I'm hoping to do a filter of polygons smaller than a certain area. can this be achieved using rethinkdb without calculating the area beforehand?
I got this working with some of my own data, but a small variation of this should work. Here I'm providing a function to filter which calculates the area and returns true or false depending on it being greated than REQ_AREA. You could also create an index that preforms this calculation automatically by passing a anonymous function to .createIndex('area', function(doc) { ... } and then doing a getAll using that index.
The .slice and prepend|appending is just rotating the x and y coords for simpler multiplication mapping.
Here's out the ReQL area calculation looks like though:
r.db('geography').table('area_polygons').filter((doc) => {
// Retrieve just the points of the polygon
var coords = doc('polygon').toGeojson()('coordinates').nth(0)
var x_coords = coords.map((point) => {return point.nth(0)}).coerceTo('array');
var y_coords = coords.map((point) => {return point.nth(1)}).coerceTo('array');
// Move item from beginning to end
y_coords = y_coords.append(y_coords.slice(0,1).nth(0)).deleteAt(0);
var x = r.map(x_coords, y_coords, (l, r) => { return l.mul(r) }).sum();
// Reset y and now move first x item to end
y_coords = y_coords.prepend(y_coords.slice(-1).nth(0)).deleteAt(-1);
x_coords = x_coords.append(x_coords.slice(0,1).nth(0)).deleteAt(0);
var y = r.map(x_coords, y_coords, (l, r) => { return l.mul(r) }).sum();
// Return area
return x.sub(y).div(2) > REQ_SIZE ? true : false;
I am trying to plot some flow diagrams using d3's sankey.js.
I am stuck at arranging nodes x positions in the diagrams.
t2_a should be in same column as t2_b as they represent quantity from same time period. However by default this is placed at the end which gives wrong interpretation.
I can arrange manually for small number of nodes but its really difficult when number of nodes increase. Any help or suggestion would be highly appreciated.
In sankey.js comment the moveSinksRight call in computeNodeBreadths:
function computeNodeBreadths() {
var remainingNodes = nodes,
x = 0;
while (remainingNodes.length) {
nextNodes = [];
remainingNodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.x = x;
node.dx = nodeWidth;
node.sourceLinks.forEach(function(link) {
remainingNodes = nextNodes;
// moveSinksRight(x); <-- comment this
scaleNodeBreadths((width - nodeWidth) / (x - 1));
I'm trying to make a generic cross filter that can take in a csv and build a dashboard. Here are working examples:
But for some reason the flight data is slow and unresponsive. Compare these 2 which analyze the same data:
I think it's because the histogram binning is too detailed but I can't find a good way to tweak that in the api reference. #gordonwoodhull mentioned:
If the binning is wrong you really want to look at the way you've set up crossfilter - dc.js just uses what it is given.
How do I tweak the binning of crossfilter? I've tried messing with the xUnits, dimension and group rounding to no avail.
This is the problem code I suspect is slow/wrong:
var dim = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d[propName]; });
if (isNumeric(data[0][propName])) {
var theChart = dc.barChart("#" + chartId);
var countGroup = dim.group().reduceCount();
var minMax = d3.extent(data, function (d) { return +d[propName] });
var min = +minMax[0];
var max = +minMax[1];
.x(d3.scale.linear().domain([min, max]))
You can adjust binning by passing a function that adjusts values to the group() method. For example, this group would create integer bins:
var countGroup = dim.group(function (v) { return Math.floor(v); });
And this one would create bins of 20 units a piece:
var countGroup = dim.group(function(d) { return Math.floor(d / 20) * 20 });
Factoring out a variable for bin size:
var bin = 20; // or any integer
var countGroup = dim.group(function(d) { return Math.floor(d / bin) * bin });
If you use binning, you'll also likely want your bars to be of a width matching your bin size. To do so, add a call to xUnits() on your bar chart. xUnits() sets the number of points on the axis:
.xUnits(function(start, end, xDomain) { return (end - start) / bin; })
See the documentation for crossfilter dimension group(), dc.js xUnits()
You can check out the results at:
This worked for me. I had to avoid 3 pitfalls: the group() function needed to round to the bar locations, xUnits needed the amount of bars, and making the domain (x axis) show the max value.
var numericValue = function (d) {
if (d[propName] === "")
return NaN;
return +d[propName];
var dimNumeric = ndx.dimension(numericValue);
var minMax = d3.extent(data, numericValue);
var min = minMax[0];
var max = minMax[1];
var barChart = dc.barChart("#" + chartId);
// avoid very thin lines and a barcode-like histogram
var barCount = 30;
var span = max - min;
lastBarSize = span / barCount;
var roundToHistogramBar = function (d) {
if (isNaN(d) || d === "")
d = NaN;
if (d == max)
// This fix avoids the max value always being in its own bin (max).
// I should figure out how to make the grouping equation better and avoid this hack.
d = max - lastBarSize;
var res = min + span * Math.floor(barCount * (d - min) / span) / barCount;
return res;
var countGroup = dimNumeric.group(roundToHistogramBar);
barChart.xUnits(function () { return barCount; });
.x(d3.scale.linear().domain([min - lastBarSize, max + lastBarSize]).rangeRound([0, 500]))
I have a working jsfiddle that I made using JSXGraph, a graphing toolkit for mathematical functions. I'd like to port it to D3.js for personal edification, but I'm having a hard time getting started.
The jsfiddle graphs the value of -ke(-x/T) + k, where x is an independent variable and the values of k and t come from sliders.
// y = -k * e(-x/t) + k
function(x) { return -k.Value()*Math.exp(-x/t.Value()) + k.Value(); },
The three things I'm most stumped on:
Actually drawing the graph and its axes - it's not clear to me which of the many parts of the D3 API I should be using, or what level of abstraction I should be operating at.
Re-rendering the graph when a slider is changed, and making the graph aware of the value of the sliders.
Zooming out the graph so that the asymptote defined by y = k is always visible and not within the top 15% of the graph. I do this now with:
function getAestheticBoundingBox() {
var kMag = k.Value();
var tMag = t.Value();
var safeMinimum = 10;
var limit = Math.max(safeMinimum, 1.15 * Math.max(k.Value(), t.Value()));
return [0, Math.ceil(limit), Math.ceil(limit), 0];
What's the right way for me to tackle this problem?
I threw this example together really quick, so don't ding me on the code quality. But it should give you a good starting point for how you'd do something like this in d3. I implemented everything in straight d3, even the sliders.
As #LarKotthoff says, the key is that you have to loop your function and build your data:
// define your function
var func = function(x) {
return -sliders.k() * Math.exp(-x / sliders.t()) + sliders.k();
// your step for looping function
step = 0.01;
function drawPlot() {
// avoid first callback before both sliders are created
if (!sliders.k ||
!sliders.t) return;
// set your limits
var kMag = sliders.k();
var tMag = sliders.t();
var safeMinimum = 10;
var limit = Math.max(safeMinimum, 1.15 * Math.max(kMag, tMag));
// generate your data
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i += step) {
x: i,
y: func(i)
// set our axis limits
[0, Math.ceil(limit)]
[0, Math.ceil(limit)]
// redraw axis
// redraw line
.attr('d', lineFunc(data))
Is there any way to find inversion of ordinal scale?
I am using string value on x axis which is using ordinal scale and i on mouse move i want to find inversion with x axis to find which string is there at mouse position?
Is there any way to find this?
var barLabels = dataset.map(function(datum) {
return datum.image;
var imageScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([0, w], 0.1);
// divides bands equally among total width, with 10% spacing.
var xPos = d3.mouse(this)[0];
I actually think it doesn't make sense that there isn't an invert method for ordinal scales, but you can figure it out using the ordinal.range() method, which will give you back the start values for each bar, and the ordinal.rangeBand() method for their width.
Example here:
The relevant code is
.on("click", function(d,i) {
var xPos = d3.mouse(this)[0];
console.log("Clicked at " + xPos);
var leftEdges = imageScale.range();
var width = imageScale.rangeBand();
var j;
for(j=0; xPos > (leftEdges[j] + width); j++) {}
//do nothing, just increment j until case fails
console.log("Clicked on " + imageScale.domain()[j]);
I found a shorter implementation here in this rejected pull request which worked perfectly.
var ypos = domain[d3.bisect(range, xpos) - 1];
where domain and range are scale domain and range:
var domain = x.domain(),
range = x.range();
I have in the past reversed the domain and range when this is needed
> var a = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,100]).range([0, w]);
> var b = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,w]).range([0, 100]);
> b(a(5));
However with ordinal the answer is not as simple. I have checked the documentation & code and it does not seem to be a simple way. I would start by mapping the items from the domain and working out the start and stop point. Here is a start.
return {
Consider posting your question as a feature request at https://github.com/mbostock/d3/issues?state=open in case
There is sufficient demand for such feature
That I haven't overlooked anything or that there is something more hidden below the documentation that would help in this case
If you just want to know which mouse position corresponds to which data, then d3 is already doing that for you.
.on("click", function(d,i) {
console.log("Clicked on " + d);
I have updated the Fiddle from #AmeliaBR http://fiddle.jshell.net/dMpbh/17/
I recently found myself in the same situation as OP.
I needed to get the inverse of a categorical scale for a slider. The slider has 3 discrete values and looks and behaves like a three-way toggle switch. It changes the blending mode on some SVG elements. I created an inverse scale with scaleQuantize() as follows:
var modeArray = ["normal", "multiply", "screen"];
var modeScale = d3.scalePoint()
.range([0, 120]);
var inverseModeScale = d3.scaleQuantize()
I feed this inverseModeScale the mouse x-position (d3.mouse(this)[0]) on drag:
.call( d3.drag()
.on("start.interrupt", function() { modeSlider.interrupt(); })
.on("start drag", function() { inverseModeScale(d3.mouse(this)[0]); })
It returns the element from modeArray that is closest to the mouse's x-position. Even if that value is out of bounds (-400 or 940), it returns the correct element.
Answer may seem a bit specific to sliders but posting anyway because it's valid (I think) and this question is in the top results for " d3 invert ordinal " on Google.
Note: This answer uses d3 v4.
I understand why Mike Bostock may be reluctant to include invert on ordinal scales since you can't return a singular true value. However, here is my version of it.
The function takes a position and returns the surrounding datums. Maybe I'll follow up with a binary search version later :-)
function ordinalInvert(pos, scale) {
var previous = null
var domain = scale.domain()
for(idx in domain) {
if(scale(datum[idx]) > pos) {
return [previous, datum[idx]];
previous = datum[idx];
return [previous, null];
I solved it by constructing a second linear scale with the same domain and range, and then calling invert on that.
var scale = d3.scale.ordinal()
var continousScale = d3.scale.linear()
var data = _.map(range, function(i) {
return continousScale.invert(i);
You can easily get the object's index/data in callback
.on("click", function(d,i) {
console.log("Clicked on index = " + i);
console.log("Clicked on data = " + d);
// d == imageScale.domain()[1]
d is the invert value itself.
You don't need to use obj.domain()[index] .
I'm using a single kendoChart to display up to 10 lines of data.
Each line represents process data that may have widely different context and min/max ranges, but all lines are related in time, the categoryAxis. When displayed, each valueAxis correctly shows the scale for the corresponding line.
However, with 10 lines, the 10 valueAxes take up far too much of the screen to be usable for my requirements.
I tried hiding all axes except one with the expectation that the chart would expand to fill up the space taken by the hidden axes, but that does
not happen. I get a lone axis surrounded by blank space and the chart's plot area remains the same size.
I tried setting all of the series to use the same valueAxis and then varying the valueAxis min/max per the active channel as chosen by clicking
a legend item. This expands the plot area as needed, but removes the ability to see all lines since the scale is specific to one line.
Is it possible for kendoChart to show multiple plots independently from a single valueAxis (e.g. a line with values between 0.5 and 0.7 would appear scaled to the full chart area, and so would a line with values between 25 and 100, but the valueAxis might display either scale.)
The solution I used for this problem is more code than I expected to need. Perhaps Telerik's other products have an API for this.
Essentially, I maintain a structure outside of the kendoChart that stores the real data for each series, and this real data is mapped to the expected scale of the currently visible valueAxis. The mapping function is the standard transform from one scale into another.
The valueAxis is 'swapped' depending on which legend item is clicked, and that event triggers a redraw on the chart where all the series data is mapped to the 'active' axis.
Some code snippets. A series is also described as a channel.
// The data structure.
fullName: ch.fullName || "",
axisTitle: (ch.fullName + axisEUString) || "",
axisFont: ch.axisFont || "",
axisColor: ch.color || "#000000",
realData: [],
minData: Number.MAX_VALUE,
maxData: Number.MIN_VALUE
// This event causes the switching of valueAxis for all members of the series.
$("#" + chartID).kendoChart({
// Other kendoChart configurations
legendItemClick: function (e) {
var idx = e.seriesIndex;
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#=series.name# : #=kendo.format('{0:N4}', dataItem.realValue)#<br />#=kendo.format('{0:MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff}', dataItem.Time)#",
// Other kendoChart configurations
// All code snippets are members of a wrapper object.
updateAxis: function (ch) {
if (this.series[ch].visible) {
// Every series is set to the same valueAxis via the selected series' valueAxis.name property.
setAxis: function (ch) {
var i,
channel = this._channelDescriptors[ch];
this._currentChannel = ch;
for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
this.series[i].axis = this._channelDescriptors[ch].fullName;
// Set the active valueAxis properties. This is the only axis visible maintained for the chart.
this.valueAxis.name = channel.fullName;
this.valueAxis.title.text = channel.axisTitle;
this.valueAxis.title.font = channel.axisFont;
this.valueAxis.line.color = channel.axisColor;
// The mapping occurs here, and the transform calculation is this line
// Y: (yRange * (chDesc.realData[k].realValue - newMin) / newRange) + this.valueAxis.min,
updateChart: function (allTrends) {
// ...
timeStamps = trendDataResponse.curve.Timestamp;
t1 = trendArgs.t1;
t2 = trendArgs.t2;
xValues = trendDataResponse.curve.X;
yValues = trendDataResponse.curve.Y;
pointCount = xValues.length;
min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
categoryTimes = [pointCount];
newData = [];
for (l = 0; l < pointCount; l++) {
min = Math.min(min, yValues[l]);
max = Math.max(max, yValues[l]);
ts = new Date(timeStamps[l]);
categoryTimes[l] = ts;
// The Y data will be plotted on the chart, but the cursor tooltip will
// use the realValue data. In this way, the series can be visible regardless of
// the valueAxis scaling, but the actual data is also available. Refer to the
// tooltip template.
newData.push({ X: xValues[l], Y: yValues[l], realValue: yValues[l], Time: ts });
// Real data for each channel is stored in channelDescriptors.
chDesc = this._channelDescriptors[channelID];
chDesc.realData = newData;
chDesc.minData = min;
chDesc.maxData = max;
// The valueAxis min/max is set only for the 'active' series.
if (this._currentChannel === channelID) {
this.categoryAxis.categories = categoryTimes;
yRange = max - min;
scaleAdjustment = yRange * SNC.CONST_yAxisScaleAdjustmentFactor;
this.valueAxis.min = min - scaleAdjustment;
this.valueAxis.max = max + scaleAdjustment;
// Scale curves to current axis.
// Use real data for the current series.
for (j = 0; j < this.series.length; ++j) {
chDesc = this._channelDescriptors[j];
if (j === this._currentChannel) {
this.series[j].data = chDesc.realData;
// Use mapped data for all other series.
recalcData = [];
newMin = chDesc.minData;
newMax = chDesc.maxData;
newRange = newMax - newMin;
rangeAdjustment = newRange * SNC.CONST_yAxisScaleAdjustmentFactor;
newMin = newMin - rangeAdjustment;
newMax = newMax + rangeAdjustment;
for (k = 0; k < chDesc.realData.length; ++k) {
X: chDesc.realData[k].X,
Y: (yRange * (chDesc.realData[k].realValue - newMin) / newRange) + this.valueAxis.min,
realValue: chDesc.realData[k].realValue,
Time: chDesc.realData[k].Time,
this.series[j].data = recalcData;