Is it possible to run on iOS 9.3.1 from Yosemite? - xcode

When I try to run from XCode 6.4 I get "iPad may be running a version of iOS that is not supported by this version of Xcode." It won't let me open the Xcode beta either, saying it needs to be on OS 10.11. I need to install an app right now though. Is there a way to do it from Yosemite?

Apple have recently dropped support for Xcode on Yosemite. The last supported version is 7.2.1. If you want to use Xcode 7.3 which supports iOS 9.3 and above you'll need to use El Capitan which is a free update for Yosemite users.


How do I download Xcode 9 on a mac running 10.11.6 (El Capitan)?

I am taking a course on programming with flutter, and it needs Xcode 9 or higher. My mac is currently running 10.11.6 and it can't update any more. I was wondering if there was any way to get Xcode 9 on my mac?
Xcode9 needs OS X 10.12.6 or higher.
The latest Xcode you can install on OS X 10.11.6 is Xcode8 (version 8.2.1).
Here you can check which minimal OS version is required by which version of Xcode:
Also for downloading any older version of Xcode you need a developer account (free account is enough) and you can download from here:
Unfortunately I don't see older than Xcode9 there but I found Xcode 8.2.1 here
Xcode is only needed to run your Flutter apps on iOS devices and simulators. But to develop Flutter apps, you use another IDE your Mac can probably run: Android Studio, Visual Studio Code or Intellij IDEA.
You can still test your app using an Android emulator or device.
If you do need to upgrade, you can download a Sierra, High Sierra or Mojave patcher from dosdude1's website, and install a later version of macOS on your unsupported Mac (if your mac is in the list of supported devices, and I haven't tested it, so do it at your own risk).

Can I install XCode 7.3 on OS X 10.10 Yosemite?

I'm unable to upgrade my OS X to 10.11, due to reasons.
XCode 7.3 seems to be the first XCode not to be compatible with Yosemite 10.10.
Has anyone succeeded in getting XCode 7.3 to work on Yosemite?
(What's the important update to XCode that has to make it uncompatible with Yosemite?)
Unfortunately no, you can not.
You need OS X 10.11 or later (El Capitan), since March 21st.
So you either update from Yosemite to El Capitan or stick with your current Xcode.
Important? I will say not that much... iOS 9.3 and Swift 2.2, if you are fond of... With the rest of the OSs. The rest is pretty much the same, it's not a major update.
IF you are here because you updated your device (iPhone, Apple TV etc) and can no longer export your apps to this updated device, there is a workaround!
You can actually copy the newest version of iOS XCode SDK from a newer version of XCode into your older version of XCode.
Rename your old to, and install the latest version of XCode (yes you can have multiple versions)
Grab the folder in your new XCode package content folder:
And add it in the same place of your XCode 7.3 or 8.2 version
Restart XCode and you will be able to keep working!

Do I need to install Yosemite in order to build a Swift iOS app?

I would like to try building a swift app, but I am afraid to upgrade my Mac to Yosemite Developer Preview. I am not clear if this is a prerequisite.
Just to get the official source in here, the Xcode 6 Beta 1 Release Notes state:
Xcode 6 Beta requires a Mac running OS X version 10.9.3 (or later) or 10.10.
And Xcode 6 comes bundled with Swift.
It's not a prerequisite. You can install the XCode 6 beta which includes swift support as long as you have the newest version of Mavericks (10.9.3)
No. I am using Mavericks (10.9.3), and Xcode6 beta is working well, and built program is also working well.

Xcode 3 and iOS 6

A newbie question. I have Xcode 3.2.6 and my ipad is iOS 6.0. It seems this version of Xcode doesn't support the iOS version. What version do I need to upgrade my Xcode to so that I can test apps on devices running iOS 6.
And, my second question do I have to download the .dmg to upgrade Xcode. Currently I am running snow leopard 10.6.8.
For iOS 6 you will need Xcode 4.5 and at least Lion (10.7)
You need OS X Lion 10.7.4 or later to install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore. Then you will be able to build apps to your device with iOS 6.0.

no provisional ios devices are available

my Mac has Snow Leopard and Xcode about shows 4.2 (4c199)
An update came to my iphone4 and it has now ios5.1 (used to be ios5.01)
When I try to run on the ios device target the build goes through fine but the installation fails with "no provisional ios devices are available with a compatible ios version".
When I look in Xcode organizer I can see similarly:
The version of iOS on “XXXXXX’s iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
and here is what the organizer shows:
OS Installed on XXXXX’s iPhone
5.1 (9B176)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
5.0 (9A334)
4.2 (8C134)
What is the meaning of "Latest" here?
I hope I do not need to install Xcode 4.3 as it will require moving to Mountain Lion in the middle of the project?
Prior to this update the things used to work, I think (lately I was working only in the simulator, but before that everything work on the iphone ok).
Thanks for any help in advance.
Your mistake was updating your iphone to IOS 5.1, because your current version of xcode doesn't support it. So basically, you either have to downgrade your IOS device to 5.0 or you have to upgrade to Lion(not mountain lion) and then install the latest version of xcode which does supports IOS 5.1.
Downgrading can be a bitch btw, so I think lion is your best bet. Ill have to do the same soon. Hope this made things a little more clear! Best of luck man!
