Robomongo - silent install - installation

I want to install silently Robomongo on Windows 7, but I can't find any command that would be helpful in this task.
It seems like good old /s does not work here.
Do anybody knows if it's even possible with this installation?

It worked for me with a capital /S


tesseract silent installation through powershell

I am trying to install Tesseract-OCR application on a windows server through powershell but I cannot find any switches for silent install. Anyone done this before or know how to do this?
Add /S argument to silently install it.
Command will be like this:
tesseract.exe /S

Memurai Developer Setup Wizard ended prematurely

I'm trying to install Redis through MEMURAI but when I run the setup I get the following error:
I've Windows 10 - BUILD: 1909
The latest .NET version, how can I fix this?
Here are some steps that will help investigate this issue:
From an Administrator command prompt, navigate to the folder where the Memurai Developer installer is located (typically it's under %userprofile%\downloads). EG: cd /d %userprofile%\downloads
msiexec /i Memurai-Developer-2.0.0.msi /l*v "install.log".
Proceed through the installer steps as you did before, until you hit the error.
The install.log file should provide some clue as to why the installation failed. If the solution is not obvious, please email the log file to Please let us know how it goes, either way!
Note: After the install logs were investigated the installer was changed to make it more robust and not fail in this spot.

Silent Install Mariadb 10.6 on Windows without HeidiSQL

By default, mariadb comes with HeidiSQL, so HeidiSQL is automatically installed when installing Mariadb silently on Windows.
There is an option to remove the HeidiSQL if I install with UI, but I am not sure how to do with silent-installation. Can anyone help me to unselct HeidiSQL in silent-installation process?
Thank you
pass following properties to msiexec /i
msiexec /i mariadb-10.3.9-winx64.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=HeidiSQL /L*V log.LOG /q /passive
HeidiSQL is a normal MSI feature, you do not need transforms or such.
If you have an option to remove something with UI, you can do that also with commandline.
It's pretty straightforward - create a response transform for the GUI installation with HeidiSQL deselected. Then, apply the transform to the existing MSI via the command line.
There are lots of guides on how to create a response transform using different tools; here's some video guide:

Ghostscript silent/unattended installation

I want to install ghostscript silently but actually it does not work. The Winzip SELF-Extractor pops up.
As I read the FAQ on the ghostscript site it should work with parameters /S and /NCRC
From the ghostscript site;
Can I install Ghostscript on Windows unattended?
Yes, give gsxxxw32/64.exe the /S (for silent) option.
In addition, you can add the /NCRC option (that will suppress
the CRC check, which, unfortunately, pops up a dialogue to show
progress). And /D=<install dir> to change the target directory
for the install.
But with my 8.7 Version of Ghostscript it does not work, any ideA?
Try using a recent version of Ghostscript (the current version is 9.15). The version you are using is 5 years old, I believe the documentation you are quoting is for the current version, hardly surprising it doesn't work !
It seems like the recent version doesn’t work either. This answer helped me:
choco install --yes ghostscript --version=9.24
Trying to install without a specific version also failed. Passing 9.24 did the trick.

installation using msi.exec open help options every time

I have been trying to install a msi file using cmd. The command looks like
C:\Windows\system32>msiexec.exe -q -i "Installer.msi"
But every time I run this the window for help options is opened for msi instead of running the installer. What could be the problem?
First, you need to specify the full path to the MSI file. Also, the command line is really picky if you are specifying anything else, and sometimes it doesn't like spaces between value=proprtyname. Those errors will give you the help screen because you got the syntax wrong in some way.
Note that the MSI file will not install successfully in silent mode if it requires elevation. It won't ask for the elevation prompt if you are in silent mode. That means you should try the command line install from an elevated prompt.
I think msiexec.exe /i installer.msi /qn should work.
See here for a similar thread on serverfault:
To deal with the complicated msiexec.exe command line interface, try this free tool from Installation tool developer Altiris: - broken link resurrected from Wayback machine. Seeing as the tool was freeware I assume that is legal.
Please run the download by for safety.
Here is a screenshot:
