How to Inject custom method argument in Spring WebFlux using HandlerMethodArgumentResolver? - spring

I want to create an custom method argument Resolver using Spring WebFlux. I am following link but its seem to be not working.
I am able to create the custom argument resolver using WebMvc.
import org.springframework.web.reactive.result.method.HandlerMethodArgumentResolver;
public class MyContextArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
return MyCustomeObject.class.isAssignableFrom(parameter.getParameterType())
public Mono<Object> resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, BindingContext bindingContext,
ServerWebExchange exchange) {
return Mono.just(new MyCustomeObject())
Please note that i am using HandlerMethodArgumentResolver from .web.reactive. package.
My AutoConfiguration file look like
#ConditionalOnClass(EnableWebFlux.class) // checks that WebFlux is on the class-path
#ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = ConditionalOnWebApplication.Type.REACTIVE)//checks that the app is a reactive web-app
public class RandomWebFluxConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
public void configureArgumentResolvers(ArgumentResolverConfigurer configurer) {
MyContextArgumentResolver[] myContextArgumentResolverArray = {contextArgumentResolver()};
configurer.addCustomResolver(myContextArgumentResolverArray );
public MyContextArgumentResolver contextArgumentResolver() {
return new MyContextArgumentResolver ();
My spring.factories looks like
# Auto Configure
Please note that above configuration is part of the jar which is added in Spring WebFlux Boot project enabled using #EnableWebFlux .

It seems you're conflating two different problems here.
First, you should make sure that your method argument resolver works in a regular project.
For that, you need a #Configuration class that implements the relevant method in WebFluxConfigurer. Your code snippet is doing that but with two flaws:
Your configuration is using #EnableWebFlux, which is disabling the WebFlux auto-configuration in Spring Boot. You should remove that
it seems you're trying to cast a list of MethodArgumentResolver into a single instance and that's probably why things aren't working here. I believe your code snippet could be just:
Now the second part of this question is about setting this up as a Spring Boot auto-configuration. I guess that you'd like WebFlux applications to automatically get that custom argument resolvers if they depend on your library.
If you want to achieve that, you should first make sure to read up a bit about auto-configurations in the reference documentation. After that, you'll realize that your configuration class is not really an auto-configuration since it will be applied in all cases.
You should probably add a few conditions on that configuration like:
#ConditionalOnClass(EnableWebFlux.class) // checks that WebFlux is on the classpath
#ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = ConditionalOnWebApplication.Type.REACTIVE) // checks that the app is a reactive web app


Spring Boot role validation controller using aspect

I have several controller functions separated by role, and instead of doing role validation in each controller method, I found that it seems to be able to get done by using Aspect, however something isn't right in my implementation as the code in Aspect never runs
public #interface ForMerchantOnly {}
public class ForMerchantOnlyAspect {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ForMerchantOnlyAspect.class);
#Before("#annotation(com.example.api.annotation.ForMerchantOnly) && args(request)")
public void before(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServiceException {
if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
throw new RuntimeException("request should be HttpServletRequesttype");
String domain = request.getServerName();
System.out.println("Aspect showing domain " + domain);
// -- other code
public ResponseEntity<ApiResp> list() {
System.out.println("Show something");
return ResponseEntity.ok().body();
I'm assuming when i call controller /list method via chrome browser, it would hit the code in ForMerchantOnlyAspect but it just went into the controller method directly. Am I missing something?
The Aspect was not working as it could not find a matching joinpoint . There are no controller methods that has annotation #ForMerchantOnly and has an argument of type HttpServletRequest
From the documentation :
args: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when
using Spring AOP) where the arguments are instances of the given
Following aspect may be used for the requirement . Scoping designator within will set the scope to advice.
#Before("#annotation(com.example.api.annotation.ForMerchantOnly) && within(com.example.api..*)")
public void before() {
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes())
System.out.println("Aspect showing domain " + request.getServerName());
Also note that an Aspect is better annotated with #Component and #Configuration be used for configurations.
You may also have a look at Method Security of Spring security framework , which lets to secure a method with annotations.
From the documentation
From version 2.0 onwards Spring Security has improved support
substantially for adding security to your service layer methods. It
provides support for JSR-250 annotation security as well as the
framework’s original #Secured annotation. From 3.0 you can also make
use of new expression-based annotations. You can apply security to a
single bean, using the intercept-methods element to decorate the bean
declaration, or you can secure multiple beans across the entire
service layer using the AspectJ style pointcuts.

How to expose endpoints REST lazily?

The Spring Boot application should expose its REST endpoints
only when a specific action occurs.
Is there any way in Spring to lazily expose endpoints, or even the whole HTTP subsystem?
In Apache CXF, we can do something like this:
void exposeEndpoints() {
EndpointImpl endpoint = new EndpointImpl(cxfBus, serviceImpl);
How to do the same thing in Spring?
You could take a look at #RefreshScope.
I would define my #RestController beans as follows:
public ControllerConfig {
#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "", havingValue = true)
public SomeController someController(){
#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "", havingValue = true)
public SomeOtherController someOtherController(){
and if you start your application with property with value false in your
Then your controllers won't be registered/initialized. When the application is running, you could then update your to:
and make a call to /refresh, then your ApplicationContext will reload/refresh, this time with your REST controllers. You can find more about #RefreshScope below:
The solution I have provided below is one of the ways and it may or may not be suitable in your case.
It situation seems like more of design concern rather than particular implementation.
I would suggest you to go with little change in the design.
Store the event in DB or Session (as per requirement) as Boolean.
Create Aspect using AspectJ or Spring's own AOP.
Create Before aspect with specific package pointcuts.
In the #Before advice, check for the boolean flag, if the condition for publishing
satisfies than use joinpoint.proceed() else throw some kind of error saying service not available.
Another way is to create custom Annotation with Aspects. You can use that annotation as per requirement and not on the whole service layer.
The benefit of first approach is that you have the control at generic level and the second approach at service level.
I would suggest to create a new child context with your HTTP subsystem. Something like this:
public class MyBusinessService {
private final ApplicationContext parentContext;
private AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext webContext;
public void myBusinessMethod() {
this.webContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
DISCLAIMER: This is proof-of-concept code, I did not try to compile or run this. But hopefully it is enough to illustrate the concept.

Spring Proxy Creation of Classes annotated with #Configuration or #Component

Spring uses either JDK dynamic proxies or CGLIB to create the proxy for a given target object. If a class is annotated with #Configuration, then CGLIB is used.
However, one limitation of Spring AOP is that once the call has finally reached the target object, any method calls that it may make on itself are going to be invoked against the this reference, and not the proxy. This piece of information is important to remember when using #Transactional and in other places as well.
So having that knowledge, in the code below, is Spring injecting the actual instance or the proxy of SimpleBean?
public class Config {
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
return new SimpleBean();
public SimpleBeanConsumer simpleBeanConsumer() {
return new SimpleBeanConsumer(simpleBean()); //<---
And what is the behavior if a class is annotation with #Component?
Let me give you another perspective.
Say there is an another bean AnotherBeanConsumer that also needs a simpleBean. Simple Bean has a Singleton scope:
public class Config {
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
return new SimpleBean();
public SimpleBeanConsumer simpleBeanConsumer() {
return new SimpleBeanConsumer(simpleBean());
public AnotherBeanConsumer anotherBeanConsumer() {
return new AnotherBeanConsumer(simpleBean());
Now the question is, how its possible that two calls to simpleBean() made from different methods simpleBeanConsumer and anotherBeanConsumer return the same instance of the simple bean (since its a singleton obviously)?
IMO (and disclaimer, I'm not affiliated with spring or something), This is the main reason of creating proxies that wrap Configurations.
Now indeed Spring AOP has a limitation of calling methods just as you've stated, however who said that spring under-the-hood uses spring AOP? The bytecode instrumentation done on much lower levels doesn't have a limitation like this. After all creating a proxy means: "create a proxy object that will have the same interface but will alter the behavior", right?
For example if you use CGLIB that uses inheritance you could create a proxy out of configuration that looks like this (schematically):
class CGLIB_GENERATED_PROXY extends Config {
private Map<String, Object> singletonBeans;
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
String name = getNameFromMethodNameMaybePrecached();
if(singletonBeans.get(name) != null) {
return singletonBeans.get(name);
else {
SimpleBean bean = super.simpleBean();
singletonBeans.put(name, bean);
return bean;
Of course its only a schematic picture, in real life there is an application context that basically provides the access to the map like this, but you get the point.
If its not enough, then there are some even more sophisticated frameworks that spring must make use of in order to load a configuration (like ASM)...
Here is an example:
If you use #ConditionalOnClass(A.class) and the class doesn't really exist in runtime, how spring can load the bytecode of the configuration that uses this configuration and not fail on something like NoClassDefFoundException?
My point is that it goes far beyond the spring AOP, and has its quirks :)
Having said that, nothing that I've describe above requires the real components to be always wrapped in Proxies of any kind. So in the most trivial case, when SimpleBean does not by itself have some annotations that require proxy generation (stuff like #Cached, #Transactional and so forth), Spring won't wrap the object of that type and you'll get a plain SimpleBean object.

How to tie annotations to spring properties?

In my Spring boot application I have around 30 controller classes. Each class has a #CrossOrigin annotation. When I work on it in eclipse it’s fine, but when I deploy to production I need to remove them.
So I was thinking to create a custom property in and somehow tie it to CrossOrigin annotations. So I can set property my-annotation=false and this will cancel the CrossOrigin annotations everywhere in the application. I tried looking into reflection but couldn’t figure out how to do it.
How can I make this work?
I'm afraid, spring doesn't work this way - once you've put an annotation its there for all controllers.
Technically this annotation is used somewhere deep inside in spring MVC (org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping#initCorsConfiguration) so its not advisable to fiddle with it.
Probably it's possible to override the beans of this type by custom implementation and putting them into some configuration that will take place in production only and will not be loaded by default. But again, this is too "internal" solution.
Instead I suggest creating a global cors configuration outside the controller, so no #CrossOrigin annotation will stay in controllers.
So the first step would be defining a WebConfigurerAdapter:
class MyGlobalCorsConfiguration {
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
The second step is to apply this configuration only upon some certain conditions:
It's possible to do with #ConditionalOnProperties annotation that can be put on the whole configuration or one single bean:
#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "myproject.cors.enabled", havingValue = "true",
matchIfMissing = false)
class MyGlobalCorsConfiguration {
Now during the third step you should put the property myproject.cors.enabled=true into the application properties that gets loaded only in production environment or something

Add Converter to Spring Boot

I've written an implementation of Converter. How do I register it so that BeanPropertyRowMapper will use it when called by jdbcTemplate?
I'm using Spring Boot without webmvc. So far I haven't used xml configuration, and would like to keep it that way. My application class is annotated with #SpringBootApplication
This is my converter class:
public class StringToDelegationScope implements Converter<String, DelegationScope>
public DelegationScope convert(String s)
return DelegationScope.valueOf(s.toUpperCase());
There is a solution from 2010 here but it involves extending BeanPropertyRowMapper. That shouldn't be necessary. This is made clear in the Spring Boot docs. However, I can't follow what they are actually after.
