i'm trying to use jmeter on redhat using command line
i used below command :
./jmeter.sh -n -t absolute_path/test.jmx -l absolute_path/Results/results.jtl
On firing i get below error :
An error occurred: kg/apc/jmeter/vizualizers/CompositeResultCollector : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
As per JMeter Plugins project main page:
The prerequisite is to run JMeter 2.12 or above with a Java 7.
Upgrade your JRE or JDK to version 7 or above.
In general it's better to use the most recent version of Java as issues are being fixed in the latest version and then being backported into previous ones.
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure for more detailed explanation of above and few others JMeter performance tuning tips and tweaks.
You're using Third Party plugins, hence you need to add the required jar in lib/ext so that it works.
If you are using old version of java upgrade to latest.
I want to upgrade to Maven latest version from 3.2.2v in windows. I know that there is a command as I used it before, but unable to recollect it now and haven't found in google even after an hour. So, can some one please help me with the command.
Maven has no command to upgrade to Maven 3.X. You should download and extract new version.
I am using Hudson 3.1.0 version and sonar 3.7.4 version. SInce yesterday I am getting this weird error while doing sonar analysis:
This was working fine until yesterday. sonar-maven-plugin- version is used.Can somebody help here?
You are using a version of the SonaQube Scanner for Maven that is too recent ( You should lock this version (in your POM) to an older version to make sure this keeps on working correctly.
As a side note, please consider upgrading to more recent software:
SonarQube 3.7.4 is 4 years old and no more supported (which means nobody will help you in case of trouble)
Hudson is kind-of dead - the best option for you is to move on Jenkins
Trying a POC, followed as suggest at https://dzone.com/articles/running-apache-kafka-on-windows-os also a reference is there Is there an easy way to install Kafka on Windows?. I was able to run zookeeper 3.4.9 but not kafka 2.11-, when i try to start i see
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=kafka/Kafka, offset=6 i have IBM JDK 1.7.0 installed on windows 7 64-bit version. Any suggestions please to resolve this issue?
It may be because you are trying to run Kafka build on a different Java runtime version than it was compiled.
For Kafka, you will have to upgrade your java version to JDK 1.8 or if you want to stay in JDK 1.7, make sure you are on u51 or newer.
For further reference on above, check the following link,
Update your jdk 1.7 to jdk 1.8
The SonarQube 5.0 documentation states that in order to install SonarQube on AIX, HPUX or Solaris, one must install Java Service Wrapper, which is licensed software.
Is it possible to do this using some free/open source alternative?
There's a Jsvc library by Apache that is used to accomplish the same functionality. I wonder if anyone has successfully managed to use it.
We haven't documented it yet, but with SonarQube 5.0+, you can start SonarQube using a simple Java process.
Just open a terminal and run:
java -jar <sq_install_dir>/lib/sonar-application-5.0.jar
This should allow you to run SonarQube on Solaris without needing to install anything else.
I am working on Automation tool Behat/Mink . After upgrading Firefox version to 25 , i am seeing this error .
Curl error thrown for http POST to http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/session/execute with params: {"script":"return document.getElementById('user') !== null;","args":[]}
Failed to connect to Can't assign requested address
I am using selenium webdriver version 2.37.0.jar as the server.
Support for Firefox 25 has been added in version 2.38. Current version is 2.39 which supports Firefox 26.
It is a good practice to check for the new selenium version every time Firefox upgrades. Updating the server should work.
Official download page.
run this command before running your tests
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-*
this will help you to resolve your problem
make sure your selenium latest version should be on same folder