Cache and update regularly complex data - caching

Lets star with background. I have an api endpoint that I have to query every 15 minutes and that returns complex data. Unfortunately this endpoint does not provide information of what exactly changed. So it requires me to compare the data that I have in db and compare everything and than execute update, add or delete. This is pretty boring...
I came to and idea that I can simply remove all data from certain tables and build everything from scratch... But it I have to also return this cached data to my clients. So there might be a situation that the db will be empty during some request from my client because it will be "refreshing/rebulding". And that cant happen because I have to return something
So I cam to and idea to
Lock the certain db tables so that the client will have to wait for the "refreshing the db"
Do you have any suggestions how to solve the problem?

It sounds like you're using a relational database, so I'll try to outline a solution using database terms. The idea, however, is more general than that. In general, it's similar to Blue-Green deployment.
Have two data tables (or two databases, for that matter); one is active, and one is inactive.
When the software starts the update process, it can wipe the inactive table and write new data into it. During this process, the system keeps serving data from the active table.
Once the data update is entirely done, the system can begin to serve data from the previously inactive table. In other words, the inactive table becomes the active table, and vice versa.


Example micoservice app with CQRS and Event Sourcing

I'm planning to create a simple microservice app (set and get appointments) with CQRS and Event Sourcing but I'm not sure if I'm getting everything correctly. Here's the plan:
docker container: public delivery app with REST endpoints for getting and settings appointments. The endpoints for settings data are triggering a RabbitMQ event (async), the endpoint for getting data are calling the command service (sync).
docker container: for the command service with connection to a SQL database for setting (and editing) appointments. It's listening to the RabbidMQ event of the main app. A change doesn't overwrite the data but creates a new entry with a new version. When data has changed it also fires an event to sync the new data to the query service.
docker container: the SQL database for the command service.
docker container: the query service with connection to a MongoDB. It's listening for changes in the command service to update its database. It's possible for the main app to call for data but not with REST but with ??
docker container: an event sourcing service to listen to all commands and storing them in a MongoDB.
docker container: the event MongoDB.
Here are a couple of questions I don't get:
let's say there is one appointment in the command database and it already got synced to the query service. Now there is a call for changing the title of this appointment. So the command service is not performing an UPDATE but an INSERT with the same id but a new version number. What is it doing afterwards? Reading the new data from the SQL and triggering an event with it? The query service is listening and storing the same data in its MongoDB? Is it overwriting the old data or also creating a new entry with a version? That seems to be quite redundant? Do I in fact really need the SQL database here?
how can the main app call for data from the query service if one don't want to uses REST?
Because it stores all commands in the event DB (6. docker container) it is possible to restore every state by running all commands again in order. Is that "event sourcing"? Or is it "event sourcing" to not change the data in the SQL but creating a new version for each change? I'm confused what exactely event sourcing is and where to apply it. Do I really need the 5. (and 6.) docker container for event sourcing?
When a client wants to change something but afterwards also show the changed data the only way I see is to trigger the change and than wait (let's say with polling) for the query service to have that data. What's a good way to achieve that? Maybe checking for the existing of the future version number?
Is this whole structure a reasonable architecture or am I completely missing something?
Sorry, a lot of questions but thanks for any help!
Let’s take this one first.
Is this whole structure a reasonable architecture or am I completely
missing something?
Nice architecture plan! I know it feels like there are a lot of moving pieces, but having lots of small pieces instead of one big one is what makes this my favorite pattern.
What is it doing afterwards? Reading the new data from the SQL and
triggering an event with it? The query service is listening and
storing the same data in its MongoDB? Is it overwriting the old data
or also creating a new entry with a version? That seems to be quite
redundant? Do I in fact really need the SQL database here?
There are 2 logical databases (which can be in the same physical database but for scaling reasons it's best if they are not) in CQRS – the domain model and the read model. These are very different structures. The domain model is stored as in any CRUD app with third normal form, etc. The read model is meant to make data reads blazing fast by custom designing tables that match the data a view needs. There will be a lot of data duplication in these tables. The idea is that it’s more responsive to have a table for each view and update that table in when the domain model changes because there’s nobody sitting at a keyboard waiting for the view to render so it’s OK for the view model data generation to take a little longer. This results in some wasted CPU cycles because you could update the view model several times before anyone asked for that view, but that’s OK since we were really using up idle time anyway.
When a command updates an aggregate and persists it to the DB, it generates a message for the view side of CQRS to update the view. There are 2 ways to do this. The first is to send a message saying “aggregate 83483 needs to be updated” and the view model requeries everything it needs from the domain model and updates the view model. The other approach is to send a message saying “aggregate 83483 was updated to have the following values: …” and the read side can update its tables without having to query. The first approach requires fewer message types but more querying, while the second is the opposite. You can mix and match these two approaches in the same system.
Since the read side has very different table structures, you need both databases. On the read side, unless you want the user to be able to see old versions of the appointments, you only have to store the current state of the view so just update existing data. On the command side, keeping historical state using a version number is a good idea, but can make db size grow.
how can the main app call for data from the query service if one don't
want to uses REST?
How the request gets to the query side is unimportant, so you can use REST, postback, GraphQL or whatever.
Is that "event sourcing"?
Event Sourcing is when you persist all changes made to all entities. If the entities are small enough you can persist all properties, but in general events only have changes. Then to get current state you add up all those changes to see what your entities look like at a certain point in time. It has nothing to do with the read model – that’s CQRS. Note that events are not the request from the user to make a change, that’s a message which then is used to create a command. An event is a record of all fields that changed as a result of the command. That’s an important distinction because you don’t want to re-run all that business logic when rehydrating an entity or aggregate.
When a client wants to change something but afterwards also show the
changed data the only way I see is to trigger the change and than wait
(let's say with polling) for the query service to have that data.
What's a good way to achieve that? Maybe checking for the existing of
the future version number?
Showing historical data is a bit sticky. I would push back on this requirement if you can, but sometimes it’s necessary. If you must do it, take the standard read model approach and save all changes to a view model table. If the circumstances are right you can cheat and read historical data directly from the domain model tables, but that’s breaking a CQRS rule. This is important because one of the advantages of CQRS is its scalability. You can scale the read side as much as you want if each read instance maintains its own read database, but having to read from the domain model will ruin this. This is situation dependent so you’ll have to decide on your own, but the best course of action is to try to get that requirement removed.
In terms of timing, CQRS is all about eventual consistency. The data changes may not show up on the read side for a while (typically fractions of a second but that's enough to cause problems). If you must show new and old data, you can poll and wait for the proper version number to appear, which is ugly. There are other alternatives involving result queues in Rabbit, but they are even uglier.

Oracle database as a single synchronization point for two separate web applications

I am considering using an Oracle database to synchronize concurrent operations from two or more web applications on separate servers. The database is the single infrastructure element in common for those applications.
There is a good chance that two or more applications will attempt to perform the same operation at the exact same moment (cron invoked). I want to use the database to let one application decide that it will be the one which will do the work, and that the others will not do it at all.
The general idea is to perform a somehow-atomic and visible to all connections select/insert with node's ID. Only node which has the same id as the first inserted node ID returned by select would be do the work.
It was suggested to me that a merge statement can be of use here. However, after doing some research, I found a discussion which states that the merge statement is not designed to be called
Another option is to lock a table. By definition, only one node will be able to lock the server and do the insert, then select. After the lock is removed, other instances will see the inserted value and will not perform work.
What other solutions would you consider? I frown on workarounds with random delays, or even using oracle exceptions to notify a node that it should not do the work. I'd prefer a clean solution.
I ended up going with SELECT FOR UPDATE. It works as intended. It is important to remember to commit the transaction as soon as the needed update is made, so that other nodes don't hang waiting for the value.

How to implement an ETL Process

I would like to implement a synchronization between a source SQL base database and a target TripleStore.
However for matter of simplicity let say simply 2 databases. I wonder what approaches to use to have every change in the source database replicated in the target database. More specifically, I would like that each time some row changes in the source database that this can be seen by a process that will read the changes and populate the target database accordingly while applying some transformation in the middle.
I have seen suggestion around the mechanism of notification that can
be available in the database, or building tables such that changes can
be tracked (meaning doing it manually) and have the process polling it
at different intervals, or the usage of Logs (change data capture,
I'm seriously puzzle about all of this. I wonder if anyone could give some guidance and explanation about the different approaches with respect to my objective. Meaning: name of methods and where to look.
My organization mostly uses: Postgres and Oracle database.
I have to take relational data and transform them in RDF so as to store them in a triplestore and keep that triplestore constantly synchronized with the data is the SQL Store.
Many thanks
A clarification between ETL and replication techniques as in Change Data capture, with respect to my overall objective would be appreciated.
Again i need to make sense of the subject, know what are the methods, so i can further start digging for myself. So far i have understood that CDC is the new way to go.
Assuming you can't use replication and you need to use some kind of ETL process to actually extract, transform and load all changes to the destination database, you could use insert, update and delete triggers to fill a (manually created) audit table. Columns GeneratedId, TableName, RowId, Action (insert, update, delete) and a boolean value to determine if your ETL process has already processed this change. Use that table to get all the changed rows in your database and transport them to the destination database. Then delete the processed rows from the audit table so that it doesn't grow too big. How often you have to run the ETL process depends on the amount of changes occurring in the source database.

Duplicate records are inserting into database with spring transaction

We have 10 servers.Some flight related data will come to the servers.From servers that data will come to our application.Means same data can come to our application more than one time,but finally i need to save that data only once in the database.So we are checking in the database before inserting the data.If that record is already not exist in the database then only we are going to save the data.But for some reason we are getting duplicate records in the database.
Is it necessary using synchronization in this scenario.
What might be the problem here.Thanks in advance...
In our company the way we deal with multiple data sources where same piece of information may go through is by utilizing batches.
What we found is by doing this at code level (java and .NET), we would invest a lot of devops time and still have duplications.
By implementing a batching process we stored everything locally and process using 2 batch jobs.
1st will ensure quality of data and remove duplications
2nd will compress and push data to our persistence service (we use XCOM to push straight into a db queue which then plugs the data in).
If you can implement something similar because you have a central point of entry upon which you can implement proper quality gates.
Hope our example helps, if not let me know happy to remove this. :)

Can DB2 tell a web-app when a table data is updated?

I have a table of non trivial size on a DB2 database that is updated X times a day per user input in another application. This table is also read by my web-app to display some info to another set of users. I have a large number of users on my web app and they need to do lots of fuzzy string lookups with data that is up-to-the-minute accurate. So, I need a server side cache to do my fuzzy logic on and to keep the DB from getting hammered.
So, what's the best option? I would hate to pull the entire table every minute when the data changes so rarely. I could setup a trigger to update a timestamp of a smaller table and poll that to see if I need refresh my cache, but that seems hacky to.
Ideally I would like to have DB2 tell my web-app when something changes, or at least provide a very lightweight mechanism to detect data level changes.
I think if your web application is running in WebSphere, setting up MQ would be a pretty good solution.
You could write triggers that use the MQ Series routines to add things to a queue, and your web app could subscribe to the queue and listen for updates.
If your web app is not in WebSphere then you could still look at this option but it might be more difficult.
A simple solution could be to have a timestamp (somewhere) for the latest change on to table.
The timestamp could be located in a small table/view that is updated by either the application that updates the big table or by an update-trigger on the big table.
The update-triggers only task would be to update the "help"-timestamp with currenttimestamp.
Then the webapp only checks this timestamp.
If the timestamp is newer then what the webapp has then the data is reread from the big table.
A "low-tech"-solution thats fairly non intrusive to the exsisting system.
Hope this solution fits your setup.
Having the database push a message to your webapp is certainly doable via a variety of mechanisms (like mqseries, etc). Similar and easier is to write a java stored procedure that gets kicked off by the trigger and hands the data to your cache-maintenance interface. But both of these solutions involve a lot of versioning dependencies, etc that could be a real PITA.
Another option might be to reconsider the entire approach. Is it possible that instead of maintaining a cache on your app's side you could perform your text searching on the original table?
But my suggestion is to do as you (and the other poster) mention - and just update a timestamp in a single-row table purposed to do this, then have your web-app poll that table. Similarly you could just push the changed rows to this small table - and have your cache-maintenance program pull from this table. Either of these is very simple to implement - and should be very reliable.
