This used to happen in Xcode 8 and now it's happening in Xcode 9 GM.
Basically, I assign keyboard shortcuts to Xcode extensions actions and they work during the session. After Xcode is restarted, they stop working. They are still correctly assigned, there are no conflicts, but alas they do not work.
To make them work again I have to manually remove them and then re-add them.
All default shortcuts work normally and the extensions themselves work when activated from the menu. Only the extensions keyboard shortcuts don't work.
So, this is still happening, however, the actual shortcuts can be restored in Xcode by running System Preferences -> Extensions and clicking on Xcode.
I had several xcode extensions, which were activated by certain keyboard shortcuts.
It worked fine and dandy, and then i upgraded my macos to macos bigsur
and they stopped working.
How do I turn it back on?
I went through the manuals of the extensions and redid the steps they gave to activate, and it still did not work.
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/ it is supposed to be a Keybindings profile such as default or "lena" for example.. Let`s say it lena:
It is supposed to be there lena.idekeybindings file open this XML file and check if something wrong with your shortcuts. If it is already deleted or changed with default one, You lost your shortcuts. :(
Note : I always keep a copy of that XML file which has my unique short cuts. Also i use Karabiner to keep other shortcuts for my MacOS.
The issue was that the extensions stopped being compatible with macOS BigSur, after receiving an update, they started working
I've been using the following keyboard shortcut to extract a method in Android Studio:
⌥+⌘+M (Option-Command-M)
A couple of days ago this stopped working and I can't figure out why. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Does anyone have a solution?
I do realise that this shortcut is a macOS shortcut to minimise all windows of an application but not even that happens.
I'm on macOS Mojave (10.14.3) with Android Studio 3.3.2 but my co-worker has the same issue on Android studio 3.1.2.
After several days I finally found out what was going on. It turns out the Time Doctor app ate my keyboard shortcut even though I don't have disabled the shortcuts in said app. After stopping Time Doctor everything is back to normal.
Did you try to find what this shortcut is doing currently?
You can go to
Preferences -> Keymap -> and after click loupe/lense you can click your combination ⌥+⌘+M ) to find where (to which action) it is assigned currently.
On the list (after search) at least one position should appear.
I need to completely reinstall Xcode 6 and remove all the files and settings with it.
I know that it is uninstalled so that you go to mission control, long click on it and then click on the X button, like on iPhone.
I also know that you can drag it to trash from applications.
But after all those, when I install it again through AppStore and open the last project I was working on, Xcode will open the project on exactly the same class where i t was shut down and even show the last error I faced!
I don't want that. That means that some User Preferences are still saved somewhere and I want to get rid of them as I have never ever had Xcode installed on my Mac.
How to do that?
You can use several uninstall programs like you would uninstall any other Mac application.
So some examples might be App Cleaner or Clean My Mac.
Hope that helps :)
I create an extension for my app in iOS 8 and it is displayed correctly under the Today tab.
However when I make a change to the extension (either a UI change in the Storyboard, a UI change in viewDidLoad code, or some changes in the widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler method), there's nothing that is changed when I recompile. The only way I can make the changes to appear is to delete the app from the device/simulator then compile/install again. Restarting XCode (I work with XCode 6 beta 4) / restarting the computer does not help.
How can I fix the bug?
How am I supposed to debug the extension, because setting breakpoints does not seem to do anything and no NSLog messages are printed to the console (I suppose, since it's a different target).
It's a known bug, read the release notes for iOS 8b5.
Debugging (and NSLog) works in Xcode but not always (known bugs). You can still attach the debugger if Xcode cannot attach himself (Debug -> Attach to process)
For me, the simulator works better than real device, so use the simulator until things got better.
2 tips:
Close the simulator at end of debugging (i have a script for auto closing the simulator when i press STOP in Xcode, tell me if you want it).
When you launch the plugin process in simulator, wait for "All applications" display list, if you click "Run" before the list are loaded, the debugger won't attach.
This really drives me bunker! At any time, I work on multiple projects. When I quit Xcode, the next time I open Xcode, all my projects from the day before open automatically one by one.
Often I end up editing the wrong file, AHHHHHHHHHHH!! The only way I could stop this behavior is by closing all projects before quitting Xcode, go to Open Recent, select Clear Menu, and go to Organizer to delete all projects one by one. There must be a easier way to stop Xcode from "memorizing" my projects.
I had asked Apple numerous times, but Apple people kept telling me to go to Xcode Preferences to turn it off and often they seem to have confused it with the Mountain Lion's Reopen Preferences which I had it turned off. I found no such option in my Xcode 4.5.2 and Apple people insist it is there.
Does any of you have that option on your Xcode 4.5.2? Or did Apple single me out to omit that option, just to piss me off? Mostly importantly, how can I stop this nuisance? When I restart the Xcode, I want a clean start >:|
You can modify the setting whether an application reloads its windows as shown in this question.
Xcode's identifier is so the command for changing the default is
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool NO
In my testing it can take one or two re-launches to stick.
If you just want to close all windows once you can also use Quit and Close All Windows (⌘⌥Q)
System Preferences > General > Close windows when quitting an application
Here you can find a checkbox to disable the "feature". Also, see this similar question.
For Xcode Version 6.3 (6D570)
Delete this directory
~/Library/Saved Application State/