converting Infix to prefix conversion - data-structures

Recently I have went through some sites,
for converting the Infix to Prefix notation and finally got tucked up.
I have given the steps which I have done..
Ex:- (1+(2*3)) + (5*6) + (7/8)
Method 1:- (Manual Conversion without any algorithm):-
Step1: (1+(*23)) + (*56) + (/78)
Step2: (+1*23) + (*56) + (/78)
Step3: +(+1*23)(*56) + (/78)
Step4: +[+(+1*23)(*56)](/78)
Step5: +++1*23*56/78 **--- Final Ans -----**
Method 2:-
As per the site
Step1: Reverse it:-
) 8 / 7 ( + ) 6 * 5 ( + ) ) 3 * 2 ( + 1 (
Step2: Replace the '(' by ')' and vice versa:
( 8 / 7 ) + ( 6 * 5 ) + ( ( 3 * 2 ) + 1 )
Step3: Convert the expression to postfix form:-
8 7 / 6 5 * + 3 2 * 1 + +
Step4: Reverse it
+ + 1 * 2 3 + * 5 6 / 7 8 --- Final Ans -----
So, here I got totally hanged.
Could any one please provide some light on following things:-
On where I went wrong in the above 2 methods
Which is the right answer
so I can able to understand the concept more better.

Your method is not correct, look at the comment, it says that ( a + b ) + c = a + ( b + c ) . What about (a + b) * c? (a + b) * c != a + (b * c).
According to your manual algorithm, you put the last + is placed to the front. It is not correct. If you use * instead of last + , where did you put it ? Just think about that, then you can easily find the problem with your algorithm.
Another algorithm for solving this problem is just parenthesis it before proceeding. Replace every left parenthesis with the operator inside it.
Example, ((1+(2*3)) + ((5*6) + (7/8))) then it become ++1*23+*56+/78. Your algorithm is correct if the precedence of the operator inside is same. If it is not it will fail.
NOTE : Your answer can also be obtained by the arrangement of parenthesis. (((1+(2*3)) + (5*6)) + (7/8)) then it becomes +++1*23*56/78. But if the last one is * instead of + then it doesn't work.

(b * b - 4 * a * c ) / (2 * c) EQUATION--1;
Now I will solve this mathematically by substituting different variables, and doing 2 terms at time.
=> x=bb* ; y=4a* ; z=2c*
these above are the substitution of first time, use in eq 1
( x - y * c )/(z)
again doing the substitutions with new variables.
=> i=yc* ;
(x - i)/z
=> j=xi-;
Now this here is the base case solve it then substitute back all the variables accordingly.
Now back substitution
xi- 2c* /
bb* yc * - 2c* /
bb* 4a* c * -2a*/

The Manual conversion is correct because when we reverse the infix expression to calculate the prefix, the associativity of the expression changes from left to right to right to left which is not considered in the algorithm and often it is ignored.
expression:5-3-2 :infix to prefix(manual conversion)
(-5 3)-2
-(- 5 3) 2
- - 5 3 2
now by the algorithm(if associativity not changed)
reverse expression: 2 - 3 - 5
postfix: 2 3 - 5 -
again reverse to get prefix: - 5 - 3 2
now see if we ignored the associativity, it made a huge difference
now if we change the associativity from left to right to right to left:
then :
reverse expression: 2 - 3 - 5
postfix: 2 3 5 - - (like a^b^b to postfix: abc^^ because it is also right associative)
reverse - - 5 3 2


Finding number representation in different bases

I was recently solving a problem when I encountered this one: APAC Round E Q2
Basically the question asks to find the smallest base (>1) in which if the number (input) is written then the number would only consist of 1s. Like 3 if represented in base 2 would become 1 (consisting of only 1s).
Now, I tried to solve this the brute force way trying out all bases from 2 till the number to find such a base. But the constraints required a more efficient one.
Can anyone provide some help on how to approach this?
Here is one suggestion: A number x that can be represented as all 1s in a base b can be written as x = b^n + b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 + 1
If you subtract 1 from this number you end up with a number divisble by b:
b^n + b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 which has the representation 111...110. Dividing by b means shifting it right once so the resulting number is now b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 or 111...111 with one digit less than before. Now you can repeat the process until you reach 0.
For example 13 which is 111 in base 3:
13 - 1 = 12 --> 110
12 / 3 = 4 --> 11
4 - 1 = 3 --> 10
3 / 3 = 1 --> 1
1 - 1 = 0 --> 0
Done => 13 can be represented as all 1s in base 3
So in order to check if a given number can be written with all 1s in a base b you can check if that number is divisble by b after subtracting 1. If not you can immediately start with the next base.
This is also pretty brute-forcey but it doesn't do any base conversions, only one subtraction, one divisions and one mod operation per iteration.
We can solve this in O( (log2 n)^2 ) complexity by recognizing that the highest power attainable in the sequence would correspond with the smallest base, 2, and using the formula for geometric sum:
1 + r + r^2 + r^3 ... + r^(n-1) = (1 - r^n) / (1 - r)
Renaming the variables, we get:
n = (1 - base^power) / (1 - base)
Now we only need to check power's from (floor(log2 n) + 1) down to 2, and for each given power, use a binary search for the base. For example:
n = 13:
p = floor(log2 13) + 1 = 4:
Binary search for base:
(1 - 13^4) / (1 - 13) = 2380
No match for power = 4.
Try power = 3:
(1 - 13^3) / (1 - 13) = 183
(1 - 6^3) / (1 - 6) = 43
(1 - 3^3) / (1 - 3) = 13 # match
For n around 10^18 we may need up to (floor(log2 (10^18)) + 1)^2 = 3600 iterations.

Generate postfix without binary tree

Can we generate a postfix format string from an expression without creating a binary tree or AST tree
For example, I have an expression exp = "1 + 2 * 3 * ( 4 - 2 ) + A / B "
and I want to generate a postfix string = "1 2 3 * 4 2 - * + A B / +"

How to solve a simple linear equation using postfix

I have a program that takes in a simple linear equation and transforms it into its equivalent in postfix.
For example:
would be transformed into
3 x * 7 + = 4 2 x * 1 - *
How can i get the value of x in this example using its postfix form. Any help will be greatly appreciated thank you
EDIT - I need help with the logic not the code (I'm not asking for people to do the code for me)
If your linear equation is always in the form of a right hand side (RHS) in terms of x and a left hand side (LHS) in terms of x, then the following would work.
Subtract the LHS from both the LHS and the RHS. Then you have 0 on the LHS and an expression in terms of x on the RHS.
Begin to simplify the postfix expression. Every time you encounter an addition or subtraction operation with a numerical operand, add or subtract that value from the LHS as appropriate, and replace the operand in the calculation with 0.
At the end you should be left with an equation in the form of b = a * x. The solution (if one exists and is unique) is then b / a.
Same as algebra, first let's get it into a simplified form:
3 x * 7 + = 4 2 x * 1 - *
We see a = 2 x *, then b = a 1 -, leaving 4 b *. Multiply each term in b:
3 x * 7 + = 2 4 * x * 1 4 * -
3 x * 7 + = 8 x * 4 -
Do the same on the left:
3 7 / x * 1 + = 8 x * 4 -
Now subtract 1 from each side by removing a top-level 1 + or otherwise altering some top-level addition:
3 7 / x * = 8 x * 5 -
And subtract 8 x *:
3 7 / x * 8 x * - = 0 5 -
Move things around and multiply by -1:
8 x * 3 7 / x * - = 5
Note: multiplying by -1 is easy. Algebraic notation:
(a - b) * -1 = (0 + (a - b)) * -1
(a - b) * -1 = -1*0 + (-1*a - -1*b)
(a - b) * -1 = 0 + (-a - -b)
(a - b) * -1 = (-a + b)
(a - b) * -1 = b - a
I tried using this once to fix a mistake way down the line in linear algebra and lost several points on the test because the instructor said I can't just claim -(a-b) = (b-a) so I had to prove 0-x = -x I guess.
In reverse polish, a b - 0 - = b a - 0 +. Because x is common, reorder the multiplication:
8 3 7 / - x * = 5
53 7 / x * = 5
Divide both sides by 53 / 7:
x = 5 53 7 / *
x = 5 53 * 7 /
x = 265 7 /
x = 37 6 7 / +
Solve for x.

Post Order Traversal Formula

I am given 2 y 5 1 4 3 - * - * +, and am asked to evaluate it, and then draw the equivalent expression tree. I haven't done any work with this before, can someone show the steps you would take to solve this type of question?
I have looked at: Post order traversal of a formula
and am confused as to how to come to that answer.
What you are given is a postfix expression. It is well-known that these things are evaluated with stacks according to the following rule:
Working left to right, when you encounter a value, push it. When you encounter an operator, pop the top two values, apply the operation, and push the result back.
So your expression evaluation proceeds like this
2 (push 2)
2 y (push y)
2 y 5 (push 5)
2 y 5 1 (push 1)
2 y 5 1 4 (push 4)
2 y 5 1 4 3 (push 3)
2 y 5 1 1 (pop 3, pop 4, push 4-3)
2 y 5 1 (pop 1, pop 1, push 1*1)
2 y 4 (pop 1, pop 5, push 5-1)
2 4y (pop 4, pop y, push y*4)
2+4y (pop 4y, pop 2, push 2+4y)
Your answer is the value left on the stack.
Now, you asked about producing a tree also. To produce a tree, rather than evaluating the expression when you find an operator, you "apply" the operator by building a tree fragment with the operator as the root, and the popped tree fragments as children.
So after pushing
2 y 5 1 4 3
you see a -, so you pop the 4 and 3 and you push back this structure
/ \
4 3
Next you see the * so you pop the top tree fragment and the one below it, which is actually a tree fragment consisting of the single node
So it will look like
/ \
1 -
/ \
4 3
You should be able to take it from here.
The answer at Post order traversal of a formula says find the first operator. In your case it is '-'. The second step he describes is put it between the previous two operands.
In your case these two operands are 4 and 3 (they are directly before the '-'). So the formula after this step becomes:
2 y 5 1 (4-3) * - * +
Remember that the expression (4-3) is now one operand.
We apply the steps again to this formula. We see that the first operator now is ''.
The two operands before the '' are 1 and (4-3). The formula becomes:
2 y 5 (1*(4-3)) - * +
Now you can apply this untill all operators are gone.
I will not continue giving more steps because probably this is a homework question. However I think it is clear?
As stated by novalis from the question you linked, scan for the first operator and previous 2 operands and then replace that group with a more familiar expression in parentheses, ie.
if you have:
op1 op2 operator
4 3 -
this becomes:
(op1 operator op2)
(4 - 3 )
so, proceeding...
2 y 5 1 4 3 - * - * +
2 y 5 1 (4 - 3) * - * +
2 y 5 (1 * (4 - 3)) - * +
Proceed in a similar fashion to build the tree. Scan for the first operator and create a tiny tree:
/ \
4 3
Then, each new operand is the top node of your new tree:
/ \
1 -
/ \
4 3
and then:
/ \
5 *
/ \
1 -
/ \
4 3

Which of the following postfix notations correctly represents infix sum 1+2+3+4?

I am testing an infix-to-postfix-to-infix converter and found some kind of uncertainty. For example, a simple infix sum
1 + 2 + 3 + 4
can be converted to postfix one
1 2 + 3 + 4 +
assuming that operators with equal precedence are not accumulated. If they are then I get
1 2 3 4 + + +
On the other hand, all the following postfix expressions can be converted to the initial sum
1 2 + 3 + 4 +
1 2 + 3 4 + +
1 2 3 4 + + +
Are all these postfix expressions correct?
If you would make such converter, to which form would you choose? I need to choose one for testing.
You need to define an extra constraint.
Mathematically, your postfix expressions are all the same. But on a computer integer addition is not really commutative because of overflow.
Replace 1 2 3 4 with a b c d and consider the possibility of overflow. Most programming languages define that a + b + c + d must be evaluated left-to-right so that a b + c + d + is the only correct translation.
Only when you define that the order of evaluation is 'unspecified' all the postfix versions are equivalent. That was the case for (older) C Compilers.
Yep, all correct. They correspond to the following bracketed infix expressions:
((1 + 2) + 3) + 4
(1 + 2) + (3 + 4)
1 + (2 + (3 + 4))
+ is confusing - it is commutative, so in fact, every result seems correct.
Consider replacing + with other operators: 1 a 2 b 3 c 4.
The correct result here, for left-associative operators, is
1 2 a 3 b 4 c
So, in your case, I'd expect 1 2 + 3 + 4 +
