installation using msi.exec open help options every time - installation

I have been trying to install a msi file using cmd. The command looks like
C:\Windows\system32>msiexec.exe -q -i "Installer.msi"
But every time I run this the window for help options is opened for msi instead of running the installer. What could be the problem?

First, you need to specify the full path to the MSI file. Also, the command line is really picky if you are specifying anything else, and sometimes it doesn't like spaces between value=proprtyname. Those errors will give you the help screen because you got the syntax wrong in some way.
Note that the MSI file will not install successfully in silent mode if it requires elevation. It won't ask for the elevation prompt if you are in silent mode. That means you should try the command line install from an elevated prompt.

I think msiexec.exe /i installer.msi /qn should work.
See here for a similar thread on serverfault:
To deal with the complicated msiexec.exe command line interface, try this free tool from Installation tool developer Altiris: - broken link resurrected from Wayback machine. Seeing as the tool was freeware I assume that is legal.
Please run the download by for safety.
Here is a screenshot:


Memurai Developer Setup Wizard ended prematurely

I'm trying to install Redis through MEMURAI but when I run the setup I get the following error:
I've Windows 10 - BUILD: 1909
The latest .NET version, how can I fix this?
Here are some steps that will help investigate this issue:
From an Administrator command prompt, navigate to the folder where the Memurai Developer installer is located (typically it's under %userprofile%\downloads). EG: cd /d %userprofile%\downloads
msiexec /i Memurai-Developer-2.0.0.msi /l*v "install.log".
Proceed through the installer steps as you did before, until you hit the error.
The install.log file should provide some clue as to why the installation failed. If the solution is not obvious, please email the log file to Please let us know how it goes, either way!
Note: After the install logs were investigated the installer was changed to make it more robust and not fail in this spot.

How to bypass the Elevated prompt error during silent installation

I am trying to download and silently install Anaconda on user's computer by using a batch file. The command that is used in my batch files is according to the original documentation of Anaconda. However, every time I run this batch of code, it gives me an error that says:
Installation for all users requires an elevated prompt.
This however only happens when I set the installation type to AllUsers. If I set the installation type to JustMe, it will be able to download and install Anaconda.
curl "" -o "prerequisites\\Anaconda2-"
%cd%\prerequisites\Anaconda2- /InstallationType=AllUsers /RegisterPython=1 /S /D=C:\Anaconda
Unfortunately, I need to find a way to set the installation type to AllUsers. I had also tried running the batch file using administrator mode but to no avail. Can anyone tell me what I am missing out? I've been on this for days and still could not find the correct solution to this.

Composer setup - "The system cannot find the file specified"

I'm trying to install composer, but it showing an error message. I'm using Windows 8.1, and download composer Windows Installer from
The command interpreter did not run correctly:
The system cannot find the file specified
The cmd file is existing on C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe. And it run normally
I strongly suggest posting questions regarding the windows installer #
The maintainer of our windows installer binary can answer most questions and is very friendly and helpful :-)
1- Open cmd.exe ( administrator mode ).
2- Write this command sfc /scannow (My be take long time for scanning).
2- Re-install composer.

Have tried all traditional troubleshooting: "Can't find script engine "VBScript" for script..."

I've done all the traditional fixes in every major threads related to this problem and I still get this error. I'm trying to run a .vbs to install a webdisk onto my computer. (Please note that I'm not a programmer so I'm hoping to receive help in Layman's terms.)
I've gone into registry and fixed the HKEY to list the .dll.
I've deleted all cleaners and adblockers and anti-virus programs.
I've created a new .reg that merged threads.
Please help. I'm going crazy up here at the lake.
Please follow the following steps:
Open command prompt as Administrator using Run As Administrator
Now type sfc /scannow and press enter.
Check the message that you get and take the corresponding action as mentioned here.
You can also try doing the following:
Run regsvr32 vbscript.dll and regsvr32 jscript.dll in command prompt as administrator.
Also run the Windows Cleanup Utility as Administrator.
This should fix your issue.

how to make an existing msi package unattended install

Sorry for the newbie-ish question, but for all my years, I've never dealt with windows installation except as a user and I'm not sure how to start this.
I have two 3rd party packages to install. One I know is msi based but the other I have not found out yet. It comes with a setup.exe and a wrapper.exe - which we use to install.
Both installation prompt the user for language and a number of various options.
I need to wrap or do something to make these unattended installations.
I may be able to get some property information and I've read Silent installation of a MSI package - is that how I go about doing this? There will be a boat load of properties.
Basically, how do I go about wrapping the setup.exe and building / providing some type of response file.
Try this procedure to test if the setup is an MSI:
In the folder where your setup.exe is located, hold down shift, and right click in an empty space. Click "Open new command window here".
Type in setup.exe /a and let the setup start. This should launch an "admin install" if the setup.exe is an MSI setup at all. If you see a way to specify a path, define one and press next. This should now extract all files from within the setup.exe exposing the MSI file.
Once you have the MSI file extracted, it can in most cases be installed via a standard msiexec.exe command line like this: msiexec.exe /i setup.msi
To learn how to install an MSI file silently, check this thread:
How to interactive a silently installing msi? (Progress data and cancel it)
Just one final question: are you delivering these setups as a product, or are you trying to install to your work network or similar?
If those wrapper/setup programs don't have a silent mode then the whole process can't be silent. As far as the MSI files are concerned, the msiexec command line stuff is what you need, including specifying properties on the command line, such as TARGETDIR- if the default is wrong, and TRANSFORMS= assuming the language choice is a transform choice. If you turn on Windows Installer logging policy (or the wrappers let you create a verbose log) you'll see what command lines the wrappers use, so duplicate them except you'd add a /qn type of option to make them silent. If they require elevation to admin to install you'd have to launch them from an admin prompt because a silent install won't ask for elevation on UAC systems.
