CTRL+ARROW is not being picked up inside IntelliJ when I switched to a new mac. When I go to keymap and try to enter CTRL+ARROW as key binding nothing new shows up. It used to work on my old mac.
IntelliJ: 15.0.5
OSX : 10.11.4
Sounds like it's already used by the system. Probably Mission Control? You may want to see if it is used in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and disable it there if necessary.
I had several xcode extensions, which were activated by certain keyboard shortcuts.
It worked fine and dandy, and then i upgraded my macos to macos bigsur
and they stopped working.
How do I turn it back on?
I went through the manuals of the extensions and redid the steps they gave to activate, and it still did not work.
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/ it is supposed to be a Keybindings profile such as default or "lena" for example.. Let`s say it lena:
It is supposed to be there lena.idekeybindings file open this XML file and check if something wrong with your shortcuts. If it is already deleted or changed with default one, You lost your shortcuts. :(
Note : I always keep a copy of that XML file which has my unique short cuts. Also i use Karabiner to keep other shortcuts for my MacOS.
The issue was that the extensions stopped being compatible with macOS BigSur, after receiving an update, they started working
This used to happen in Xcode 8 and now it's happening in Xcode 9 GM.
Basically, I assign keyboard shortcuts to Xcode extensions actions and they work during the session. After Xcode is restarted, they stop working. They are still correctly assigned, there are no conflicts, but alas they do not work.
To make them work again I have to manually remove them and then re-add them.
All default shortcuts work normally and the extensions themselves work when activated from the menu. Only the extensions keyboard shortcuts don't work.
So, this is still happening, however, the actual shortcuts can be restored in Xcode by running System Preferences -> Extensions and clicking on Xcode.
Aptana studio used to work fine on OS X El Capitan but after updating to Sierra it doesn't work anymore... Can anybody help me fix this? I keep getting a crash log every time screenshot uploaded I open the app. Something I've noticed is that the aptana icon in the applications is a folder and not just a normal app icon. Earlier as I remember it was just a normal app icon on El Capitan. I use aptana on a daily basis as a university student so its vital for me for this to work.
Edit: I have tried a lot of methods including reinstalling java but still it doesn't work. Only way to make it work is to open up the application package and open the terminal executable aptana3. It runs perfectly then but if I launch from the usual app drawer icon it crashes.
This security measure can correct it from System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General tab.
By default, Sierra, the option “Allow applications downloaded from does not appear Anywhere “. But with a simple instruction from the command line so we can correct.
Go to the folder Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
In Terminal, enter or copy…
sudo spctl --master-disable
Type your password (it will not appear, however it is present) and press Enter
Click the lock and enter your Administrator password to make changes.
After changing this option, and can install any software, so if compatible with OS 10.12.
Open finder and navigate to "Applications -> Aptana"
Right click on the Aptana executable and click show contents
Navigate to "Content -> MacOS"
Double click click on AptanaStudio3
You will get a popup saying you need legacy Java SE 6
Click "More Info..." button and download and install it (very slow download, just wait it out)
Once installed double click the AptanaStudio icon in step 4 and Aptana Studio 3 will open
You will need to use that as the shortcut as the Aptana icon from installation will still not work.
Good luck.
I have same problem and solved with some workaround.
First download and install java for mac: https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1572/en_US/javaforosx.dmg
If this not work or you reinstalled aptana after upgrading to sierra I advice to find a old copy of aptana directory and put it to application directory.
I had the same problems on MacOS Sierra; crashing on load, or the JVM error if I launch from within the package contents.
I didn't find any solution to this directly, but instead I installed the latest version of Eclipse first, then installed Aptana from Eclipse. That seems to be working.
In order to use Aptan on El Capitan, first you must install the legacy java 6 version for mac:
The only thing is that you won't be able to access it like a normal application on your mac.
To open Aptana you must run:
Applications -> Aptana(right click to "Show package contents") -> Contents -> MacOS -> AptanaStudio3
When I try to run a project from WebStorm 9, I get the following error:
The application /User/{Username}/Applications (Parallels)/{{guid}}/...
I then click "Fix" and try to specify a custom path to Chrome. After I browse, it shows up as:
/Applications/Google Chrome.app
Parallels seems to be forcing WebStorm to look for applications in the Parallels folder.
How can I override this behavior in WebStorm?
It's a Parallels issue - see http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-36#comment=27-70940
Please try the following:
global parallels menu: Virtual Machine -> Configure -> Options tab -> Applications -> uncheck Share Windows applications with Mac
I also had the same issue and changing Parallels sharing settings was not a good option for me. Fortunately, it can be fixed in WebStorm configuration. Just specify Mac location of Chrome /Applications/Google Chrome.app instead of an incorrect one Google Chrome.app for the default browser setting in ide.general.xml:
<option name="browserPath" value="/Applications/Google Chrome.app" />
It's also possible to do it in UI, though set it up in ide.genera.xml works more reliable in my case.
This was the fix for me:
WebStorm > Preferences > Tools > Web Browsers:
Change "Path" of Chrome to /Applications/Google Chrome.app (as opposed to /Users/<Username>/Applications)
Change "Default Browser" to "First listed" (and make sure the one you just changed is at the top of the list)
Hmm, looks like Webstorm is searching for an application, and is searching the folder /User/{Username}/Applications before searching /Applications. I suspect Webstorm is using a system path to search, since a similar issue has come up before.
Short of finding (and changing) that path, can you try changing the way parallels shares applications with your Mac? In parallels, click on the VM's 'settings' button, then the 'Options' tab, then the 'Applications' page. Try playing around with those settings - I suspect that unchecking "Share Windows applications with Mac" will solve your issue, though it may have unintended consequences (especially if you actually want applications to be available from the mac).
I have Mac OS X Mountain Lion. I program using the terminal to run my compilers. I also have the finder window open for quick access. I enabled the service "new terminal at folder", so when I right-click on a directory and select this option, it opens a new terminal window. The problem is that it doesn't open the window with my default settings (I have terminal default set to Pro settings). Is there a way to change this so it uses my default terminal settings?
To change the default settings for a new window/tab:
preferences > settings > [select the profile you want in the profiles side bar at left] > [click the 'default' button at the bottom of the sidebar]
This super user post also explains this
It turns out that default settings are different from startup settings in the terminal preferences. I changed both to Pro and it works fine now!