Query returning single record taking too much time in a EJB-Hibernate Application along with Oracle DB - oracle

I am working with a EJB(3.0)-Hibernate(3) project along with Oracle 11g DB.
First of all due to the security reason I am unable to share my code, I am really sorry for that.
Issue is :
In my Application from different locations, DB has been called for retrieving, persisting, merging records which deals with a number of tables in DB.
But, for a particular retrieve query(select query which is fetching only a single record by putting a primary key data in where clause) from my Application, it is taking too much time(almost 4 minutes) for getting the response from DB(response is proper with a single record).
I can track the time by debugging from calling point to DB inside Application and the retrieving response from DB to my Application.
So, I want to know why for a single record fetching, it is taking so much time where for other queries it's fetching within seconds or micro-seconds.
And also want to know how to track the time-stamp of [query request from Application just hitting the Database after connecting DB through Hibernate Layer] and also what is going on inside the DB for this flow.
Please give me some advice or suggestions from your entire work experience if you facing such kind of issue and also help me how to track the whole flow
Application <-> Hibernate Layer <-> Database
Thanks in advance!!!


Cache and update regularly complex data

Lets star with background. I have an api endpoint that I have to query every 15 minutes and that returns complex data. Unfortunately this endpoint does not provide information of what exactly changed. So it requires me to compare the data that I have in db and compare everything and than execute update, add or delete. This is pretty boring...
I came to and idea that I can simply remove all data from certain tables and build everything from scratch... But it I have to also return this cached data to my clients. So there might be a situation that the db will be empty during some request from my client because it will be "refreshing/rebulding". And that cant happen because I have to return something
So I cam to and idea to
Lock the certain db tables so that the client will have to wait for the "refreshing the db"
CQRS https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html
Do you have any suggestions how to solve the problem?
It sounds like you're using a relational database, so I'll try to outline a solution using database terms. The idea, however, is more general than that. In general, it's similar to Blue-Green deployment.
Have two data tables (or two databases, for that matter); one is active, and one is inactive.
When the software starts the update process, it can wipe the inactive table and write new data into it. During this process, the system keeps serving data from the active table.
Once the data update is entirely done, the system can begin to serve data from the previously inactive table. In other words, the inactive table becomes the active table, and vice versa.

Spring Boot application with Postgres: indexes not being used during first use

I have a Spring Boot application that is using a Postgres database. When the application is deployed I need to run a transactional operation that uploads a zip file that is used to populate the database. The application is checking for duplicate rows before inserting them (because users can upload duplicate data that should just be ignored).
The problem I am having is that the first time I upload the file, even thought the indexes are created, they are not being used when checking for the existence of a row. My theory is that this happens because the query plan is deciding not to use the index because it is checking the original statistics, which show that the tables are empty. If I upload a small zip file first, then the problem goes away because the tables now have data.
I have two questions. First, is my theory correct or is there some other reason for this behaviour? Also, if so, is there a way to force Postgres to update the query plan it uses at some predefined interval within the same transaction and can this be done using JPA? Any ideas are appreciated.
Just in case someone runs into this issue, I'll post the solution I found. It appears my theory was correct. The queries will not use the indexes until some statistics are collected. One way to force this is to call ANALYZE after a number of rows have been written to the database. You can do this using a native query like this:
entityManager.createNativeQuery("ANALYZE " + tbl).executeUpdate();
You can wrap this call in a try catch and ignore any exceptions that might occur if you change the database engine. I couldn't find a way of doing this in a database-independent way but this approach works fine and now the initial upload performs as expected.

Duplicate records are inserting into database with spring transaction

We have 10 servers.Some flight related data will come to the servers.From servers that data will come to our application.Means same data can come to our application more than one time,but finally i need to save that data only once in the database.So we are checking in the database before inserting the data.If that record is already not exist in the database then only we are going to save the data.But for some reason we are getting duplicate records in the database.
Is it necessary using synchronization in this scenario.
What might be the problem here.Thanks in advance...
In our company the way we deal with multiple data sources where same piece of information may go through is by utilizing batches.
What we found is by doing this at code level (java and .NET), we would invest a lot of devops time and still have duplications.
By implementing a batching process we stored everything locally and process using 2 batch jobs.
1st will ensure quality of data and remove duplications
2nd will compress and push data to our persistence service (we use XCOM to push straight into a db queue which then plugs the data in).
If you can implement something similar because you have a central point of entry upon which you can implement proper quality gates.
Hope our example helps, if not let me know happy to remove this. :)

Rhomobile inserting into local database using CSV or XML from external web server

I am currently developing a Rhomobile application. I have a backend database which holds customer information. I have got from the webserver a csv string (or XML - I am able to parse the XML using REXML) which contains all the customers. Each time I sync the device I am going to reset the customer table on the device and re-insert all data from the backend database. I am not using RhoSync and the device will be using property bag.
Is it possible to use the CSV or XML data to insert into the customers table? If so, how would I go about it?
At the moment the only option I can see that would work would be to manually loop through the CSV/XML and insert into the database manually; this isn't very elegant.
Any help will be much appreciated, sorry if this is a dumb question; still relatively new to this framework.
I have come to the conclusion that the only way is to loop through the csv/xml, which with the help of a database transaction this doesn't take long.
Using fixed schema also increases the performance a lot as property bag has to do column inserts (so if you have lots of columns - there is lots of inserts per record).
Also in Rhomobile garbage collection is turned off, so if you are trying to process large data sets your device will quickly run out of memory:
The above solves this issue

performance SaveOrUpdate objects in nhibernate

im using NHibernate to communicate with my database and have some performance problems when saving/updating the data.
I have an IList with objects. Reading from the database works well. The first time the application is running, the table in the SqlCompactEdition is empty, and has to be filled. Therefor i call the SaveOrUpdate method. It works great, all data is entered. But... the performance is very bad, i have to wait some minutes for all data has been added to the database.
Is there a faster way to add the data to the table? (or any good example/reference?)
and remember you can even set the batch size in the config file to improve performance batching together INSERTs and UPDATEs:
<property name="adonet.batch_size">250</property>
