.
For your other questions, there is no easy answer. It's your job, as designer, to figure that out.

Simulation not working - port mapping wrong?

VHDL code
First of all, sorry for the redirect, but it's easier that way.
I'm building a digital clock, but as you can see, clock_AN and clock_seg_out do not change. Is this caused by a wrong port mapping?
Your input master clock is too slow. Looking at the frequency divider cct, it looks like you've it programmed to divide a 100MHz clock. So either:
speed up your testbench master clock
or set the divider target to a lower number for debug purposes
Go with #2 if you want reasonable sim times!
