Upgrade Maven Version in Windows - maven

I want to upgrade to Maven latest version from 3.2.2v in windows. I know that there is a command as I used it before, but unable to recollect it now and haven't found in google even after an hour. So, can some one please help me with the command.

Maven has no command to upgrade to Maven 3.X. You should download and extract new version.


which one is the latest version of maven to use

I am trying to use maven in our project and am new to it.
checking this https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
3.6.0 version is latest version to download.
Someone was saying there is maven 4 is latest. Not sure where to download this from and can we use this for java 8.
Which one is latest version to use?
From https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
Apache Maven 3.6.0 is the latest release and recommended version for
all users.
Works nicely with Java 8. Note that your IDE may bundle an older version in the unlikely case you run into problems.

Hudson Sonar error

I am using Hudson 3.1.0 version and sonar 3.7.4 version. SInce yesterday I am getting this weird error while doing sonar analysis:
This was working fine until yesterday. sonar-maven-plugin- version is used.Can somebody help here?
You are using a version of the SonaQube Scanner for Maven that is too recent ( You should lock this version (in your POM) to an older version to make sure this keeps on working correctly.
As a side note, please consider upgrading to more recent software:
SonarQube 3.7.4 is 4 years old and no more supported (which means nobody will help you in case of trouble)
Hudson is kind-of dead - the best option for you is to move on Jenkins

first build of maven project with jenkins failed

I am trying to start my first build on Jenkins, but it failed, since I am a beginner, even I got those console output, still don't know how to solve the problem, anyone can help me?jenkins version: JDK: 1.8.0 maven:3.5.0
enter image description here
It is a bug opened with maven 3.5.0
Downgrading the maven to any old stable version, i.e., 3.2.5 or 3.3.1, would make it work.

Jack compilation stuck with AndroidStudio 2.3

I have upgraded my AndroidStudio today to latest stable version 2.3 (with gradle plugin 2.3.0 and gradle 3.3): now, I am not able to build my project which ran fine under AndroidStudio 2.2.3.
When I try, I am stuck at :app:transformJackWithJackForDebug as long as I don't kill my java platform process.
It is the same problem than this post I guess but on stable release.
Any help will be greatly appreciated :)
I killed many hours for the same issues after that i got link and its working fine at my end.
To use "Retrolambda" add few dependency.
dependency to your build.gradle file.
classpath 'me.tatarka:gradle-retrolambda:3.2.0'
Added dependency into app/build.gradle file.
apply plugin: 'me.tatarka.retrolambda'
Please clean your build and run. it will work fine.
For more detail please visit below link:
all the best.
With Android Studio 3.0 (plugin 3.0) they are recommending to disable the Jack compiler as its been deprecated.

SVN version in Maven tasks with SVNKit on MacOS

I am getting this error in a Maven build (mvn clean install) on a Mac with Mountain Lion
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: The path 'XYZ' appears to be part of Subversion 1.7 (SVNKit 1.4) or greater
working copy rooted at '/Users/XYZ/workspace/XYZ'.
Please upgrade your Subversion (SVNKit) client to use this working copy.
I had SVN installed as part of the Apple Command Line tools package and that gets installed at /usr/bin. I have installed the latest SVN as well but that got installed at /usr/local/bin.
When the maven build runs, it does not pick up the latest SVN, it picks the older one and fails.
Has anyone faced this kind of problem before?
I think there are 2 options -
1) Somehow force maven to use the new installed SVN.
2) Upgrade the SVN installed as part of Apple' Command Line tools to the latest SVN. I have reinstalled Command Line tools with the latest version but it still sticks to the older version.
I dont control the pom.xml so modifying it is not a viable option.
Any pointers in resolving this would be much appreciated.
This means your svn client is version 1.7 but the working copy(your project workspace) was checkout with the older version.
It's simple by execute the following command at your project root directory, where the pom.xml is there.
svn upgrade
please note, the maven use the svn client which is in your OS path.
After upgrade you should configure your IDE to use the version 1.7 as well. In my case I use the Eclipes Juno sr1 with Svnkit.
Anyhow if you would not like to change the working copy or IDE configuration. There is an alternative by install the svn clinet 1.4/1.5/1.6 and set it active via OS path instead.
I hope this may help.
Charlee Ch.
